The Lodge

Preston shook his head. "Yeah...?" He almost wasn't sure whether or not to trust Scott. Preston took a deep breath and put his hand on his head then dropped it down quickly. "You have great timing," he smiled slightly before embracing his best friend. "Glad you're back." He said before stepping back again. Preston wasn't sure how Scott was still alive but he figured it didn't matter anymore. He was back and Preston didn't have to kick himself everyday wishing he could have saved him.

Amari nodded in response as Cole hugged her. She put her arms around him and hugged him back. Amari didn't really know what to feel but his hug seemed to help her feel somewhat better. "It's okay.." she spoke over his shoulder.

Parker came back downstairs for something to eat. He opened the fridge and grabbed a bag of blood. Parker held the bag in his hand and walked around the people standing around in the lounge. He went out onto the porch and sat down on a chair. Parker had just sank his teeth into the bag when he noticed a girl standing on the porch. His fangs retracted and he moved his face away from the bag. "Can I help you..?" He tried to sound more kind than usual but his deep voice came off a bit aggressive. (Nanashi)
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Scott knitted his eyebrows together. Preston wasn't his usual goofy self, if anything Scott thought he'd bound up and hug him like they did as kids. A slight frown came over his face but it quickly melted away when he was tackled by a head of curls. "OhmygodScottyourbackImissedyousomuchareyouokaydidIhurtyouohmygodyourback...!" He blinked as Issac's ramblings and smirked slightly. He swatted at the Beta's curls, earning a growl and crawled to his feet.

Issac was just walking into the room when he saw Scott's face. Scott. The one that took him in when Derek kicked him out. His wolf whimpered at that but Issac was too overjoyed to think much about it. He tackled his friend and scrambled to his feet when he felt his head get patted. "Hi." He said with a sheepish grin.
Ivory felt just a bit awkward standing there, watching werewolves reunite with werewolves. It wasn't really anything too different from usual - she normally was kind of brushed to the side in lots of situations, except for ones she knows and directly intervenes in to participate. But she really didn't do that too often anyways. So, with a blink or two of confusion, she simply shrugged in a dismissive way and wandered back over to one of the chairs in the living room, picking one out and settling herself into it. She vaguely listened to the conversation going on behind her and just stared at her feet, becoming lost in her thoughts once more.

After a minute or two of just chatter, she heard a thud, and her head rose suddenly, turning to glance at it's origin. And what she saw was something that she couldn't help but smile at. Issac had came into the room and was on top of Scott in a tackle with an elated expression on his face. She felt herself lean up to rest her arms onto the top of the back of the chair and rest her chin on her arms, watching the scene more closely now that Issac was in the mix, almost keeping an eye on him, maybe. He looked very happy that this Scott guy was back, and that's really what made her feel a bit more cheerful about the situation.

= - = - =

[ Sorry for the short post, just don't want to fall behind. ]
Alex looked up at Chris.. "No I'm fine thank you.." She smiled at him then picked up a magazine and started looking through it. Call her whatever you'd like but it was dog fancy magazine.
Sam browsed the store intensly and picked out a few outfits that she liked. "Ren I'm gonna try out these real quick." She then walked in the dressing room and tried them on,one by one,after trying out the 5 outfits she came out in her regular clothes and before going to the cashier to pay she goes to a section where they are selling robes.
Throughout the sudden turn of events and during Scott's sudden appearance, it was quite a mad house with people peppering him with millions of questions and welcoming him home. Meanwhile, through all of the turmoil, Heather lay there deathly still, her normally tan face pale from blood loss, her lips a more bluish color than the rosy pink they should normally be. Her breathing was slow and strained, but she was breathing and that was what really mattered. Her thin, malnutritioned body was slumped over the chair in an awkward position, seeing as the chair really wasn't large enough for her to have curled up in comfortably.

Her hair was still damp yet still framed her face slightly, though for the most part it was scattered haphazardly across the back of the chair, sending tiny droplets of water plummeting to the carpet beneath. A soft groan escaped her lips and her face winced, the first sign of life she'd shown in what seemed like hours. Very slowly, she turned to one side, moving the blanket and revealing the once white bandage on her side was now crimson with her blood. The bleeding was slowing thankfully, but her bandage would definitely need to be changed soon. Her tongue drifted lightly across her parched lips but didn't do much to wet them as her whole mouth seemed dry.

Finally her deep brown eyes carefully opened, squinting at the light above her. At first, she couldn't really remember what had happened, her vision blurry and the noise from everyone's voices about Scott racking her ears painfully. There was one thing she was certain of and it was that her side hurt like hell. Breathing deeply, she looked around, trying to find a familiar face but it seemed everyone was in the other room where Scott had burst in. She held the warm blanket as close to her body as possible, the fact that she was still only in undergarments floating to the front of her mind. I need to get cleaned up and...find some decent clothes... she thought to herself quietly, chewing her bottom lip and shivering slightly. How was she to do that, though? Obviously immobile for now. The moment she tried to move, Ivory would probably be right there, scolding her about not keeping still. Taking her chances, she gritted her teeth and gripped the arms of the chair tightly, working her way to a sitting up position from her slouched position before, while trying to keep the blanket around her at the same time.
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Preston watched as Isaac came in to welcome Scott. He was beginning to feel overwhelmed entirely with the situation and it had caused him to almost entirely forget about the earlier events. Preston looked back over his shoulder then to Scott. "I have to go..." He motioned back to where Heather was sitting. Preston couldn't really see the majority of her features from here. He could only she her weak, shaky arms trying to force themselves to push her up. Preston walked over in somewhat of a hurry and squatted don next to her. "Heather.. You're still too weak. What do you need?" He placed his hand back on hers, wrapping his other arm around her. Preston wasn't sure whether to help her up yet but he knew she would fall back at any second now and he wanted to be there to hold her. He focused all of his attention on her, trying to keep his strength at it's peak. Scott's back... Preston looked into her eyes, trying to show her what he felt. Although, he couldn't quite manage it. He was unsure of his feelings and they began jumping over one another in his mind. Preston tightened his grip a bit on her hand and sighed. "You need to eat."
Heather's eyes went from clenched shut as she worked through the pain from trying to sit up to wide and gazing up at Preston. He scolded her gently for trying to get up, but the way he put it, it was impossible to be annoyed by his remark. A soft smile played on her lips as she relaxed again, letting his strong arms keep her sitting up straight instead of her own weak limbs struggling to keep her up. "J-just wait until...I'm back up to speed. I'll beat you at a race, just you wait and see...," she responded, chuckling but biting her lip as it caused a sharp pain in her side.

Her long honey brunette hair flowed over his arm and she rested her head in the nook of his shoulder, taking a deep breath and nuzzling his shoulder. "I just need...t-to get cleaned up... I'm still in under garments," she answered, not laughing this time but her eyes twinkling a bit in humor, "Please don't worry. The worst is over, thanks to you and Ivory...." Though her body was weak and in pain, she tried her hardest not to show it, slipping her soft hand into his larger, rough one and intertwining her fingers with his. Feeling his mind enter hers, comforting her with his presence, she looked at him curiously at his statement. "Scott...? But...wasn't he dead?" she responded mentally, the fingers of her free hand clutching the sleeve of his shirt.

When he mentioned food, her stomach seized the opportunity of the situation and grumbled loudly, causing a little flush to Heather's pale cheeks in embarrassment. "I guess my stomach agrees," she answered, resting against his embrace and eagerly soaking in the comfort he offered. His warm body filled her own cold one with heat, reviving her nerves that had previously gone numb.
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Cole grabbed Amari's hand and jumped up to the top of the banister ripping off his shirt;Which revealed his rippling muscles and began too sing while dancing with the Lycan girl trying too lighten the mood


[/media]<-------(That's what he's get it? lol xD )
Scott looked slightly uneasy. His gaze wandered from his friend to eye Heather and Preston. They were mates, that was clear as day. His thoughts slowly trailed off to Allison. She passed shortly after Scott was 'reborn'. She got killed by an alpha from some other pack and all Scott could do was watch. He felt the same empty, nauseous feeling rise in the pit of his stomach and he shifted his footing. "I'm uh.. Yep." He rose a hand,pointing his thumb to the door before walking out of it. Scott rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose. Preston was different, but then again what did Scott expect? The same, sarcastic guy that followed Scott's ridiculous plans and snapped him out of his teenage Allison cravings and chained him up on his second full moon when he was still getting a grasp on things? He scolded himself, Preston was 20, he was 20. They weren't kids and he had to throw his ideas of their perfect friendship returning out the window. He walked silently into the woods, his eyes soon shifting red, his canines and ears growing as well as hair sprouting on his cheeks. He clenched his fists, causing his extending claws to dig into his palms. He stared up at the sky, letting out a low, long howl, mostly to let out the grief and anger he'd held in.

Issac flinched at the howl, the noise ringing in his ears. The curly haired boy turned and walked over to Ivory. He draped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Hi." He whispered, nosing against her cold neck.
(oh wait it's night time finally)

Cole finished his song as he finally realized that it was night time he jumped off the banister and looked up at Amari "You comin babe?" he asked and took off outside and into the woods ecstatic too be outside again
Ivory watched the scene go down, and it eventually ended with the Scott guy just walking out. She quirked one eyebrow up at this, a bit confused by everything that was happening between the werewolves - yet very, very unwilling to pry to find out. It was their business and she had no intention of getting into the middle of it. The fact that her kind and their kind were never meant to get along, anyways (which greatly saddened her whenever she thought about it, frankly) just turned her further away from the very idea. She simply felt herself huff a small, quiet sigh that was a sure mix of both resignation and a subtle sadness as she wished she was even the slightest bit braver than she was then.

Her gaze darted over towards Preston and his Heather. Yes, she used the term his Heather - it was obvious that the two were partners already. She hadn't learned much about werewolves, but she knew a pinch about how the mating process between the species worked. She prayed to God Damon or Cole or one of them didn't intervene with their normally very flirtatious ways. She found herself doing a small smile at the two as she twisted herself back around to sink into the chair in the right, relaxed position again, her gaze remaining on them with an absentminded thoughtfulness, an almost wonder. Ivory knew that Preston could take taking care of her from here - she had done what needed to be done, and she'd be more than willing to help her recover. But the rest, she knew Preston would want to handle. She simply sat back into her chair, her head leaning up to stare at the ceiling, yet her eyes closing in rest, doing a small huff as she attempted to relax herself slightly from the events that had taken place.

There was silence and a settling, yet surely coming calmness in the air before she felt two warm arms wrap around her again. Her once closed eyes opened, and she felt a very familiar voice whisper a small greeting to her and her neck being nuzzled. She felt her head tilt down to stare forward again before she felt her pale lips stretching into a quirky, sheepish smile, responding with her own whisper in return, " . . . Hi there." Her head tilted to the side to nuzzle his warm cheek back, and she whispered very softly to him in a slightly teasing manner, "Where've ya been." It seemed like more of a statement than a question, the way she whispered it, but it was obviously a question, the way she worded it. Her hands crept up his arms to hug them closer to her, liking the warmth.
"Mmmm..." Issac murmured in a hum. "Sleeping." Issac pulled her back against his chest, his arms hooking together around her stomach. He planted gentle kisses up her neck from her collarbone, giving soft nuzzles as he went. He felt intoxicated by her scent, his wolf at this point was controlling most of his actions, explaining why he wasn't just blushing like a clueless idiot. He planted a final kiss just below her jaw before continuing his nuzzles, rubbing his scent on her in the process. Scenting was his own way of claiming someone as his without bringing it to be physical, other wolves would smell him on her and that's all he needed to do. "You okay?" He muttered against her skin, his fingers slowly brushing circles on her stomach.
Ivory felt herself be pulled back into his warm figure, and she felt herself relaxing more and more, his heat seeming to clash with her coldness and create a perfect, cozy temperature. Her eyes closed, and her head leaned back to rest lightly on his chest. She probably couldn't push him away, even if she wanted to, due to his strength being more developed than her own - but she, of course, didn't feel the need to. Her once hidden feelings were peeking out and blooming inside of her heart, and she couldn't help but feel content just being held by the one her feelings were growing for - even though they were there all along, just now deciding to reveal themselves in this moment which was turning beautifully intimate. She responded with a small, lost, "Hmm" in recognition before lapsing back into silence.

She felt herself freeze for a moment when she felt his lips touching just above her collarbone, her eyes opening and visibly brightening with shock, her cheeks immediately beginning to fiercely tingle with her nonexistent blood. She sat frozen for a moment as he nuzzled her in between, her feelings becoming very conflicted for a moment. It reminded her of the kiss he had given her on her lips just yesterday, and how absolutely confused her emotions were then. Her blooming bud of feelings for Issac stopped short as her emotions contemplated on if she truly did feel about Issac the same way he appeared to feel about her, or if these emotions were just superficial and in-the-moment. If she really felt like this intimacy was something that she could accept and want to it's fullest and emotionally deepest extent, and if she felt the same way about Issac as well . . .

. . .

. . . She felt her body and her expression relaxing again when she realized something.

Issac was a werewolf. Werewolves were attracted to the mates that they were destined to be with. At least, that's what she had learned in her past. She had never really thought that it could have been to just anyone - she had always expected it to simply be an inter-species thing. But from the way he was presenting the kisses she was receiving from him, and in remembrance of all of those times and all of the ways he had simply just held her - tenderly, comfortably, without the awkward shyness he seemed to get in front of most other's company - she felt herself take in that perhaps she was really who he was meant to be with, fated to be with. She took comfort in this fact, and she felt her body relaxing again to it's original state, her bright pools of liquid gold which were simply shimmering with content and elated emotions of all different kinds closing slowly, feeling her heart beating faster with the rush of her emotions coursing through her.

He moved up her neck with soft, tender kisses before stopping with a longer one just below her jaw, and her lips momentarily twitched with a small smile, her hands moving down to rest lightly on top of his own on her stomach. He then just continued to nuzzle her lovingly, and she continued to take in that strangely luring (which was normally repelling to most vampires), woodsy scent layered on top of the warm blood pumping underneath his skin which her vampiric senses couldn't pay any mind to at the moment - she felt too lost in the waves and waves of emotions that were saturating her mind. No blood lust would come to her when it came to Issac - that was for sure.

She heard him whisper a question of acceptance or decline to her, and she felt a very light shiver roll down her spine when she felt his thumbs tracing small circles on her stomach, the warm temperature contrasting with her cold one, her senses tingling. She was silent for a moment, her lithe, smaller hands resting on his wider, larger ones, and she felt her lips flicker with a small smile again as she whispered in a wistful, quiet, yet completely content tone of voice in response, " . . . Yeah." She had never been held like this before, and she found it as such a nice feeling. Her head was now resting against his chest completely, almost lolling to the side as her attention had been stolen away from her position, feeling very comfortable where she was.

= - = - =

[ I can be a hopeless romantic, too. o u o ]
Preston sighed, "I don't think you really need to worry about that right now." He tried to smile, showing her that it was on the bottom of the list of issues at the moment. Preston looked over his shoulder at the kitchen. He figured he could find something that she could eat in there, obviously it was the kitchen. Preston helped Heather lean back into the chair, pulling his arm out from around her slowly. He didn't want to hurt her in the process but he needed to move. "I'll be right back," he headed over into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Something she can eat without putting too much strain on herself... Preston pushed his hand to the back of the fridge, reaching into a bag of apples and oranges. The scent of the fruits was strong and easily recognizable. He took out an orange, closing the fridge behind him. Preston began peeling the orange effortlessly as he walked back to his position beside Heather. "This seemed like the best option for now..." He smiled, handing her the newly peeled fruit. Preston looked back to where Scott had been standing and realized he had left. He looked over to Heather, his eyes speaking the words he couldn't seem to say. The return of his best friend was a surprise, no doubt about it, and at any other point in their lives they would be back to being best buds instantly. But this time, something felt different. Preston wanted to explode with excitement when seeing Scott but his 2 years of grief, agony, and pain he felt from the supposed loss of his friend were keeping him from letting go so easily.

Amari was stunned by the dancing. She didn't exactly know what to say or do. Amari watched as Cole took off. She helped herself down from the banister and walked to the door. "But the hunters..." she whispered, almost entirely to herself. Amari looked at the floor before stepping out onto the porch. She rubbed her arms, looking around anxiously. Amari heard a loud howl coming from in the woods. Her instincts kicked in and she began to howl back. Amari quickly flung her hands over her mouth, worried that it could have been some kind of trick and she had fallen into the trap. She kept her gaze sweeping from side to side around her. Amari didn't see Cole and was too frightened to go in search of him at the moment. The two steps she had taken away from the porch seemed like a mile in her mind.
Cole was running blindly through the forest and stopped dead in his tracks. He smelt blood....Human blood,the hunt was on. Cole followed his nose through the woods to find a bunch of werewolf hunters attracted by the howls of two wolves. One was unknown to Cole and the other he recognized as Amari. Coles eyes widened in disbelief as the hunters started heading back towards the cabin he knew he had too do something and quickly. As the hunters left Cole took one out draining him of his blood and snapping his neck so that he would not come back as a vampire. Cole's eyes now crimson red looked around for the others who had escaped him while he killed the first one he tried too use his sense of smell,but it got mixed in with that of the scent of a werewolfves blood "Who is that?" he thought trying to differentiate his blood from the humans. (@Sock you mind if I run into Scott?)
"I'm a girl and I look like a dump, it's what we do," Heather answered, a wide, playful smile crossing her lips. It felt as if her heart was being tugged and twisted as she saw the pain and worry in his face. To tell the truth, he looked as if he was suffering more than she was. Tendrils of heat from his warm touch shot through her veins, giving her a shiver down her spine, but it was the good kind of shiver. However, when he pulled away to find her the food she needed, she bit her lip to stifle a whimper. She couldn't help that same feel of something painfully being tugged away when he left and her body once again went cold as the fact her body was still in shock from the bullet wound surfaced.

Her deep liquid brown orbs watched his every move as he flitted about the kitchen, trying to make up his mind about what to get her. She tucked the blanket beneath her chin, waiting patiently for her guardian to return. When he did finally walk back into the room, she tilted her head sideways, trying to get a look at what he'd brought with him. Her nose gave it away, however, before she even saw the delectable fruit in his palm. Her expression brightened, even though she still seemed quite pale. " did you know?" she croaked, putting the sweet orange ball to her nose and inhaling deeply, "I love oranges." Slipping a slice between her bluish lips, she let the delicious liquid run down her parched throat and she sighed in pleasure.

"I can't remember the last time I had a fresh orange... Being on my own, I didn't really have money to buy fruit," she mentioned before her mouth was quickly occupied with more of the delectable fruit. It didn't take her long to finish it off, quickly wiping away a drop of the orange liquid that managed to escape her mouth and dribble down her chin. Already, the simple fruit had seemed to refresh her senses and give her a bit of energy at least. Leaning back, she once again rested her head in the crook of his shoulder, nuzzling his arm softly. No matter how fresh, or how sweet real oranges were, his scent was still more appealing, intoxicating her senses and sending her mind spinning every time.

Noticing his expression was still solemn, Heather slipped her thin hand into his larger, rough one, intertwining her fingers with his. "It's Scott, isn't it...? Do you want to talk about it?" she murmured gently in his mind, hoping her voice helped soothe the hurt he was feeling.
Cole decided too just follow his nose and as he did he came face too face with a giant wolf with red eyes "Your the other one aren't you,Scott was it?" he asked intrigued at how big he was almost the same size as derek
Preston smiled as her expression brightened. "I just figured it would be the best choice at the moment.." he shrugged. Maybe something in his mind told him that she liked oranges, though, the voice wasn't there at the time. Preston watched as she ate the orange, trying not to be creepy about it. She finished it rather quickly and he just smiled. "I guess you were pretty hungry then, huh?" He let his fingers intertwine with hers when she grasped his hand. Preston felt like his new mission in life was to protect Heather and make he feel at home. He just hoped he could do that for her. I'm sure I'll get over it. I mean, he's back; that's the best thing I could ever hope to hear. I think I just need to talk to him, at some point. Preston smiled and rested his head on hers. "Hopefully within the next few minutes you will regain enough strength and I can help you upstairs."

Amari heard more noises coming from the woods. A few loud crashing noises and one muted scream. She walked slowly to the treeline, peering around a large oak. Amari could smell a mixture of things; blood, another werewolf, and Cole. She took a deep breath before heading into the woods. The large steps she was taking made almost no noise at all. Amari had learned to be quite careful when wandering around.
Heather closed her eyes, feeling his cheek rest against her head and simply taking in the moment. It seemed so much had happened in such a short time... Everything was moving too fast. It was only yesterday she had managed to find this place and since then, she'd gone through her full moon transformation locked up in a basement, gotten shot, and...met someone amazing. Of course she still had doubts about the whole love at first sight thing, and she would definitely be having a talk with her wolf later. But she couldn't help the butterflies she obtained in her stomach when around Preston. And though her brain was telling her it was illogical, her heart desperately wanted to believe the instinct, to believe this was all true. And for now, she was going to savor the moment.

"I know you're confused...and I know you're probably even upset, having shed so many tears and felt so much pain over his death and here he is on your doorstep, happy and giddy as if nothing ever happened. It may be difficult at first, but I think you both will feel so much better after you talk about it," she comforted him to the best of her ability, lifting her free hand and placing it gently against his other cheek, "You both had such a strong bond with each other. It may be a little bent right now, but don't think that it's broken. It can always be mended..."

Heather then gave him a calm smile, opening her eyes. Breathing deeply, she chewed on her bottom lip and gazed up at his face. "I...I want to try getting up now. Can..can you help me try to stand?" she asked, a bit worried at how bad the pain would be if she moved. It was taking forever to heal due to the silver exposure, but little by little she could feel the wound mending itself, repairing the damaged flesh thanks to her quick healing ability and the fact that Ivory had effectively drawn the poisonous silver from her bloodstream. She made a mental note to thank the sweet girl later, seeing as she was preoccupied with a little werewolf issue of her own. She seemed to be enjoying Isaac's sweet gestures very much and it made Heather smile to see her happy. After all she'd done, she deserved to be happy and Isaac was a werewolf. If she really was his mate, he'd lay his life down to protect hers. It sorta came with the instinct, she supposed. Ivory would definitely be safe and content with him.
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Charles travels in his wolf form searching for shelter. He picks up a scent...other werewolves? Yes but there's more...farther away...Vampires? He starts heading in that direction when he picks up another scent, a very close one...hunters! Charles takes off running and he hears shouting behind him. He tries to lose them but they are damn persistent, his only hope is companions. As he comes closer to the scents location the hunters seem to stop following, he doesn't wish to find out why. He finally reaches the lodge, normally he'd be more polite but he was still frightened which led him to change form and dive in three the nearest window top hat cane and all his fancy clothes. He stands up and dusts off like it was no simple thing.

(Sorry couldn't resist)

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