The Lodge

Preston smiled, "I promise," he turned around to face the other direction. He knew it was a bit different for girls and they seemed to be more sensitive about it anyways. Turn around. Do it. You're allowed. Um.. no? She's your soul mate, literally. It's okay. I'm not going to look. I promised and I won't break that. Oh my, look whose gone fully whipped already. Preston shook his head, raising an eyebrow. Did my inner wolf just insult me!? I have not. Not even.. just shut up. Preston waited patiently for her to enter the water, refusing to turn around before she said it was okay.

Amari smiled and nodded. She hoped so too but there was no telling if that could be possible. Amari watched him rip open the blood. "What's it taste like?" she leaned against the counter, intrigued by the hungry vampire's choice in blood. It always seemed so weird to just want blood but hey, who was she to judge?
"umm I would think for people whom still have that amazing thing called taste bus,that it taste like metal copper to be exact,But for us it's indescribable try imagining your favorite foods flavor multiplied by 100 and that's blood for us" He said finishing off the pack "we simply can't get enough of the stuff"
Heather sighed deeply and she gripped the hem of her grey shirt lightly with her fingers, slowly inching it off of her upper torso. Truthfully, there was apart of her...that wanted someone to love her. To see her and think she was beautiful, not just "a beast." That part even wished that Preston might slip up and give in to a quick glance behind him. However, the majority or her was plagued by self-conscienceness. She was worried that...that he wouldn't like what he saw. That she didn't have enough curves... Not to mention her body was slightly malnutritioned due to her lack of food the past few months.

Banishing the degrading ideas in her head, she slipped fully our of her shirt and slid the jeans shorts from her body, glancing around anxiously to make sure they were the only ones there. Tossing them in a small pile, she waded into the warm water and closed her eyes a moment, letting the warmth seep into her sore muscles. Once deep enough into the water, she let Preston know he could turn around by a light tap on his shoulder. "You can look now," she told him shyly.

The wolf girl was deep in the water but high enough up to reveal the gentle slope of her shoulders and curve of her graceful neck. Her long hair swirled about in water yet she still ran her fingers through it as she always did.


(These pics are perf and I can't wait for the season finale tonight!! )
(Meh. The season finale... it's always way too upsetting.)

Amari smiled, "Well, taste buds or not, that sounds like the best thing ever." She giggled before picking up her water. Amari had almost forgotten she had it but watching him drink the blood made her thirsty. "But can you survive off of blood? Or do you still need to eat foods?"

Preston smiled and turned around when she said it was okay. He wanted to hug her and tell her that he truly thinks she's beautiful, that she doesn't have to hide anything from him, and that he really just wants to kiss her.. But Preston knew he couldn't do it. Couldn't? That's not the word. Preston was just too damn chicken to say something to her. The courage he has as a wolf would seem as if it came from an entirely different person. Preston felt like he needed to say something, just to let her know at least slightly how he felt. The only words he could manage to say were, "Your eyes are really.. blue." Preston began cursing at himself in his head. He knew no matter what bit of courage he would try to muster, he couldn't speak. Preston looked at her hair as it swirled around in the water and she effortlessly ran her fingers through it. They way her body gently waded before him; every part of her was beautiful. He didn't even need to see anything else. Her face alone was simply enough to make his heart pound. His biggest fear is falling in love but he now he realized... he had already done it.
(Yeah when it's done I'm all like what do i do with my life now)

"If I were a hybrid I could survive off of either but since I'm 100% vamp blood only,I can still eat but it'll be like chewing on plastic can't taste anything"

(Cole and AMari need to do something I feel like writing essays :D )
(Yes. I go through serious withdraws xD )

Marina wandered in after Derek. She looked around a bit astonished by the place. There were a lot more people there than she had expected. She took a seat near Derek, on the floor next to his chair. Marina almost felt like she needed to say something about him helping her but she simply remained silent. He wasn't much of a talker, but neither was she. Marina watched the fire sway gently back and forth, it was quite mesmerizing to watch. Her eyes wandered over to Derek after a moment. She moved her gaze back to the fire quickly, not wanting to bother him.

Amari smiled, "Sounds.. wonderful." She finished off her water and tossed into into the trashcan. Amari glanced outside. "The sun should be going down soon.." She could see the sun going down behind the treeline. Amari felt bad that they couldn't do anything outside during the day but they could always find something else to do, right? "Well, at least it's almost night," she said, turning back to Cole.
Heather's lips soon forged a timid but genuine smile at his words, this time allowing the blush to consume her cheeks with no attempt to stop it. Sure it was an awkward compliment, but a compliment all the same. Tilting her head to the side cutely, she gazed into his own eyes, studying that cute crooked smile of his when he felt embarrassed.

"Thank you," she murmured, finding herself drawing nearer and nearer until the were only centimeters apart from one another. She could literally feel the heat radiating from his body, reaching out to her and drawing her in. She wanted to get closer, to be engulfed in his warmth, to feel the hot electric tendrils shoot through her veins. Just the mere thought of it send shivers down her spine. But...could she really give in? Would he truly accept her? After so much rejection in her life, she was scared...scared to expose her fragile heart.

He is ours... And we are his. The instinct is never wrong. Hold him, touch him. You will see...

And for once, she did not argue. No protest. No quick witty comment. The scent of sweet oranges permeated her senses, his scent. Her skin ached for his touch, though she had never really felt it before. And before she even realized what she was doing, her right hand slowly lifted from the pool, sending crystal clear water droplets running down the smooth skin of her arm, and gently pressed against his cheek. Her heart racing so hard she thought it would burst from her chest, she gradually brought his face closer and closer to her own until she could feel his warm breath caressing her lips, though their lips weren't touching quite yet. She wanted to make sure this is what he wanted. That it wasn't just her feeling this...
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"of course we can.but my idea of something else and your idea of something else are two totally different things"he said blushing in the vampire way yet again
Derek caught her gaze and he simply sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm Derek." He mumbled. Derek liked the quiet, hell he loved it. But after a while without the usual chitter chatter of the usual dumbasses it felt odd. He wasn't the best at starting conversations, he just thought Marina did.

Derek drummed his fingers on his kneecap, his gaze dulled. He flicked his gaze to Marina, studying her features for a moment. Compared to his they were gentle and light. He clenched his jaw and gazed back up at the television, leaning back against the couch.
(Well, Issac is wandering off. I don't think I'm going to have him bound right back and have some awesome fluffy moment with Ivory right now.)
Preston stared down at the water, not knowing what else to say. He looked up, feeling her eyes on him, and met her gaze. Preston smiled, "You're welcome.." He wondered if she was having the thoughts he had been having. If she did, was she listening to them? Was he going to give in as well? Preston no longer knew what to think about anything. He watched her hand come out of the water as it came towards his face. He wasn't sure what she was doing exactly but he felt his heart beat growing louder. When her hand touched his face, he felt something. This feeling in the pit of his stomach; it was indescribable. Sure, he's been with other girls and some feelings are different but this one.. This one was intense. As she pulled their faces closer together, Preston could hear his heart and hers beginning to pound louder and louder. He looked into Heather's eyes, waiting a moment, almost as if he was searching for an answer to an unknown question. Preston closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing her deeply.

Amari blushed heavily. "Oh.." she spoke very softly. She didn't know exactly how to take that response so she just looked don at her hands. Amari pretended to examine them heavily. She felt like a hopeless little school girl who didn't know anything about this sort of thing. But, she did know about this sort of thing she had just never experienced it.

Marina looked back over at him, "I'm Marina," she spoke in a soft yet confident tone. Her eyes began to drift from his eyes and she forced them to look away entirely. Marina stared intently at the fire, trying to keep her eyes from wandering. She sighed and leaned back a bit against the coffee table. It wasn't exactly a comfortable position, but she didn't want to sit somewhere too far away from Derek. Friendly or not, he was an alpha and kind of her savior so she figured she needed to show her respect for that.
Ivory felt her tired gaze sluggishly wander around the room of the lodge, continuing to attempt to blink away the sleepiness. She simply stood at the foot of the stairs idly for a moment, gazing around with a groggy mind clearing up from the dimmed, indirect rays of the sun coming through the windows brightening the cavernous room somewhat. Her mind trudged along as she tried to think of a way to wake herself up more effectively, and after a moment of unprogressive silence and a small yawn, she felt a memory flicker through her mind's eye momentarily - the chills and very subtly eccentric feelings that shot through her as she drank -

Her eyes opened up a bit more, a lightbulb seeming to go on in her mind as she began a slow walk towards the kitchen, heading towards the fridge to grab what she now realized would most definitely help her awaken from her strangely sleepy state. A minute or so passed before she found herself planted in front of the refrigerator, and she felt a groggy smile cross past her features momentarily as she reached out to take the handle of the door, opening it up and - with a wave of fairly refreshing, cool air - caught the sight of the special human blood kept for the vampires specifically during the daytime, when they couldn't go out and hunt.

She reached inside, rummaging around for a moment before she emerged with a fresh bag of the crimson liquid, letting the fridge shut with a small, lazy push as she turned her back to the fridge and began to walk forward again. She glanced around at the cabinets above, finding the one she was looking for - the high one that contained the nice glasses - and huffed an exasperated sigh. Oh well. Time to climb a bit. She felt her head shake as she approached the area with the cabinet and set the cool bag of blood a safe distance away on the same counter.

She rested her palms on the granite counter before she took one last huff of preparation, lifting herself up and balancing her shaky knees onto the granite. She held her hands out to her sides for a moment, regaining her careful composure, before she slowly, cautiously reached up and opened the cabinet slowly, reaching inside to retrieve one of the wine glasses so frequently used by the vampires in the lodge. She then proceeded to lean back down and set the glass a safe distance from where her for could possibly topple, and let the cabinet door shut with another small push before bracing her palms against the granite again and lowering herself back down onto the ground.

She stood still and silent for a moment, feeling a wide smile of triumph stretching onto her pale lips, before she strode over to retrieve the bag of blood, stepping to the side to center herself in front of the wine glass. She did a wide, toothy smile, allowing the exposure of the growth of her fangs, before she ripped off a small portion of the bag and centered it very carefully and safely leveled over the wine glass. She then gave it a gentle squeeze and a tilt downward, allowing the crimson liquid which smelled so intoxicating to swish into the glass elegantly, yet luckily enough, without a mess of droplets or splashes on the granite. She then wandered over to the trash can to lift the lid and allow the now empty blood bag to drift in, letting the lid close and striding quickly back over to the glass of blood.

She reached out her hand and very carefully took the thin handle of the glass in her nimble fingers before doing a steady walk over to the living room, settling herself into one of the comfortable plush chairs and staring at the glass of human blood for a moment in silence. She then lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip - and the effects were immediate. She felt that strange chill travel up her spine, and her golden eyes squeezed closed for a moment before opening back up more widely than before. She felt a small, slow grin appear on her lips, once again finding the taste quite appetizingly sweet and full, before taking another long sip (not to mention feeling the same effect go through her and wake her up further) and then proceeding to set the glass carefully onto the coffee table centered between the couches and chairs.

She then leaned back in the chair, letting herself sink into the nice plush of the cushions. Her gaze averted upward towards the ceiling, and she felt herself huff a small, satisfied sigh as she lost herself in her thoughts.

= - = - =

[ Bedtime for me, also. I'll see y'all tomorrow. ^^ ]
(I'm on season three and I seriously can't tell you how accomplished i feel. I'm like giggling for no apparent reason.) 
(OMG I JUST GOT AN AWESOME IDEA. I could make Scott. As an Alpha. Like you know how Peter came back from the dead? SCOTT COULD DO THAT TOO. OMIGAWD. I COME UP WITH THE BEST IDEAS WHEN I'M TIRED.)
(Somebody should make an Allison for him!!!,Meghan would definitely join Scott's pack So is he going to come back with a big ass plan or just appear out of no where?)

Cole laughed "I'm kidding,I would NEVER make you do anything that made you feel uncomfortable" Cole looked out into the living room trying not to be directly in line of the suns rays "I'm not that type of vampire anymore" his golden eyes dulling to a pale yellow
(You know how peter used Lydia and allat junk to come back to life because you still need the power of an alpha to come back from the dead.....Oh fair warning to everyone if I post and it's complete nonsense I'm probably high,So just ignore it @.@)

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