The Lodge

[QUOTE="Jon_14](Sorry for being redundant if someone asked this already but are your clothes torn/completly ripped off when changed to werewolf form?)

(yes however you can choose whether or not they magically appear again or are torn apart)
[QUOTE="Angel Evans](yes however you can choose whether or not they magically appear again or are torn apart)

[/QUOTE](So we can make it inconsistent as much as we want with transformation?)
(Shush! Sock hasn't gotten that far yet! xD )

Preston rolled his eyes at Derek's response. "If getting my friend killed makes you some kind of hero, then by all means take over." (lol plot twist!) He didn't really wait for a response. Preston felt his heart skip a beat when he mentioned his friend. He thought he would be safe with Derek, just as Scott had made him think so, but no. Derek had waited too long to save Scott from his choices and it ended in Scott being killed. "But I'm pretty sure she'd rather be with someone she can trust with her life. Not some alpha who thinks his power doesn't come with consequences." Preston kept his eyes glued to Derek. He knew he wouldn't hurt Preston too badly which kept his sarcasm and attitude at a strong point.

Amari glanced over at Derek and Preston. She figured that the two had some kind of issues going on and soon came to realize that Derek must be the pack alpha, or something like that. Amari felt herself becoming a bit tense as the conversation continued. She looked over at Cole, eyes a bit curious, wondering if he knew anything more about it.
(no if they dnt come back then your naked and if they do they do be consistent one day they cant be gone forever and the next they come back ya know?
[QUOTE="Angel Evans](no if they dnt come back then your naked and if they do they do be consistent one day they cant be gone forever and the next they come back ya know?

[/QUOTE](Gotcha just wanted to be sure. I'll just have my clothes torn.)
( I feel a battle coming on ohh I'm excited)

Coles eyes narrowed and his fangs were fully bared for the world too see at the mention of Scotts name "It was him? He got Scott killed,he's the infamous pack leader that caused that massacre in beacon hills?" Cole decided to listen before acting in order to get the whole scoop

Derek stared at Preston. He began to grind his teeth together as Preston continued to speak. He felt his chest tighten as Preston mentioned Scott and Derek gave Preston a glare. If looks could kill Preston would be dead. Completely, utterly lifeless. "Well, if I remember correctly, you were just a human back then. A human who burdened everyone around him! Oh, and if you forgot, I was stuck with wolfsbane bullet stuck in my chest and hunters up my ass. I didn't entirely have the chance to save your friend." Derek took a moment to regain his composure and stared at Preston right in the eye. "I gave you the bite. Its a gift. Treat me with some damn respect or don't be surprised when you wake up an Omega with hunters up your ass."

(Dude. I miss Jackson. They better plan on bringing him back..)

Preston continued simply glaring at Derek. He did remember the hunters and the bullet but that never stopped him before. "If I remember correctly, I didn't want to become this. I only agreed because the pack needed help. You came to me, not the other way around." He shook his head, a bit more angered,"Respect? What does Derek Hale know about respect?" he scoffed, "Derek, you know we have to respect you whether we like it or not. But why don't you respect the fact that losing someone who was like a brother to me isn't the easiest burden to carry around.. let alone forcing myself to respect someone who has hated me from the start."
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Ren nodded in response to Meghan. He tilted his head slightly, hearing sounds of an argument not too far off, between two males. The conversation was barely decipherable, though he could pick out snippets of it. He blinked thoughtfully; it was rude to eavesdrop on someone's conversation, though he did it all the time. Ren briefly contemplated this fact before deciding to listen in to the argument. It would be interesting, if not informative, he shrugged mentally. "Do you know the people arguing right now?" he asked Meghan curiously. "Sorry, I'm asking a lot of questions.. " he apologized almost instinctively.
Heather could feel her adrenaline rushing through her veins again as the two males seemed as if they were about to duke it out. Ever since she learned about her heritage, she had become fascinated with wolves themselves and tried to learn as much as she could. From the situation she could see, Derek was the alpha of the pack of wolves that lived here at the lodge. Preston, at the moment, was presenting a challenge which ultimately wouldn't end well. " this...all over me?" she wondered, her mouth running dry. Swallowing her fear she stepped out from behind Preston and situated herself between the two males, not wanting to be the cause of unnecessary bloodshed.

"Woah woah woah, hold up...!" the young female werewolf sputtered, "I am not some...some property to be controlled..!" Crossing her arms stubbornly, her deep brown eyes flickered back between the two males. "Who says I even need a pack? I've been JUST fine on my own..." She could feel her hands shaking slightly, however, in fear of what could happen by interrupting such an argument.
Derek flicked his gaze to Heather. "This is not about you. I suggest you get out of the middle of it." His gaze flashed red for a moment just in warning that if she didn't, he had no problem changing and tearing her throat out. He crossed his arms over his chest, returning his gaze to Preston. He awaited his response from the 20 year old, his gaze darkening as the time ticked by.
oOBubblesOo said:
Preston continued simply glaring at Derek. He did remember the hunters and the bullet but that never stopped him before. "If I remember correctly, I didn't want to become this. I only agreed because the pack needed help. You came to me, not the other way around." He shook his head, a bit more angered,"Respect? What does Derek Hale know about respect?" he scoffed, "Derek, you know we have to respect you whether we like it or not. But why don't you respect the fact that losing someone who was like a brother to me isn't the easiest burden to carry around.. let alone forcing myself to respect someone who has hated me from the start."
Preston turned his gaze over to Heather. She was clearly upset about the conversation and he needed to comfort her. "Nobody said you had to join a pack. Derek over here just seems to think he can control everyone, in the pack or otherwise. I simply figured you'd need help learning the ropes." He turned back to look at Derek, only calmed down slightly.
Meghan was too intent on the conversation to even hear what the boy standing next to her had said her wolf senses kicking in she walked over too the two stand directly in front of them her eyes flashing red she was highly intrigued her claws ready to descend if nescessary

Cole continued to listen intently to the convo with his heightened hearing he was able to make out every single word he walked closer and closer his eyes golden from the animal blood that he had been drinking glimmered with anger,but then softened when he realized he was getting ahead of himself as he still didn't know the whole story
Sam wasn't paying attention she found the fridge and was raiding it. "Lets see here there's a lot of food," She said to herself," Her eyes hit a nice looking uncooked porterhouse steak in the fridge,"Jackpot!" She shouted. She pulls out the uncooked steak,rips the packaging off it,and starts eating it.
(@Angel Evans only Derek's eyes flash red, his wolves eyes are red and hes the alpha. <___<)

"I don't hate anybody. I hate the hunters. You simply annoy me." Derek too had calmed down, but his jaw was still tightly clenched. "Shes not in the pack. I never said she was, I just figure that if anyone should be showing her the ropes, its me, considering I showed you almost everything you know." Derek drummed his fingers on his arm, still holding a tight posture.
As the alpha male towered over the new smaller female, she quickly withdrew, bowing her head in submission. Biting down on her bottom lip, she fought the all too familiar feeling of rejection welling up inside her. Preston's words comforted her some, but if Derek was trying to get her to scram, he sure was doing a good job at it. Feeling sick to her stomach, she let her honey brown hair fall across her face and averted her eyes to the floor.

"I..I'll get out then. I know how to take a hint...." she managed to reply, not meeting anyone's gaze, "...I-I'm not feeling well...I'll just, go find a room then..." She tried her hardest to make her voice come out normal instead of a whimper, but she only succeeded in voicing her response in a squeak. Embarrassed and feeling unwanted, she gripped her bag tight and scampered from the room up the stairs. She repressed her tears as her wolf tried to console her from the inside.

Heather continued wandering down the hallway, not sure where exactly she was going. Spotting an empty room at the very end of the hall next to the balcony, she slipped inside and simply sat on the bed, hugging her small bag to her chest. She tried to keep her breathing from quivering but there wasn't much she could do. She'd barely arrived and what an impression she had made... A screw up, that's all she'd ever be. At least it was the full moon that night and she could let her wolf run free, pushing any other problems to the back of her mind. 
(This is getting so interesting. I'm loving it! :D Lol)
Sock said:
(@Angel Evans only Derek's eyes flash red, his wolves eyes are red and hes the alpha. <___<)
"I don't hate anybody. I hate the hunters. You simply annoy me." Derek too had calmed down, but his jaw was still tightly clenched. "Shes not in the pack. I never said she was, I just figure that if anyone should be showing her the ropes, its me, considering I showed you almost everything you know." Derek drummed his fingers on his arm, still holding a tight posture.
(Lol I keep forgetting your not up to date Meghan is based on this female alpha girl Kali which is specifically why I made it a girl,She isn't an alpha though she has potential to be one so her eyes are normally blue)
Preston tried to continue calming himself down. "Yeah, well, I'm not exactly fond of you either," he said simply glancing from Heather back to Derek again. Preston didn't have much else to say to Derek, seeing as how they'd already established the situation sucked. He watched Heather walk away, waiting until she was out of sight before speaking to Derek again. "How about we let her decide for herself. Besides, you already seem to have your hands full enough," He turned his gaze, looking from Cole to Isaac, eventually landing back on Derek. Preston was trying extremely hard to keep his feelings locked in and not be the normally saddened boy he used to be. He shrugged his shoulders before raising and eyebrow, waiting for a response. Preston was done arguing, unless Derek had something else he needed to get off of his chest.
Alexandra ran through the thick forest, following the scent. It was quite familiar, pine and musk and everything wild, wolves. Wolves like her. They were close. She carried on through the woods until she reached a large cabin. She smiled to herself and brushed her dark bangs back from her face. She would have came in her wolf form but if there really were others like her she didn't want to introduce herself without clothes on. She walked towards the cabin but stopped suddenly as a breeze blew by carrying a strange scent with it. It was a scent she couldn't recall. Alexandra shook her head. She would take her chances, this was the first time in three years she found other wolves. She refused to let this opportunity pass her by all because something somewhere smelt different. She walked straight through the front door. It sounded as if a couple of people were arguing. She followed the voices until she came to find a small group of people. She smiled. " Hello. " She greeted them.

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