The Lodge

Derek glanced at Heather with a calculating gaze. He sighed and shrugged. "Nothing could have." He said simply. He stood from his chair, combing a hand through his dark hair. He wandered over to the window, resting his hands on the window sill, flicking his gaze over the forest. "Well, have you considered joining?"
Jerked back to reality from her deep thoughts, Heather blinked a few times before she realized what he was saying. "You mean...becoming apart of the pack?" she questioned, her deep chocolate eyes growing wider at the thought. A pack meant family, friendship, loyalty...but it also meant watching out for others. And that included keeping a restraint on her wolf for the sake of the pack's safety.

Running her fingers through her hair, the wheels in her brain turned, analyzing the pros and cons. "I may be a werewolf from birth...but I'm really not that experienced. At least with pack duties and all... I'm not sure how modern packs work, just about the ones I've read about in old research books," she trailed on, "I mean...would you even have me?" Her mind kept turning back to the fact that she had been abandoned at birth. She had never had a mentor, someone to teach her the ropes; what it really meant to be a werewolf.

The wolf girl shifted her weight to the other shoulder against the wall and scrunched up the biggest hole in her sweat pants in an attempt to cover her exposed, bare thigh, extremely relieved that the stretchy material had withstood the transformations the night before for the most part.
Preston rolled onto his back, grabbing a pillow. He placed the pillow over his mouth to muffle the low yell that turned into a deep growl. Preston threw the pillow across the room violently. He ran his hands over his face, then turned over onto his stomach. Preston didn't even want to move at this point. He just felt all of his emotions coming back and he wanted to make them stop. Preston pushed his face into the other pillow, now on his side. He closed his eyes, trying to get himself to relax.
"Holding me? Yeah it's fine your warmth feels nice since I don't have warmth of my own anymore ya know" Cole now understood why Isaac was so comfortable with Ivory and the way she felt the sensation of warmth going through your body is amazing and werewolves are warmer than most so the sensation intensified

(Hypothetical question,If Cole bites amari or Ivory bites Isaac would they be a hybrid or would the werewolf in them fight the change?)
(The werewolf would fight the change)

Amari smiled before letting go of his hand. It wasn't exactly what she had meant but it was good to know he liked that. "That would make sense.." she took another sip from her water and turned back to Cole.
Seeing Derek was still in deep thought, Heather peered over at Amari and Cole in the kitchen, chewing her bottom lip. Waving her hand, she motioned Amari over. If Amari responded to her gesture, Heather would clear her throat nervously and fidget slightly.

"Hey, Amari..right? I apologize for being a bother, but do you happen to have any fresh clothes I could borrow? This was my last set... Unfortunately I don't own many," she asked quietly, slightly embarrassed for having to ask for something to wear. She and Amari looked close to the same size so she prayed the other wolf girl might at least have a loose t-shirt and sweats that would fit her.

She looked quite comical actually, trying to keep her tattered shirt from slipping off one shoulder with one hand, which she seemed to have trouble doing, and still clutching the giant tear in her sweatpants with her other hand.
(Makes sense)

"Soo what now,it's still early morning so I can't leave the house for a while,although I think all the wolves should go outside because you were all cooped up last night"
Amari looked oddly at the girl who had called her over. She changed her look of question quickly to a friendly smile before turning back to Cole, "I'll be right back," she took Heather's hand and lead her to her room. Amari began searching through her clothes for something she could wear. "Will this do?" she asked, pulling out a simple pair of jean shorts and a plain, gray tee shirt. She didn't exactly know what the girl was into but this seemed like a pretty basic thing.
Sam cut her steak and took a bite,"Man this is good," She thought. She happily ate the rest of the steak and her anger cooled away. "Thanks Meghan," She said when she was finished,"This steak was great." Sam now looks in a better mood.
Heather sighed in relief at the girl's warm smile. That must mean she at least has something she could try on. As Amari took her hand and led her up the stairs, she swiveled her head back towards Derek. "I-I'll be right back, I just need to at least make myself look presentable," she told him quickly before disappearing onto the second floor.

Gazing around the other girl's room, she smiled a bit at the decor. Maybe one day her own room would look this nice. Or the room that she shared with another if she ever got a roommate. She wasn't sure what she thought about having a roommate, but growing up with no siblings was pretty lonely... It would be nice to have a sister-figure once for a change.

Heather's expression brightened up in relief and she nodded quickly, brushing her tangled mop of long brown hair out of her face and taking the clothes offered to her. "Yes of course, thank you so much!" she answered gratefully.
"Ill be waiting gorgeous" Cole said smiling "She's king smart and beautiful,awe man if my heart worked it'd be beating so fast right now" a goofy smoke spreading across Coles face

Meghan grinned "Your so very welcome my dear,so what is every doing today?"
"Well I'm not sure," Sam replied," I need to get some more clothes though I went through five pairs getting to this lodge." She then stood up,"But before I do that I'm going to take a shower,later." She then walked out and upstairs to her room and jumped in the shower.
Amari smiled at Heather, "If you ever need to borrow clothes you can just ask, I don't tend to bite.." she giggled before closing up her drawers. Amari then turned back to Heather, leaning against the dresser, "So.. how about you and Isaac?" she gave Heather a wink before continuing on, "I was just wondering how that would work.. Not to be nosy or anything but I think I might like Cole and, well, ya know.. He's a vampire..." Amari was actually really interested in figuring out how things like that worked out. She knew Preston and Dahlia made it work for a while but she never got how.
"You're a lifesaver," Heather chuckled, peeking out the door into the hallway. Seeing no one else, she closed the door and turned back to Amari. "Could I change in here? If you don't mind that is," she asked, "It's been a long night and well...let's just say I'm too lazy to go down to the official lodge bathrooms." A genuine smile crossed her lips and if Amari agreed, she quickly slipped out of the tattered mess of dust coated garments and slipped into the new ones with an ever grateful sigh of comfort.

"They fit...thank goodness," she thought to herself. As she bundled her dirty clothes in a heap, she gave a puzzled expression in return to Amari's question. "Me and Preston? You mean...together?" her cheeks flushed a bit red and she responded in nervous laughter, "Well I..I don't know I never thought about it. Truthfully, I thought I was going to have to become a nun for the longest time, being a Lycan. That was before I found this place though. I guess I haven't had much time to think about guys."

This brought on a new fit of giggles as she took a seat on the edge of Amari's bed. She liked the fellow werewolf already and was glad to have made another friend so soon. "Cole? Ooh, vampire, huh? I don't know much about him, but I do say he's cute if you ask me. And...I think he's got the hots for you," she responded, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably. She got a light, fluttery feeling in her stomach that she'd never felt before. She hadn't had any sisters or friends to discuss such things with before, but now that it was actually a real opportunity, she was actually excited about something for the first time in what seemed like ages.

As she sat there, she couldn't help but let her thoughts wander to Preston and the evening she had first met him in the woods half naked. She quickly rubbed her lips to avoid chuckling at the memory though she could feel her face growing hot at the image she'd first seen of him in only his boxers... "Heather, stop it! Come on, it's rude and I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it," she told herself, giving herself a mental slap.
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(I totally meant Preston. xD Well, guess I'll just fix that now..)

Amari nodded and waited for her to return. She shifted her position against the dresser. Amari wasn't sure what to think about the situation but she hoped Heather knew something about it. Amari herself was never much worried about guys, well, she had a few crushes but by the time they had spoken even once she was usually passed off to another foster home. Amari smiled and looked back to Heather after she had finished changing.

Amari listened intently, not wanting to interrupt, she kept her mouth closed tightly. When Heather quieted, Amari took time to respond, "I'm sorry for assuming that you and Preston were a thing.." she didn't exactly feel bad because she figured the two had chemistry of some sort. Amari giggled when Heather mentioned Cole having the hots for her, her cheeks began to flush a bit, "I uh.. you really think so?" She took a piece of hair from her blonde, naturally wavy hair and began to twirl it around.

"Well, to be honest, I think you and Preston would be really cute together.. At least you're both werewolves. But, if not intruding to say this, joining Derek's pack might throw Preston off.. I mean he doesn't seem like he thinks it's best for you." she shrugged a bit with a sigh. "Or maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about," she smiled and brushed the piece of hair back into the rest of her hair.
"Oh, it's completely fine... I guess it did sorta look that way, didn't it?" Heather responded, leaning back on her hands as she stared up at the ceiling a bit, "I mean...I won't deny that he's...handsome." She shook her head and laughed once more at her awkwardness, all these new feelings were hard to process, all flooding her at once like they did.

Heather's sheepish smile morphed into a full out grin as she tilted her head at Amari. "You really do like him, don't you? Ah ah, don't even try to deny it! I may have not had others my own age to talk to but let me tell you, I'm good at observing. It's what I did most of my life. What's he like? I mean, isn't his skin cold? Then again, that just might be a refreshing change from our high metabolism producing so much heat all the time," she gushed. It seemed like her whole personality had just been a rose bud before and now it was finally blossoming once you got her to open up a little.

At her mentioning that she and Preston would be cute together, she swore her face turned brighter than a red rose and she let her long honey brunette hair cover her face in shyness. " seems that there's a lot of tension between them.. I don't want to intrude or be nosy but something must have happened between them. I know they were fighting about..someone named Scott I think earlier. And it sounded like Preston used to be apart of Derek's pack, if he isn't still apart of it now."

Her expression turned solemn and she stood, sliding her hands into the jeans shorts pockets. "I...I don't know what I want yet... I came here to find a family. And this pack could give me that, that's really what I've always be surrounded by people who accept me for who and what I am. But I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't even know what it really means to be a werewolf!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in frustration before walking to the window and looking out at the beautiful countryside. 
(@oOBubblesOo Hahaha oh it's totally fine! I hate typos like that, trust me it's happened to me before too. xD )
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Amari sighed and took a seat on the bed. "I think I do really like him.. His skin is a bit cold but he said he likes it when I touch him.. It makes him feel warm.. So I guess that's a good thing?" she giggled a bit, "Yeah that didn't sound right, did it?" Her cheeks flushed a bit again but she still maintained a smile.

Amari turned to look at Heather when she mentioned what was between Derek and Preston. "Well, the most I know is that Scott was killed. The pack, including Derek and Preston, were all there at the time but nobody could save him. Honestly, if I were you.. I'd ask Preston about it. He usually gets upset about it but I think if you asked him he wouldn't mind explaining," she thought for a moment, "Where is he anyways?"

She shook her head and looked back at Heather who had moved to the window earlier, "Oh, if you're wondering why I'm new but know a bit about him.. My friend Dahlia and Preston used to be somewhat of a thing," she put a hand over her mouth and quickly took it away, her eyes widened a bit. "You should probably not tell anyone I told you that.." Amari had forgotten about the fact that they were trying to hide that from everyone here. She as beginning to feel close to Heather though and things just seemed to slip out. But, Amari trusted her so she figured it would be okay.

Amari looked at the ground for a moment. "You know.. joining a pack isn't really the same as a family. I mean.. I've never had a real family to compare it to but by the way some people act about it.. It just doesn't always seem consensual." she sighed and played with her hands, "Don't let me stop you from joining but if you do realize you have feelings for Preston, you may want to talk it over and get the whole story about being in the pack, first."
After a nice,long,hot shower Sam turns off the water and jumps out of the shower. After brushing her teeth and doing her hair she puts on a fresh pair of clothes and walks downstairs. "That was refreshing." She said out loud.
"No, it didn't. It sounded so much worse. But it's still fun to talk about," Heather laughed out loud, tucking her hair behind her ears, glancing back to Amari. Her expression became very serious, however, when she mentioned Scott being killed. That wasn't something to joke wonder Preston and Derek had been so tense about it.

As the Dahlia and Preston's secret escaped Amari's lips, Heather's eyebrows lifted a bit, but she said nothing and let Amari finish. She gave her an understanding smile and nodded. "Don't worry, I'm not really a gossiper... I'd been gossiped enough about in my home town and know how it feels. My lips are sealed," she assured her new friend, venturing back away from the window to face her.

Heather thought deeply about what Amari had to say, afterall she did have more experience with these sorts of things than Heather did. "I'll keep that in mind. I don't want to make a decision right now... I'll have to think about it first. I don't want to make a sudden decision and regret it later."

You should talk about it with Preston first. At those words, a light bulb went off in Heather's mind, remembering Preston's state when he had disappeared earlier. How could she have forgotten? All the terrible guilty feelings of not checking up on him right away flooded back and she quickly turned towards the door, though look back at Amari. "Speaking of, I really should go find him and make sure he's okay. He seemed pretty upset earlier... I'm really sorry to interrupt our conversation so rudely," she apologized.

Reaching for the door handle, she twisted it and swung it open but before leaving, she turned back to Amari. "Thank you..for all the advice. And I mean, if you ever need a roommate, I've always wanted a sister," she offered, laughing a bit at her last comment.
Amari smiled as she spoke. She really did like having her around just to talk. It was nice to meet someone who wasn't rude, or trying to kill her for that matter. Amari was a bit surprised at the way Heather hurried to see Preston. Something must be going on.. She shrugged before heading back downstairs to see Cole. As Amari came closer to him, a smile began to cross her face but she quickly let it fade after she reached the counter. "Sorry for leaving you like that," she smiled.

Preston rolled around on his bed. He was slowly letting his frustration go but he couldn't seem to shake it completely. Preston held the pillow against his face for a long moment. He felt like ripping the pillow to shreds and just going completely bat sh*t.. But he knew that would be dangerous. Preston took the pillow away, placing it back behind his head. I'm seriously disgusted with myself at this point.
Heather wandered down the hallway for what seemed like an hour, trying to figure out which room was Preston's. Of course she couldn't just try every door handle and pop her head in, one of the guys might be changing! Or worse.... Groaning in frustration, she stopped in the middle of the hallway and brushed her hair back over her head, looking around. "This is the guy's side of the lodge so it's gotta be one of these...," she mumbled to herself, still feeling quite hopeless.

Just then, her sensitive hearing picked up on movement in one of the rooms, ruffling of bed sheets and pillows as well as a tired, melancholy sigh. Biting her lip, she ventured towards the closed door and prayed that it was Preston's. She would hate to walk into, say Derek's room and be caught there. That would pretty much carve her own funeral in stone...

Pressing her soft palms gently against the wooden door, she listened a while then finally raised a shaky hand to knock. "Preston....are you in there? I-it's Heather...," she stammered, "I just...I was wondering if you were okay. After last night, I mean..."
Preston heard Heather at the door knocking. He sat up quickly, rubbing his face, trying to get his eyes to clear themselves up. Preston had been crying a bit so he rushed over to a mirror, checking to see if his eyes were still red. They turned back to their natural white rather than the red, irritated look. He walked to the door, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine I just.. uh.." he opened the door, "Did you need something?" he said softly. Preston didn't want to see overbearing or anything so he kept his tone low. His heart was still a rapid-beating mess but he began to slow when he lifted his gaze to meet Heather's.
Heather flinched and took a step back as Preston answered the door, expecting herself to be wrong as usual and somehow get the wrong room. Things like that seemed to happen to her a lot. So when the male werewolf's familiar face appeared, it almost scared her. "Oh thank goodness it's you... I wasn't sure which room was yours and I was sure I'd probably made a mistake as usual," she answered, her nerves returning.

However, once her deep chocolate eyes met his, she seemed to regain a little confidence, almost mesmerized by his soft stare. "Oh me? I'm fine, thank you for asking. Amari let me borrow some of her clothes," she explained, motioning down at the shirt and jean shorts, "So I'm all taken care of."

Taking a little while to catch her breath, she clasped her hands together and stared down at her bare feet a moment. "I came to see if you were alright and...and to apologize," she said truthfully, once again lifting her eyes to his face, "You were trying to show me around and make me feel welcome and I just ran at the first opportunity that I scared. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry. You seemed so..upset earlier... I needed to know you were okay."
(You may have to just wait it out until some others get online.. I don't know what else to say..)

Preston nodded, looking down at the clothes. So she and Amari a friends now? Hm.. "Well I'm glad you met someone you can relate to I guess," he shrugged his shoulders, feeling a bit pissed off about the whole situation of last night. "Yeah.. most people just go along with whatever Derek has to say. I can understand why." Preston shifted awkwardly, glancing off past her.

He looked back at her, "I'm fine, by the way. There's no need to worry about it," he tried to force a smile but it kind of failed. It came out more as a sarcastic grin, if that makes any sense. Preston wasn't really pissed off at her so much as he as just upset. He was bad at controlling his feeling, clearly, but he still wasn't in the mood. Preston opened the door wider, "Did you want to come in?" he said, after waiting a moment to regain his somewhat decent mood and manners.

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