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Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]


New Leaf

The Keepers: Unity

Twenty years ago, the galaxy was in danger. Colonies of integrated Ascendii and human races were being destroyed, and the homeworlds of both races, Solehrii and Earth, were soon to be destroyed. The Organization of Genetic Advancement (OGA), a banished classified sciences division of the Earth Military turned army seeking the superiority and dominance of the human race by surgical and genetic experimentation, had developed transporter machines planted in both the planets' cores that created a massive portal that bridged between the two homeworlds. Those two planets were almost destroyed, and if successful, the OGA would have created an extinction of all Ascendii, and any humans that did not support their cause. They almost succeeded.

The OGA had their human supporters locked away in fleets to breed and ensure the survival of the race while the two planets burned. When all was lost, the Keepers came. The Keepers, a vigilante group full of genius soldiers and scientists of both races created by former mercenary Jack Monroe and Exansis Ensign Apollo Venport used prototype technology to destroy the transporters, saving the planets and stopping the OGA. An ex-EM soldier, Ulysses Zephyr, sacrificed his life among other members of the group to save Earth and Solehrii. The vigilante group turned from outlaws to heroes. Everyone in the galaxy knew their name. They spent long years after the war fighting remaining pockets of the OGA, eventually dispersing after the EM shut them down.

It's been ten years since the collapse of the OGA by the combined efforts of the Earth Military, the Ascendii army Exansis, and the controversial group of vigilantes known as The Keepers. In the years immediately following the OGA's collapse, the Earth Military Forces (EM) and the Exansis Air Superiority Fleet have gone head to head over the jurisdiction of trials convicting former OGA officers. The violent tension between these allies has since ceased, leaving the Keepers dormant. Jack Monroe, former leader of The Keepers, earned a position in the EM and is now free to operate under military restraint in a black-ops replacement of his previous team. Apollo Venport, a former alumni of the group leads the Ascendii around the galaxy as the Exansis Fleet Admiral, enforcing trade routes and overseeing colonization efforts. Their former ally Odysseus, however, was presumed dead, sacrificing his life to go into the core of Solehrii and destroy the last transporter machine, saving both planets.

However, recent intel says differently. Ulysses Zephyr is alive. And he is stationed in the last known OGA base, currently running the army under his own rule. And the now EM-controlled Keepers have been sent to infiltrate the base and find him.

Recently, Jack Monroe has sent out recruitment fliers, designed to be acquired by select individuals. You have acquired one of these fliers. Although the galaxy seems civilized, this peace cannot continue without the proper enforcement. Since most people have heard of the victories, you have decided it is imperative to go and join them.

To go and join The Keepers.

Current Members

Jack Monroe - M - Human - The Keepers/EM @LesDom

Apollo Venport - M - Ascendii - The Keepers/Exansis ASF @AACS

Ulysses Zephyr (Odysseus Zephyr/Ozymandias Zephyr) - M - Human - The Keepers/Fugitive @Ulysseus

Sierra Perr - F - Ascendii/Human - Exansis @JPax42

Joshua Caine - M - Human - Earth Military (Sig Op Division) @DJGomez

Kaero Talistor - M - Human - Assassin @Footzimoo

Cato Anderson - M - Ascendii/Human - Experiment/OGA@LesDom

Reagis Tisaron - M - Human - Cybernetic @ResonantStorm

I have tagged all of those currently in. RP will begin after one more writer is introduced.

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( @JPax42 @DJGomez We are not starting yet While your posts are up to par in terms of writing potential, your introduction posts will start after I establish the location the meet-up occurs. Also, with JPax, there is still a problem with her unfinished bio. Please refer to me in OOC when we are ready to post. We still need more people. And as your messages are written by my character, it is not allowed for you to write in his place as it is handling another writer's character.)
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Outer Reaches Territory, aboard Jack Monroe's Cruiser 'ATLAS'

"Boarding party has arrived. Members present: Talistor, Kaero. Perr, Sierra. Caine, Joshua. Venport, Apollo. Entry door sealed until further command. Action?" The female voice of the ship's synthetic command center rang out. The only man in the large, lonely cruiser stirred in recognition at the name of the last person, sitting up in his chair inside the control room.

"Let them in. Wait!" The whirring of the program's module froze, pausing to listen to the man's next command.

"We have their DNA on database, right? Scan 'em in first."

"Indeed. We have their records, Jack. Initializing scan." The cramped metal room in which the visitors waited were lit up by a holographic grid that fit an entire space of a wall, passing through each person.

"Scan is green. All party members authentic."

"Okay, open the doors. Where are the rest of them?"

"The remaining invitees are on their way."

Jack rose from the chair, watching silently from the cameras as the crew stepped inside.

"Keep your emergency infiltration protocols on standby. We've got a risky one or two." Jack stepped out of the room, walking down the long metal corridors to greet the newcomers. Things were about to get fun.



Unexplored Quadrant, OGA Base of Operations

"I'm ready when you are, sir." Cato whispered to the polished floor, kneeling to his mentor. "My forged identity has not yet been compromised."

((@AACS @Footzimoo @DJGomez @JPax42 @Ulysseus @The Gunrunner ))
"Ugh...are you kidding me right now..." Kaero groaned as he lugged onto the new location, no idea what he was getting into. That flier, had basically fucked his life over, but that was okay. He was followed by a normal looking human, an alien girl who was taller than he was by a bit (which, of course, he overlooked and didn't care.), and a REALLY tall alien guy who had wings. That freaked him out quite a bit. Never had he ever seen anyone with wings. As he stepped through the holographic scanner, he wondered if the guy with wings could fly. No matter, he thought to himself as he stepped inside the cruiser. The interior was rather straightforward, but he had no idea what to do, so he plopped down in the airlock and just looked forwards.

(@AACS @JPax42 @The Gunrunner @DJGomez @Ulysseus @LesDom)
Outer Reaches Territory, Cruiser 'ATLAS'

Sierra rubbed her bright eyes and looked forward. Getting here wasn't much of a hassle, she thought. "So...you guys are also here...um..." she looked around at two humans, one with creepy red eyes, and an Ascendii. She was a bit amazed, that an Ascendii would come this far away from Exansis reaches. That's alright, hopefully. Sierra was walking forward when the red-eyed human spoke up.

"Ugh...are you kidding me right now..."
he groaned. Sierra looked back at him with skeptical eyes. "You alright? Nervous? Something?" She tilted her head a little bit, but proceeded with walking. Stepping through a (terribly cloaked) green grid, she was rather surprised nobody else decided to talk. She also had taken a seat next to the red-eyed man near the airlock, waiting to be greeted by whoever sent them this flier.

'Wait. What if someone who is with us gave me the flier? The Ascendii? The professional looking guy? Who??" Sierra sighed and put her face in her hands, which, she noticed, had five fingers.

@Footzimoo @AACS @LesDom @The Gunrunner @Ulysseus @DJGomez)
Joshua stood there in the elevator with the other.....the other......he didn't know what to call them. Some were human, others were Ascendii. He though to himself some of the black missions he'd performed to silence a few, lets say outspoken members of their race. Netherless, that was the past. He was more curious who the hell knew about him. He didn't exist according to Earth military records. Everything about his life had been wiped, or so he thought. Regardless he owed whoever had contacted him, they saved his neck and he didn't have anywhere else to go. He instinctually went for the grip of his pistol as the elevator glowed green, he relaxed as he realized it was a biometric scan. Some of the others obviously we're more vocal, Caine figured he'd stay quiet, keep his eyes and ears open, and learn what he could. If he couldn't trust his own team anymore, why the hell would he trust this miss mash band.

@Ulysseus @JPax42 @AACS @Footzimoo @LesDom @The Gunrunner
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A tall Ascendii waited patiently ahead of the port, seemingly confident to enter the cruiser. Unlike the others, in his hand was no flier. Instead, the three digits were empty, and loose and open. His other hand cradled a blue and red metallic pin, with four Inversic symbols stacked painfully above the other, forming a rough "E." As the others entered the room, the Ascendii followed likewise. While the two talking recruits took a seat, he stood next to a man. Not just any man, but one that reminded him of his life. The Ascendii looked directly at him through sky blue eyes, then to the rest of them.

Apollo Venport was the first member of the Keepers, and a lifelong friend of Jonathan Monroe for twenty five years. While Jack had aged significantly faster than he had, their differences never been factored into their relations. Although Jack never sent him the names of the recruits, Apollo knew most of them. Not on a personal level, but he glimpsed through them fast, remembering to read about Kaero and Joshua.

Apollo said quickly, seemingly to nobody.

@DJGomez @Footzimoo @Ulysseus @LesDom @The Gunrunner @JPax42
"Hey, bug." Jack grunted through scarred lips, staring intently at the alien who quietly mentioned a long-past alias of his. He stepped forward, almost not used to the light clothing he was wearing, having grown accustomed to heavy armor. He smiled, taking Apollo's arm and shaking it.

"It's been a while, man! You haven't aged a day." Jack joked, knowing the long lifespan of his friend's race. He looked past the ascendii's shoulder, his eyes drifting from the assassin with the vacant expression, to the confused Hybrid, and finally to the quiet soldier. He let go of Apollo, standing in front of them all to address professionally whilst lighting a match, pulling out a hand-rolled cigarette and lighting it.

"Well, three's not much. But it'll do until the new shipment arrives. Newbies, meet Apollo Venport. If you have trouble remembering his name, he's a Keeper. Or at least, was." Jack drew the cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag and dispelling the grungy smoke into the otherwise sparkling clean corridor.

"This man's a founder, in fact. Stopped the Solehrii/Earth crisis about twenty years back when that Transport Collider used by the OGA bridged the two planets atmospheres. He saved possibly your lives, if not your parents lives. Can't say he did it without a little help though."

"I am Jack Monroe. The EM credits me as the leader of the Keepers all those years back, but it was more of a group thing. God knows no one on that team could stomach a 'leader' telling them what to do. But before I continue, I need to let a few things air so that all of us can sit pretty." Jack met eyes with every person in the room, knowing they were paying attention to every word.

"Each of you were selected because of something extraordinary you have accomplished. Every person in this room is an example of unmatched skill and talent, and of their species' highest capabilities. You three were picked out of a pool of thousands upon thousands purely for this mission, which is an incredibly covert and sensitive political matter that the EM needs the best in the galaxy for."

"Technically, this group does not exist. We are not apart of any database, any record. We are a private black ops team sent for the most dangerous and important missions that involve the interests of Earth and Solehrii. We leave no trace. No evidence. Nothing."

"Joshua Caine, you are one the most gifted earth-born soldiers the EM has to offer. Sierra Perr, your initiative and bravery saved the lives of your crew and honored your race after your commander was killed by a pirate raid. Kaero Talistor, your skill in assassination and infiltration of military officials while remaining undetected will prove a valuable asset to our mission. Apollo needs no explanation. He's a fuckin' general in the Exansis."

"Now, I'll debrief you all once I explain how this is gonna work. Your lives have been wiped. Each of you no longer exist. Your records, your history, all lost in a virus that spread through every public and private collection of information in the galaxy. You agree to work for my mission, it stays that way and you'll have no concerns about your family or loved ones being targeted, as well as our enemies even knowing who you are. If you refuse and turn down my mission, you will return to your normal lives. Data restored. Identities back. You will each get a memory wipe, and when you wake up 12 hours from now, you will be in your beds back home. Except Apollo."

"Now is time to choose."

@AACS @JPax42 @DJGomez @Footzimoo @Ulysseus ))
Caine looked around the room for a second. He had an above top secret clearance with the EM. Hell, if someone learned more then two letters of his name, That was grounds for a black bag. He thought he knew all the dirty little secrets the EM had to offer. But obviously the EM had one more left. Which also told him something else. His team was the best. They had seen it all. There wasn't any other. Or so he thought. If the EM didn't come to his team about this mission, and instead opted for these....."keepers." Then that gave Caine a cold chill down his spine about what was really going on and the stakes.
Jack's speech had really gotten to Kaero. He paid careful attention on how that he could potentially never remember this if he was kicked out. However, he decided to keep quiet and look to Apollo, apparently now Jack's best friend. Taking note of all of his surroundings, as well as the suspicious quiet coming from Joshua. He slowly raised his hand and poised a question for Jack Monroe. "Hey, uh, what exactly are we doing right now, that there is no real threat in the galaxy? Elaborate patrol team? Something related to that?" Kaero was slightly miffed that Jack hadn't said a single word about what was happening, but he decided that professionalism was the way to go. Yep, keep it professional.

Kaero had spied on an Exansis meeting at one point and found that the generals were hired based on their speed, both mentally and physically. That meant that Apollo had to be somewhere along the top edge of Ascendii speed, and that was what was unsettling. Clearly this group was nowhere near a joke.

@LesDom @AACS @DJGomez @JPax42
Jack grinned, the scars on his face stretching. He was waiting for this question.

"The EM has lied to you to maintain peace. The illusion of safety was created years ago to prevent panic. After the OGA was disbanded by our help, along with the combined efforts of the EM and Exansis, they kept going. Was revived. In fact, the OGA is building another army. If the planets knew that there was a fleet in the unexplored quadrant of the galaxy full of OGA, there'd be riots in the streets. That's why we were sent. I'm sure you remember Ulysses Zephyr." Jack swallowed, his face almost turning pale behind the stubble, grime and hair.

"Member of the Keepers. Scientist. Ex-EM. High official. Used the alias 'Odysseus' the entire time we knew him. Went down in the books as a hero, sacrificed his life twenty years ago going to Solehrii's core to disable the second machine and stopped the crisis. Because of him, Solehrii and Earth's atmosphere was reverted back, the portal ceased, and he was presumed dead. Never found his body in the core after the event. Never found the machine either." Jack's fists clenched, and he flicked the cigarette on the clean floor, crushing it under his boot.

"We received intel that Ulysses is alive. And that he's the man that's spent years reviving the OGA." He paced, his arms behind his back.

"This is a very sensitive mission. Ex-EM General, alumni of the Keepers, gifted geneticist, strategist, and scientist. This man is a genius. He is not someone we want against us, nor someone we need the public to find out about. We found him in a nearby colony, in the Outer Reaches. That's where his base is. We don't know why he's stranded himself from his army, nor what his plans are. I am aware that this is most likely a trap. We need to infiltrate, apprehend, and shut down the base. We cannot allow this to break out into the public's eye. If the universe finds out the OGA is still out there...the best I can describe it is, it will be very, very, bad."

@AACS @JPax42 @DJGomez @Ulysseus )

Apollo had silently accepted the greeting and responded with a basic "Glad to see you still remember me!" before retreating back to where he stood. There, he silently surveyed the room while Jack answered one of the newbie's (nubs, as Apollo liked to call them) question. Much to Apollo's surprise, the question was worth while to listen to.

Jack spoke with a smiling-and-scared expression, saying "The EM has lied to you to maintain peace. The illusion of safety was created years ago to prevent panic. After the OGA was disbanded by our help, along with the combined efforts of the EM and Exansis, they kept going. Was revived. In fact, the OGA is building another army. If the planets knew that there was a fleet in the unexplored quadrant of the galaxy full of OGA, there'd be riots in the streets. That's why we were sent. I'm sure you remember Ulysses Zephyr." Apollo wasn't as horrified to hear his name as much as Jack said, but he was still silently shocked. Apollo had instead looked to each of the recruits, as if they were about to be put through a meat grinder.

Apollo kept quiet as Jack continued to speak. As he explained the background, Apollo slowly surveyed the information's accuracy. From what he had remembered from the private Exansis files, Jack's information was far too accurate to be dismissed as a hoax set up by Ulysses. Besides, Jack himself had known
more than Exansis. Apollo began to pay attention, when he realized he was being noticed by 3 nubs. 'Time to pay attention as well as map out their quarters.' Jack began to speak, while Apollo had started looking around

"This is a very sensitive mission..."

Apollo's eyes had went to the hall, looking down he could see the nostalgic control panel notifying him of 6 unoccupied beds.

"Ex-EM General, alumni of the Keepers, gifted geneticist, strategist, and scientist. This man is a genius. He is not someone we want against us, nor someone we need the public to find out about." Jack had said, while Apollo looked around for the dining hall. Across the room, as usual.

"We found him in a nearby colony, in the Outer Reaches. That's where his base is. We don't know why he's stranded himself from his army, nor what his plans are. I am aware that this is most likely a trap. We need to infiltrate, apprehend, and shut down the base."

Apollo looked straight from the airlock and, guessing by the structure of the ship, the command center is directly ahead. Medical Bay downstairs, as usual, and there was, for some reason, a sauna. Or a temperature controlled environment, Apollo couldn't tell.

We cannot allow this to break out into the public's eye. If the universe finds out the OGA is still out there...the best I can describe it is, it will be very, very, bad." Jack had finished, and so had Apollo, at least as far as he was thinking.

"Crew quarters to the left hall, six beds, pick your favorites! Dining hall to the right, you will be notified for each meal, as well as told to regularly hydrate. Medical bay downstairs, don't injure yourself walking around the ship AND there is a TCE on the right! The actual mission room timer is scheduled to go off in twenty-five and a quarter minutes, so get settled in your beds before Jack calls you." Apollo smiled, then signaled Jack in the other direction. "I need to tell you something important."

@LesDom @DJGomez @JPax42 @Footzimoo )
Jack smirked at Apollo's comment.

"I'm not that old yet. I doubt you'd look this good when you're...six-hundred? Seven-hundred? What time is forty years for you, again?" He nodded to the signal, wondering what the information was.

"Once I'm done babysitting the kids, I'll come over. Get yourself acquainted with the new ship interface. Betty, meet Apollo."

"Apollo Venport. A pleasure servicing an esteemed Exansis official such as yourself."

(@AACS )
Ith, The First Colony of the Planet Laertu

Ulysses sat silent in the middle of a decaying room, it's walls and ceiling slightly scorched and its floor littered with fading, aged papers. This quadrant of the colony had been mostly abandoned for decades, a memento of the corrupt Polytheman skirmish that left 77 civilians dead along that section of the colony wall. At the very least, no one had found this particular building's extensive basement. Ulysses centered himself on the floor, balanced, unwavering, as though waiting. Suddenly, a small disc in front of him spun aglow, and the holographic image of a young hybrid kneeled before him. Opening his eyes and looking at the grimacing hybrid, Cato Anderson, Ulysses listened to the metallic words "
I'm ready when you are, sir. My forged identity has not yet been compromised." Ulysses' eyebrow raised at this, and he nodded. "Excellent. Begin your infiltration immediately. The time for war is not yet upon us, so ensure our guests arrive here safely and please make the necessary... Modifications. For now, we set the terms for their defeat; indeed, regardless of what transpires, they have already lost. Now, we must deal in mercy. And Cato, do make sure to control your passions. Don't make your father's mistakes." At this, Ulysses terminated the connection without a response. None was necessary. He returned to his meditation, listening down the spiraling hallways and into the several comfortably insulated rooms. He stared somberly at a picture of a woman and young child on the wall, but shortly turned away. "So it begins," he muttered after a few minutes, standing and walking down a hallway towards the well-stocked kitchen.
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Cato rested silently, taking in every cold word that seeped from the hologram's mouth like a venomous snake.

"Excellent. Begin your infiltration immediately. The time for war is not yet upon us, so ensure our guests arrive here safely and make the necessary... Modifications. For now, we set the terms for their defeat; indeed, regardless of what transpires, they have already lost. Now, we must deal in mercy. And Cato, do make sure to control your passions. Don't make your father's mistakes."

His mouth twisted, biting his lip so hard that he felt a brief spike of pain, feeling the warm blood run down his chin from the sheer exertion of his clenched jaw. Cato heard the crackle of the empty comm channel, rising slowly to his feet. He was in full gear, his black exosuit encasing his body, his organic bleeding face being replaced by a shrouded mask. He stared at the small droplets of violet blood on the floor, turning around and leaving the corridor silently.

"Soldier Anderson, you may not leave until after your commanding officer debriefs-" The OGA soldier clad in fatigues put a hand on the intimidating dark figure's chest, and that was enough. The soldier's face turned blue as he was yanked feet off the ground, his legs kicking and swaying in the air. Cato gripped his fist around the man's neck tighter and tighter, the warm painful pulse of his lip only increasing his rage. The man stopped kicking, perhaps giving in to the increased strength of the combined force of Cato and his suit. He dropped the man roughly, letting him flop to the floor as he continued striding to his ship.

He sat in the cockpit silently as the engines hummed on, every muscle in his body taut to the breaking point. As his cruiser left the hangar silently, his suit shimmered and shifted like fractals of light, the dark synthetic suit transforming into that of standard Exansis bioarmor, his face exposed but lacking the harsh cut on his bottom lip. He glared at the stars with such an intensity, even they might submit to his might. Cato was coming.

( @Ulysseus )
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Sierra sighed and stroked her hair. She was finally away from the outside world, the cruiser would be taking off soon. The walk here was not easy for her, and it didn't help she had to lug a distributor pack. Of course, one she had made herself, so it weighed like a hundred pounds. "Quarters, I guess." She strolled off after Apollo and Jack finished talking, faintly hearing an electrical voice address Apollo.

Sierra walked over to the crew quarters and immediately selected the leftmost bed. Raising the electrical interface next to it, she felt around for a things, one of which was a fire extinguisher.
'Wow, this bed comes with a fire extinguisher. What kind of shit am I getting into now?' She jumped onto the bed and waited for something to happen. She couldn't believe The Keepers would recruit someone like her. Amongst a general (or was it Fleet Admiral?), a top line soldier, and an bleeding edge assassin, she was invited. Nothing more than a commander of a small EM force. Well, she was bound to have to learn something, right? Maybe she could just play it cool. Cool sounds good.

Sierra scooted against the wall and her eyes slowly closed unconsciously...

@LesDom @AACS @DJGomez
"Once I'm done babysitting the kids, I'll come over. Get yourself acquainted with the new ship interface. Betty, meet Apollo." Jack said and signaled to the walls.

"Apollo Venport. A pleasure servicing an esteemed Exansis official such as yourself." At this, Apollo looked around, enjoying how this is the first sound system EVER that didn't fuck with the air pressure. "Hi! Uh...servicing? Hey, wait, I still get to cook around here, right? Because nobody takes that away from me. Whatever, nice to meet you Betty. Err...gotta tend to the kids, um, recruit."

Apollo hastily walked away down the hallway. Sierra had gone to the dorms a while ago, and was already asleep in an upright position on the bed. Apollo's observations on Earth told that humans would lay their young parallel to the ground if they had fallen asleep, but Ascendii can pretty much sleep in any position.
'Whatever.' He told himself as he looked around the room. All twelve crew beds were empty, except for the one that Sierra chose. They weren't yet calibrated, and since nobody was here yet, Apollo decided to do that.

In an instant, he was next to one of the beds, calibrating the measures to match Joshua's specifications, his weight, his bone structure, molding to his body. Apollo's six total fingers looked like fifteen as he adjusted the calibrations, looking at the bed and watching it mold, hitting the switch command. Within thirty seconds, the bed basically looked like Joshua.

He moved to the next and calibrated it to Kaero's specifications, this one ready in forty seconds. Apollo then pulled out two metallic circuits, each which had a four-overlapped "E" on it. Holding these out, he went over to Jack and held them out.
"Newest Exansis shield generators. I managed to get a few. Use it for whatever you need, it overlaps most surfaces at varying intensities." Apollo wasn't wondering why he gave them right now. "Also, can we go to the briefing room soon? It's kind of important."

@LesDom @DJGomez @JPax42)
Joshua pulled his bag over his shoulder and walked to the crew quarters. He noticed the Ascendii girl sitting in one of the beds fast asleep. He set his bag down beside one of the beds. It didn't have much in it. The EM had provided him with everything he needed. In the bag was his combat gear, and an extra set of clothes. He was about to lay his equipment out for an inventory check and maintenance when he saw the bed was molded in a human form, specifically him. He appreciated the thought, but preferred just a normal bed. Though he did save the setting before resetting the interface to that of a normal earth bed before storing his bag in a locker and coding it to his handprint. He went back to the center chamber everyone was to see Apollo and Jack discussing something about shield generators. "So, when do we start?" The first words he'd said in close to 12 hours.

@AACS @LesDom @JPax42
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Sierra didn't notice Apollo walk in and out, though she did feel a little bit cold between all that moving. She did, however, wake up to the heavy footsteps of the soldier who had just walked in. "Ok...damn..." she grumbled before following Joshua out of the room. She did first throw her belongings into a locker and smash her thumb onto it, the whirring machine crackling a bit before it registered her print. Hastily following Joshua out and rubbing her eye vigorously, Sierra walked out into the central room and looked at the circuits Apollo held out, as well as finally hearing a word from the silently creepy soldier.

"So, when do we start?"
Sierra was slightly mad that THAT was ALL he said, but she figured that it's not worth killing anyone over.

@DJGomez @AACS @LesDom
"Newest Exansis shield generators. I managed to get a few. Use it for whatever you need, it overlaps most surfaces at varying intensities."

Jack stared incredulously at Apollo, not surprised but almost disappointingly expecting this kind of talk.

"I'll do that, Apollo. One thing though. Please don't fuck with the ship. Pressure's up to code, the beds are fine. You'll intimidate the crew."

Jack walked off, taking Apollo's advice and standing at the door of the bunks.

"Did you forget you have to make a decision? I briefed you the best I can. It's time to choose whether you dedicate yourself to this team or wake up in your bed back home tomorrow morning."
Caine stood straight and looked Jack square in the eye, crossing his arms "Look. No bullshit, nothing personal. I don't know any of you. None of you are apart of my team. That means I don't trust any of you for now. But if this is big enough for the EM to pass over my team, then I guess I'd better put my trust issues aside. So i guess I'm in, When do we start?"
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Sierra had been listening this whole time, and she perked up at Joshua's rather arrogant comment. "Trust issues? That's basically, as far as I've seen, a human's way of expressing that they are better than what they're getting into." She repeatedly looked to Jack over and over, as if she was hoping for either of them to concur with what she said. Rolling her eyes, she fixed her eyes on Apollo's. "I'm in, by the way."

@DJGomez @LesDom @AACS
"Look. No bullshit, nothing personal. I don't know any of you. None of you are apart of my team. That means I don't trust any of you for now. But if this is big enough for the EM to pass over my team, then I guess I'd better put my trust issues aside. So i guess I'm in, When do we start?"

Jack laughed, a deep throaty chuckle that almost sounded like a cough.

"Well said. I hope I can build your trust, soldier. We start as soon as the new recruits arrive." He turned to Sierra, listening to her and shaking his head.

"Trust issues don't come from superiority, they come from experiencing pain in their lives. You'll be quick to change your tune when someone you think of as an old friend becomes your worst enemy. Nudge, nudge."
"Trust issues don't come from superiority, they come from experiencing pain in their lives. You'll be quick to change your tune when someone you think of as an old friend becomes your worst enemy. Nudge, nudge."

Apollo walked in right when Jack finished speaking. He took one look at the confrontational faces.
"Ok, so uh, trust issues. We're having this talk again. And, uh, Jack, what exactly can the, uh Betty do?" Apollo wasn't particularly fond of having an AI, simply because the Exansis didn't use them, or in general, have them. He figured that the AI was worth living with.

@LesDom @DJGomez @JPax42
"If you are wondering about my system specifications, I would be happy to personally talk to you, per say."

Jack shrugged. "She's the ship, pretty much. I realized this cruiser is too damn big to have a crew manually operate it. She controls weapon systems, the ship's energy core, keeps everything functioning, and goes into emergency protocols in case of a hull breach. Don't worry, though, I haven't replaced you. I told her to ease up on the piloting and leave it to you."

"Sierra, what we're facing right now should be an example of trust issues. This man we're going after fought with me against the OGA and saved my damn life, as well as Apollo's on a few occasions. Now to hear that he's working for the very army we all dedicated ourselves to taking down all those years ago? It's absurd. Confusing."

@AACS @JPax42 @DJGomez )

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