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Realistic or Modern The Living Among The Dead


Too Far Gone

The Living Among The Dead...

Will you survive the zombie apocalypse?

The Story Thus Far...

There was a virus that swept all across the nations. Millions dropped dead within the first week. Scientists didn't take it serious enough in time. By the time CDC came in, the dead began walking. People asked for answers, but none were provided. Within the second week, electricity ceased, and supplies stopped coming in. Within the third week, 75% of the worlds population was turned into the walking dead. This is the story of the other 25%, the survivors. Who will survive?
Nathan woke up to the first lights of day breaking through the gas station window where him and his family had taken up for the night. He allowed his eyes to adjust before he finally sat up. He saw Nayla laying in the corner of the isle with Maizy's face covered deep into the fur of her belly, sleeping silently. The dog looked back at Nathan but didn't move. She would never wake Maizy. Nathan smiled and stretched, pulling his fingers together in a effort to get the strain out. He carefully walked over Red and Hailey to get to his backpack, which leaned against one of the metal shelves. He dug out his water bottle and sipped it, careful to take no more than he needed.

"You kicked me in my back, Asshole." Red said, sitting up behind Nathan. His brother jumped hearing him speak and turned around confused. "I didn't know you were up." Nathan said, tossing him the bottle of water in his hand "Don't wake them up. let them sleep in, you can help me put the gas back in the tank.". What a joy. Red stood up, drinking the remainder of water in the bottle before tossing it back. "Alright fine." he said, and began to move the shelf back. Last night, the two brothers had arranged the shelves in the store to create a small room where the family could sleep safely, and apparently it had worked because they were all still alive.

Hailey awoke abruptly to the sound of screeching. She opened her eyes to see Red moving the shelf away that he had place there last night. "Could you be any louder?" she asked sarcastically. Red gave her the finger before he continued. Nathan smiled at her, "Goodmorning to you too, sis." he said walking over to rub the top of her head before grabbing the gas tank behind her. "Where are you two going?" she looked around, somehow Maizy had managed to stay asleep despite the noisiness. "Going to go put this fuel back in the truck so we can get going. You should stay here and wait for Maizy to wake up. She might get scared if you don't." her eldest brother replied, gesturing over to the kid of the family. Hailey groaned and looked over just in time to hear Nayla sigh, and shuffle uncomfortably under Maizy's weight. Poor puppy.
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Kamar grasped a pendant that once belonged to his mother in his hand, embracing the various manipulations of lacerations and abrasions since it had abrade over time. This pendant had been integrate into his existence through nostalgia, he reminisced upon the days when he was once a child, oblivious and nescient (lacking knowledge, ignorant) to the illicit associations his father professed, an employment Kamar would uphold the legacy of. The cartel had been a major impact throughout his individual entity as an adolescent, yet was restrained from the homicidal and harrowing inhumane pantomimes of felonious nature. Instead, was subject of abuse, as such his mother had of course adored him though was his father and uncles whom exposed him to the heinous commotions. It mentally tore him apart owing that to the inducing narcotic remedies and the habits that formed due to his father enforcing these via peer-pressure. Kamar was merely a distraught, deranged and homicidal maniac whom paid little regard to those he impaired or maimed, yet had responsibilities and was close to those he understood were significant toward him. Apart from his fucked up nature, Kamar realized the importance of socialism having once induced his neglected captives a lack from it, driving them insane. He always knew whom to keep close and was protective over those he deemed friends.

Kamar caressed the pendant before enclosing it in a tightened fist, clenching it and situating it within his pocket. Outside, as a haze of sunlight appeared like vapour, dispersing through the curtains and defining the dust that occupied his settled abode as miniature specs of orange orbs, dust even, the guttural and unforgiving moans of insentient beings leisurely progressed with a gradual temperament past the stone-washed walls of the villa. It was magnificent though had been breached by these lingering ghouls, the remnants of his security detail lay strewn over the marble floors of the corridor, a seeping gore that engrossed the estate. Kamar vigilantly leaned against the door, easing into it as he gave it a timid push. It opened with a creak. They clustered together to form a minor gathering, four at most, though still proved a provocation.

"Hey, excuse me, you're trespassing," his mundane though casual tone merely provoked them further, it was alluring though more of a discomfort.

"Hey!" he called, angered, "I'm talking to you, pendejo, do you not hear me, huh?" he recalled. Though inhaled, now yelling.

"YOU. ARE. TRES. PASSING." he exclaimed inducing the attention of more shamblers.

"Oh you motherfuckers no leave, ah?" he chuckled to himself, "no no, please, please be my guest, make yourself at home since you'll be remaining here," he began pacing forward, unsheathing his machete and striking where the spinal cord met the cranium, then again, severing the brain stem. He staggered back, drenched in blood. They groaned as more approached, Kamar swung his machete once more.

"UH ASSHOLE? You say something?" he placed an open hand to his ear motioning them to repeat what they say. They moaned, lurching for him.

"Ohh, oh oh I see what you mean," Kamar struck another, he was rendered in gore.

"HOW FUCKING RUDE, OF YOU, TO COME HERE AND INSULT ME IN MY OWN HOME!" he was enraged, his chest dramatically rose and fell as he lacerate another, gashing a bored hole into it's abdomen.

Kamar had left his property after the ordeal, taking residence in his 1970s Impala, tuning the radio to Niño Precioso as he drove to avenge his moments of solitude.

Niño Precioso


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Quentin readjusted his backpack strap on his shoulder. It felt as if it were getting heavier by the second. With a groan of discomfort, he trudged on down the road. He woke up maybe 3 hours ago. Quentin had spent the night inside the trunk of a car on the side of the road. Real comfy. He had to take out 3 walkers that were outside the trunk to escape. He could have run but he was too sore and still was waking up. Quentin made his way down the road. It was a long stretch of pavement, trees on either side of him. He was making his way into town to get some food and maybe set up camp. He hadn't seen a person since the car crash. About 6 months ago, when the shit hit the fan, his 3 brothers, mom and dad were escaping their city when out of nowhere a semi-truck slams into the side of their vehicle. When he came to, his two younger brothers, Luke and Jacob were gone, and so was his parents. To his appalling surprise, his brother Tommy had died on impact. Unknowingly at the time, he embraced his dead brother and weeped. Only to find out the dead, they come back. He nearly died that day in the overturned vehicle, but a stranger saved his life. Quentin knew that his brother was no longer with him, but it still broke his heart. By the time he realized he had to leave, he noticed the stranger was gone. From that day forth, he vowed to never stop looking for his missing family. They wouldn't leave him just like that would they? He never had a good night's rest as the nightmares would come and wake him. The dead were always near and lurking. Quentin had to sleep with one eye open.

He shook his head, ridding the image of his dead brother. Quentin knew the image would reappear soon, but for now he had to keep on trudging forward. The muscles in his back were aching as he made his way up the hill. He made his way to the top, panting. His chest was rising and falling at a rapid pace, he wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his jacket. Quentin licked his chapped lips, before looking down the hill. There was water in his backpack but he decided to save it. Quentin used his hand to block the sun out of his eyes as he looked down the hill. It was a building on the side of the road. It looked like a convenience store or a gas station. He perked up, maybe there was something he could eat or scavenge over there. He bit his lip, debating with himself. Obviously, it could be looted or a trap. Or the walkers could have overrun it. Quentin shook his head and sighed, placing his hands on his hips. Quentin decided he'd check it out before making up his mind.

@Lonelytaco (I just realized you have an awesome name)
Nathan stood beside his truck, waiting impatiently for Red to pour the gas back in the tank. You see, he preferred him and his siblings to have a "buddy system' type of relationship, therefore he couldn't go back in to the cool gas station until Red finished up. "Come on man. It's hot as hell out here.." he said, opening up his truck door and taking a seat inside while he waited.

Red groaned. "Why am I even doing this? It's your stupid truck." he responded. He bent over and picked up the gas tank that was sitting by his feet and poured it in. "Maybe had you not twisted the damn thing on so tight, that would've been faster." he mumbled, screwing the cap back on. His brother twisted the keys in the engine and listened as the truck came to life. "Alright good, it works. Go get Hailey, Maizy and the dog. Make sure they grab everything too, we aren't coming back." Nathan told him. Red nodded his hand and walked back into the station, and pulled his backpack on. "Nathan's waiting on us. Make sure the dog goes to the bathroom first."

Hailey stood, wiping the dust off her shorts and pulled on her own backpack. "Maiz, wake up. It's time to go." she yelled to her little sister, shaking her small body gently. Maizy sat up, wiping her eyes and looked around, stuffing her tiny thumb into her mouth like she always did. Nayla slid herself from underneath her carefully, shaking her fur off and panting as she bolted towards the door. "I think she has to go potty. Do you?" Hailey said, raising an eyebrow at her sister as she slowly gathered her blanket and things.

Maizy nodded at Hailey's question and pulled on her backpack. "Where's Nat?" she asked curiously, she never really liked waking up and him not being there. "Outside waiting on us. We should probably hurry if we wanna go look for Momma today." Hailey told her. Maizy looked up at her and nodded. "Will you go with me to the bathroom?" she asked, pointing at the sign on the wall. She could read. She had been one of the first in her classes to learn. Hailey shrugged, walking over to the small room with the open door. Maizy walked in, turning up her nose at the smell before doing her business in the dirty toilet. She used a piece of paper to wipe and walked out beside Hailey, who was watching Nayla pace beside the door. Maizy giggled, "she really really has to go, huh." Hailey laughed too and smiled down at her, pulling out the dog's harness and leash. She slipped it all on and walked outside, Maizy followed closely behind.



There were hardly things left in the supermarket.

She wondered how many people had been in here before, desperate, probably starving. Well, she had still some snickers in her backpack, but they were for emergencies, being stuck underground or something. She would only open them if she was nearly kicking the bucket. The canned food was sold out, or maybe
stolen out. The whole two shelves were empty, same with the dried meat and all of the vegetables. Most of the people had been smart enough to save as much food as they could before barricading their houses. Her parents had intended to do the same thing. Unfortunately, her father got caught when he tried to fix the planks outside, and turned into one of the walkers.

Jeanne and her sister Maggie could keep their mother back as she wanted to run outside. But she nearly turned crazy after one week, and sneaked out secretly. Jeanne has never seen her again, and neither does she want. All of the people would say, after all it was her mother, yet, she felt betrayed. Christina Hastings had betrayed both of her daughters, and decided on her dead husband. Of course, she did it because of love. But no mother should ever cheat her children, right? And if her mother had not run out, they walkers would not have entered the house, and the sisters would not have left the house to find a new place, and most important: Jeanne would not have lost Maggie.

Jeanne felt the tears on her cheek as she came back down to earth again. Life was cruel right now, but it was only getting worse if she stayed here, dwelling in the past. She would have to find Maggie. She had to be alive, Maggie was a survivalist. With this thought, she continued her search for nourishment. Outside, she could sense the walkers crossing the street and longing for some fresh meat. She would have to use the roof to leave the building again.

| Heath

His bottles were empty for about 24 hours now, and he was damn thirsty. He had been walking along the streets for hours. His feet hurt, and so did his head and his throat. He could easily say his body was a mess right now. And though, he wanted nothing more than a sip of water. A bottle would also be good, a filled bottle. Geez. In his past he did not even like water, he was more the Coke and Fanta type of guy. Now, it was everything he needed to stay alive. Heath groaned due to the scorching sun, and sent a wish to the sky for the thousandth time.

This damn highway. Why did he even take this way? Ah, right, the walkers, they tried to kill him. He shook his head and felt like collapsing. But he would not give up. There had to be a gas station or something. Heath nodded, yes, there had to be. Besides, his father had always told him to never ever give up. "We are Moores, we are fighters. If somebody tells us to give up, we flip 'em the bird." So, he continued walking, while he tried to remember his dad's face. It had been quite a long time since he saw him alive. Yet, it was no problem for him to reconstruct the beard stubbles, azure eyes and hazel curls in his mind. They had been a two-men-family, because his mother died three years ago. She was diagnosed with leukemia a long time ago.

Heath was nearly not able to trust his eyes when he finally saw a building in the distance. It had to be a Fata Morgana or something, but then he remembered he was not in the desert, only very very thirsty. A smile was painted on his chapped lips, and took to his heels. Suddenly, he was stronger than he had been a before. The mere thought of water was giving him strenght. He ran all the way down to the gas station, until he suddenly noticed the people with the truck. He decreased the pace, and swallowed. Humans, they were way more dangerous than the walkers. What should he do? Heath decided to hide behind a bush. Hopefully, they would disappear quickly.

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Kamar drove among the desolate collection of despondent structures, either hollowed out from inhabitants by military intervention during the civil massacres or ransacked of their contents during the days of hysterical judgement. A day when people lost their minds, a day when humanity had succumb to a mere dejected life form of melancholy detestation. His hand was situate upon the steering wheel as in his right he fiddled with the pendent, allowing the chain to deliberately slip through his fingers. Inside the pendent was rather a locket, holstering a crumpled and creased photograph, ridden with ridges from where it had sustain pressure over eternity. It was of his unfaithful and adulterous wife whom amalgamate funds to form a whore house, to which she governed secretly, laundering the cartel's funds. She proved her distrust to the family, if not for Kamar would have been slaughtered for her dismissal of loyalty. His mind pondered over these vacant impressions, for now he had been venturing for her, his endeavour would requite his lust and satisfy his ardour. His passion - to kill her. Kamar discard the pendant, tossing it aside as his neutrality of the detachment had not phase him, nor would the objectivity of his indifference to function in prominent communities, though had these days of prudence, which were now muffled beneath the sagacity of survival, not have been betrothed Kamar would notion his perceptions to a more abstract contemplation. His mind hasten like a feral beast, unsure how to express himself or his emotions.

As Kamar was misled into a concept he was unable to fathom he glanced, suddenly faltering the wheel at a vast incline causing it to swerve viciously and allow the tires to shriek in a commotion of screeches and blaring audacity. The white 70's Impala curved, diverging onto the pavement and colliding with a multitude of damned and decrepit corpses. Kamar allowed pressure to the breaks sufficing its complete halt. The tires stained the pavement with a rubber trail, intervened with clumps of gore and dismembered limbs.

"Do you have any idea how much this car cost me, eh? No?" he parade past them as they awkwardly extend their mutilated arms into an outstretch toward him.

"Yes, hail me as your king," acknowledging their reach, "but what will my uncle say, huh?" he paused before speaking again.

"Wait no, no I killed him, then made his daughter into a porcelain doll, oh how she had pretty eyes, I gave her a pink dress you know?" he chuckled.

"It was a shame she was born still y'know? If only the stench hadn't remained..." he was pressured into a daydream before speaking to them again.

"Listen, I know how much it must suck to be dead okay, I understand that," Kamar suddenly grasp the rotting cranium of one, gazing deep into the milky white film over its eyes, "but do you know HOW RUDE YOU ARE BEING?" he thrust its head into the pavement, causing it to implode.

"You listen to me when I talk! You sound like my mother with your moaning, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kamar marched back to his Impala and slammed the door, shaking his head.

"Unbelievable," his accent and tone made it all the while perfect. (It's like Vaas from Far Cry as a representation.)

Kamar forced the gear shift into drive and continued his voyage, then noticing his gas tank was near empty.

"Oh you bitch, that is making me mad y'know, why is this happening to me now," he mumbled, attempting to muster the directions of the nearest gas station in his hallucinogenic and drug induced mind.
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Trix was in that comfortable place between waking up and R.E.M sleep when high pitched whining met her ears and something cold and wet brushed her face. Groaning she rolled away from the cold and noise and buried her head in her makeshift pillow, her backpack, in an attempt to go back to sleep. The noise and coldness followed her and she huffed roughly and peaked out from the fabric of her bag and glared into the large eyes of Sara-blu or Sara or Baby blue as they sometimes called her. The dog let out a low whine and her tail began to wag as she noticed the albino girl beginning to awaken. Nose scrunched up Trix pushed the dog away as she slowly climbed to her knee's, her blanket sliding off her and to the floor.

She glanced at her backpack and warm blanket in yearning as she forced herself to get moving away from the place where she and her brothers had made a makeshift bed by folding the back seats up and pilling their blankets in the middle. Sara-Blu wouldn't let them be until she was let out and Trix knew her brother's hadn't had a nice rest last night. A horde of Geeks had passed and they had switched between watch and sleep until it had passed. Her brother's took the last shifts. The horde must have passed because Alec is asleep.

Grabbing the small bag they kept their basic morning supplies in and her bat Trix peaked out of the blood smeared window with a grimace of disgust and once she was sure it was all clear she opened the back right door, the door that faced away from the highway, and let Sara jump out as she checked under the car warily for any crawler's before moving to sit with her leg's hanging out of the car. Grabbing the bag she began going through her morning routine. Rubbing the filth off of her skin with a wet wipe, applying deodorant to ward off stink, applying sunscreen, and changing her underwear and socks for a fresh pair. These basic things helped keep them all sane in this messed up world and now was no different.

Rubbing the eye buggers out with the grogginess Trix shrugged back on her shirt and slipped her feet into her boots as Sara came back with a wagging tail and lolling tongue. The sun was peeking over the horizon and it was time to wake up her 'boys' and get ready to get back on the road.
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What we do in life... Echoes in eternity...

(Jack Valentine)

What a bloodied way to go out. One moment, you could be the safest place, and the next you can't escape it. Such was the fate of the hideout of 64 Stutson street. It was an abandoned chop shop, somewhere near the supermarket which so many survivalists frequented. It was best to not live in there, after what happened. Someone, however, fired gunshots near the market, just during the timeframe of a horde passing by. The hideout was overrun. People screamed, professed to God for salvation, something other than the inevitable. Jack remembered being there, remembered the leaders of the setup panicking, deciding whether to leave and risk annihilation, or stay and accept it. Yet, their decision was forced quite quickly. They were too loud, too open with their argument.

It was 2:37 A.M., when it started. The watchmen called out, but it was too late. Most of the crew were packing their cars, but they were overwhelmed. The horde descended on the town, adjacent from Stutson street and gathered in the parking lot of the supermarket. There were just so many. Then, someone had to fire a gun. Maybe it was a guard. But, the dead knew where it came from. The hideout of 64 Stutson street was doomed. People panicked, began piling into cars that had no space. There wasn't enough time anymore. The screams were the worst part.

Jack was there, 3rd floor, with his son Adrian, his wife Karen. Just like that, in a blind moment of selfishness, Jack took a car himself and drove away, his family screaming at him as he drove with everything he needed. 64 Stutson street fell, and his family and soul with it. But, something lurked in the backseat. In an instant, Jack felt the blood rush from his neck, as a lurker bit into him. He lost control of the car.....

Then he woke up. It was a nightmare, a terrible one. That wasn't how it happened, or was it? The morning glare was blinding, hurtful even. It was time to get up. From the back seat of an abandoned Chevy, Jack found himself alone. Eight days since he saw someone last.
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Kamar had decorate the interior of his 70s Impala with a disturbing prospect, the spectacle of his conflicting decimation of the shamblers were plastered within the vehicle, staining the windscreen with a fluorescent array of butchered substance and marrow, the hood dent with the concavity housing a lump of slaughter. The various assemblage of concrete structures had formed to agglomerate a now dystopian world, the pathways which once bustled with crowds of mortal souls, lascivious, people whose personality reflect an inclement of temper and disposition. Kamar was familiar, fond of these people, he tolerate them. He understood them.

Child-molesting gropes they were, park bench flashers and pervert creeps whom verbal abuse was merely an intimidation. He scoffed, knowing while they took another frantic glance at their shop window reflection to ensure the unfavourable lie was maintained that they themselves were low as him come to terms in a more physical, mental sense. Kamar chortled raising the back of his hand and smirking, he shook his head as his mind instigate these undomesticated perceptions of life and resolution. What was the point? Why? He was a schizophrenic unable to comprehend his detail in which he thought, as sporadic it seemed had made sense if analysed deeply with an essence of motivation. Kamar sheared past the undesirables of this elected society, and as they lay writhing in cadaverous agony he pondered to himself, interrogating with a wild dispute of canvassed emotions that involuntarily impulsed a layer of dispiriting doubt and despair. Yet these distractions had only prove how mentally sane he was - fucked.

Kamar pulled at the hind of a gas station, leering from the Impala and slamming the door, grasping the attentive glares and uncomfortable glances of the party whom were prepared on leaving. They were to soon depart though he initiate a tune of whistling, they gaped in his general direction yonder the structure, he yet had to be perceived by human perception after what was deemed an eternity in solitude.
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Nathan watched his two sisters emerge from the gas station together, with Nayla in tow. He watched as Hailey led the dog beside the building and allowed it to relieve itself, and Maizy ran over to his truck smiling. "Goodmorning Maiz!" he yelled, careful not to be too loud. She yelled it back and came over to sit in his lap in the driver's seat while they waited on Nayla to finish up.

Red sat in the passenger seat bored as he waited, he sat his bag down on the ground pulled out his Ipod, along with its charging chord and plugged it in. The internet on it had long since been dead, but it was still good for music. He plugged it into the truck and pulled up a playlist for them to listen to. Twenty-One pilots blared through the truck speakers, and Red leaned back, relaxing. Sometimes listening to his music from before made him forget what was wrong with the world. Suddenly the music disappeared, he looked over to see Nathan fiddling with the sound. "What the hell man?" Red yelled, reaching over to turn it back up. Nathan swatted his hand away and rolled his eyes. "No loud music right now. Hailey is still out there with Nayla and you know walkers are sensitive to sound!" he yelled at him. Red rolled his eyes back and jumped out of the truck, lifted his head to the sky and screamed at his loudest for a straight thirty seconds before Nathan was able to lean over the console and pull him back in. "What the fuck was that?"

"I was just testing the area." Red replied with a smirk before turning his music back up.

Hailey had jumped hearing Red scream, and quickly turned to make sure he was okay. He was of course, he was just being a jerk like he always was. Red was easily her least favorite brother, for obvious reasons. He had always acted like a brat, and like the world owed him something better than what he had. Which she didn't understand. Their life was near perfect, minus their mom and dad being split, but that wasn't a big deal. Lots of kids' dads left. She tugged Nayla to the truck and helped her get in the back part before shutting it. She got in the backseat of Nathan's truck and sighed. "So Red, now that you have attracted LITERALLY EVERY WALKER IN THE AREA I sure do hope you have plans on how to get us ALL out of a hoard alive in the case that your little scene just then attracts one."

Maizy climbed out of Nathan's lap and into the back seat with Hailey. She didn't understand why her siblings fought so much, and didn't understand why no one ever let her put her opinion in. She was seven years old and still felt smarter than Red, Nathan, and Hailey combined. Chin up Baby girl. You'll be the ones calling the shots one day. her Mommy's voice ran through her head. She could still hear her sometimes, even though she was missing. Maizy leaned back into her car seat comfortably and began to color in one of her books.

The dog's ears twitched, she could sense someone; someone that wasn't her Master. She whined loudly, but no one came to let her out. She couldn't wait any longer. The urge to smell the person overcame her. The dog placed both paws on the edge of the truck and jumped out. The tags on the dog's collar jingled as she ran towards the person curiously. She heard a car door open behind her, but that only made her run faster. Finally, she reached the new human and was able to smell them, she pawed at the person's leg and whined loudly.

( @planetic The dog found you :) )
Alec found himself shaken awake gently and yawned as he blindly sat up stretching his arm's above his head in an attempt to get the knot's and pains out of his back. Cracking his eyes open he groggily watched as Rudolph recieved the same treatment before Beatrix made her way back out of the car, already dressed, to prepare their by now routine breakfast. Some melted trail mix, a canteen of cold unsweetened instant coffee to share, and some vitamins to make up for the stuff their diet's missing now a day's. Yum. I feel spoiled.

"Get up midget, " Alec muttered noticing that Rudolph was trying to fall asleep again as he climbed over him. He purposefully kicked him with his foot earning him a gruff growl as the sharp pain in his back forced Rudolph awake. He groggily glared at his eldest sibling from under his cover but only earned a smug grin back as Alec grabbed his own wipes, fresh boxers, and socks before making his way to the other side of the jeep to dress, dodging the weak slap Rudolph aimed at him as he did so. The three sibling's may have become co dependent on each other since they were forced into this hell but they still held a small amount of respect for each other's privacy.

Rolling her eyes at her childish brothers as she leaned against the jeep and ate her share Beatrix couldn't help but feel a bit relieved that the two had remained mostly the same since everything began. Alec was still a jerk, even if he did have his mother hen moments, and Rudolph still retain's his adventuress 'I can do anything' personality, even when he got a bit crazed and swing happy when they encountered Geeks. They may both have broken down a bit after that day and have their pensive moments but they were mostly back to their old selves. In the end I guess I'm the only one that's retained any obvious changes. She thought sadly staring at her melted trail mix without really seeing it. She hasn't spoken or acted like her old self since that day even after her brother's got their shit together. Since she came downstairs a week after everything began and was almost made her father's breakfast. It was only due to Alec hearing her scream's that she survived. Later they found the door unlocked and open and their mother, still in her dressing gown, being munched on by their next door neighbor. A freshly turned Geek. The siblings left soon after.

"So where we going next." Rudolph asked his sister curiously as he finished his own routine in the jeep and settled with his leg's hanging out of the side. Punching his brother in the shoulder as Alec returned in retaliation for the earlier kick he earned himself a light slap upside the head as he grabbed his share of the trail mix. His voice succeeded to pull Beatrix from her memories and she shook her head as she grabbed the map she had been looking at during her shift last night and straightened it out on the floor of the jeep beside Rudolph before silently pointing to a small nearby town.

Somehow despite not being the eldest Beatrix has found herself being the leader of the small group. Either because she had one day hoped to travel so studied map's extensively before everything or because she had seemed the most collected after that day even after becoming a mute. Alec had been to shaken from killing off their parents and neighbor and Rudolph had gone unresponsive but it wasn't until they were far away from their home safely locked in Alec's jeep after filling their stomachs with cold soup and water they found in a broken down car by the side of the road with an abundance of supplies after a whole week of eating nothing but beef jerky and Beatrix basically forcing her brothers to do something besides sit down and die that she had allowed herself to grieve properly. She still hadn't spoken afterwords but her brother's had began acting normal, or semi normal, again and now seemed to look to their geeky and spastic turned cool headed sister for guidance.

Frankly she found it a bit overwhelming at times going from being the leader to being the geeky and hyperactive sister and would have showed it if she wasn't worried doing so would break her siblings.

"Alright," Alec nodded in agreement as he climbed into the jeep and began getting the blankets tucked away so they could pull the back seat's up shooting secretive worried glances at his pensive sister as he did so. "Then let's get Sara-Blu in the car, the seats put up, and get on the road."

At the sound of her name the German Shepard bounded from the tall grass and instantly tackled Rudolph with tones of kissed. The dog adored the youngest boy but unfortunately the love was mostly one sided. "Ah! Get off me Sara!"

Alec laughed at the display of his usually tough faced brother trying to push the happy German Shepard off himself and even Beatrix couldn't help giggling. Some things never change.
What time was it anyways? Time was irrelevant for Mr. Port. The whole world had gone to shit, but he felt especially fine today. Perhaps he was inspired, something kept him going. Ever since this all went down, with the terrible government response ruining things faster, he hadn't seen his family. he made a promise to his daughter, Anna was her name, that she'd see her again. That's a promise a father always makes to his child. He could feel in his heart she was safe, wherever she was. he just had to find her.

On the overhand of an abandoned paper mill, the taller of the buildings in this place, Blake got out his rifle. It gave him a better vantage of the surrounding land. Using the scope, he looked down into what remained of civilization, of the only remaining reminder of what life was once like. Near the old gas station, he saw a caravan of folk. They seemed to be spread out at the moment, easy target if someone were to steal supplies. Yet, nobody would do that now, people weren't that bad, were they? They had a dog, refreshing, considering the circumstances. Perhaps they could help him out. (@Lonelytaco I see you!)

Adjusting his gaze, the man saw an abandoned car, with an abandoned man resting inside. It was easy to tell, considering the doors were barricaded, preventing walkers. Perhaps he needed someone as well. (@JokerValentine I see you too!)


10, 9...

The sounds of crunching leaves and mocking laughter almost drowned Danny's wailing out.


Shaye held him tightly to her chest, trying desperately to get him to calm down, to try and warn him somehow of the impending danger that would come if he wouldn't shush. "Come out, come out wherever you are~!" A voice called out, joyous,lilted- playful. As if what just happened could be compared to a simple game of hide-and-seek.


The sounds were getting closer, and so were Danny's cries. Shaye's father Johnathon was no where in sight, presumably on another supply run into the city. Of course. "Danny, Danny please..." She whispered shakily, combing a matted dark lock out of his face and bobbing him in her arms. She looked around, seeing nothing but trees, trees and- For fucks sake, More trees for miles on. There wasn't an escape, there was no making it out.

Only prolonging the inevitable.


The crunches, movement, breathing, everything stopped for a second- Everything except Danny's muffled crying. Shaye covered both their mouths, that somehow silencing the bemused toddler as she hoped- prayed that they were going away. She hadn't been a religious person before, and with all that has gone on in the past year she was almost certain there was no God. But at this moment? She'd pray to a fucking llama to help her out here. The scene was quiet- Everything was quiet. It was almost as if they had disappeared out of thin air. She listened keenly, not wanting to react too happy too soon. When she was almost certain they were gone, she released a happy breath of air, resting her chin on the back of Danny's head and stroking his back.

Thank you, She sent out to, well, whoever was listening. She shifted slightly, looking around her and grinning, when the cock of a gun brought her out of her relief.


"Found you." The elated voice called out from behind her. She spun around, her eyes widening as she saw the point of a glock aiming at her- Wait, not her but...


Dread poured throughout her entire fiber as she saw the owner of the gun smirk, a wild and almost feral spark of cruelty flicker in his eyes. He hadn't been pointing the gun at her, but the toddler nestled deep into her arms. She didn't think through her next step properly enough. The adrenaline had been to high, her mind wouldn't listen to her coherent thoughts. Instinct prevailed in the situation over common sense.

She had turned around, and ran.

All of a sudden, it felt like a timer was set off. People behind her called her name mockingly, and they no longer ran after her. No, it was now a leisurely stroll to them. AS if they knew that they'd already caught her and were now just toying with her just to humor her. Just to humor the thought that she'd live.

Bullets whizzed past her head as she ran, further boosting the adrenaline in her system to help her survive. She was growing out of breath, and a burning pain settled into her lungs. Her body was telling her to stop, to rest, but if she did they were dead- Danny would die.

Danny would die.

She ran faster than before, hoping she could outrun them and hide somewhere, anywhere. But then, her senses were overcome with one feeling: Pain. A sharp, burning pain piercing and tearing through her body and spreading like a wild fire, stemming from her back. She fell to the ground with a hefty thump, rolling down a beforehand unseen hill where Danny left her arms and ended up on the ground next to her, back to wailing.

She moved her mouth to plead him for silence, but all that came out was a strained gasp. The pain was getting worse, and it felt liek her whole body was overcome with the sensation. At the same time, everything was dulling. The world grew number, the environment looked darker and less detailed than before. The sounds in her ears that were once deafening seemed like an almost inaudible mumble. The feeling of wetness on her back barely registered with her, along with the fervent increase of Danny's sobbing. Her eyelids felt heavy, her body felt tingly. This wasn't good.

The sound of a gunshot and the absent of Danny's sobs jolted her to attention. The world faded back in, her hearing came back only for it to be lost again at how close the shot was, and the spreading fire turned into a hellish inferno. She saw feet infront of her, along with- Oh God.

Danny. Danny was- She wanted to puke. She wanted to scream, and puke, and sob, and cry, and shoot every fucker here. The people hunting them- The people who killed her mom, possibly her sister- And now her poor, poor innocent baby brother were smirking down at their handiwork. She mustered the best scowl she could, no doubt looking at them with a hatred unrivaled by many.


"Well done, boys!" The playful, litled voice called out again. It was a woman, small framed yet lean and muscular with crazed eyes and a unsatiable hunger in them. Her hair had been cut into a choppy bub, roots blond but hair matted and covered every inch in dirt. She looked down at Shaye's brother, a sick demented grin seeping into her fox-like features. She turned around, crouching down to Shaye's level with a smug, yet sated look in her eyes. "Well well well, look who it is. Cherry Tree!" The woman rubbed Shaye's head playfully, that hunger slowly dripping into her eyes like before. "Haven't seen you in a while. How's the mom? She doing well? Last I heard, she was still stiff as a board. Boring as hell. Oh, what the hell? Stiffer than the dead, one could say!" Shaye's scowl deepened, while the woman laughed with joy. "Or how about the old sis? Haven't seen her around either. Whatever the case, she's sure to be missing you and the family!" The woman was enjoying this. She enjoyed seeing the rage on Shaye's face, reminding her of what she lost. Shaye spat at her, smirking when a good glob of hoggie landed right on her cheek.

The woman looked at Shaye with rage, but it quickly was disguised with vengeful elation. "Or how about your baby brother?" Shaye froze, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked over and saw him. His still body, the look of anguish and misery still clearly written on his face. She did that. that woman, her men- Her minions did that. The look of hatred she wore before could've been a squeaky mouse compared to how she looked now. She was certain she saw the woman flinch back from it's intensity, but the woman held that smirk. That damn smirk. "He's such a bundle of joy. So cute. Especially thosde eyes..." The woman squealed. Actually squealed. As if she hadn't seen the body of her brother just minutes before this discussion. "He's so adorable! I bet, if he gave someone puppy eyes, it'd be..." The woman's gaze lingered over to Danny, her smirk growing wider and somehow, more smug. "A shot to the heart, right? Like, if he begged for something, it would be a bullet of cuteness, huh?" The woman taunted, and Shaye felt the tears running beore she could stop them.

Satisfied, the woman stood up, pointing at one of her henchmen and whispering, just loud enough that Shaye could hear. "Kill the girl." She motioned for her other followers to do exactly that- Follow. Shaye's body felt numb again, the world fading in and fading out. This was it. This was how she died. The man assigned to finish the job looked sorry, sympathetic, regretful. She sighed. She felt him approach, and heard the familiar sound of a gun cocking. She closed her eyes, waiting for the blow, mentally telling her dad that she was sorry. Sorry she couldn't protect Danny. Sorry she be there to help him. Sorry for him when he realizes that everyone he cared for, everyone he loved is gone. She felt the pierce of a bullet enter her, and she faded off. Content.


"Shaye, Shaye wake up." Shaye shot up out of her sleeping bag, clutching at her chest and covered in sweat as she looked down at herself. She was in her pajamas, Danny curled up beside her sucking at his thumb. Alive. A breath of relief washed over her, and she looekd up at the person who woke her.

Her dad stood over her, backpacks packed and in regular clothing. "Come on, we gotta get moving." He informed her softly, patting at her knee. She nodded, quickly getting dressed and dressing Danny in his regular attire. She and her dad put out the fire, ripping up the sleeping bags to make it looked like they were attacked and placing family mementos to make it look like they were attacked. Hopefully the hunters coming after them will fall for it, backing off and leaving them alone.

They started their hike out of the woods, coming across a lone road, where a pile up of cars sat. A few of them looked absolutely wrecked, undrivable and unsalvageable . Others looked in decent shape, fit to drive, hopefully full of gas. They searched through the cars, managing to find a truck that had enough gas and wouild take them far away from where they were, able to make the distance between them and the psycho assholes from hours to days. That'd be enough time to get out of the city.

As they drove, flying by tons of place and stopping at stations, Shaye reflected on her... Whatever it was. She knew it was a dream. She knew it couldn't have been real. But it felt like it. Every detail was so vivid and so crazy, it was crazy. She sighed, leaning her head on the dusty window of the car, watching the scenery fly by, feeling her eyes close and drifting off into a dark, dreamless sleep.
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| Jeanne

Two dozen packages of soup powder. Three crisp bags, crumbled, so could they fit into her backpack more easily. A camping water boiler. Coffee powder, what a luxury. An unstylish pair of Jeans. One pair of sunglasses. A small chainsaw, battery-driven, she did not even know how to use it, but leaving it inside? Never. Three cans filled with raisins. And a cloth bag to carry the water boiler.

Environmentalismn is definitely not a thing anymore, but she had never been a fan of plastic bags. Jeanne trudged past the supermarket checkout. Heaps of one hundred dollar notes were filling the empty seat and the surrounding box. She could imagine the people running past the checkout and pelting the cashier with bank notes while they tried to maneuver their carts outside. She shook her head. The world had changed vastly in such a short period of time. A couple of months ago, she would have been all of a tizzy if she stood in front of such a pile of money. Now, it was only good to heat her water boiler. But seriously, the boiler was priceless. Jeanne threw the bag over her shoulder, attatched it to her backpack, went upstairs to the third floor towards her ladder, and adjusted it. It had been her way inside, and would also be her way out. Carefully, she placed one foot abover the other until she was finally standing on top of the roof.

Well, that's a nice view." Dead corpses everywhere. They loved the city. Of course they did, everybody loves the city. Jeanne laughed sarcastically, and dragged the ladder out of the roof window. Afterwards, she turned around. She had to take the same way back, but this time, it seemed a little bit more difficult. Yet, she started climbing, always taking the ladder with her on her back. One did not know wether it would be of use again. She had found it in the backyard of an apartment house. The family was still sitting in the dining room, eating brain or something. She could have laughed about it. Maybe she should have done it. One should always enjoy the moments of joy, even in this times. One hour later, Jeanne was sweating heavily due to the noon sun. She should have entered the city at night. Thinking about it, she had been quite stupid. Yet, she did not want to consume more flashlights than necessary. She was not even able to take rest, because she would definitely sunburn. Panting, she used the roofs, attics, backyards, balconies - all the places the walkers did not find very interesting - to find her way back to her little car.

| Heath

He had seen it coming. Nobody could be less lucky than him. Seriously, he could win a world record with his misfortune. He had closed his eyes and hoped that they would not drive past his hideout, that they would not see him. He had really not reckoned on a dog. When he heard the muffled steps, he had awaited one of the children or something, but really not the dog. Heath shrank back when he suddenly saw the furry head appearing next to the bushes, and took two steps back with a start. Yet, the creatued approached him without any hesitations, sniffed him, and started to paw his legs. It did not take long for him to realize that the dog hadn't got any bad intention. It wasn't going to bite him or something, yet, it started to whine. Loudly. "
Oh, shut up!" His fingers ran through his hair when the dog raised its head and did not stop to make noises. It is calling its master or something. This is what dogs do, right? Heath had to think. He bit his lips, and opened his backpack. Chewing gum? Do dogs like chewing gum? Okay, that was stupid. That was really stupid. He had always been bad at thinking in stress situations.

Hastily, he examined his bag. Bottles, his notebook, an empty back, penc-, wait. He pulled out the empty package, there were still some leftovers of the dried meat. He grinned as he poured them into his left hand. "
You love meat, right? Of course, you are a carnivore. Will you shut up now, please?" He look up. The door of the car was opened. They had noticed that their dog was missing. "Fuck, you've caused quite a mess." He could not see wether his trick was working or not. Instead, he took his backpack again, turned around and stumbled backwards into the woods.
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It had been Red that got out of the truck. The dog's antics had began to piss him off and he was about to make them stop. Had it not been for Hailey, who had refused to leave their home without Nayla, the damn dog wouldn't even be alive, and Red would be fine with that. As Red walked, he could feel his gun on its holster rubbing against his hip. He would use it if he had to. You never know anymore. As he rounded a small tree in the woods that surrounded the road, he spotted Nayla. However, it wasn't just Nayla. There was a dark figure moving away from the dog carefully, and its movement had been way to precise to be a walker. Red pulled out his gun, "I see you. Stop." he called out. Was this even possible? Were there still others?

( @planetic )

Nathan hadn't thought much of Nayla running into the woods. It was a dog; they did stupid things. What worried him was the fact that Red seemed to have noticed something, or someone. He looked to his little sisters in the back seat and asked them to stay put as he went to check it out. He pulled out his knife and walked over to where his brother was standing, and sure enough, there was someone out there. He whistled for Nayla and she reluctantly came, but not before grabbing something out of the stranger's hand first. He made the dog sit down at his feet while he spoke. "We're not going to hurt you. We just want to talk."

(@planetic )

Hailey could feel the worry as it poured itself through her body. Both of her brothers; and dog, were gone. She climbed into the driver's seat carefully and ducked her head down. If something happened, this would ensure a quick getaway. "Maizy, duck." she commanded quietly. She peeked over the console to watch as Maizy unbuckled, and climbed down to the floor board, covering her head as well. Good.

Kamar placed both hands outward from his mouth, projecting his voice in response of the bellow he had he earlier recalled, then, almost awestruck paused as the distinguishable yapping of a dog pierced the air in a tumultuous barking. Kamar conversed with the conventional conclave of other survivors.

"HELLO?!" his prolonged voice echoed heartily till it dispersed into a hoarse hollering, "BAMBI, WHERE ARE YOU!" he communicate toward the dog. Kamar swung around the hind of the gas station, emerging from the back and introducing the derivation of deducted substances, covered in gore and blood. Almost promptly with an instantaneous presentation, his arms displayed the exhibition similar to Christ the Redeemer as he approached.

"Hello friends, amigos, I am Kamar," he introduced as the kukri adorned in butchered detachments swung in co-ordinance with his arms as they dropped, "Oh has the store closed early? Have I come on the wrong day for you?" he queried, feigned and oblivious of the predicament. He raised both eyebrows, his forehead creased in dubiety as his incertitude was commissioned from his posture. His eyes widened in correspondence, leaning slightly forward with his arms spread.

"No gas, no?" he interrogate.

Kamar was unsettling about how he spoke, how calm and content his tone was with conversation. These type of motherfuckers were terrifying. He glanced up at the man grasping the firearm, Kamar was not phased as he apprehend the situation.

"Hey," he whistled, "hermano, turn around yeah? It is rude when your back is turned on people when they talk to you," he addressed the group. Kamar tilt his head and gave a seemingly warm smile.

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Mikhail just laid there atop the long abandoned apartment, he wanted to make camp on the top of the apartment but to no avail, he was restless. His eyes only followed the clouds above him as he relaxed. "Man still no sleep..." He got up and ran his ringers through his hair, deciding he would sleep another time. Yawning he made his way to the fire escape that he used to scale the complex in the first place, it was the only way he could assure his entrance to the roof without having to chop up some more undead. The fireescape creaked as Mik made his way down the rusted metal steps, he was feeling careless though. The lack of sleep was starting to set in, as well as a tiny bit of depression, he was slowly losing his motivation to keep on going. Images of his family flashed into his mind, mom, dad, his brothers and only sister. He missed them all dearly, as the images kept going the tears began to slowly push out from behind his eyes. Mik landed with a soft thud on the concrete beneath the ladder of the fireescape, "I must go home and find them."

Then, the man shifted his focus for a bit, eyeing the apartment complex to the far right of his position. It was somewhat abandoned, really. Then, as the building was flatter and was visible, he saw someone. The male looked too carefree to remember the ongoing situation. He was just, there, looking at the clouds. Through his scope, Blake watched him for a moment, until he got up and departed. Perhaps he was being haunted, perhaps he was being hunted. It was truly odd. The survivor wanted to make contact, but at the same time did not. He was all alone, the same with the guy on the roof. Perhaps they would be able to meet up one day. Blake removed his scope, putting it aside. He needed a break.

(@Hollowed Kadaver )

John couldn't help but glance at them every few seconds to make sure they were still there.

He gulped silently, afraid that the sound alone was enough noise to wake up Shaye and Danny from their much needed rest. His grip tightened on the steering wheel of the old truck so much that his knuckles turned white. He knew he was being ridiculous. That the group behind them were a good couple of days away from them with the distance they made, but it didn't stop his worrying. It didn't stop the feeling like the moment he let Shaye and Danny out of his sight, they would be gone- Taken by the psychotic assholes in the forest that were attacking them for amusement or eaten by a group of walkers.

He glanced at them again, observing their sleeping forms as he drove and chuckled at what he saw. Shaye had been in a relatively normal sleeping position, head leaning against the glass of the window and hands tucked neatly at her sides. Danny, on the other hand, was quite the spectacle. He had been splayed across Shaye's lap diagonally, one arm pressed up against an arm rest and the other placed in an open compartment. His legs dangled off of Shaye's, his head tossed back as he snored lightly. It was quite the scene, and brought back fond memories before- Well, before all of this. When he and his family, comprised of his wife Joanne, his eldest daughter Maia and then Shaye and Danny had gone out for ice-cream on Sundays, where Danny would fall asleep in his booster seat on the way to the little parlor. Poor Maia and Shaye, having to deal with Danny's flailing limbs as he slept, always winding up to somehow be punched or kick by the toddler who absolutely did not know the meaning of the word 'still'.

Johnathon smiled at the memories, and for a second he forgot their situation. He forgot for a moment that they were being hunted down like prey, he forgot that the world was currently going to hell- That it was more or less overrun by walking corpses that could kill any one of them in a seconds notice. he forgot that besides Shaye and Danny, his family was gone. That his wife was murdered and that Maia, the one who escaped, could be dead or worse. Forgot that Danny would grow up in a word where survival was more important than morals. That Danny would grow up without his mother. That Shaye definitely had been impacted by the death around her, transforming from the once bubbly and outspoken person she once was to someone new. To a cynical, pessimistic, quiet and mistrusting woman who flinched when someone tried to reach out to her and almost outright cried when someone mentioned the word 'mother' and looked at you with cautious,steely eyes, analyzing you and trying to figure out if she should run from you, fight you or converse with you.

He forgot about all of that for a second and opted for pretending everything was normal. That he would be able to drive home, enter it and see his wife on the phone, no doubt chewing out one of the other resident surgeons at the hospital she worked at where she practically was worshipped as the lead surgeon there. Where he would see Maia on the table, drawing out house sketches for her professor. Where he would see Shaye on the couch, silently humming songs to herself and working on homework that wasn't due for atleast another week. Where he would see Danny in the corner of the living playing with his stuffed toys and laughing like no tomorrow. He smiled, the worry and the misery building in his chest slightly alleviating at the thoughtm and for once in the 3 months that have gone bye, he thought that everything would be alright.

And that's when the truck ran out of gas.

"Come on girl get in," Alec coaxed the excited German Shepard as she danced by the door. Sh kept feinting getting in then running off a way's. Obviously not wishing to be stuck in the car again. When she did it again Rudolph scowled with annoyance and snapped at the dog. " Get in or we will leave you to be eaten."

Barking as her favorite person acknowledged her Sara-blue hopped into the car happily to tack the boy. Giggling Trix dodged her brothers flailing arm's to shut the door before moving to climb into the front seat. They had their jobs now. Trix was the navigator, Alec was the driver, and Rudolph got the gun to shoot any Geek's when they passed through a crowded place and had to shoot a few to thin the horde. It wasn't perfect but it worked.

"Alright everyone put your seat belts on keep your arms and feet in the vehicle. " Alec joked as he started the car up and suddenly pulled back. Rudolph yelped as he went flying off his seat, Sara choosing that time to climb off him, admits the laughter of his siblings. "I hate you all!"
| Jeanne

Exhausted, she dropped her belongings in the trunk of the car, making sure that everything was still there, and nobody had come to steal something. You can never guess who is in the close proximity. Then, she closed it quietly, circled the car, and entered the front seat. She would love to take a nap now, but it was never save to spend more time than needed in a place where she was literally surrounded by walkers. So, she took a deep breath, and started the car. She knew the sound of the car engine was attracting the walkers, so she had to be fast. While pushing the gas pedal through, she turned the car, and backed out of her 'parking space' in a backyard, right through the bushes, so she could enter the street. There weren't as much walkers as she had feared, still about a hundred.

Her red hair was continuously falling into her eye, so she had to blow it away. Why hadn't she tied it into a ponytail? Again, she fully depressed the gas pedal so that her car was making weird noises - it was kind of old, but still fast and besides, it had been Maggie's car, so it was the only thing she owned that reminded her of the past and of Maggie - and drove all the way out of the city. Of course, it was risky to enter and leave a city like this, but she had no alternatives. Besides, the supermarkt on the edge of the city. She heaved a sigh of relief as she had finally left the city, of course, not without a lot of screatches on the car body and bloody wheels. After a couple of minutes, she had left the last bit of housing complexes, and was now taking the country road. Her windows were lowered so that the fresh wind was pleasingly blowing through her hair and cooling her skin. She would love to turn on some music now, but was too afraid that someone would notice her.

Her next stop had to be a gun shop. She was really in need of a good weapon in case she had to defend herself from the distance. She had been lost in her thoughts when she finally realized a truck in the distance. At the beginning, she thought nothing of it. It wasn't moving, so it was most probably an abandoned car. When she was near enough to realize there was a human sitting in the front seat, it was already too late. "
Shit," hissed through her teeth. Okay, she had to turn around. Yes. But how was she going to manage this on a narrow street like this? @MarenXDenominator12

| Heath

His mind went blank when he heard the voice behind him. It was a male voice, defintely, and it seemed to be a boy. Clearly not older then eighteen. Heath scolded, and turned around. Yes, it was indeed a boy, and he was holding gun. Well, that made the situation quite clear. "
Yeah, go on. Shot me. That will be much better than being eaten up by the walkers," he called, and closed his eyes, but only for a moment. He was up shit creek without a paddle, yep, he was. Only seconds later, another male appeared, older. He sounded a bit more peaceful. But the knife in his hand wasn't making things better.

The boy glanced at the knife with fear. So, he could either run and be shot by the gun or approach the guys and be stabbed by a knife. Wow. As if that were not enough, he heard the voice of a man who was shouting at the guys, and could spot him approaching them only seconds later. Wait, he seemed like a stranger. Probably, he could use this to his advantage and do a runner. @
Opium @Lonelytaco
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Mikhail solemnly walked the streets, it was odd for him though, he wasnt afraid. If anything the emotions that were welling up inside was that of sadness, he was alone. Yet at the same time he enjoyed being alone as well, it gave him reason not to have to worry about the well being of others considering he's constantly worrying about his family. The streets were quiet right now, Mik looked down the road as flashes of what it once was began to mirage themselves before him. Cars rushing up and down the road, people walking down the sidewalks and entering or exiting the stores. He turned to the right, to the old cafe he used to hang out at, he could see himself there, just sitting in the booth by the window. That was designated as his spot by the staff, every day he was there, and everyday he was there by himself, only once did someone actually join him on that table. "I wonder if shes ok too..."
Kamar peered upwards, squinting from the blaring sun that seared down casting bold and heavily defined shadows that skewed across the pavement. He sensed a caressing warmth along his neck, a breeze with a pleasant guile sailed past the collar of his shirt and produced a drop of sweat that brimmed his chest. His visage was moistened with a placid lather that relieved the searing rays of the sun, an invigorating droplet settled around his chin after trailing the side of his face, then trickled. His shirt was dampened with a subtle humidity that caused it to stick against him, certain areas darkened with sweat defining their presence. Kamar swung his kukri knife, waving to the flared silhouette upon the elevation, the illusion of prominence.

"Hello amigo, unfor-tuan-ately they are closed and unable to take your request, please leave a message after the beep," Kamar momentarily desist his ongoing ramble, then phrased "beeeeep," mimicking an answer machine. His eyes dart wildly, observing the gathering.

"No I understand now," he snickered as he sheathe the kukri into the improvised scabbard, contrived of leather and cord of yarn with multiple stitches lining the ridges.

"You are awaiting my order, no?" Kamar tilt forward on his heels, as if sermonizing a microphone.

"I would like a cheeseburger, pussy, and a cigarette," he reposed, his voice like a serenade, perplexed and relaxed. Kamar patiently await a response before the reverberation of his voice resonate up the hill.

"Hermano, do not come here, the staff are very im-po-lite," Kamar glowered at the group on 'impolite', directing his glare at the eldest, he spoke as if expressing new vocabulary to a child.

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