The Lodge

"Vampires?" Heather's chocolate brown orbs grew wide as the word slid from her tongue. "'s like all the fairytales and myths from my old children's books are coming to life...," she chuckled quietly, rubbing the back of her neck as she surveyed the situation she was putting herself in. Feeling a warm hand slide onto her shoulder, she blinked in surprise and looked up at her newfound acquaintance. A timid but genuine smile curved her lips upward and she nodded slightly. "Okay..." She didn't know why, but she felt she could trust Preston. And she had a feeling...that she'd just made a friend in this new, bizarre world she'd been thrown into. She had no doubt in her mind she would appreciate it later on... Glancing behind her, she cleared her throat a bit. "Who's that...?" she inquired, subtly motioning to Derek. She could feel those grey eyes boring into the back of her head, like they could see right into her very being. She figured she'd be used to it by now...being the "freak" by most people's standards. "I suppose that never really goes away..." she sighed mentally.
(@Jon_14 Um not sure. Oh and Heather hasn't actually been to the lodge before, she just arrived. xD So she doesn't have pictures up in the room yet. :3)
Derek had eventually turned to go back to the lodge. There was just too much god damn teen romance going around. He pushed open the door and flicked his gaze around before walking over and sitting down on the red chair sitting in the corner. He crinkled up his nose at the smell of Damon, but paid it no mind. The dark scuffle littering over Derek's cheeks was beginning to grow back after his few days of not shaving.

Derek discarded his leather jacket and draped it over the back of the chair, his muscles bulging through his thin grey long sleeve. He gazed out at the darkening skies, his jaw set firmly. He glanced at the television for a moment before shaking his head and tilting it back. He tuned out the television and focused on the footsteps of Preston and the new wolf, it was just another romance beginning to spring up to bother him dearly.

Damon smirked and finished his bite with a small lick before dragging Dahlia into his, Derek's and Issac's room. He kicked the door closed and claimed her lips once more. *Pewf* Damon closed his eyes with a satisfied hum, "Well worth waiting for." He said out to no one in particular. He glanced over at Dahlia, curling his finger in her dark waves.
After a warm 20 minute shower Sam gets out and changes clothes. Her stomach rumbles when changing into a blue shirt and black shorts,"Man i'm hungry," She said. Sam goes out the room and makes her way to the kitchen so she can eat.
Ren turned around quickly, startled at the noise. He glanced over at the newcomer thoughtfully, ever so slightly backing away. He had a feeling he should introduce himself, but was too hesitant to do so. Ren cast a surreptitious glance over at the other two people, a male and female, already in the kitchen, before looking back at the girl who'd just walked in. "Hi..." he dragged out, unsure of how she'd react.
Amari's cheeks flushed, "Uh yeah, I am.. Sorry for assuming.." She was apparently not used to being around vampires and wasn't up to the standards of sensing the difference yet. Amari's cheeks faded back to their original color as she reached for a brownie. "I take it you made these too," she asked softly.

Preston smiled and nodded. "Not quite up to the fairy tale standards, but yes, there are vampires around here as well." He removed his hand from her shoulder and took a few steps towards the steps of the lodge. Preston turned around slowly when she mentioned someone being behind them. He saw Derek head into the lodge and he just growled deeply after he went into the lodge. "Don't worry about him. Just avoid him," he said sharply heading up the stairs.

Dahlia went along more than willingly with Damon. She made her way over to him slowly. Dahlia then rapped her arms around his neck once more, beginning to kiss him passionately. She broke her lips away from his ever so slightly, only to bite and tug on it gently. Dahlia had waited long enough for this and was ready to finally enjoy this.
"Hey there," She replied somewhat cheerfully then continued,"I'm new here and really hungry." Her stomach then rumbled again louder and her face slighty truns red embarrassed. "So do you know whats good to eat around here?" She asked.
Cole smiled and nodded "I sure did all of the pastries are made by me 9 out of 10 of the times" he watched ari take a bite and waited for her reaction

Meghan walked into the kitchen and began eating the steak "it's a little tough,but it'll do for now" she said looking at the other two girls that just walked into the ktichen "Hey,I'm Meghan"
Ren couldn't suppress the small, wry smile that slipped onto his face. "No, not really," he admitted. "I just got here as well. Though it seems like we're interrupting something here..." he nodded towards Cole and Amira. He studied the girl, somewhat curious. "You're also a werewolf." It wasn't a question. "Wait, sorry, that was rude," he turned his head to the side, slightly embarrassed. "Oh!" He just remembered. "I'm Remmington, Ren for short." He wrinkled his nose slightly. He was forgetting everything..

He looked up at the sound of another voice. It was another girl. He stiffened almost imperceptibly, and there was a slight pause before he replied. "Hi." So. Many. People. He cast his eyes around the kitchen again, nervous.

(oh, and thanky, Angel Evans, for the response to my rather awkward question. ^^ )
Derek's gaze followed after Preston and he stood, "Avoid who exactly?" He said in a low tone. Being disrespected was one of the Alpha's nonos. He gazed at Preston with tempting eyes, he awaited an answer, his arms crossed over his chest. Even Issac, having been kissing Ivory(SHES NOT ON. MEH.) parted from the vampire. He gazed up at the Alpha, barring his neck instinctively.

(@oOBubblesOo I did a time skip already~)
Meghan laughed "Why did you stiffen like that honey? I don't bite" Meghan smiled kindly looking at the shy little boy "Your awfully adorable,girls liek that you know" she said playfully winking at him
Taking Preston's advice to heart, she quickly scampered after the fellow wolf, sticking to his side much like a lost puppy due to the large crowd that awaited her within the lodge. She felt like she'd been hit by a wave of scents as she stepped foot inside, almost knocking her off her feet. Regaining her composure she studied the many faces wandering about the main living room/kitchen area and took a deep breath, gripping the strap of her bag tightly.

"So, uh...where are the rooms? Upstairs I'm guessing," Heather asked quietly, still amazed at the luxury of the lodge itself. She'd always been drawn to log structures, reminding her of the outdoors and this was just splendid. It was very spacious so she and her wolf inside didn't feel so cooped up, as if in a cage.

She very nearly jumped out of her skin at Derek's sudden annoyed comment and she turned to face him, eyes wide as saucers. If she had her tail at that moment, it would be between her legs and her wolf ears flat against her head. She swallowed and tried to stand tall, not wanting to seem weak in front of the alpha.
"I'm impressed most people can't tell i'm a werewolf unless I do something odd in front of them," She said with awe,"I'm Samantha but call me Sam." She turned her head to Megan,"You can call me Sam too." Remebering suddenly why she was in the kitchen to begin with she started to sniff out some food.
(Oh, okay. Missed that part. Sorry xD )

Amari took a bite out of the brownie, swallowing it down before allowing a smile to appear on her face. "Well you're certainly the best at it," she finished the brownie after a few more bites. She was not hungry any more so she figured she'd just continue the conversation. "How long have you been here?"

Preston looked at Derek when he spoke. "Clearly, I meant you. She's new to this whole experience and she definitely doesn't need someone such as yourself turning it in the wrong direction." Preston had known Derek for a while now, in fact, he was part of the so-called "pack" that Derek led. He knew he probably shouldn't be so sarcastic with him but he did the same with almost anyone. Preston respected that he was an alpha but Derek of all people should be used to Preston's attitude and sarcasm by now.
"I'm fine," Ren said automatically, looking at Meghan. "I was just.. startled," he finished lamely. His cheeks burned with a faint rouge at her comment. "I'm Ren," he introduced himself again, quick to change the topic. "Have you been here long? Sam wanted to know if there was any good food here," he said with a small smile, lips curled up with amusement. "Are there a lot of people here?" he asked, curious.
(The funny thing is Derek isn't even an Alpha anymore xD )

"and you can call me Meg if you'd like Sam" Meghan was happy she had already made two new frienda nd she had just gotten here "So what do we do for fun around here the sun already went down and the vampires are still in the house which is surprising" Meghan looked around at all the vampires the wolves clearly outnumbered them,but they didn't seem to mind and had confidence in their own power

"I've been here about 6 months the same as all the other firsts here" Cole scratched the back of his neck "And how long have you been a wolf?" he asked quizically
"Well, if shes new to this, don't you think she should be with the guy who was born a werewolf? Or should she stick with the clumsy, sarcastic shit of a werewolf?" Of course Derek was used to Preston's continuous sarcasm, but that didn't make it any less okay. Preston was a challenge, a challenge Derek was stuck with. He flicked his gaze to Heather and inspected her for a moment before turning his gaze back to Preston. His grey gaze was locked on the boy, his jaw locked and his head tilted just slightly to the side.
(Sorry for being redundant if someone asked this already but are your clothes torn/completly ripped off when changed to werewolf form?)
Meghan replied "I haven't been here long in the slightest in fact I just got here,however from the looks of things therer sure seem to be a bucket load of people here"

Cole flicked his gaze over to Dereck and preston his fangs beginning to protrude out from under his teeth Dereck always had this odd air to him and Cole didn't know whether to trust him or not

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