The Lodge


(haha, our characters can be lonely together, for the time being. xD )

Ren spotted Sam a ways off from where he was and he called out her name, relieved at finally seeing someone he recognized.
Chris moved his arm behind her head and began to softly sift through her hair. He kept one hand to warmly embrace hers. He was smiling, he was happy that he found a girl like her, all he had on his mind was her. He kissed her again slowly watching as the night continued on.
Alex kissed him back and put her arms behind his neck.. Continuing to kiss him she rolled on top of him.. Happy to be here with him under the moonlight..
Sam heard her name called out and looked to see who it was when she saw it was Ren she smiled and went to him. "Hey Ren," She said cheerfully,"What's up with you right now?" Sam hoped he was free so he can do her a favor.
Amari was surprised by the question and she didn't say anything for a moment. She looked at Cole, her expression showing that she was quite surprised, "I uh.. yes," she smiled and hugged Cole. He was sweet, even though it seemed a bit fast, she knew she really liked him. Or at least, she thought she did.. She'd never been in a real relationship before so she wouldn't know how to act.

Preston smiled and chuckled at her comment, "Well, it's not like you haven't seen me like that before." He shrugged, a playful smile still on his face. Preston waited for Heather to come outside before closing the door behind them. He hesitated for a moment before leaving the porch. Preston tilted his head up a bit, taking in a deep, drawn out breath. He looked over at Heather, "Do you smell that?" he asked. The smell of the trees, the crisp, hot air; it all came to him in a rush creating an incredible smell that could almost never be recreated in any other way. Preston took a few steps forward, pausing again when he noticed a tree covered with apples. "Mmm..." he made his way over to the tree, picking two ripe, juicy apples and handing one to Heather. Preston took a large bite out of his. He smiled when he finished the bite, "I can't believe I've never noticed this tree before.."

Parker noticed Derek seemed to be the only one not with someone, much like himself. He could tell Derek wasn't that social but Parker himself wasn't that talkative either. Parker cleared his throat before making his way somewhat closer to Derek. He kind of just hoped Derek didn't hate vampires. Parker wasn't too worried about any attitude or even if Derek got aggressive, it would probably be an extremely long battle; the winner only coming when they both were exhausted. Parker glanced over at Derek, standing a good six or seven feet away from him. "Hey," he spoke in his usual low, not so aggressive tone. Parker was more bored than anything at this point and was also quite curious about how the hole pack thing worked.
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Derek blinked back to reality after what felt like hours of staring at the fire. He stood and walked outside in silence, closing the door behind him. He calmly slid his shirt off, bundled it in a ball and tossed it to the side before starting off at a jog. He disappeared into the trees and gazed around at the forest. He came to a stop as he reached the waterfall. His gaze traveled along the landscape, the water flowing in a slow stream around the small lake that was created from the waterfall, trees surrounding it as if a barrier, giving just enough space for the sun to peak out from the thick trees and lighten the area.

It was perfect. Too god damn perfect.

Derek knelt down and brushed his fingers over the water. He refused to be lonely. He refused to need someone, something to lean on. It wasn't for him. He couldn't do it. Every time he let someone in, they left, or died or something. But his wolf thought different. His wolf churned and clawed for a mate. It was restless, and Derek was always at a silent argument with his wolf, trying, needing to keep it at rest.

Derek tried to be a good person, he really did. But whenever he let that side of him show nothing good came out of it. Derek disappeared for a week when Scott died, Scott was the boy that brought the joy and closeness to that pack. He was the missing puzzle piece that made it all fit, and when he left everything crumbled. Derek couldn't do it on his own, no matter how long he tried to convince himself he just couldn't. It hurt, of course it hurt. No one in their right mind would even think of being Derek's mate, his own missing puzzle piece.

Derek set himself up for this, he set himself up to be lonely. After the fire he built his strong barrier, he couldn't trust anyone. He couldn't bring himself to. Even if he wanted someone, they would just leave. No one wanted to help someone that was a living sob story. No one.
(@Armageddon are you even in this roleplay anymore?)

Damon stretched and sent Dahlia a smirk. "Last night was fun." He said calmly. He pulled on some boxers and left with that. He yawned as he walked downstairs, pulling out a bag of blood and drinking it calmly. He gazed around, quirking an eyebrow. "Where'd the big bad Alpha go?"
Chris, slowly opened the door for Alex, they walked in slowly as he followed her inside and shut the door. Looking at her slowly as she turned around. I kissed her and held her hands, saying " So, I don't hear I love you enough still. " laughing after making a slight joke.
Dahlia smiled and rolled herself out of bed. She pulled on her clothes and went to her room to change. Dahlia shook her head at herself in the mirror before going downstairs. She took up a seat on the couch, not paying much attention to anyone. But wait.. where was everyone? Dahlia glanced around a bit confused.

(Okay :3 I feel bad cause he's so lonely :( lol I'll go make a chick)
"Hi," Ren greeted her, standing up. "Nothing much with me; I'm pretty bored right now. What about you? And where's everyone else?" he asked curiously.
Heather sauntered along after Preston, her hands clasped behind her back. Her honey brown locks bounced with her gait, framing the soft curves of her face as she made her way over to where Preston was eagerly devouring the delicious fruit. Watching the awkward expressions of his face as he enjoyed the sweet morsel, Heather couldn't help but giggle softly, finding his antics cute.

When he held out the apple for her to take, she reached out for it, letting her fingers lightly graze his wrist as she did so. Before when her hand had been clasped in his the first time, helping him up from the ground, she remembered the warm, fuzzy butterfly feeling in her stomach she had gotten. However this time, it was much worse... Almost as if a bolt of electricity shot through her arm up to her shoulder, yet it wasn't a feeling of pain, more of a tingling, excited, hot feeling. Finding it odd, she still lifted the apple to her lips, letting her canines bite down into the apple's crunchy flesh with ease.

Something was off, though... Her senses should have been filled with apples but instead she continued to smell oranges. Strange enough, the scent grew stronger the closer she got to Preston...

Making the connection yet?

Oh buzz off, don't you have someone else to bother??

But don't you find it odd? Your favorite smell? Coming from him? her wolf purred, You had to have felt that. The spark.

He probably just ate oranges before I came to see him alright? What's so interesting about that? And you know, I'm tired, I would expect random muscle spasms after last night...

Her wolf merely chuckled at her reaction before becoming silent once more. It had done its job, getting the wheels turning in her head. It was peculiar... However, she shrugged it off and nodded in response to Preston. "It is delicious... This place seems to have everything, doesn't it?"

Chewing on her bottom lip after disposing the apple core, she backed up then got a running start, launching forward and tapping Preston's shoulder. "You're it! Let's see just how fast you are," she taunted, laughing. Her long slender figure then began to morph and contort. Her long honey brunette locks formed into dark velvet ears, her lips became muzzle and smooth tanned skin sprouted soft yellow and white fur. Heather gave a playful yip and kicked up her haunches, taunting him further as she stretched out her long legs.
(Aww I feel so bad for Derek! D: He deserves someone~)
(See, in like every roleplay I'm in I make someone either takes pity on my character or wants to be my character xD Its funny.)
"Nothing much,and I don't know where anyone is at the moment." She answered. Sam then pushed her hair behind her ear and looked at him with flirtatious eyes,"So since you're free Ren can you do me a favor?" "In retrospect," Sam thought,"He did say he was free so this might be overdoing it."
Cole grinned "Really? are you sure me being a vampire and all" the last thing he wanted was for Amari to be uncomfortable in any way

Meghan watched as the alpha ran outside and she could almost feel his pain "Poor,Guy he seriously needs somebody" and then looked around at all the other couples and thought to herself "I need somebody actually" she sighed laughing

(So do these werewolf packs have advisers and stuff or nay?)
"Ah well," he dismissed it. "At least I ran into you," he smiled slightly. "It would have been incredibly boring if I hadn't found someone." He shrugged mentally; might as well- he had nothing to do at the moment. "Sure," he replied, tilting his head slightly as he looked at her. "What is it?"
"Well traveling alone here as a werewolf caused me to go dangerously low on clothes and I have no idea where to buy some more clothes. So I was wondering if you could go with me to a place where I could buy some more clothes," Sam asked. Sam would have payed more attention to her surroundings, but its hard to remeber where places are when you get chased out easily as a wolf.
(I made her :3 -> Marina Strine)

Preston smiled, still smelling the wonderful air. "It does have everything I could want, at least." Preston smiled more to himself, still observing the scenery. He felt a tap in his shoulder and turned to look at Heather as she said you're it! "Oh, so that's how you wanna play?" Just as Heather morphed into her wolf form, Preston finished his apple. He smiled before shifting into his and walking to catch up next to her. Preston let his tail bump into hers, twirling it around once. He nipped playfully at her hip, hinting for her to get a head start. Preston knew he was fast but right now he just wanted to have fun with this beautiful girl.

Amari nodded. She could really care less at this point. Amari had noticed Dahlia come down the stairs so she figured she could talk to her about the situation later anyways. "Trust me, that doesn't even matter." She smiled at Cole, trying to show that she as truly content with the situation.

Marina came bounding through the woods. She was chasing a small squirrel, just for fun. Her thoughts had begun to eat her up inside, once again, so she figured this would ease her mind. Marina saw the squirrel dart up a tree in front of her and she responded with a loud growl. She looked around, checking to see if anyone had followed her, before shifting into her human form. "Well, thanks for the fun time," she smiled at the squirrel who now looked like he may die of a heart attack. Marina walked a little ways deeper into the woods. She had been on her way to the lodge but lost her way. For now, Marina just wanted to sit on this rock and relax.
If a wolf could laugh, Heather certainly was, yelping playfully as she felt the slight pinch on her left hip, Preston's larger male form easily matching hers. As soon as she thought Preston was ready, she put on a burst of speed, dashing off into the forest. Her light pink tongue lolled out of her mouth and her white paws dug into the soft earth, kicking up showers of dust behind her.

Her wolf was obviously not built for power, having a thinner lean build with not as much muscle, but she was agile and quick on her paws. Weaving back and forth, her fluid multicolored coat caught the wind and gave her shivers. Every once in a while she would glance back to see if he had managed to keep up or if she'd left him behind.

Inside, her wolf howled in pleasure, finally feeling free out in the woods.

We belong here, her wolf breathed contently.

I know.

We belong with him.

What? What do you mean, we just met him!

The instinct is never wrong. You feel that electric response when you touch. The instinct is meant for that, not only survival but finding a mate who will take care of us. You really don't know anything about being a wolf, do you? Wolves mate for life. When the instinct has chosen one, you know...

Heather tried to think of a good comeback but nothing came to mind at the moment. She sputtered, trying to refute her wolf's comment but it only gave a contented purr.

He's ours. We're meant for him and him for us. You can't fight that...

Shaking her head furiously, Heather tossed her wolf's voice from her thoughts. How could that be? Love at first sight, really? That only happened in movies... didn't it? She hadn't met Preston before yesterday, how could they be meant for each other? She wasn't in love... at least she didn't think so. Sure he made her feel warm inside but...that didn't signify they were made for each other, did it? Sighing she chose to ignore her wolf's ramblings and focused her attention back to running, realized she had probably slowed down in the process of her deep thinking.
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Derek was taken out of his thoughts by the smell of another filling his nose. He flicked his gaze from the water to to around the woods. His wolf stirred and clawed at its mental cage. Derek clenched his jaw and stood, his gaze traveling around before he set off after the scent. It was unfamiliar and it was in his pack territory. He caught a glimpse of blonde and he growled out a low "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Derek's wolf was beginning to slip through the cracks, his eyes red in the process.

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