The Lodge

Derek felt himself slipping. He knew if his wolf got out it would kill every single vampire without any mercy. He sunk into a cage and locked it. He tilted his head back on the wall, a sharp pain in his gum alerting him that his canines were extending into sharp fangs. He arched his back as it cracked and broke. He let out a breath of pain, his fingers gripping onto the bars of the cage. Soon he was crippled to the ground. his back arching out with a small groan of pain. His once grey eyes were now a angered red, swirling with oranges and a slitted pupil. He let out a inhuman snarl, his newly extended claws dragging along the cement floor, a loud, horrifying noise running through the basement at that. Soon his nose and mouth extended into a muzzle, ears sprouting from his head, a tail sprouting from his tail bone and tearing his clothes. He fell over onto all fours, soon morphing into a large, angered wolf. He slammed his body against the cage, low snarls echoing over those of his pack and the omegas that had stumbled upon the lodge. The large, muscular black wolf paced and slammed into the walls relentlessly. He barred his teeth and made loud howls, Issac's ears perked at his Alpha's discomfort and he whined, his voice adding to the howl. Eventually the Alpha calmed and paced around his cage, his tail flicking.
Ren jumped slightly at the painful clanging, snarling, and howling emitting from the basement. He could feel himself slowly slip out of control the more distracted and distressed he grew. He sunk his fingernails deeper into his flesh, nearly to the point of breaking skin, and closed his eyes, concentrating hard. His wolf wanted out but somewhere in the haze, Ren's mind registered what Derek had said about the hunters and as much as his wolf protested against it, threatened to tear everything near and around it to pieces, Ren knew in the end the basement was safest for the others. A sliver of doubt had planted itself in his mind; he wasn't even sure he'd make it.. nonetheless, he'd try.
Issac walked in a circle, the room had quieted besides the occasional growl. The mornings were always the most awkward, most including himself trying to grab whatever torn piece of clothing they could to cover themselves and walking upstairs to grab clothing. His wolf laid on the cold floor, its light eyes drifting around the room before landing on the Alpha, it was true, Issac had only been changed for a month. His wolf still greatly relied on the Alpha. It whimpered and clawed at the cage, the Alpha perked its head at the sudden noise and flicked his crimson eyes to gaze upon the wolf. The wolf flicked its ears back to see the newly changed wolf in distress. He nudged his cage, it moving with a low creak. After much pushing the cage pushed against the beta's. The alpha laid down across from Issac, who quickly crawled to the edge to rest somewhat against Derek. He felt comfortable around Derek, Derek made Issac feel safe.
(haha, I don't think so.. :P lol, don't really know what to do now.. xD )

Ren barely made it past the cold metal bars. He sank to the floor, biting his lip hard as he struggled vainly to regain control. He could feel nothing but fear now. He didn't know how he'd react, especially with all these other people around him. But he refused to speak, refused to open his eyes, and focused all his efforts on containing his wolf. But, as usual, his wolf won.

He curled up on the cold floor, shifting from human to wolf within a matter of moments. A pained whine escaped his muzzle as he pressed himself as far back as the cage would allow, amber eyes now wide open and panicked.
[ . . . I don't think I'll be able to keep up with this. I feel like I've been left behind a bit - I'm already more than ten pages behind. >.> ]
(How about we skip to the next day? (Say.. 8 a.m.) There's not much you can do when the werewolves are caged up.. xD )

Preston woke up, back in his human form. His clothes a bit torn, but still mostly there. Preston stood, his back aching a bit from sleeping on the hard ground. He began opening up is cage and looking around at the others. Preston felt somewhat bad about bringing up Scott earlier hen arguing with Derek but something needed to be said. He unlocked his cage and walked out into the area between the cages. He rubbed his head for a moment before heading upstairs.

Amari groaned when she shifted her head. She sat straight up after feeling the cold, hard ground beneath her. Amari had entirely forgotten about the change and being in the cage. She stood up and stared at the cage door. She had also apparently forgotten how to lock and unlock the cage, as well. Amari sighed, placing a hand on the pile of locks, tilting her hand down to the floor. Seriously? Are you that stupid? She questioned herself before fiddling with the locks for a moment.

Parker had ventured up to his room the night before, not seeing anything interesting going on. He came downstairs when he saw the sun begin to come out. Parker flinched as a tiny ray on sunlight slipped through the blinds and burnt a few hairs on his arm. He rolled out of bed, mumbling profanities under his breath. Parker sighed before heading back downstairs. He didn't feel like dealing with too many people today, in fact, he might just go get breakfast then return to his room to sleep through the day.
Sam woozily wakes up. After howling for a good bit to get out she was puckered out and had fallen asleep. She stands up and stretches forgetting about the fact that when you turn back from a werewolf your clothes are either torn or gone,Sam's still half sleep at the moment.
Cole was awoken by the smell of his burning vampire flesh,the suns rays were seeping in through the blind and Cole went all dracula hissing at the sun and covering himself with his shirt retreating to somewhere darker "We need to get some darker blinds in this damn place" he spat sitting at the island in the kitchen where it was darkest.

Meghan came downstairs her hair a complete mess and scars that would soon heal littered her body;The knife that se took upstairs with her rusted from the amount of bled that was shed upon her.After getting to the social area she realized that she was the only werewolf not to go into the basement and went downstairs to check on the others "Is EVERYONE down here?" she questioned looking at all of the occupied cages. SHe stopped when she saw preston out of his cage and sam attempting to get out of hers,She walked over to the femal wolfs cage "Uhh need some help?" she asked forcing herself not to laugh
"Sure thing thanks Meghan," Sam said sleepily. Sam wasn't a big fan on enclosed spaces or cages she was a little claustrophobic. "Wait why weren't you down here with us?" She asked.
"Well 1 I'm not apart of Derek'a pack I have my own pack,and 2 I have more control over myself than overs besides I'd rather not be there when you guys are all feral and crazed killing machines ya'know?" she said smiling and unlocking the girls cage "I'm willing to bet your really hungry huh?"
"Yeah I could go for a bite," She then shivers a bit,"Why is it so cold down here?" Sam rubs her arms in hopes in generating somebody heat. "A fur coat could do nicely," She thought.

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