The Lodge

[Haha you so funneh Sock xD )

Heather felt her entire body seem to melt into him as his lips captured hers for the first time. Her knees began to wobble and she was glad she was in water in case they decided to suddenly give out and send her crashing down. That electric feeling was back with a vengeance, instead of shooting through one part of her body, surged through every muscle, through her entire being. To keep from collapsing completely into the swirling foam beneath them, she lifted her other arm out of the water and slid both arms across his shoulders and around his neck for support, sending her nimble fingers crawling up the back of his head through his hair.

I told you so...~ her wolf purred, calmer than it ever had been her entire life, Ours.

She wished the tender moment could last forever, that she never had to leave his warm embrace. Finally after two years, she didn't feel cold, she didn't feel lonely, in fact she didn't even feel hungry. His being seeped into her, filling her with something new, exciting, safe. However, her lungs began to burn for precious air and she had no choice but to comply, breaking the kiss to breathe in sweet oxygen before lack of it caused her to pass out.

As she satisfied her lungs with air, her deep chocolate brown eyes, now appearing blue due to reflecting the waterfall's majesty, gazed into his. He had...kissed her back? Hadn't he? Was this for real? Noticing she probably looked like some sort of idiot the way she continued to stare at him, she blushed lightly and let her eyes fall to his chest, which really only increased the hot flush in her cheeks.
It should be a sin to be a man that sculpted, she murmured mentally to herself, her thoughts in a whirlwind. In the moment, she hadn't even realized she'd come out of the water almost all the way from her waist up.
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I really wish Bubbles would come on :c I need her to approve of my Scott plan. I wont be here tonight.
[Aww yeah, I know what you mean @Sock Y'all get on so late for me and school's starting next week so I can't afford to keep staying up 'till 3:00am like I've been doing. D: ]
See, I'm on a schedule where I'm like a vampire, waking up around 5-7pm and falling asleep at 7-10am I really need to get back on track.
[Ouch, yeah. I'll probably only be able to stay on until 10:00pm US east time. Maybe 10:30... So I hope oOBubblesOo gets on soon. D: ]
I'm thinkin' he'll just like knock on the door and hopefully Preston will open it. xD
[Haha. xD I've actually got a little idea up my sleeve for a little drama with Heather. o u o I'm still deciding whether to execute it or not. ; u ; ]
[*shrug* It's nothing major. And I don't like giving away my ideas cuz it ruins the element of surprise for the other roleplayer(s). ; u ; ]
(I was thinking that Cole already knew scott,but didnt know about him being a werewolf and so is extra surprised like he could be one of the random kids on the lacrosse team_
[Yeah we really should be posting these ideas/questions in the OOC or Signups. It's totally fine to discuss ideas and such, but that kind of chatter should be discussed in the sign-up or story explanation thread. Keeps the actual rp thread less cluttered.]
(Okay. I'm so down for this! I'm sorry for being so late!)

Preston smiled, continuing to kiss her. He felt like everything he had ever felt floated away except for the feelings he had for Heather. I told you.. Preston broke away from the kiss and floated back a little. "I don't want to move too fast.." He looked down at her no exposed body. Preston turned his gaze to the water in front of him not wanting to offend her. He smiled, looking back up at her. Preston couldn't find his words at this point but he did feel like saying something. He looked up at the sky and sighed, "It's getting late.. The hunters usually come around.." Preston turned his gaze back to Heather. "We should do this more often," he smiled again. He felt bad about breaking up the kiss but he didn't want to give her the wrong impression. Preston was also a bit unsure about his feelings. He started to get out of the water and sat on the rocks, looking back at Heather.
(Haha no problem.~ :3)

His words hit her like a splash of freezing water and immediately Heather snapped back to reality, withdrawing her slender arms from his body. "O-oh oh, of course...! I-I'm sorry, I swear I've never done anything or imposed myself on anyone like that," she apologized, brushing her wet hair from her face nervously. Cursing her inner wolf, she groaned softly to herself and rubbed her forehead as he began heading for the smooth rocks at the water's edge.

Stupid stupid stupid.... This is all your fault! We just met yesterday and already you have me leaping all over him? What if I scare him off because of you??

Relax, he's our mate. He wouldn't leave us for the world! His inner wolf must be driving him insane just about now, having to separate himself for us. That shows his will power, going against his instinct's raw desires and giving you space when you say for him to.

Look, it's been a really...really long day... I'm exhausted and just need to eat and rest. You can try to convince me all you want, but truthfully it sounds a little nuts. I want to make sure that if he does have feelings for me, our relationship develops naturally.

Dipping down all the way under the water once more, Heather did a quick lap around the pool, feeling the dirt and grime from the damp basement melt away, leaving her feeling renewed and refreshed. Swimming back to the edge of the water towards the rocks, she surfaced only to have the tender silence interrupted by the growling of her stomach. "Yeah you're right. We should get back to the lodge for some food," she responded in an embarrassed laugh. Reaching for her clothes on the smooth boulder's surface, she smiled up at him. "Yes...I..I'd like that," she responded to his comment of them doing this more often, "Maybe I can even get myself a proper swimsuit."

Her bout of giggles that followed the remark soon came to a bitter halt as a flash of silver caught her eye, moving out among the foliage.
What was that? The breeze changed direction for a moment and her sensitive nose suddenly picked up a new scent. This scent, however, wasn't pleasant and sent up bright red warning flags throughout her entire being. The flash of light caught her eyes again but this time, she managed to catch a clear glimpse of it and what she saw almost made her heart stop. It was the barrel of a hunting rifle.

Everything after that seemed to move in slow motion. Calling out at the top of her lungs to Preston to watch out, she lunged forward, praying she'd warn him in time. Her heart thumped so hard against her rib cage she thought it might just leap right out of her throat. Her body collided with his the moment the shot rang out through the sleeping forest, causing pigeons to take to the skies and small critters running for cover.

They both tumbled over into the shallow water, causing a giant splash. Everything wouldn't stop moving in Heather's vision. For a while she saw two of everything, the loud bang still ringing mercilessly in her ears. "P-Preston...! Are you o-okay...?" she managed to croak, trying to calm her unsteady vision, "We...w-we have to..get out of here!" Lying there next to the male werewolf, she breathed heavily, cringing at a sudden new searing pain in her side. It wasn't long before a steady stream of red found its way into the foamy ripples, running from the large bullet hole in Heather's left side.
Preston glanced up just in time to see Heather coming at him. "What's-" he could smell the hunters approaching. He turned his head as Heather landed on him. Preston felt her body shake as the bullet hit her. He stood up quickly, helping Heather up. Preston stared into the woods to make sure the hunters weren't approaching just yet. He picked Heather up, holding her in his arms. "It will heal, but we need to get you home." Preston began in a full sprint, a bit weighed down but Heather. He ran through the woods a bit to throw the hunters off their trail before coming to the lodge. Preston carried her up to the door, setting her down keeping one arm wrapped around her. The wound was already slightly better but they needed to get the bullet out. "Take a deep breath," he said waiting for her do to so. He reached his finger into the hole, taking the bullet out swiftly with the help of his nail. Preston let out a sigh before nodding, "It should heal almost completely over, trust me, I know." He helped her through the door, glancing at Derek and the new girl who were sitting on the other side of the room. "Everyone should stay inside tonight. The hunters are close, again." Preston helped her over to a chair to sit.
Ivory jumped very high in the air when she heard a gunshot.

Her head whipped around her, her pupils dilating defensively, her stance becoming very tense. This continued in the very silent room for a moment before her golden irises had been widened and her head whipped around towards the door of the lodge, realizing that the gunshot had rang from outside. Her breath hitched in her throat upon remembering the mention of hunters in the area -

She felt herself gasp as she glanced towards the door, her anxiety levels skyrocketing upwards. Her eyes flashed with worry as she leaped from her seat and began running upstairs, bursting through her bedroom door and starting to madly get her clothes on. She couldn't care what she was wearing - she grabbed similar colors and slipped them onto herself, yanking on her shoes and getting herself in slightly sturdier clothing in case it came to a fight between the hunters and herself. She ran out of her door, slamming it closed behind her and taking the stairs two at a time as she went down the flight.

But just before she could activate her speed-boosting abilities given to her by her half-developed vampire form, the door of the lodge opened, and she felt herself crouch into a defensive position, her pupils shrinking defensively and her gaze hardening into a cold, fierce amber, her fangs making their appearance.

She remained frozen in that position for a moment until she had examined the two, and she felt herself immediately relax her stance upon finding it was Preston. But she felt her worry come back to her once more as she saw the faint young woman he was supporting. Her irises melted back into their usual gold, her stance relaxed, and she watched Preston look towards the other two people in the living room, hearing his news to them.

She remained silent in her spot for a moment before she called over to Preston in a worried tone of voice, " . . . Should I . . . warn the others as well, Preston?" She wanted to help in any way that she could, and that was the best she could come up with at that current moment in time.
When Preston went to scoop Heather up into his arms, a cry of agony escaped her lips and she cringed, breathing deeply. Something was off... A single bullet shouldn't have hurt that much. Hell she went through a barrage of bullets back in her home town the one time the sheriff had locked her up. All of them combined hadn't burned as if someone held a constant flame to her side. Not to mention the fact that it wasn't healing. W-why...why won't it heal...? she thought frantically.

As Preston gripped her tightly and took off at a full out sprint, Heather's hair whipped around her face in a mad brunette whirlwind. It wasn't long before the lodge was inside and her guardian had set her down, telling her to take a deep breath. The pain that came next was almost unbearable, another scream of pain then a whimper coming from the poor girl's lungs. Her eyes widened as she watched the flesh of Preston's fingers sear and burn when he carefully removed the bullet.

Silver. "P-Preston...y-your hand. The's silver...," she groaned, clenching her eyes shut. That's why it hadn't begun to heal and why it was so dang painful. Luckily it hadn't been inside her long enough to burn away much of her flesh, but she knew how deadly the metal was to her kind. The mere contact of the bullet with the raw, sensitive tissue beneath her skin could have absorbed the silver's surface, allowing it to leak into her bloodstream and give her silver poisoning.

When Preston told her she needed to stand, she felt the tears come to her eyes and she shook her head slightly. "I-I don't know if I can..." she whimpered. But with his shoulder there to lean on, he managed to get her on her feet and hobbling through the door. Seeing Derek there in the corner and groaned inwardly. He's going to kill me... He did say there were Hunters about, especially during the full moon. I can hear the whole "I told you so!" lecture now....
Preston looked down at his finger. The flesh was burnt quite badly but he just put that hand in his pocket. That didn't matter at all to him at this point. He just wanted to keep Heather safe and alive. Preston took a seat on the couch, putting his head in his hands. He knew Derek was going to tear him a new one in a moment but at least they were both still here. Preston looked at Heather, hoping she would really be okay. Their wounds did usually heal but silver bullet wounds took time. If it did heal, it would be a while. If not, she could bleed out. But Preston wasn't going to tell her that. He kept his eyes focused on Heather, hoping she would be okay. Preston sighed and rubbed his hand. His finger still ached and burned a bit but he wasn't too worried about it.
Heather pressed the back of her head against the seat of the chair and managed a smile at Preston, a pained smile, but a genuine one all the same. "Thank you..." she murmured, wishing she was nearer to him but the pain was making it hard to think. Glancing over at Ivory she shivered and wrapped her arms around her thin being, realizing she was still only in her undergarments. She didn't have time to grab the clothes she left on the bank of the pool. She would have to go get them later... "I-Ivory, could you..g-get me a blanket? Or a-at least something to cover up with?" she asked, embarrassment written all over her normally soft features.

Her expression became one of regret and guilt and she let her gaze fall down to her lap, stifling the tears that tried to surface. "I'm so sorry...t-this was all my fault...," she whispered, also sending it as a thought to Preston's mind, "I knew it was dangerous to go out so soon after the full moon... If that bullet hadn't hit where it did, could have killed you."
Ivory felt her gaze flicker over to Heather when she heard her name being weakly called out. Her gaze softened and became very worriedly caring, finding her shoulders shaking and her arms wrapped over her chest. She weakly asked Ivory if she could get her a blanket, and Ivory's eyes lit up even brighter at the knowledge that she could help in some small way. She felt herself nodding vigorously and responding quickly and in a bright, yet serious tone, "Of course, one second."

She then began a bound towards the hallway, opening one of the cabinets set in it. She rummaged through and found the thickest blanket she could, and with a close of the drawer, made her way back out to the living room quickly, determined to get it over to her. She came up behind Heather and flapped the blanket out, letting it drape over her form completely and momentarily resting her palms gently onto both of her shoulders.

She asked in an almost motherly sort of tone, "Anything else I can do for you?"

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