The Lodge

"Oh." Ren was surprised; it wasn't that he objected to going with her- he'd be glad to help- but he thought for things like clothing shopping, she'd enlist the help of another, well, female. "Yeah, I can go with you. Though, are you sure you don't want to ask a girl? Me being a guy, that is," he laughed sheepishly. "I don't mind, though," he added quickly, not wanting her to think he was avoiding her.
Cole grinned even wider "Wow,i'm so happy you have no idea your the first girlfriend I actually care about" he said hugging her tightly "I wish you could show me off though and I don't want guys to hit on you during the day when im not there" cole scrunched his face in frustration
"Well Meghan has seemed to dissapear and I'm still new here and don't really know anyone else so the only one that I could resort to was you," She answered,"Plus it will give us time to know each other better." Sam was impressed that he wasn't blowing her off since it was shopping after all and she could just track down Meghan with her nose but she decided to ask Ren.
"You are my one and only love.." Alex said to him, she kissed him and walked into the house.. She grabbed a brownie and nibbled on it.. These were really good..
(@Sarah @rifleman223 Do y'all mind tuning down on the whole lovey dovey thing and actually roleplay? Its like all we're getting is some cheesy "i love you." "No, I love you." "i love you more." "No I love you more." etc stuff. It has nothing to do with the roleplay and frankly its annoying.)
"Okay," Ren nodded. It was a reasonable suggestion, and would give them both time to explore the premises a bit. "I won't be much help, though," he admitted with a smile. "I can be a pack mule, and that's about it.." A thought suddenly struck him. "What about what Derek said about hunters? Or is that only when we're in wolf form?" He silently berated himself; it would seem like he was trying to get out of the situation.. "Sorry, I swear I'm not trying to come up with excuses.." he mumbled, turning his head to the side a bit.
Preston excitedly began running after her. For some reason, he had felt more empowered now than ever before. He felt like he could run for miles upon miles, as long as she was there. You know what this is, don't you? Preston was a bit taken back by his inner wolf. What do you mean? Oh? So you don't know.. Love at first sight, she's your life mate. Preston continued barreling forward, not paying too much mind to his thoughts. I don't understand. Love at first sight isn't real. I mean, I do feel something when I'm around her... Exactly. His inner wolf finally rested it's case and Preston shook the thoughts away. He soon realized he had blown past Heather so he stopped himself to wait for her.

Amari laughed. "Trust me, I won't let any other guys near me."
As if they'd even want to come near me. She smiled as he hugged her tighter. "We should go out tonight.. Just for a change of scenery," she said, leaning back away from him a bit to look at him.

Marina heard Derek approaching but thought nothing of it. When he spoke in a low growl, she jumped a bit. Marina turned to face him, "I'm not here to hurt you. I came in search of a place to stay." She noticed his eyes were a bright red color. "You must be an alpha.." she whispered. Marina stood up, not taking any sudden steps towards him, "I'm Marina," she spoke, extending a hand for him to shake. Her inner wolf almost made her want to cower at his feet but she maintained her stance of confidence.
(I don't think so.. last I remember Ren was in the kitchen, then walked out a bit to greet Sam, so they're probably a little outside the kitchen. :P Unless Sam was elsewhere? Then that'd just be awks. xD )
(So they are standing in front of Meghan xD lmao)

"I have been DYING to get out of this house,I'll go anywhere at this point,therefore I will graciously let you chose the place we go" Cole mockingly bowed down at his new girlfriends feet,he blushed the way vampires do their cheeks tightening and would be blood rushing into them instead his jaw bones were just more prominent. He felt on top of the world at this point
Chris went to go sit down, watching TV. Thinking about some stuff. He chuckled for a second saying. " Whats on? " I looked around the living room, waiting for an answer. Thinking about other things.
Amari nodded, "Okay, well.. I know there's a lake nearby.. Do vampires swim?" she found herself thinking out loud and she laughed at herself. Amari looked at Cole, putting her arms under his to bring him back up. "I'm not exactly the Queen of England, here," she giggled a bit.
Unfortunately Heather had been so busy arguing with her inner wolf and glancing behind her that she had failed to notice Preston had surpassed her a while back. As he stopped, she was still looking back and *wham!* One furry body collided with another as they both went down, limbs tangled and a pitiful yelp emitting from Heather's muzzle. Being on a slight incline, it took the rolling pair a while to slow momentum and come to a complete stop.

Finally when they did come to a halt, Heather's ears flattened slightly in embarrassment, staring up at Preston who was now above her in the tangled heap. For several moments there was just silence as she stared up into his deep, sensual gaze, completely still with the exception of her wet black nose twitching ever so often.

Then all of a sudden, her sweet silvery laughter rung out in in Preston's head. "Oh my gosh, Preston, I am so sorry!" her voice gasped in his thoughts, "Something caught my attention and I completely blanked out there for a second..." Lifting her muzzle upwards, she panted heavily from the long run. It had felt so nice to stretch her limbs after such a long night. She would have attempted to get up but she was successfully pinned beneath the male wolf which just caused another bout of laughter. "Guess I should learn to actually prove myself before I gloat, huh?"
Alex joined Chris on the couch and looked around the room.. A lot of vampires were in this room right now.. She smiled though her tense body was proof enough for Chris to know she's nervous..
Chris looked around, it did smell a little to him, bloodsuckers, he smiled. He preferred being around humans, but these guys would do. I was obviously trying to calm her down, I would protect her.
Alex curled into him, and brought her feet onto the couch.. She usually doesn't wear shoes so she didn't have to worry about kicking them off..
Preston didn't see Heather coming until it was too late. The impact sent him tumbling down, along with her. Preston yelped when he felt his back hit against a stone. His usual groan came out as a low growl as the pain shot up through his body. The pain left after a moment and Preston looked at Heather to make sure she was okay. He heard Heather's laughter in his head and his nose twitched a bit. "It's totally okay. I should have been paying more attention." He shook his head, trying to keep his thoughts from jumping in the conversation. Preston nuzzled the fur of her soft neck playfully. "Yes, you probably should." He managed to get himself up and away from the rock, off of Heather. "Sorry.. I guess I kind of crushed you a bit." His laugh came shortly after hers.
"We'll walk it as humans," She replied,"and you don't need to be my pack mule just some company." Ren was starting strike Sam as one who can tend to worry to much. "Oh,in addition to your comment about hunters how often do they come by?" She asked.
Derek simply glanced at her hand before flicking his gaze back up to her face, his eyes melted away to their normal, rather confusing hazel. "Come." He said in a flattened tone. He walked off towards the lodge, a bitter look flooding over his face.
Marina put her hand back down at her side. She gave him a puzzled look before following, like he had requested. Marina remained silent, judging by the look on his face, it was better to stay that way. She tried to take in her surroundings, making sure she knew the woods pretty well. Marina had been a werewolf for her entire life and was used to seeing others. She used to live in a place like this until the hunters torched it, her fiance, family, and friends all inside. Marina trained her eyes to look straight in front of her, not glancing once at Derek.
Even though she knew it wasn't possible, she could have sworn she felt her cheeks grow warm and she felt his soft, gentle muzzle brushing against her neck, a playful gesture and making sure she was alright. Truthfully, she didn't even notice the pressure of his body weight on hers, too caught up in his gaze and the touch of his wet nose on the base of her fur. In fact, it was almost painful when he did pull away, as if tearing a band-aid from a cut when you really should have left it on.

Rolling over herself and rising to her feet, she shook off her fur coat and swayed her tail back and forth a bit. "Oh, it's alright. I brought it upon myself truthfully," she answered light-heartedly, "Besides, that's really how wolves play isn't it?" Her thoughts wandered back to her inner wolf's words. It was true, she did feel something inside....something drawing her to Preston, almost to the point that it hurt to be away from him. Even feeling him brushed up against her for a moment send tendrils of heat coursing through her veins.

Need him. No time to waste. All others need to know he is ours and no one else can have him, her wolf growled posessively, leaping to the front of her brain in a surge of jealousy.

Woah woah woah, hold up...! Man are all you raw wolf instincts really that aggressive? Don't his feelings matter??

Of course but just look at him, his face. His wolf wants us. His instinct is telling him so because it's true. He is our mate!

Look, you need to just back off! You don't know that. We JUST met yesterday and already you're acting like some kind of berserk matchmaker! Now settle down and let us be. We'll discuss this later but for now, we are just two friends out on a run, got it?

Her wolf growled and grumbled in response but unwillingly did as she asked, finally giving the poor girl some relief. Turning back to Preston, she noticed he was slightly favoring one side and immediately her ears flattened in concern. Wandering over to him, she lightly nuzzled the spot on his back that had hit the unforgiving rock. "Are you okay? We fell pretty hard," she asked worriedly through his mind.

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