The Lodge

Heather made a quick change in her room, discarding the worn jeans for a more comfortable pair of light sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. The full moon was beginning to appear and her wolf became more and more restless, pacing in its mental cage, prodding Heather to let her out, to run. It was hard at first, she could remember, when she was younger. She had tried so hard to fight her wolf, to keep her contained but the older she grew, the more she understood her internal instinct. If she stayed cooped up in the house, it would only anger the wolf more, causing her to lash out at others. But if she ran alongside her wolf, away from civilization into the forest, it was almost a night of clarity. She was strongest when bonded with her wolf and if she quit fighting, there would be much less tension.

Tidying up her stuff, she cautiously ventured downstairs once more, walking past Derek into the kitchen. She gave him a quick glance but thought it best not to try to explain. It would probably only make things worse... Not seeing Preston or Isaac, she looked around the room, puzzled. "Where is everyone...?" she dared to ask, twiddling her fingers nervously, glancing to Derek out of the corner of her eye every now and then.
(Aww kay goodnight, Bubbles! I'll probably be heading to bed in a little bit here as well. I'll be on quite early tomorrow though. :3)
Derek stared at Alexandra. "Keeps the deaths at a minimum." He glanced over at Heather "They're downstairs in the basement. Preston and Issac have troubles controlling their wolves when they transform, actually most werewolves do. They're in the basement."
Ren ventured out cautiously. "I'm going to put my stuff away first," he informed Sam and Meghan before exiting the kitchen. He spotted Derek and the others conversing a little ways off and hesitated. He could hear the cries of the others and twisted his lips in sympathy, though he knew he wouldn't be around when he shifted. Though he knew he didn't have full control over his wolf yet, he would prefer no one be around him when he was in its form. With small steps, he sidestepped the others and slid towards the door.
Derek stuck out an arm. "I suggest you go down to the basement. The last thing we need is hunters tracking us down." He gave Ren a look, his lips flattened into a straight, serious line. He was concerned, it was safer for them physically and their safety all together.
"So you....lock them up in cages...?" Heather responded meekly, finally making eye contact with the alpha male. Stroking a lock of hair, she sighed softly. "I suppose....we all have to go?" she asked, glancing to the basement door. Flashbacks of when the town sheriff had locked her in one of the most dank, dark, and damp cells of the county jail, men posted outside with shotguns and silver bullets. The image terrified her and caused her to shiver simply at the memory itself. Her wolf had gone mad. She had almost hurt people... racist, but innocent people....
"I do, yes. We're here to get away from hunters, if we have a bunch of wolves running around the woods killing people and animals we're going to be tracked down." He gazed at Heather, his muscles tensing as his wolf fought to come out. Usually he locked himself up as well, even tho he could tear the cage apart easily it felt nice to let go, and Issac's wolf usually calmed down when he came there, which was always easier for everyone's ears. His thoughts were interrupted from a loud howl from downstairs. He sighed and flicked his gaze back to Heather and Ren.
Ren took a small step backwards, instinctively knowing Derek meant business. Even so, he wasn't used to being around others when he shifted and he cast a dubious glance at both the basement and Derek. "I think I'll be fine," he said finally, eyes flicking to Derek's face for a second to gauge his reaction. He didn't feel comfortable being around so many others. And he hadn't hurt anyone so far.. "I can deal." It was half true. He had never seriously hurt anyone other than himself, but it had been difficult trying to control his wolf and he still hadn't quite mastered it.
Sam turned to Meghan,"Seems like everyone is losing control of their wolf forms," She stated. She then leaned against the wall,"Are we safe here?" She asked. She wasn't really used to fighting other people in their werewolf form since they may be more experienced than her and the last thing she wanted to be was to get mauled on.
Meghan looked around at the others the vampires and the remaining wolves still in the lodging area."We should be okay Derek seems to have a pretty good grip on his pack". She felt herself getting short of breath and so she pulled out a chunk of her hair the pain bringing her back to her senses . She took a knife from the kitchen drawer walking upstairs to her room ready to stab herself if she felt the change for the most part she was fine simply meditating,however in dire circumstances She learned to control the transformation during the full moon using pain and that's exactly what she planned to do tonight "Have a safe night everyone" and with that she continued her ascent up the stairs.

Cole looked around not as confused as before he'd been here 6 months already and he knew what the deal was/ He watched Meghan go up to her room with qa knife and he could visually see Derek fighting the wolf inside and all the remaining wolves barely keeping themselves together. He was damn sure glad he wasn't a werewolf and sat on the couch still watching the others
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Derek stared at Ren. "Its not a question. We can't have hunters seeing your wolf. Its tough as it is. I suggest you go down to the basement, or your wolf wont be the only one inflicting pain on yourself." He stared at Ren through serious eyes before glancing at Sam, "It happens every full moon. Get used to it. Your fine."
Heather stared into Derek's eyes, his expression dead serious. Turning to face the basement once more, she swallowed hard and closed her eyes. "It will be doesn't last forever..." she kept telling herself. Suddenly her hand shot up, clenching her head as her wolf demanded to be let out, very unhappy with her decision. Run. Hunt. Can't be trapped. it growled, not giving Heather any mercy. If she was to do this, she needed to do it right then and there or her wolf would end up taking over.

Summoning her courage she walked to the door, cringing as her wolf howled in protest inside her head. Making her way swiftly down the stairs, her eyes widened at Isaac's and Preston's feral forms. Preston specifically was not the calm, collected, mild mannered wolf she'd seen earlier but now savage, pacing back and forth, eyeing her as if she was his next victim. Her heart went out to him, knowing that his wolf just felt trapped and that's why it lashed out. In the softest, most calming tone she could, she knelt down, looking him in the eye. "It will be's only one night," she murmured before standing and wincing once more.

Approaching the cage across from Preston's, she reluctantly ventured into it, her wolf fighting her every step of the way. She called out in pain as she slammed the door shut, locking it behind her. Holding her head in both hands, she stumbled back into the corner, trying to console her wolf, but it would not be appeased. Her body began morphing and contorting into the lean, intense yellow, tan, and brown wolf. A pitiful, heart wrenching whine emitted from the wolf's lungs whenever Heather got control then a fierce growl whenever the wolf took over as the battle raged on inside of her. Her white paws clawed the ground, creating deep grooves in the cement as she paced back and forth.
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Sam was doing her best staying calm during this full moon,but then she started to feel dizzy and her heart started to beat really fast. "Say," She said a bit woozy,"Why is the room spinning?" She asked. Then all of a sudden she fell to her knees and started to shake tremendously. "Damn," She exclaimed,"Can't control it!" Then a howl came from her as she changed into her werewolf form.
Ren's eyes flashed at the underlying threat, but he said nothing. He had promised himself he wouldn't get into any more trouble.. Even so, shutting himself up in a confined space didn't seem particularly appealing to him, however short the time might've been. He looked to the side to quell his rising emotions, already feeling his wolf stir in response to his slight irritation. "At least let me put my stuff away," he said, well aware of what he might be getting himself into. He would be fine; he could control his wolf for that short amount of time.. His fingernails dug deep into the palms of his hands; the pain distracted him, if only slightly. He concentrated on moving towards the door, gritting his teeth as his heart raced faster.
Derek cursed and dragged Sam quickly downstairs and into a cave. He felt his own wolf begin to surface and he turned to growl at Ren. "Either go downstairs or I will personally tear your throat out. With my teeth."
(I think I'm gonna leave it at that and get some rest now. :3 Also so I can wait for Bubbles. ^-^ Night all! Btw, you're an epic roleplayer Sock, just from what I've seen of your long, detailed posts. :D )
All the while Cole watched the whole fiasco go down "If scott were here things would've went much smoother" he said laughing at Derek's threat to Remmington. He got up walking to the kitchen pulling out a pack of blood "I'm going to need a snack to watch this" he plopped down on the couch and drank his blood
(Yeah, I'm getting tired and my posts are starting to fail, but thanks, you are too ^~^)
Sock said:
(Yeah, I'm getting tired and my posts are starting to fail, but thanks, you are too ^~^)
(Haha oh don't worry about it. It happens to all of us, especially when we're tired. I'm sure there'll be plenty more action tomorrow. Especially with the tension between Preston and Derek. xD ) 
(Also, I'm thinking about changing to the tattered, torn clothes when changing back from wolf to Human since that seems a bit more realistic... Instead of the magical reappearing perfect attire. xD What do you think?)
Ren growled softly under his breath but complied, dropping his things. He stayed where he was, still hesitant about going in. He was irritated, angry, at having to be around others, but stronger than that was fear. Fear of being around others. He had no experience with that, as both a person and a wolf. As much as he hated taking orders, stronger still was the need to avoid trouble. Now was not the time pick a fight. He didn't speak though. He no longer trusted himself to, and right now, the most important thing was keeping as emotionless as possible. The issue? Around people it was hard for him to stay calm. His eyes turned towards Cole, attention momentarily diverted by the newcomer.
Sam had wriggled while being dragged into a cage by Derek,"Let me go!" She thought. After she was thrown in the cave she started to howl loudly in hopes of being let out. "I hate cages," She thought,"Someone let me out already!"

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