The Lodge

(WE'RE NOT BASING THIS OFF OF TEENWOLF. NOW I'M JUST CONFUSED. Please, I don't know who the f*ck Meghan is. Shes not a potential alpha. >_< Its too confusing.)
(I think if Angel wants to play Meghan as an alpha she can be. It'll make things more interesting. Don't get too upset over something minor. No, we're not exactly basing this off of Teen Wolf entirely but clearly we already have a few characters straight from the show so I don't see the harm in it. Now, no more arguments. Let's just have fun...)
Cole sighed "I'm so not going to waste my time with this" and headed back over to ami

Meghan had also lost interest and went back to her new friends in the kitchen "It seems nothing is going to happen,So I got bored" she let out a small laugh "anyway we should totally go out tonight to celebrate our first day here
Ren had wandered out slightly, watching the two males argue interestedly. He didn't say anything, but remained there watching. A part of his brain told him he should be back in the kitchen conversing with Sam and Meghan, another part hinted that he might find locating his room useful, but for the moment, he was curious as to what the two would do.

It suddenly registered that he might have left the others behind rather rudely, so he ducked back into the kitchen for a second. "I'm sorry, if I cut off anyone," he said sheepishly. "Just wanted to see what was going on." He looked over at Meghan briefly. "Were you talking to me?" he said rather awkwardly. A part of him hoped she was; it would be so embarrassing if she wasn't.
Amari looked from Cole to Meghan. "What the hell is this about?" she whispered to Cole. She saw the way he looked at the two, and the way Preston glanced at him so she figured he was also a part of their pack. He also seemed to know a lot more than the others here did.
Sam looks up her face is a bit messy from chowing down messily on the steak,"Sorry I wasn't really listening what was that you said?" She asked. Sam has a weak spot on steak she can zone out if she's eating a really good one,though she prefers it raw eating it medium cooked is okay for her. She had a tendency to cause people to freak out if she was caught eating raw steak.
Cole was playing with his fingernails contemplating a bunch of things and turned to Amari when he heard her speak "For now it's nothing you need to worry about trust me it's better if you don't know anything about this one" He said patting her head rather tenderly

Meghan looked at the two and smiled "I said we should all go out tonight to commemorate our first night here you know?" a brilliant smile creeping across her face
Derek simply shook his head and turned to walk back over to his chair. He sat down and stared out of the window in silence. Tonight was the full moon, he could already sense Issac getting antsy. Poor boy had trouble controlling himself on the full moon. He closed his eyes and laced his fingers together. One of the first things Derek had done was make the basement into a safe place for the wolves to be on the full moon. He had just enough cages for each of them, besides himself. He knew how to control himself fine. "Issac, I think its time you head downstairs."

Issac perked his head as the Alpha spoke to him and he nodded quietly. He walked downstairs and into the basement. He sat down in the cage, discarding his shirt and sweatpants, sitting down in his boxers as he waited for the transformation to start, his gaze locked on the floor.
"Where would we go?" Ren asked cautiously. As far as he knew, everything aside from the kitchen was dangerous territory.. He smiled inwardly. He could be too wary at times.. and quite dull as a result. "But it sounds like a good idea." he added with a small smile. He was glad for the opportunity to make friends; he knew he would have never initiated the conversation or suggestion. "Before that, though, I think I should locate my room and roommate.." At this thought he frowned slightly; he wasn't sure how he or his roommate would react upon meeting.
Taking several moments to recover her composure, she brushed her long locks away from her face and sighed. Reaching into her bag, she searched around the few clothes she did have until her fingers came to rest on a hard frame. Gripping it gently, she slipped it out from her bag and gazed at it longingly. In her hands, she held a picture frame. Three smiling faces looked back at her, those of her parents and herself all standing together in front of their farmhouse. Caressing the glass gently, a sad smile crossed her lips at the memory.

"Well...Mom, Dad, I made don't have to worry anymore," Heather murmured, laying it gently onto her satchel. She planned on writing to them later but with all these emotions tangled up inside of her, she thought it best to do it when she was calmed down and more relaxed. She wanted her parents not to worry and her mother was always able to distinguish when Heather was unhappy simply by her writing.

Knowing she should probably do something to calm her sensitive nerves, the light brunette stood and ventured out of the room, rubbing her arms as she kept an eye out for the showers. There was everything else in this lodge, they ought to have nice showers, was her reasoning. Eventually, she came across the women's bathroom and snuck inside. She marveled at how clean and well kept they were. Everything had a shine to it, the colors of white, brown, and tan made it rustic yet elegant. Spotting a line of hooks with soft, white bath robes hanging neatly in a row, she proceeded to discard her sooty clothes and take a nice, long, hot shower. It certainly made her feel better as all the dirt and scum was washed away down the drain. She couldn't remember the last time she had actually had a decent shower.

Heather took her time, trying to forget most of the situation that had just happened. When she was finally done, she slipped into one of the soft robes and bundled her clothes in her arms as she headed back to the solitary room she had claimed. She had decided not to blow dry her hair and left it wet ringlets that framed her face and caused water droplets to run down her neck.
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Hearing Dereck's command to Isaac Meghan completely forgot it was a full moon seeing as she hadn't had trouble with it in years "Actually guys tonight's a full moon and you two are fairly new wolves correct?" She looked at the two waiting for their answer

Cole hearing Meghan's words turned to Amari "Will you be okay tonight?,Or do you have to be locked up as well?" he looked at her a little confused as he didn't completely understand the whole werewolf thing being a completely different species
"Sounds good," She replied while finishing her steak. After gulping down the last of that steak she then said,"Ren has a good point though," She said,"Where should we go?" She could tell she would probably warm up to Megan quickly.
"I'm okay with it most of the time.. sort of..ish..," Ren dragged out. He wasn't used to being around so many people who actually knew what it was like. "I don't really understand the entire thing though," he admitted. He just.. went with it and hoped for the best.
(@Angel Evans can you please spell Derek right? Its bugging me. >_<)

Derek stared at Meghan "Issac is a pup." He said flatly. He stared back out of the window, his gaze locked on the moon. Soon he would hear the terrible noises coming from Issac downstairs. Every full moon the whimpers and snarls echoing through the house broke his heart. He knew how much pain most of his pack went through during the full moon and it mentally hurt him to see them like that. But, Derek was no softie. He wasn't going to admit that. Ever.
(Yes, but the wolf pretty much takes over or becomes one with the human part of the werewolf during the full moon. It's almost a time of vulnerability, the full moon.)
Alexandra glanced around watching as the boy they called Issac disappeared to the basement. She turned and faced the man who gave the boy the order to go. Issac followed his orders without question, which meant that this man was obviously the alpha ( Derek ). " What's in the basement? " She asked crossing the room to stand in front of him.
Preston clenched his fists as he heard Derek tell Isaac to go to the basement. He, too, should probably go and lock himself up. Though, sometimes, it doesn't help anyways. Preston sighed before heading downstairs, seeing Isaac already locked in. "This is the worst part." he mumbled, loud enough so Isaac could hear him but mostly to himself. Preston walked inside and began locking himself in.

Amari looked at Derek then back to Cole, "I don't know. I'm not exactly a member of his pack." she bit her lip, wondering if she should go anyways. It was never a good idea to be out there all alone, going completely crazy, but she had dealt with it for long enough now. "I'll be okay," she finally mumbled, walking to the front door before stepping out onto the porch.

Parker watched the events unfold intently. He didn't want to intervene in the small argument, only because he figured it wouldn't get too serious. Parker as glad he was a vampire and not a werewolf. They never had to lock themselves up to save themselves from becoming savage beasts. Although, if angered enough they would go on quite the killing spree.
Derek rose his gaze to stare at the girl. "Cages." He said simply. And soon enough he heard the strangled cries of Issac and he sighed. "It helps keep the wolves contained." He glanced at Amari and stopped her from leaving "Its best if you go into a cage. Keeps from accidental deaths."

Issac's body was curled up limply on the floor. His back cracked and arched as it began to take the shape of his wolf, his fingernails cracking and splitting as large talons began to extract from his skin. Fire raced down his spine, as he felt the skin near his tailbone begin to stretch. His nose and mouth slowly molded into a muzzle and soon instead of cries howls were echoing through the basement. His legs cracked, breaking and healing back into the shape of a wolf in a matter of seconds. Soon a multi-colored wolf was pacing around the small confines of its cage, low growls slipping through its lips as the minutes rolled by.
"I tend to have problems for the most part during the full moon,but usually I'm in control of my wolf form." She replied to the concerned person. She remembered that time during the full moon where she lost control of though and was stuck a wolf for the entire night the first time she found out about her wolf form. That was a nightmare she never wanted to go through again.
Preston began the change shortly after Isaac. The process, painful as it may be for the werewolf, to anyone watching it could honestly be a very mystifying experience. He glanced over at Isaac just as his body began shifting entirely. Preston, now in full wolf form, laid down on the cold, dark pavement of the basement. The cage was quite strong, but if they truly had their minds set on getting out, they probably could. Preston stood after a moment and began howling, pacing from side to side. 
Amari turned back to look at Derek. She took a deep breath and nodded, remaining silent. A soft yelp escaped her lips as her arm made a quick snapping noise. Amari made her way quickly to the basement, seeing the other two had already changed, she ran in and locked up the cage. This was the first time she would be sharing her transformation in the same room as other werewolves.
Alexandra's stomach turned as she heard the cries. The change was coming soon she could feel it, but lately she'd been able to prolong the change. She wasn't sure if it was because of how long she had been a werewolf or something else but it's been getting easier. " Cages. " She said quietly. The thought of being stuck in a cage sent shivers down her spine. Never had she been caged. " Why? " Alexandra asked quietly. Every full moon she would change, you couldn't stop that, but she always seemed to be in control. Since the beginning.

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