The Lodge

(@oOBubblesOo Question, can lycans communicate telepathically when in wolf form in this rp?)

As the conversation veered back onto Derek, Heather remembered what Amari told her and thought over it some more. When Preston opened his doorway and motioned inward, inviting her into his room, she scolded herself inwardly, feeling that same hot blush starting to return to her cheeks. Doing her best to snap out of that mentality, she smiled shyly at Preston and nodded, tucking her hair behind her ear as she always did.

Cautiously venturing inside the room, her eyes studied everything around her while clasping her hands together behind her back. Waiting for Preston, she stood about in the middle of the room, her thin frame arched over as she gazed up at the ceiling fan and other decor on the ceiling before finally turning Her gaze back to Preston.

Clearing her throat, she took a deep breath and then exhaled. "I also wanted to tell you that I'm not jumping to any conclusions about Derek's pack. I need to think it through before diving into this pool for it very may be filled with sharks I can't see. I talk to you about it first and see what you had to say," she explained the situation, her eyes almost pleading to him for help. Being such a quiet girl, she didn't often say too much, but her eyes expressed so many things she did not vocalize. In those deep brown orbs was a story...and a scared girl who didn't know where to turn. She wanted his help to try and sort through all the emotions concerning the pack.

At the same time, however, her heart went out to Preston, feeling his pain. He had lost someone...Scott. And he must have been close. She knew how hard it must be to lose a loved one. Simply being separated from her parents for so long stung her heart. It would break entirely one of them died...
(That seems like it could be necessary since they can't speak normally lol So, yeah.)

Preston took a deep breath before shutting the door behind her. He walked over to his bed, taking a seat along the edge. Preston waited for her to come further into the room before saying anything else. He had just opened his mouth to speak when she began talking about Derek's pack. Preston felt his heart beat grow faster again and his eyes flickered from their normal color to yellow. He ducked his head down so she couldn't see.

Preston should have figured that's what she wanted to talk about. He looked back up, his eyes their normal color again. "Well, I'm glad to hear you're at least not going to jump right into it," he said, looking at her. "Do you really want my honest opinion of the situation or should I sugar coat it for you?" Preston felt like giving her the choice before he went on a rant about it. He glanced out of the window between two of the beds before looking back to her.
As soon as Heather finished her sentence and took another deep breath, she realized she'd cut him of and bit her lip. "I'm sorry, I talked right over you. I don't say much most of the time but when I do sometimes I just get on this mini tirade and am hard to stop," she apologized, groaning at herself on the inside. Stupid stupid stupid...Can't even give the poor guy a break to speak...

Shutting her mouth and chewing on her lip still, she sat down across from Preston and gave him ample time to speak, making sure he didn't have anything else to say before replying. "I don't believe in sugar-coating..not anymore. It's not worth it, it just makes the truth harder to swallow," she told him truthfully, folding her hands in her lap.

"I want you to give me all the facts." Her gaze finding his once more, she looked intently at him, waiting for him to explain. "But I also know it's a...hard subject for you so take your time. I don't want to pressure you." 
(Haha kay. xD )
Preston shook his head, "Trust me, it's fine. I'll get over it. I like hearing you talk." He tried to force another smile, this time succeeding. He took a deep breath and leaned back against the wall. She wanted all of the facts and Preston was ready to give them to her. He raised an eyebrow at her before shrugging, "Okay.. here goes."

"A few years ago, me and my best friend Scott were normal, teenage guys in high school. Scott and I had been friends since we were young and nothing really seemed to be able to separate us until he was changed. Scott got bitten one day when he was out doing god knows what in the forest. I noticed right away that he was different. He was stronger, more sensitive, and could hear things to an extent that no normal person could. We eventually came to the conclusion that he was now a werewolf the night he tried to rip my throat out, during the full moon." Preston chuckled to himself, trying to keep himself up to speaking. "Eventually, Derek just kind of showed up and taught Scott all, well most, of what he needed to know. For the next two years, everything seemed to be fine.. Well, expect for the mass murders and the hunters trying to kill the pack. But, one day Derek figured out that there was a bigger threat and there was almost no way for the small pack of Derek, Scott, and a few others to defeat it. Derek came to me and changed me into a werewolf. Seeing the way Scott struggled with it I didn't want to become that but I knew if Scott needed help I would be there. I trusted Derek at the time and eventually gave in willingly." Preston's jaw tightened a bit and he let himself relax before continuing on. "We battled this thing for awhile. One day, Scott got hurt pretty bad. We didn't think much of it since we were all hurt.. Just not in the same way apparently. Scott fought his death for quite some time, not realizing the issue. None of us did.. Not even the infamous pack leader who was supposed to be all knowing and protect us," he sucked in a deep breath, "Needless to say, Scott died and none of us helped him. Derek pretends to have forgotten about it. He shows no remorse for any of the others who died either."

Preston rested his head back against the wall. "I can only speak for myself when I say that I know I can't trust the guy. Alpha or not, he let Scott get killed because Derek neglected to tell him something so important. But hey. If anyone else wants to be a part of it, by all means. I just wish I would have never agreed to join this pack. It's nothing like the other packs.. We're no longer a 'family'.
Heather sat wide eyed and mouth agape for quite some time as Preston relayed the story he least liked to explain. Every word seemed a battle for him to express. He had buried these things so far in regret that bringing them up must have been so painful.

When he was finished, the wolf girl bowed her head and said nothing for a good few, silent minutes. When she did finally look up, her eyes were glossy from tears she kept at bay. Still silent, she slowly reached out and slid her soft palm over his hand, gently wrapping her fingers around his. "I'm sorry... He must have been a good friend...," she whispered.

Turning her head and setting her gaze upon the rising sun, she pressed her lips together for several moments. "As far as I know, I was A werewolf from birth. I was abandoned as a baby...dumped onto the porch of a young couple before I could walk or even lift my head on my own. I was lucky that the couple took me in as their own...they had been having trouble ever having children so they saw me as a blessing. They were...the best parents I could ever have...but they couldn't change what I was and everyone else thought different of me. My entire life has been filled with prejudice and hatred from everyone except my adoptive parents. The towns people got so violent...that the sheriff finally gave me the order to leave town before my 16th birthday, or he would use all means necessary to keep the towns people safe. Safe from "the beast"..."

Heather didn't know why she was telling Preston this, but once she began it all just flowed out. Her breathing quivered as she fought back the tears trying harder than ever to overflow. "That's the reason I came here. Really...I was just looking for people to accept's why I considered joining Derek's pack... But now, I'm not so sure if it's the right thing. I'm just so...lost." Embarrassed by the tears that clouded her vision, she allowed her long hair to cover her face.
Derek clenched his jaw. His eyes were locked on the floor and he felt rage boil through his veins as he heard what Preston was saying. The story was true, but Preston didn't know shit about Derek's life. Derek didn't even know that Scott was sick! Derek wasn't supposed to be Alpha, Peter was. Derek closed his eyes at the thought and drummed his fingers in a continuous motion on his kneecap.

He felt a pit of guilt stir in the center of his stomach as Preston mentioned that they were no longer a family. Derek stared ahead, his gaze traveling over the bricks on the fireplace. He settled on staring at the fire. He admired how the orange flames danced together in what seemed harmony. They danced in a soothing motion, swaying back and forth in their small containment until a flash of blue came to swallow them. Each moment the flames flickered, but soon another built up strong around it. The flames were how a pack should be, dancing together and repairing each other when one didn't even know that they needed it. Reading each other and making up for ones faults. Forgiving and forgetting, never letting go of one another. That was how his pack needed to be, but he just couldn't make it happen.

Derek was a shit of an Alpha, he knew that. The only skill that he had was being a anti-social freak who scared everyone into doing as he said. He couldn't mend the deepening scars of his pack, and it wasn't going to be long before the hunters showed up to tear them apart. Derek knew that he wasn't doing any good. 90% of him wanted to run, leave and never return. But just that small 10% begged him to stay, begged him to do his best, begged him to keep trying. And he always went with that god damn 10%. Why? He had no clue.

His eyes were a swarm of color, green, grey, blue, but as they locked onto the fire and Derek was trapped in his own world of thoughts the color drained from his eyes, leaving only a dulled grey. Derek's strong frame was hunched over in his chair, a orange glow reflecting off of his face, casting shadows off of his sharp features.
(Alright guys, I need some sleep now. xD But I'll catch y'all tomorrow! :3 Night everyone!)
Preston sat in silence, listening intently to everything she said. He always wondered what it would be like to be born into this life but he never had the courage to ask about it. Preston chewed his lip, not knowing just what to say to console her. He himself wasn't exactly in the best of moods at the moment but he could tell she was growing upset and he felt like he needed to do something about it.

"Well, look. Whether you decided to join the pack or not, just know that I'll be here for you. And I'm sure Amari will too. The pack may not be as close as we would like it to be but everyone who lives here is more or less a family at this point. Needless to say, we're all trying to get along, or at least, most of us are. Don't be ashamed of your choices or your history.. Just remind yourself everyday that all of us are here for one reason or another and most of those reason's aren't good ones." He took another deep breath before standing up and stretching. "I'm surprised I got through the whole story without having to stop.." he looked at Heather, "You must just be easy to talk to," this time a genuine smile crept it's way onto his face.
Ren sat in an empty room, leaving the bag beside him unopened. After a quick shower, he'd had nothing to do, and so remained idly in the room, thinking. He got up and headed to the main cabin, from which he heard voices. He slipped inside and wandered into the kitchen, just hanging about. It seemed to be his go to place.. he thought with a wry smile, and he'd yet to meet anyone aside from the girls.

(lol, sorry for jumping in the midst of things. ^^" )
(Sock actually just gave me a really good idea,What if the hunters do come and successfully capture the Lycans and the vampires have too go and save them and Derek has to keep them together because they're all scared until the vampires come OR The vampires get captured and Derek has too step up and lead the pack on a mission too save them strengthening the bonds between him and his pack and maybe even gain some new members)

Cole could hear Amari's footsteps coming down the stairs. He had already memorized them,and [[when she came up to him at the island he smiled "Hey I missed you" His muscular build hunched over on the counter looking into his new crush's eyes
(I'd rather not do that... Only because it's too much for some people to handle. Maybe if one or two people got captured together that would be okay... It is a good idea I just don't think some people could keep up with it, that's all.)

Amari smiled and blushed a bit, "How long was I gone?" she felt like she had been gone for quite some time now. Judging by the light from the window, probably a decent amount of time. She looked over at Cole smiling again.
oOBubblesOo said:
(I'd rather not do that... Only because it's too much for some people to handle. Maybe if one or two people got captured together that would be okay... It is a good idea I just don't think some people could keep up with it, that's all.)
Amari smiled and blushed a bit, "How long was I gone?" she felt like she had been gone for quite some time now. Judging by the light from the window, probably a decent amount of time. She looked over at Cole smiling again.
"You were only gone about 30mins" he said chuckling then Cole looked around "it would seem that everyone's disappeared on us,I wonder where they all could've went" he said pondering
Amari looked a bit confused. In half an hour everyone did seem to disappear. "Hm.. That's weird," she glanced around seeing only a few others. Amari shrugged turning her attention back on Cole. "Did I miss anything interesting while I was gone?"
"Not at all,this house is pretty boring during the day some werewolves go out others stay in the vamps are always in all we do is watch tv eat and have sex sometimes I get so bored I just want to jump into the sun so I'll at least have something to do. Cole laughed at himself " I know seems silly,but I love the sun and I hate that I can't feel it anymore although I can go outside I dire situations I just use a dark umbrella"
Amari blinked a few extra times when he mentioned having sex for fun. Was that a common past time of his? I hope he's referring to the others.. She wondered before responding, "Seems like you guys have it pretty rough," she smiled. Amari thought about venturing outside to explore but Cole couldn't go with her now so she would have to wait until later tonight. It would give her more time to figure him out anyways.
"yeah,but it's not all bad at least I don't have to work meaning I wasted 17 years of my life in school" Cole frowned a bit (I'm going to sleep my posts are going to crap)
Getting several deep breaths in and hearing Preston's voice console her in his own unique way, she managed to get her emotions under control, hastily wiping her eyes and pulling her hair back away from her face. "Thank you... I really appreciate the support right now," she thanked him softly, drying the remnants of any tears with the hem of her shirt.

Seeing him stand and stretch, she also rose to her feet, rubbing one arm lightly as she thought. "And you know... Scott was very lucky to have someone like you as a friend. I know all you're feeling right now is regret but...hearing all this myself, you genuinely cared about him. I'm sure he could recognize that...," she comforted him, allowing her deep brown eyed gaze to meet his again.

Clearing her throat, she too arched her back in a stretch, stifling a groan at her sore body, still aching somewhat from the night before. Pausing a minute, she let a timid yet somehow slightly mischievous grin cross her face as she tilted her head, looking up at his face. "You should come running with me. My wolf's been grumbling and complaining all morning and after being cooped for so long in such a small cage, I think it'd be good for us," she suggested. Even though the muscles in her body protested, she desperately wanted to feel the wind in her fur, take in all the wonderful earthy scents of the forest, not to mention her wolf needed a dip in the waterfall. Her once beautifully silky fur coat was now matted with dust, dirt, and grime from the basement. Washing all that away would help her forget about the scenario.

Dang right I've been complaining. You shut us up in that idiotic cage for over 6 hours, underground for that matter!

Heather groaned internally as her wolf once again made its opinion known. It was the only way to keep everyone safe... This place isn't like home. Because there are so many of us congregated here, the Hunters are much more present and are just waiting for an opportunity such as a free-running wolf during the full moon. Now please just shut up... I'm trying to focus.

Shoving her agitated and still protesting wolf far back into the bars of its mental cage, she attempted to keep it at bay so she could focus on her conversation with Preston. She'd grown up with the second voice in her head from birth, her inner wolf or instinct as some called it, but that didn't change the fact that it got on her nerves in some situations such as this. 
(I've decided whenever Heather's speaking with her inner wolf or telepathically with another Lycan, I'm going to put the text in colored italics. :3 The lighter purple is Heather and the darker purple/blue is her inner wolf.)
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Alex continued to smile.. "I thought it was the best night of my life.. But I was wrong.. This one tops last night by a far.." She smiled at him, happy to be there..
(Sorry we need to catch up I was gone it was my fault )

Chris smiled, and then looked at the waterfall, then the lake, underneath the moonlight and then turned his head to her. He held her hands, which were warm, softly, embracing them. " I love you babe. " he looked into her eyes, my eyes began to glow blue from the wolf inside him. He said slowly to her, meaning every word. " You are beautiful, especially underneath this moon, and everything around us.... Nothing compares. "
"I love you too.." Alex said blushing. She curled closer to him, that was the sweetest thing she'd ever heard.. She closed her eyes, and just relaxed..
Amari nodded, "Well that sucks.. but I guess not having to work is good, right?" She wasn't sure exactly how to respond but she couldn't just let the conversation drop. Does he know? Can he tell I'm into him? She questioned herself heavily in her mind before saying anything else. Amari simply smiled and looked a t him for awhile.

Preston looked at her as she spoke. "Thanks.. I really appreciate that," he said in response to her comments about Scott. He liked being able to talk to her about it and not feel like going on a rampage. Preston looked out of the window, wondering how late it was getting. Since it was still early in the day, most of the vampires would still be cooped up inside or asleep. Speaking of vampires, he wondered for a second where Dahlia was. It was like she just disappeared for a day. He shook the thought off, bringing himself back to Heather. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Wanna join me in the waterfall this time?" he smiled at her, remembering the awkward meeting they had. Preston walked over to the door, opening it to look around. He turned back to Heather, "Coming?" He could already feel his inner wolf aching to run outside, tearing through the forest with immense speed. Preston was mostly just happy that he could spend time with Heather without interruption; hopefully.
Cole could feel the awkwardness in the air but he didn't really know how to continue the conversation so he just looked around feeling confused until finally he found the guts to ask her out and so he turned to amari and said "would you like to go out with me?"
(Welcome back, Bubbles! :3)

A wide, genuine grin spread across Heather's face. "Sounds like a plan," she chirped in reply, tagging alone behind him. "Though I'll let you in on a secret," she spoke up, sliding close and stretching up so that her lips were centimeters from his ear, whispering, "You might want to wear more that boxers this time..." This caused the sound of her soft, silvery laughter to bubble up though she did a good job of silencing it quickly. The image of him half naked, floating there in the water of the pristine cyan pool made its way to the surface of her brain but as soon as she felt the hot flush returning to her cheeks with a vengeance, she dismissed it in an embarrassed shake of her head.

Somehow, she almost felt lighter, like she'd suddenly lost half her body weight. Not to mention the invigorating scent that wafted into her senses. Someone must be cutting up fresh oranges, she thought, for that's exactly what it smelled like, as if someone has taken the juiciest, most delectable orange ever picked and split it open right in her face. She absolutely loved that scent and she closed her eyes, simply devouring the scent with her senses.

You have no idea, do you...? her wolf purred, suddenly much calmer and seemingly content.

What do you mean? Wait, I don't want to know... Look, you've tormented me enough ALL night. I don't want to hear whatever ludicrous comment you have to make.

Whatever you say... You'll be back with those questions, I guarantee it, It remarked confidently, settling into the back of her mind willingly.

Confused, she snapped away from her internal argument and walked out the open door Preston held for her, stretching again and smiling at the excitement building for the run. Strolling downstairs, she eagerly waited for Preston on the front porch. "You ready?" she asked, that mischievous smirk returning to her lips.

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