The Lodge

"I don't know," Ren replied truthfully. "I would imagine not too often, unless they're really superstitious," he grinned. "I'm glad you think I'd be good company, though, most find me just awkward," he laughed as he walked towards the door. "Shall we go then?" he nodded towards the door, turning to face her expectantly.
Derek emerged through the trees, his expression was blank. His wolf was going absolutely insane and it was bugging him. He pushed open the door to the lodge and glanced at Issac, who was sitting on the couch, his eyebrows knitted together. He sighed and glanced back to make sure Marina was following. "This is the lodge." He said, as if that explained everything. He walked upstairs and came down in a dark shirt. He sat down on his chair, his hand rising to rub along his light scruffle.

Issac was nervous, he hadn't seen Ivory around since the night prior. Did he do something wrong? He chewed on his bottom lip and sighed. He placed his head in his hands, combing his fingers through his mop of blonde curls. He stood, wandering pointlessly to the kitchen, only to stare into the fridge. He eventually closed it and wandered off down the hall, venturing through the house to keep his thoughts calmed.
Sam put her hand on her right pocket to check if her wallet was there,"It is good," She thought. "Yes let's go now Ren," Sam replied,"Lead the way." Sam wondered what she could give him as a little thank you present for accompanying her.
(poor Isaac I don't think armageddon is apart of this anymore)

Cole stood up laughing at her comment "Yes vampires do swim and very well I might add,were dead so it helps that we don't have to worry about drowning" Cole chuckled too himself at the thought of a vampire drowning

Meghan watched as Isaac walked into the kitchen and then back out with a sad expression on his face "poor kid,he's no better than his alpha" she sighed and sat down on the couch kind of exhausted from the night prior,but still wanted to get out of this house
[ I actually might still be in this. I'm just not sure where Ivory should be right now - @Tyra messaged me and offered to give me a re-cap of everything, so once I have a grip on what I should be writing, I'll write again. ]
(Armageddon - Come back! We miss you! :3)

Preston could feel his wolf rising to speak again. She wants you. She needs you. You need her. You can't deny this. It's the truth and you both know it. Preston rubbed his paw over his eyes, as if trying to rid himself of something. You don't know that. WE can't assume such things. How would you even get that idea? Preston looked at Heather then looked angrily at the ground. Don't even respond. Just leave me alone. We'll figure this out later. Preston returned his gaze to Heather, wondering if she had been dealing with the same thing. She asked if he was okay and he took a moment to regain his ability to think straight. "Yes, I'm fine. Just a bruise maybe." Preston turned to look in the direction of the waterfall. "Still want to swim a bit?"

Marina wandered in after Derek. She looked around a bit astonished by the place. There were a lot more people there than she had expected. She took a seat near Derek, on the floor next to his chair. Marina almost felt like she needed to say something about him helping her but she simply remained silent. He wasn't much of a talker, but neither was she. Marina watched the fire sway gently back and forth, it was quite mesmerizing to watch. Her eyes wandered over to Derek after a moment. She moved her gaze back to the fire quickly, not wanting to bother him.

Amari smiled, "Yeah.. I should have known that." She felt a bit bad about asking such a stupid question but clearly he didn't mind. "So swimming at the lake then?" she smiled a bit more. Amari was happy to be with him but at the same time, she didn't want to move too fast. She liked being able to call him hers but she didn't want this to turn into something like what Dahlia tends to do.
(Yess come back!! @Armageddon )

Heather continued examining the spot until she was convinced it wasn't serious before withdrawing her muzzle. At his question, her velvet ears perked and she nodded in response. Turning in the direction of the waterfall, she began strolling in that direction, still trying to keep her wildly beating heart calm. She blamed it on the sudden roll and tumble but at the back of her mind she couldn't help but know that wasn't all... Stopping and running her tail beneath Preston's jaw to get his attention, she tilted her head to the side, causing her ears to flop cutely in that direction. "You coming?" she inquired.

If he responded yes, her eyes would brighten and she would start off on a gentle lope towards the crystal clear pool of water, masked by a haze of foam and vapor. Stepping onto the rocks, she closed her eyes and let the cloudy steam rush over her before shaking any excess water that formed from her coat. Her white paws contrasted beautifully with the grey rocky cliffside and she beamed back at Preston.
"How did you ever find this place? It's so secluded...not to mention beautiful."
"It's a date " Cole then furrowed his brow "You aren't the jealous type are you?,The reason I asked that is because as a vampire we are naturally beautiful too humans it's how we capture our prey even if your ugly;if your a vampire your beautiful meaning humans will literally throw themselves at us and when we are out in public it will happen a lot especially when all of the vampires are out at once. Do you understand?" Hope in his eyes praying that she wouldn't break up with him over this

= - = - =

It had been a pretty long night for Ivory.

She had gone out hunting and sustained herself that night. She wanted to escape all of the people - as well as the werewolves. The kiss Issac had given to her dazed her, but he had left before she could have reacted - her feelings for the boy had been so confused and conflicted ever since then. She hadn't decided just yet if she really, truly liked the boy or not - even though the answer was much too obvious for anybody to even feel the need to put into words. Of course she liked him. She had been unknowingly crushing on him ever since they had first met and acquainted themselves to each other. She thought about this during her hunt the last night, and came home at about three in the morning to catch a few hours of sleep, hoping she would uncover the obvious in the morning.

And so, the old vampire - yet young woman in mortal perspective - shuffled down the stairs once more, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She had changed into a pair of lay-around clothes prior to her sudden crashing in her room, with a black tank-top and navy blue, very soft sleeping pants hanging off of her hips with a slight looseness. Her eyes seemed to be much brighter and healthier looking - her cravings for her usual animal blood had been quenched thoroughly, and they glowed and swirled entrancingly in her wide irises, her blonde hair a mess again. She considered taking a shower later on.

The thoughts from the previous night hadn't crossed her mind just yet - she stood at the foot of the staircase, letting her hand drop to her side and blinking tiredly. Her eyelids were half drooped from her small amount of sleep, but she didn't mind - it would wear off eventually, she was sure.

= - = - =

[ Big thanks to @Tyra for being such a sweetie and giving me an explanation of all this. Back to the cuddly fluffy stuff, @Sock . c: They really are adorable together. ]
[ Awww you're very welcome @Armageddon ; u ; Your roleplaying. 'Tis one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. <3 Lol xD ]
[Dawww... Your flattery, 'tis killing me. xD Ooh ooh, I second that motion about @oOBubblesOo and @Sock as well! ; u ;

FYI, I'm switching over to my smart phone so my responses may not be as detailed or posted as fast as normal.]
(Well thank you :3 I'm quite proud, actually, of all four of us and our writing :D )

Preston felt her nuzzling him, checking to see if he was truly okay. It was really sweet of her, it was the first time in a long time someone had ever made him happy. Preston nodded and followed her to the waterfall. He walked up onto the rocks that lined the waterfall. "I was just exploring one day and I came across this place." Preston shifted back into his human form, sitting down on a larger rock. He glanced over at Heather and smiled. Preston took his tattered shirt and jeans off slowly. He wasn't trying to be seductive, his back just hurt a bit. Preston stood in his boxers before Heather and laughed. "Is this awkward for you?" He rubbed his hand across the back of his neck, his cheeks flushing a bit.

Amari tried to grasp everything he was saying. He was already attractive, how much more attractive could he get? Amari simply smiled and nodded, "I don't think of myself as the jealous type.. Mostly because I've never actually had a boyfriend, I guess." She shrugged nonchalantly. It had never really bothered her too much but it was somewhat embarrassing to admit.
Seeing Preston shift back into his Human form, Heather did as well, seeing as it was probably a good idea. With the rumors of Hunters in the area, you couldn't be too careful... She marveled at the waterfall's beauty and sighed softly, leaning against the cliff face. "My parents used to take my to the geysers by our home town. But it was nothing compared to this," she commented, her eyes twinkling with the reflection of the shimmering pool below them.

She swiveled her head over her shoulder just as Preston had begun to strip his worn, tattered shirt from his body and she felt her mouth run dry. His well-sculpted chest seemed to have all the right curves and almost glowed in the sunlight that poked through the tree. Her hand rushed up to her chin to literally prevent her jaw from dropping. Of course she had seen him shirtless before, but it was only a minute or two and she had been more stunned by the fact he was a werewolf like her. For the first time she was able to really study him in the bright sunlight. After removing his torn pants, he then asked her if it was awkward for her, yet it took her a few moments to snap out of her dazzled stare.

"Huh? Oh! Oh, no you're alright!" she stammered quickly, mentally slapping herself for probably looking like a dull-witted creeper, " I-I mean it's pretty much like swimming trunks anyway."

Sexy swimming trunks...

Would you shut up already??

She rubbed her face in embarrassment, her cheeks growing red with each passing second.
Preston smiled at her, "Okay, just checking," he winked and then laughed. He went closer to the water and slowly stepped in. It was actually quite warm compared to the lake water. The sun was beating almost directly onto the water so it added up that it would be decently warm. Preston went under the water to get himself fully used to it. He came back up, turning his gaze to Heather. "Well..?" He waded there in the middle of the water for her. Preston thought for a moment before saying, "I won't watch you undress, I promise," he gave her a soft smile. Even though she watched him, he still wanted to show some respect towards her. It wasn't exactly her fault she saw him practically nude. Preston swirled in circles, waiting for Heather to join him in the water.

(Lol 'sexy swimming trunks' xD )
[ugh, sorry it's taking so long Bubbles. My internet app on my phone just crashed and I lost the post I was almost done with... 8 ^ 8

Haha and yes, sexy swimming trunks. xD ]
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[ It's pretty funny, but I unfortunately don't watch the show, so I couldn't understand the feels to save my life. ; n ; ]
Ren smiled a bit at Sam's statement and started the way down the town. He wasn't too familiar with the area, but had seen some small shops while passing by to reach the campgrounds, so it was there he took Sam. "Any store catch your eye?" he asked, turning to her.
(OMG Derek's gay voice too jokes #dead)

Cole smiled "Gaww well I'm really glad too be your first boyfriend,and hopefully your last" Cole winked at the girl walking over too the fridge and ripping open a pack of blood "Ohh weee this stuff is good"
(I've never been into the whole Sterek thing but some people haven't seen Season 3 yet so *cough cough Sock* I can't say anything but that xD )
What are you waiting for? Our mate is waiting for us!

Heather rubbed her arms nervously and stared down into the swirling pool of white foam. It hadn't even crossed her mind to bring a swim suit, not to mention she didn't even own one. I suppose I could swim in my under garments... And if I stay low enough in the water, he shouldn't be able to see much.

He's our mate, his eyes should be able to devour the sight of us as he pleases, Her inner wolf replied nonchalantly.

Groaning softly to herself, she didn't try to argue this time, but simply chewed on her bottom lip mercilessly. At this point, there was no convincing her inner wolf otherwise so Heather chose to ignore it once more.

At his polite offer not to watch her undress, she took a deep breath. "Promise you won't look?" she asked.

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