The Lodge

Derek grunted as he woke. He usually had control over his wolf, he just was already angered and that didn't help. He stood and arched his back, cringing as he heard it crack back into place. He was mostly nude, his shirt in torn up pieces of fabric scattered, his jeans a tattered mess, his boxers still somewhat remaining, enough to save his dignity. He glanced over to see a very nude Issac and he sighed, stepping quietly out of the cage. He glanced over at the sleeping half-naked werewolves around him and he sighed. His joints ached and he frowned, he pulled open Issac's cage and nudged the sleeping boy awake.

Issac grunted as a gentle nudge was pushed against his thigh. He gazed up through half lidded eyes to see Derek standing there with his clothing. He dropped them onto Issac's lap and turned to walk upstairs into the living room. He quietly walked upstairs, pulling on a dark grey shirt and some other black jeans. He walked downstairs and lounged back on the chair, his eyes closing once more.
The night dragged on, repeating the same routine over and over as Heather struggled to find peace with her wolf. Back and forth, back and forth she paced, heart breaking whines one moment while frustrated snarls the other. It had been such a long time since Heather had confronted her wolf this way and it was definitely not easy... The hours drifted by. She hardly noticed the other wolves at first in the struggle with her own, though her eyes did dart to Derek as he came down, changing not a moment too soon after caging himself. Seeing him calm helped somewhat, but not having been apart of Derek's pack her wolf was stubborn and protested that it wouldn't listen to the alpha since Heather was not yet accepted.

At last the eerie full moon sailed back over the horizon as the sky began to brighten with a warn, comforting yellow glow. Heather stood there, tongue dry and sticking to the inside of her mouth as she panted. Every single muscle in her body shook. Her wolf, no longer under the moon's influence, had given up for then and retracted into the depths of her mind, finally giving her peace. Her tail was tucked tightly between her legs and her ears lay flat in regret at the tenacity and violence of her wolf.

Her front legs and haunches trembled as a wave of hunger and exhaustion finally spilled over her. On the move at all times, she hadn't had a job to get money for food nor had the cities she'd traveled through given her a decent opportunity to hunt. It had been a week since she'd had her last catch and even then it was only small game such as rabbits and squirrels. It was finally catching up to her and it gave her no mercy.

The moment Heather attempted to take a step forward, her legs gave way and she tumbled into a pitiful furry heap on the floor, breathing heavily. The transformation then began to wear off. Ears melted into long light brunette locks, fur retracted into skin and her bones elongated and shrunk to form human limbs. She clenched her eyes shut and bit her lip to stifle a whimper. The angry words she had spilled earlier came back to haunt her and she regretted them terribly. This was why she had find a pack, a family, a place she could fit in and be apart of. And she managed to upset the alpha and another high ranking male on the first day... Brilliant...

The girl continued to lay there, not even attempting to move, knowing it would result in failure. Her body wasn't strong enough to get her to her feet and she knew it. She would only result in making a fool of herself. Her clothes were tattered and torn, though she did her best to keep herself covered.
Derek watched as Issac came back, this time clothed. He sat down on the floor next to Derek and Derek mentally smiled at the fact that this boy was so reliant on his Alpha. Derek sighed and rolled his shoulders, been a while since he gave into the transformation and god damn did it hurt. He tilted his head back, his feet sprawled out in front of him. He closed his eyes, his arms crossing over his chest. The Alpha found himself drifting off in the comfort of the chair before he blinked himself awake. His strange eyes landed on Issac, who was struggling to get comfortable on the hard floor. Derek sighed and motioned to the couch, Issac nodded and stood with a painful crack of his back, he walked to the couch and laid down, tucking himself in his usual ball, his cheek resting against the arm rest.
Heather continued to lay on the cold, hard cement floor for what seemed like hours. Realizing she couldn't just lay there forever, she extended a quivering arm and grasped one of the cage bars. Using what little strength she had left, she pulled herself to a sitting position, then eventually she was able to make it to her feet, working slowly and breathing deeply. Inching her way to the cell door, she fumbled with the lock for several minutes before finally getting it undone. Trudging out of the cage, she used the walls for support and by some miracle, finally made it up the stairs. The rays of sun hit her eyes, immediately causing her to cringe and squint all the while, still hanging onto the walls pitifully like a small child to her mother's skirt.

Through her squinting eyes, she managed to make out two forms sitting on the couch, Derek and Isaac, and another standing off to the side, Preston. She marveled at how obedient Isaac was but then of course what did she know about being in a pack? She groaned at how a mess she probably looked, hair out of place, her tattered shirt slipping off one shoulder as she attempted to keep it on her body, giant holes in her sweat pants.
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Derek glanced at Heather and he shifted with discomfort. She was a wolf, a quite strong one as well. Of course he wanted her in his pack. As far as he knew she didn't find any interest in it, he wasn't one to force it on someone unless he gave them the bite. His thoughts bitterly cast back to Preston and he stood, walking over to the couch and sitting next to Issac. Issac instinctively crawled towards Derek and rested with his back against Derek's thigh, his head resting away from Derek. Derek continued to stare at Heather before glancing down at the currently slumbering Issac. He combed his fingers through the boys curls once, earning an appreciated purr before pulling his hand away and lacing his fingers in his lap.
"Great" Meghan said helping sam up and leading them to the kitchen "So, I'm a master cook anything specific you'd like to eat? or Just raw steak like last time?" she said giggling
Moaning softly and rubbing her forehead, Heather shuffled through the living room, making her way slowly but surely to the kitchen, still using the walls for support. Yet, before she entered the kitchen, she turned to look at Derek, feeling his intense, burning stare, and swallowed, though her throat was still parched and didn't do much.

"I...I'm sorry... I overreacted earlier," she stammered in apology, running her fingers through her hair in her nervous habit, "When I figured out..what I was, I did all I could to learn about normal wolves and their environment. But...nothing could have prepared me for this."

Finally making eye contact, her gaze flitted back and forth between Isaac and Derek. "I've been on my own my entire life when it comes to other werewolves. And I've been avoiding civilization for the past two years... Let's just say I'm a little rusty with wolf etiquette," she explained, managing a small, shy smile.
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Sam glared at her when Meghan made that comment. She then answered,"If the steak is cooked I'd prefer it to be cooked up to medium done." "I eat raw if I'm really impatient and don't want to wait."
"hmm whatever floats your boat" Meghan got the steak out and began to cook,while the steak was being marinated she walked over to Derek,Isaac,and heather "Would any of you like something to eat" she smiled radiantly "Or do you not eat from people that you've just met?"
Swiveling her head back towards the kitchen, Heather crossed her arms and tucked her hair behind her ear, offering a small smile. "I'll take some. It's been...a while since I've had a decent meal. I'm sure whatever you can come up with will be simply amazing," she answered gently. Placing her shoulder against the wall, she used that as a prop and tried to appear more relaxed, despite the constant ache and many bruises she'd acquired over her entire body from the troubled night before.
Preston made his way into the kitchen. He passed a few others not saying anything, he still wasn't fully ready to talk to anyone. Preston stopped short of the fridge when he noticed Heather talking to Derek. It wasn't really surprising to him that she may give way to joining his pack. Preston looked back at the fridge, a little distraught, grabbing a glass of milk. He drank it down slowly, watching the two speak in the other room. Preston wasn't exactly angry, he was more or less just a little upset. He glanced over as Heather spoke before walking off into the dining room to sit with a few others.

Parker took a few bags of blood out of the fridge, heating them up altogether for about 15 seconds. He took them out of the microwave and wandered into the dining room. Parker liked being able to just sit around, with people like himself. He was born this way and everything shitty had come with it, that's for sure. Parker groaned as he sat, getting burned a bit again. "Seriously?" he mumbled angrily before sinking his teeth fiercely into a bag.

Amari had eventually gotten out of the cage and went to the living room. It was nice to be out of that dreaded cage. She had never locked herself up like that before and didn't plan on doing it again anytime soon. Killing a few innocent people wouldn't hurt, it's happened before. She usually didn't go for humans anyways, she always leaned more towards animals. Amari took a seat in one of the chairs in the living room. She was already a bit off about being here. Then she started to wonder where Dahlia was, after all, she hadn't seen her since yesterday. 
(Just figured I should let everyone know I'm not going to be able to be on for the majority of today. If I do get on at all, my replies may not be as detailed and grammar may be horrid since I will be on my smartphone. I'm sorry...)
(Aww 'tis alright Bubbles. :3 Don't worry about it so much, it's fine.)

Heather looked up at Preston with her soft gaze as he passed by, studying his expression. She felt bad about her attitude earlier and how she had simply run off when Preston had tried to reach out to her. A lump formed in her throat and she lowered her eyes to the floor a moment before watching him stroll into the kitchen. She wanted to make it up to him somehow. Maybe she could convince him to go out running with her later. She knew her wolf would still be quite angry with her and she would have to appease it by going out on a hunt that night. If she had the strength that was... Every muscle in her body ached terribly and the last thing she wanted to think about doing at that moment was running. She continued playing with her hair, trying to solve the situation in her head.

Heather flinched slightly as the vampire, Parker hissed and backed away from the light. Living with that was a completely different situation that hadn't even crossed her mind. She wasn't sure how to react truthfully. She merely kept an eye out for the vamps and made sure not to get on their nerves. From what was said around the lodge, wolves weren't the only ones that could pack a pretty hard punch if threatened. One by one, werewolves crawled out from the basement. Her heart went out to each and every one, knowing the pain of restricting your wolf, a free spirit, into a tiny cage.
(Thanks :3)

Preston let his hands rest on his thighs, turning his gaze down to look at them. He began thinking about Scott and how much of their lives they had spent together. Preston clenched his hands into fists, looking up to gaze out the window. He felt his chest tighten at the simple thought of his deceased best friend. How could I let it happen? I can blame Derek all I want but we were a pack and the burden is all of ours to carry.. Preston felt tears coming on so he quickly got up and headed up to his room. He tried to keep calm when passing the others, he couldn't let Derek see him like this. Preston reached his room, pushing the door open and shut quickly before letting out a giant breath, a few tears sliding down his face.
Ren blinked awake, and was relieved to find few people around him. He left the confinements of the basement and slipped outside. A wry smile touched his lips. He had yet to find his room... He pushed the thought aside, though, and quietly left the house. He could hear the others in the kitchen, or living room, and as much as he wanted to say hi to Meghan and Sam, he wasn't comfortable with being around so many other people.

Ren squinted his eyes as they struggled to adjust to the bright light, and he stretched lightly, pushing his arms out in front of him. He really wanted to run today.. Maybe it was just because of yesterday, though. He decided to explore a bit more, venturing off from the cabin he'd just been in. The trees ahead seemed an interesting prospect, though he knew Derek had told them to stay away lest there be hunters. He figured it would be fine, though, as he was in human form, so he made a mental note to go there later.
(Hey Sock, did you realize Heather's waiting for a reply from Derek? Or you just waiting for Bubbles? It's alright either way, just curious. xD )
Ian went downstairs to see where everyone else was, he got tired of just wondering what to do, he figured he might as well just go see for himself.
(I'm back guys :3)

Parker had eventually drank down all of the blood. He was still pissed off about getting burnt, twice, this morning. He really didn't think that they burned that easily but he should be used to it by now. Parker walked into the kitchen to toss the empty bags into the sink. He stretched his arms out, glancing around at a few others in the vicinity, before walking into the lounge and sitting on the couch.

Amari looked around for Cole. He was the only person she really socialized with here and he seemed like a sweet guy, to her anyways. She sighed when she didn't see him and looked down at her legs. Amari had forgotten about the not having all of your clothes thing. Her yesterday's pair of jeans had turned into a ripped up mess and her shirt was almost entirely gone. Amari blushed a bit before deciding to go change.

Preston sat down on his bed, putting his head in his hands. Why didn't I try to do something? I could have saved him. I was just too scared, wasn't I? I'm too used to be a defenseless human and I didn't have the guts to save him. Preston was beginning to feel bad about going off on Derek the night before. Preston knew Scott's death affected them both but he couldn't admit that to him, or anyone else for that matter.
(Yeah welcome back.)

Sam while waiting for her steak noticed her relfection on a toaster in the corner of her eye and then realized that she forgot that when she comes out of her werewolf form that her clothes are ripped and that she's been going around with her clothes ripped. Her face turns bright red as she shouts,"Meghan! Why didn't you remind me that I should change clothes?!" Sam was too embarresed.
(Okay :) )

Amari came back downstairs wearing a fresh pair of shorts and a loose fitting tank top; she felt a lot more comfortable now. Amari noticed Cole had been in the kitchen the whole time and she simply over looked him. She headed into the kitchen and went to the fridge. "Make anything delicious yet today?" she said, turning to flash a smile Cole's way. 

(Just checking in to see if you guys were all still getting notifications and what not. :3 It's the day after the full moon and the werewolves are all back out and wandering around again - If you needed an update xD )
Mehgan's eyes widened "Omg Sam I'm so sorry I completely over looked that go ahead and change right now and I'll finsih your steak"

Cole looked up too see Amari "Not yet,anything specific that you had in mind?"
Amari shrugged, "Not really.. I was just wondering," she turned back to the fridge and look for a drink. There seemed to be more blood then anything else in the fridge. She pushed a few bags aside in disgust before grabbing a bottle of water.

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