The Lodge

(I must have overlooked it, sorry xD )

Preston shook his head. "No, I should have been more alert and stopped the bullet from hitting you," He didn't want to tell her he didn't need a savior, though he didn't. Preston knew telling her the truth about the situation would probably be the wrong thing to do. He wanted to comfort her but his anger about the whole thing began kicking in. "I knew the hunters would be coming around again soon. I shouldn't have gotten so distracted. You got hurt and I wasn't fast enough to stop it," he clenched his fists remembering Scott. Preston knew that this was just another thing to add to his shit list. Maybe he should have saved her from this by telling her to just join the pack. Although, stopping the hunters was nearly impossible, Derek would have been there in an instant to save her.
Heather's deep brown eyes watched Ivory's every move, flickering back and forth as she watched the other girl scurry around as if she was her nursemaid. It brought a small smile to her face through her physical pain and tears. Ivory soon returned, letting the thick blanket gently settle over Heather, it soon conforming to the girl's thin shape. She almost chuckled at Ivory's concern, bustling about in a motherly fashion.

Just as she was about to answer, her face contorted into another grimace and she bit her lip hard to keep from making any verbal noise. Glancing down at her side, all she could see was red as she continued to bleed from the deep bullet wound. "I-it needs to be...c-cleaned out," she gasped softly, motioning to her injury.

Suddenly, a new sort of pain washed over her entire body, almost knocking her over with the sheer force of it. However, she could tell the pain was not her own. Glancing over to her saving guardian, her heart lurched as she realized the emotions were coming from him. How could he feel so much guilt?

No...No Preston that isn't true...! she spoke to him telepathically, If you hadn't saved me, carried me all the way here, I would have fell victim to those hunters' vicious intentions. This is in no way your fault...

Reaching out as far as she could, she slid her pale, shaking fingers over his.

I have not had that much fun in my entire life... If I had a choice to keep today how it went or to choose another path, I would have done the same thing all over again...

Her gentle lips curved into a weak smile, hoping to cheer him some way. Feeling his pain was worse than the physical silver bullet itself.
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Preston shook his head again, putting his head in his hands. You just don't understand. Having fun and spending time together is the greatest thing but not if it ends in this. I want to be able to spend more time like this with you. All the time actually. Even forever. Preston didn't think he should tell her but maybe she needed to know. But this bullet... it could have killed you. It still could if we don't do something about it. I can't let this happen to another person I care about. Preston walked to the kitchen and looked under the sink. The first aid kit was there so he brought it to Ivory. "I don't know what to do but you seem like you could," he handed her the kit and sat next to Heather. Preston held her hand gently in his, trying to comfort her.
[Hahaha I know right? > u < I'm officially in love with Heston/Preather. xD Lol! I only hope Bubbles is having as much fun as I am.] 
[Alrighty, I believe I'm gonna have to call it quits for tonight. D: Gotta get my rest since I've been staying up so late the past few nights. I'll be back on tomorrow though for another round! :3 Haha. xD ]
Derek's eyes were already red and he was on the verge of wolfing out. He stood and flicked his gaze down to Heathers wound before gazing at Preston. "Try to trigger the healing process , and next time pay more attention to what's going on." He snapped. He clenched his jaw and pushed open the door, hesitating when he saw a dark wolf already brutally killing the hunters. He let out a low snarl when he saw the red eyes and was about to lunge before the wolf changed to.. Scott?

Scott turned his head to gaze at Derek, a toothy grin sliding over his face. "I'm back." He said, wigging his eyebrows. He walked calmly to the door and pushed it open, "Ey, Preston!" A grin was tattooed over his face as he walked in further. Two bands were tattooed around his upper arm, his dark eyes twinkling with their usual joy, a grey leather jacket hugged his torso and underneath it was a dark grey shirt, as well as some darker grey jeans. He crossed his arms over his chest, quirking an eyebrow.

Derek was still trying to process what he saw, he slowly walked in, a unknown look of shock locking over his sharp features. He walked over and slumped down on his chair , blinking.
[Ahhh and I gotta go just at the good part. > . < Gosh dangit! I'll try to be on as early as possible tomorrow afternoon! I may be able to post a reply or two tomorrow morning also.] 
[Ooh, before I go, though, I'll slip in one more post so as to free up your guys' charies. :3] 
Forever... Heather let that thought sink into her mind, calming her spirit. She focused on the sound of his voice in her head, overcoming the pain as he held onto her hand and didn't let go. She eyed the medical kit warily, knowing it wouldn't be pleasant clearing out whatever contaminants the silver had left in her flesh. But as long as Preston was there...she would be alright...She knew it.

Heather could feel Derek's burning stare bore into her as he surveyed the damage done by the hunters. She intertwined her fingers with Preston's, squeezing as hard as her weak muscles would let her when Derek began fiercely lecturing her saving guardian. By now, she knew that Derek was a strong alpha, but also tended to overreact when it came to Preston so she did her best to calm his nerves, refusing to let go of his rough hand.

When suddenly a newcomer, a wolf by the look and smell of it, burst in through the front door, cheery as if he'd just found the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, her eyelids began to droop. Only seeing glimpses and shadows of him, she began to pass in and out of consciousness. The silver exposure had halted the healing process and as such, she was losing a lot of blood. She became light-headed and allowed her head to gently roll back onto the cushion of the chair she sat in. When the chills began to hit her, she knew she was in shock though eternally grateful for the blanket Ivory had fetched for her.

Scott. It made it almost impossible to think as her vision faded and head thrummed from blood loss but she knew that name. Somehow... though at the moment she just couldn't...put her finger on it. Her body was literally exhausted from the caged full moon fiasco and the long run she and Preston had taken. She hadn't had much to eat for the past month and her body didn't have the nutrition it needed, only adding to her already frail state. Preston... That was the last word that crossed her mind before she couldn't fight it any longer and her eyelids drifted closed completely as she fell into unconsciousness.

[Alrighty, there we go. :3 Night all! See ya tomorrow.~]
Ivory felt her eyes widen, and she glanced around, as if looking for something - which was exactly the case. She was about to go off looking for some binding supplies or first-aid before she was stopped at feeling a gaze on her. She turned her head towards it and her eyes widened slightly in surprise when she found Preston handing her a first-aid kit. She glanced high up at his expression and listened to his remark.

For a moment, Ivory was slightly shocked. She had never quite imagined the people in the lodge like Preston to pay much attention to her and actually use her offer of assistance. It almost . . . touched her heart, in a way, that he seemed to trust Ivory enough to help heal someone's wound - a werewolf's wound especially. She felt her gaze soften for a moment before it strengthened again, reaching out and taking the kit with one small, singular nod.

Yeah. She'd save this werewolf's life. Damn straight she would.

She turned over to Heather and knelt down to her side, lifting the blanket - which was now beginning to soak in the blood running from her wound - and examining it, a small shudder running down her spine. It looked bad - if she didn't hurry and get it wrapped, Heather would bleed out. This thought gave her a good motivation as she went to work. She zipped open the pack and her gaze darted around it's contents searchingly before she realized what she had to do first - and her eyes widened, her breath hitching in her throat.

In order to remove the silver from her blood, she had to capture it and remove it before it could spread.

Her fangs came out as she had herself take a deep breath. She glanced up at Heather's face, finding her unconscious and letting out a sigh. Werewolves weren't affected the same way that humans were by vampire bites, luckily - they were simply a stinging annoyance, but stinging nonetheless. She glanced over at Preston and told him, " . . . Hold her hand, Preston. This might sting."

She lowered her lips down to the wound and let them part, her fangs showing, the strong scent of the werewolf filling her nostrils. With one last breath, she very quickly made contact with the wound area and began removing the overly metallic blood from the normal werewolf blood, the process going painfully, painfully long until she had finally tasted the less-appetizing, yet completely normal taste of the werewolf blood.

She quickly removed herself from the position, shaking her head quickly, as if shaking something off, making her shoulders shiver slightly again. She seemed unconscious, so hopefully she didn't feel it too harshly. She then went down into the first-aid kit and began removing the things she would need to bind the wound.

She took a roll of fresh gauze, medical tape, and some ointment to treat the burn. She began with the beginning portion of the gauze directly onto the bullet wound, and began to wrap around her torso very nimbly and fluently, making the wrap as tight as was safe for her. She heard boices bickering above her - as well as another unfamiliar voice chiming in - but she decided she would let the people above her take care of it, too concentrated to care about anything other than the task at hand at the moment. This binding went on until she had about four or five good, secure layers before she leaned down, ripping the gauze off with her teeth and taking the medical tape to secure the medical fabric down.

She leaned back to admire her work, and felt herself flash a tiny grin at it. Huh. She had actually done it. She had saved Heather's life - she knew that it would definitely heal now in a matter of time. The silver material had been removed from her blood, removing the possibility of poisoning, and the healing properties of the werewolf species would be taking effect soon, the ointment she used also would help treat and heal the burn made. She felt incredibly accomplished with herself as she packed away the remaining gauze and otherwise, zipping up the pack and standing straight to hand it back to Preston with a very wide, triumphant, and quirky little smile on her lips. "She'll be better soon."

It was then that she turned to glance at the very tall newcomer. Her body turned towards him, an she instinctively smelled the air drifting off of him, catching his scent - and nearly cringing. Very, very strongly werewolf. She guessed that he was some type of higher werewolf, and she felt her head tilt to the side slightly in wonder, her golden eyes brightening just slightly at the sight. He was gazing around at everything, and she simply raised one lithe hand in a small wave in his direction, a bit unsure as to why he was so important - the way one of the werewolf newcomers was staring at him confirmed that suspicion in her mind, at least.

= - = - =

[ Might not be able to post until tomorrow. Apologies if that's so. ]
[QUOTE="November Rain]Ren smiled a bit at Sam's statement and started the way down the town. He wasn't too familiar with the area, but had seen some small shops while passing by to reach the campgrounds, so it was there he took Sam. "Any store catch your eye?" he asked, turning to her.

(Oy sorry for being late.)

Sam liked the area they was in and then looked for a store with her eyes so she could answer Ren's question. She noticed one store that she liked and pointed to it,"Over there," She answered,"I think I'll try that store first and see what I can find." She then started toward the store so she can take a look.
(it's cool; you replied, and that's all I ask. ;) )

"Okay," Ren nodded, and ambled after Sam. His eyes passed over the various stores. Most were clothing stores, some sold odd trinkets and the like, and still others sold food. He followed Sam to the doorway and pulled the door open, waiting for her.
@oOBubblesOo I'm kinda getting irritated. No one is on at all anymore and this is like my only active roleplay right now, if you could get on and respond to the whole Scott thing that would be great and probably get things moving again....)
[ It's the same over here, @Sock. I've been on the majority of the day waiting for a reply of some sort to Ivory and have gotten nothing. :/ ]
(I've been waiting since yesterday :/ I've been refreshing the page continuously to see nothing. Its really boring. I don't want to bring Issac into it yet, cause he'll be more surprised by seeing Scott and I don't want to roleplay with myself.)
[Ditto. I could reply with Heather if you guys wanted me too, I guess I was sort of waiting for Bubbles as well. D:]
(Would you guys mind giving me a quick recap of what's happening in this RP right now? I've read quite a bit, but almost 600 messages is a bit much to read. xD )

Nessa looked up at the building in front of her, biting her lip and stopping, contemplating for a moment whether this was really a good idea - she hadn't talked with many others of her own kind, and to be put into a lodge with lots of them? It definitely did not sound like a good idea.

She looked behind her with longing, in the direction of the place she had come from, but the weight of her rolling suitcase in her hand reminded her she couldn't go back, she had brought all her possessions with her, and she wasn't going to go back now she had to act like a woman and do this!

Still, even with her pep-talk, it took every last ounce of her courage to open the door in front of her and peek her head into a room.

"Hello?" She called softly, "Is anyone there?"
Chris walked out into the kitchen with Alex, he smiled as he looked at her. He was hungry however as he went into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and began to drink from it. He asked Alex. " Babe.... you hungry? " He smiled as he looked at her.
(I'm truly sorry for my extended absence. I've been really sick and haven't been able to get to my computer. I realize a few of you are pissed but I can not help being ill. I'm really trying my best to get on for the next two weeks before school starts.)

Preston kept his gaze locked on Heather. He nodded as Ivory began cleaning her up. Preston squeezed her hand back gently, trying to make sure she knew he was there. He felt her begin to slowly let go of his grasp. Preston wrapped his other hand quickly around hers shaking his head. He could feel himself growing more and more worried when she dropped out of consciousness. Preston looked to Ivory as she reassured him. He turned his gaze back to Ivory and leaned forward. Preston kissed her forehead gently before removing both of his hands from hers. He sat back on the couch and leaned back into it, letting his head rest along the top. Preston had closed his eyes just as he heard his name. His eyes flickered open and he swallowed hard. Scott... Preston jumped up, turning to face him. "Scott?" He felt a lump forming in his throat and his voice cracked slightly. "I-What are.. How are you still alive?" Preston walked towards his best friend shaking his head in disbelief, trying to come up with more words to say.

Marina stood from her spot on the floor. She turned her gaze from Preston and Heather to where Derek was. Marina stood still staring at the newcomer. By the way he was greeted, she could tell something was up. She opened her mouth to ask Derek what but then closed it slowly. Marina figured she would be better off not knowing for now. Besides, she might find out now anyways. Marina it her lip and looked from Preston to Scott, then back over to Derek.

Amari looked at Cole oddly. "Not anymore...?" She turned her gaze to where his was before looking back to him. "Never mind... I don't think I want to know." Amari had always wanted a boyfriend but never realized what the consequences could be.
What exactly did he used to be like? She questioned herself for being so quick to enter something out of her range of knowledge.

Dahlia saw Scott wander through the door. She had been observing the scene between Preston and Heather beforehand. Dahlia stared down at Scott from the balcony, wondering how he could be alive. Preston had been so hurt by his death and now he was actually alive? Things didn't really add up anymore. Dahlia walked down and into the kitchen grabbing a bag of blood. She drank it down quickly, trying to keep herself from saying anything to either werewolf. The place was being overrun by werewolves at this point and she as beginning not to like the looks of it.

Parker continued to mind his own business. He didn't really know anyone here at the lodge and he wasn't too keen on making friends. Parker stood up and stretched out his arms. The sun had finally set but they were told not to go outside tonight. The hunters never seemed to bother the vampires as much but that wasn't to say they wouldn't. Parker headed up to his room, closing the door almost all the way. He wanted to hear a bit of what may be going on but wasn't prepared to jump into anything. Parker laid back onto his bed, placing his hands behind his head to relax.
(i'm not mad lol) 
"okay then" COle turned his head too see the drama that was stirring up and furrowed his brows "another werewolf,why are there so many of them it's like a freakin convention" he said almost in disgust
Amari turned to face the lounge. She hadn't noticed Scott come in until Cole mentioned another werewolf. Amari stared at him intently noticing that he was quite attractive, in her opinion. She shrugged at Cole, "Is that a bad thing?"
"Not necessarily,however the vampires are being outnumbered which may lead too a complete over run and is getting kicked out,we can't have that now can we?" He said flashing a devilishly handsome smile at her
Amari turned her gaze from Scott back to Cole. "Yeah.. I guess that makes sense, for you. But I'm a werewolf." She shrugged biting her lip. It was almost like he had forgotten but she should probably let his comment slide anyways. Amari forced herself to keep her eyes on Cole instead of looking at the floor.
(I wasn't mad either.)

Scott smiled sheepishly and ran a hand through his dark hair. " Yeah... Remember Peter?" He gazed at Preston with his signature grin that caused his eyes to narrow, small wrinkles appearing at the outside corners of his eyes.
"I haven't forgotten that your a werewolf hun" Cole sighed realizing what the said probably hurt her feelings a bit "Just forget I said anything Cole hugged the girl trying to get her too forgive him

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