The Lodge

Chris smiled after she said to Cole about using blood. " I'll try it, if she does." I looked back at her and chuckled. Then I saw Meghan walk into the room asking about one of the steaks, but I didn't pay much attention as I was still holding Alex, focusing clearly on her. I then said. " Babe, your so beautiful... "
Damon leaned in, he pulled Dahlia towards him and claimed her lips to his, only parting to pull her with him over the railing. He smirked slightly, sliding his hands around her waist, pulling her hips against his. He went back to kissing along her jaw and neck, sinking his teeth slowly into her skin. He knew he couldn't kill her, hell they were both dead, he just liked to leave his mark.

Derek calmly strolled down the stairs, wearing his signature leather jacket, as well as a tight grey shirt and some black jeans. He flicked his grey gaze to the people in the room and he just sighed. He made his way into the living room and pushed open the front door without a word. He walked calmly into the woods, his footsteps making small crunches in the leafs. He flicked his gaze to the waterfall, eying the two figures from a distance, his arms crossed over his chest.
Alex smiled.. "Did I ever tell you I love you?" She asked Chris.. Taking his hands in hers.. She'd wished the sun would go down already and the moon would rise so they could go on an adventure..
(Sorry for the late response. I added two more characters xD )

Preston smiled at her. "Trust me, I'm the guy you wanna run into when first coming here." He still just looked at her for awhile. She was quite beautiful, to be honest. He turned away after a moment, not wanting to make her think he was some kind of creep. "Sorry if I offended you.. My name's Preston." He turned back to look at her, extending a hand for a more formal greeting. Preston noticed she was blushing, and looked down at himself, realizing that he was still in just his boxers. He quickly retracted his hand and tripped over behind the rock. "Oh uh.." he laughed awkwardly, "Sorry for that.." he as now blushing quite a bit himself.

Dahlia smiled as they parted. She had waited so long just for this and she was proud of herself for being able to resist for so long. Dahlia took in a slow breath as he bit into her neck. She never had someone do that to her before, a moment of fear rushed through her before she realized nothing bad could really come of it. Dahlia wrapped her arms around his neck, finally almost entirely given in to him. She pulled herself as close as she could get to him.

Amari came to the door, looking around at the others who seemed quite new. She already knew some of the people who lived here so she simply opened the door and entered. Amari figured she would be sharing her room with a long time friend, Dahlia, who had recently invited her to come live here. Amari walked in slowly, taking in everything around her. She then noticed Dahlia and Damon on the balcony and she simply rolled her eyes. She turned to glance at Derek who had apparently just joined the activity in the lounge. Amari then headed over to a couch to sit, letting her bags rest beside her.

Parker had finally woken up. He slept through the entire day, but he was a vampire so that kind of thing was natural. Parker heard most of the commotion coming from downstairs, as usual. He stood up, looking down to see he was just in his boxers, before shrugging and deciding to go downstairs like that anyways. He never really cared too much about clothing and it was decently dark outside already. Parker made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen for something to eat.
Ren knocked lightly before pushing the door open, painfully slowly. He didn't step in, instead first poking his head over the frame cautiously and scanning his surroundings. Only then did he slip in quietly, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click. "Hello?" he called out hesitantly.
Chris looked at the front door, and then back at Alex, saying. " More guests? Should we introduce ourselves? " He was surprised, more people started coming ever than before. Chris then answered her question " Yes, wait maybe, not enough. " He made a joke and started to laugh a little bit then said to her. " What about me, did I ever tell you I love you? "
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Alex chuckled, told him she loved him and then nodded to his first question.. "Nope.. I don't believe you mentioned it.." She joked wanting to hear him say it again..
Chris looked at her for a second, opened his mouth saying. " I do absolutely not.... just kidding... I love you. " He continued. " I love you so much, that I wouldn't let anything take you away from me. " He smiled as he went to go kiss her.
Amari took her things upstairs to Dahlia's room, placing them on an empty bed. She wrote a quick note, letting her know she had come to stay here, before heading back downstairs. Amari felt her stomach growl quietly so she went into the kitchen in search of food. She saw the dessert foods on the counter so she took a slice of cake. As soon as she took the first bite, she closed her eyes in bliss. Amari opened her eyes before saying softly, "Whoever made this is a god.." she giggled before continuing to eat her slice of cake.
Cole's keen ears heard the girls comment and he turned around to see a beautiful girl "I made that" he said happily grinning ear from ear practivally juping off the couch and over to where the girl was
Alex kissed him and said.. "The sun is down.." She didn't even look out the window, some how she just knew when the sun went down.. She'd always been like that, it was a gift she happily received..
(Haha don't worry about it, I apologize for the late reply. My smartphone died. D: )

A quiet giggle managed to escape through the hand Heather put across her mouth at the spectacle before her. It wasn't everyday she ran into a guy...a cute guy in only his boxers. Then again, every guy she had before had shunned her the minute they found out about her..wolf. Suppressing more laughter, she regained her composure and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, kneeling down and offering the fellow Lycan her hand to help him up.

"Heather," she gave her own name in reply. If he took her hand, she would pull him back up to his feet and shrug her shoulders nonchalantly. "Don't worry, it happens to everyone," she assured him in her normal, calm tone. She moved her small bag over to the other shoulder and offered a half grin, just as awkwardly. "I...I uh....never thought there were others. You know, like me..." she then stated, changing the subject. She politely turned and looked the other way, giving Preston his privacy to change back into normal clothes, "I'm supposing you're from the lodge? I was...beginning to think it didn't actually...well exist."

The wolf girl focused her chocolate eyes on the swaying branches above, becoming mesmerized by the emerald green leaves and the last few rays of sun that peeked over the tall, snowy peaks in the difference. It was all she could do to keep from glancing back at the half-naked, well built teen male. The wolf inside her wasn't making it very easy either. She'd learned at a very early age that the closer it got to the full moon, the more control her wolf had over her own actions. And with it getting so close to that time, her wolf was uneasily pacing the bars of its mental cage she kept it in, waiting for the chance to run free that night.

As she waited, another figure caught Heather's eye off in the distance. By his scent, he gave off an alpha male vibe and not to mention he was a werewolf as well, now that she knew the scent of her own kind. Personally it gave her the shivers but she scolded herself, reminding not to judge others. She knew what if felt like to be given a reputation that you didn't deserve...
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Chris smiled for a second as he looked at her, saying. " Follow me. " Chris let go of her waist slowly and grabbed one of her hand slowly, softly and passionately. He then led her to the door, opened it quickly and shut it behind them. After that he led her into the woods, leading her to a beautiful spot by a waterfall and a lake, there was an opening in the trees, as the full moon was out. He asked her to sit down with him. " Would you like to sit down with me? " The full moon was beautiful, and it made her beautiful, her eyes even more. He said to her, as the moon light beamed down on them, lighting up the horizon. " I love it out here, in the wilderness..... Especially on nights like this. " He was honest. He looked into her eyes passionately and held her hands as they sat down together. " Your eyes are ever so beautiful underneath this light. " His eyes began to glow a dark blue from the wolf inside of him, he wanted to howl at the full moon, but not in front of her.

" What do you think of this night? " Chris asked her, hoping for a beautiful opinion as he looked into her eyes graciously. He was thinking about only her, and she could tell.
(@Jon_14 Well I'd suggest you could by having your character(s) arrive at the lodge for the first time. ^-^ )
Amari looked up at the guy who had made his way over. She gulped down her piece of cake to reply, "You're an amazing cook." She smiled before placing her empty plate on the counter. Amari extended a hand, "I'm Amari," a simple smile still across her face. He was quite cute, in her opinion.

Preston quickly pulled on his pants, getting up with the help of her extended hand. He shook his head, "It definitely exists," he chuckled a bit before grabbing his shirt. He slipped his socks and shoes on before walking around the rock. Preston stood beside Heather and nodded in the direction of the lodge, "Wanna check it out?" he questioned, taking a step in the direction of the lodge.
(Yep. Now i'll stop breaking the flow and finally post.)

Sam arrived to the lodge. She didn't have much just a small duffel bag and a backpack her family was poor so as a result she didn't have many clothes. After a check in to the lodge and filling out any necessary paperwork she goes to the room that she's staying in.
"I'm Cole" Cole reached his own hand out to shake hers and he smiled glad that somebody interesting had finally entered the house

Meghan was looking around at all the couples and budding romances wishing she had somebody to romance herself she walked over to the mirror and looked at hersefl "s there something wrong with me?" she said sadly and then sighed
Heather was soon snapped out of her deep thoughts at the sound of Preston's voice. "Hm? Oh sure. It is what I've been looking for afterall...," she answered shyly, running her nimble fingers through her long hair, a nervous habit of hers she happened to do whenever she felt under pressure, out of place, or awkward.

Slipping her fists down into her light blue jeans pockets and began strolling in the direction of the lodge. However as she got closer, a lump began forming in her throat at meeting new people. Already she was picking up on many new scents, some werewolf but others she didn't recognize. Stopping a few feet away from the lodge she chewed on her lip and tucked her hair behind her ear once more nervously.

"Preston?...H-how many of you are there exactly...?" she asked carefully, seemingly frozen in the spot she had stopped, her eyes searching the large log building carefully.
Ren walked through the front of the cabin, eyes alit with curiosity as he scanned the place. He could hear voices, and pick up various scents, both from people and food. The soft clicking of his shoes on the floor was the loudest sound he could hear and he paused in the middle of the room, wondering where he could go. He decided to head towards the scent of food. Food was good. Ren reached out a hand and gently pushed the door open, stepping into the kitchen.
Sam puts her stuff down by an unoccupied bed and looks around the room. She studies a few pictures of her roomate,"She's pretty," She thought. After a look around she grabs a change of clothes and takes a shower, she had a long trip and was dirty from her voyage to the lodge.
Amari smiled as he shook her hand. "So.. you're a werewolf, right?" She could sense it from the way he smelled. He wasn't a vampire, which was good in her case. Amari then felt a bit odd about asking and looked down a bit. She should probably say she was sorry but all she really did was check to see his he as a werewolf, not a vampire. Amari looked back at at him, thinking it wasn't really that odd of a question.

Preston lead her up to lodge stopping just before she did. He turned to speak but stopped himself when she began speaking. He didn't know how to respond, really. Preston figured she would be scared at first but she seemed more worried than most people did. "Well, actually.. there's quite a few like us here. But, there's also a decent amount of vampires, too." He smiled, hoping it would make her feel a bit more content. "I won't let them bother you, I promise," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder, turning back to face the lodge.
Cole shook his head "Nope,I'm a regular blood sucker but I'm guessing your a werewofl correct?" he asked reassuringly Cole figured that the moment he told her his species that their relationship would end right then and there and he sighed

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