The Lodge

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Alexandra stumbled out of the forest. She looked up at the cabin, not sure if it would be okay to go back in. That alpha, Derek, made it pretty clear that the wolves in the house stayed in the basement during a full moon, but Alex couldn't handle the cages. She always was free during those nights. Would he even allow her to stay there after last night? Alex thought about it for a moment, it's not as if she was part of their pack, why would she have to listen to the alpha. With a quick check to make sure her clothes were still somewhat there she walked into the cabin. She walked through the cabin stopping in the kitchen area where several others were eating. She wasn't hungry, she ate enough last night. " Hello. " She greeted the group warmly, after almost three years since any social interactions she hoped that maybe somebody would talk to her.
"Well I'd be happy to make you anything you'd want" he said cheerfully trying to smile not so seductively and ultimately failed
Amari took a sip of her water before responding, "I think I'll be okay for now," she gave him a soft smile in return. Was he trying to flirt with me? She really didn't know what to take of the smile he gave but Amari did blush a bit when he spoke. Amari placed the cap back on her bottle of water and set it on the counter beside her.
An embarressed and angry Sam storms off to her room to change. After a quick change she comes back down to the kitchen and plops in a chair. She sits and has a look on her face that says "don't talk to me".
"So,you can stop me if i'm over stepping my boundaries but how was last night? What exactly did it feel like and Why did you so willingly do as Derek told you too?" Cole was genuinely intrigued in why all but 2 wolves followed Derek's orders so willingly and without question
(Bored, so just putting in a little filler paragraph. xD )

Overhearing Cole's comment to Amari struck a thought inside Heather's own head. Why did she follow Derek's order? She was terrified of cages... It was the last thing she'd ever consider.

Because he was right. Sighing, she pressed the back of her head against the wall. She may have come from a family with two loving, accepting parents, but Heather very well knew that not all were so forgiving of her kind, her thoughts flashing back to the sheriff of her home town. Some even went so far as to make it their business to track them them down and "put them out of their misery". They took on the title, Hunters. It made sense that Hunters would be drawn to the area around the lodge. And that made it dangerous to be out free during the full moon. If spotted and followed back to the lodge, you could put the entire pack at risk... Raw wolf instinct would drive the wolf to attack rather than think out the situation and lead the attackers off on a goose chase away from home.
Amari paused, just to look at him. "I've never had to lock myself up like that before and I don't know why I followed what he said. I guess I just felt compelled to do so," she coughed, "I think I just told myself that it would help me to get accepted into some sort of family." Amari looked a bit upset. She wasn't exactly upset by his question but her memories of her childhood came flooding back. Amari trained her eyes on her water before grabbing it quickly and taking a few sips.
"Oh well you wont have to worry about that,we're all family here even if we don't like eachother 99.9% of the time" Cole goes around Amari giving her a hug "And now your apart of this family" Cole hugged the girl tighter
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(heads up, should have said so before, i live in Ireland, so different time zone) Ian goes into the lounge and sits on a chair, he flicks through TV channels looking for something decent to watch, not that there was much but sometimes he could find something.
Alex sighed as one of the boy's mentioned that they're a 'family'. She shook her head trying to remember what it was like to have a family. She walked over to the sink and splashed water up at her face, removing the dried blood that surrounded her mouth. She glanced around. Everybody here knew everybody. She noticed a boy sitting alone. She crossed the room and sat on the couch next to him ( Ian ). She scrunched her nose up as the smell from the other night arose. "Do you smell that?" She asked him, glancing around searching for the source of the smell.
Ian put the remote down to watch Sherlock, then stops and looks at Alex and sniffs the air. "Yeah, now that you mention it.....i wonder what it is"
Alex frowned and tucked her legs underneath her. With a sigh she rested her head back. " How long have you been here?" She asked quietly before turning her attention to the t.v. She pursed her lips. She's never seen this show, it's one of those ones that you want to but never get around to it.
"Just a day or 2 really, how about you?" (i wouldn't be surprised if you haven't seen it, its an English TV show) Ian sat back, only half watching the TV
Ren sat outside of the cabin, content with just staying there. He was hungry, but decided he would manage; there were way too many people inside, and he didn't know if Sam or Meghan was there. He could smell food, and a lot of other people, and hear the TV from within.

Food versus people.. he glanced at the door doubtfully. Food. People. Food. People. He shifted his position instead, leaning against the wall. Maybe later..
Alex stretched and looked back at Ian. " I just got here last night before..." She trailed off and shook her head remembering the pain of the transformation. " you know. " She finished in a whisper. She yawned slightly, after a night of running through the woods you get pretty tired. " What's your name?" She asked in an attempt to change the subject. She really didn't like to talk about what she was. It always brought up the question of how and about her first time changing. Two memories she preferred to keep locked deep inside where they couldn't haunt her.
Meghan finally finished cooking and places the thick juicy perfectly cooked medium steak in front of Sam "dig in she said cheerfully pushing the plate towards the girl and handing her utensils to go with it
Amari smiled as Cole hugged her. "Really?" she said, her voice cracking a bit. She had never really been a part of any family and even if this wasn't the real thing it was close enough. Amari wrapped her arms around Cole, hugging him back.
Cole shifted "Sorry if I'm cold,I'm dead after all" Cole chuckled "You are officially my new favorite person in the house,and I will protect you 5 ever!" Cole put his hands on his hips in a superhero fashion laughing.
Amari giggled and released him from her arms. "Okay, sounds good!" she smiled at Cole then glanced around at everyone else. "Do most vampires like to sleep through the day? Or is that just some weird myth I heard once.." Amari had noticed not many people were downstairs so she figured some of the vampires were still asleep. Although, some werewolves could still be sleeping too.
"Yeah,honestyl I'm only up because 1 I didn't get to go out last night and 2.I was worried about you guys' Cole rubbed his arm "I singed my skin today from waking up in the suns rays and it burned the sh!t out of me"
Amari nodded then picked up his arm in her hands gently. "Is it okay?" she figured it may be a dumb question since vampires were pretty much already dead but they could still feel, or so she thought. Amari looked up at Cole for a response.
(@Sock Sure thing! And no problem, I understand. ^-^)

Tyra said:
Moaning softly and rubbing her forehead, Heather shuffled through the living room, making her way slowly but surely to the kitchen, still using the walls for support. Yet, before she entered the kitchen, she turned to look at Derek, feeling his intense, burning stare, and swallowed, though her throat was still parched and didn't do much.
"I...I'm sorry... I overreacted earlier," she stammered in apology, running her fingers through her hair in her nervous habit, "When I figured out..what I was, I did all I could to learn about normal wolves and their environment. But...nothing could have prepared me for this."

Finally making eye contact, her gaze flitted back and forth between Isaac and Derek. "I've been on my own my entire life when it comes to other werewolves. And I've been avoiding civilization for the past two years... Let's just say I'm a little rusty with wolf etiquette," she explained, managing a small, shy smile.

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