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Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

Sierra interrupted Caine by grabbing his radio by the ear and dialing it to 2320, the channel actually Jack said. "Next time, pay attention. Oh, and try to keep up with us." Sierra smirked at the fact that Caine was a few meters BEHIND and that he didn't know what he was doing. "Orders aren't coming in yet?" She rolled her eyes at Caine. He might seem like a soldier, but he's "one stupid mofo."

@LesDom @AACS @DJGomez @Ulysseus

Caine jerked himself away, grabbing her hand. It was deadly to interrupt him when he went into a state like this, he nearly pumped a round into her off of instinct. But he came back reality and set the radio back. "If you were paying attention instead of worrying about kissing him, you would have heard 3220. And besides, someone's gotta watch your six considering you're too boot fucked to check your corners."

"Fucking amateurs"
Caine said to himsef.

(Post says 3220, so im going off that, unless it was a typo.)

@AACS @JPax42 @Ulysseus @LesDom
"Have you considered we don't want your help? We don't want to be saved?" He glared at Ulysses, wondering if he was really the same man Jack once knew. "You told me once that you would rather die a free man than live as a slave. What made you want to live like this?"
Apollo overheard the arguing from behind and raised the electrostick, jabbing at Joshua's head, without having to look back. "It's an honest mistake on her part. Leave her alone. Sierra, you too." Reigniting the stick, Apollo scanned around before taking flight, still circling above the group. He switched the stick on, thinking to himself whether Caine was crying or if he had gone back to badger on Sierra. He felt a little bad for both of them, and they were the two people on the ground with guns. As long as they don't fight, this will be smooth sailing here on out.

@DJGomez @JPax42 @Ulysseus @LesDom
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"You told me once that you would rather die a free man than live as a slave. What made you want to live like this?"

Ulysses proceeded down the stairs of the catwalk, still keeping his distance. "Freedom. What a quaint idea. No, we're all slaves, Jack, even if we don't admit it. From the moment we are born, we are slaves to something. To our past, our future, the ones we hate, and especially the ones we love. The only freedom we have is to fight for the terms of our slavery. And this isn't just about the Sirens either. If you lose this battle today, it's not because you chose to lose. It's not because you deserved to lose either; trust me, I considered that too. No, it's because we deserve nothing. Nature's a bitch; she doesn't give a damn about you, the human race, the galaxy, even the so-called "Survival of the Fittest." In the end, that's just sport. No, the only meaning we have is the one we take for ourselves; sure, some sorts of meaning can be given to us, but that meaning is just as easily taken away. You're fighting for the galaxy? What did the galaxy offer you? A home? No, you're as much a ghost on the breeze as the Sirens. Humanity, the Ascendii, all those races didn't come into space to find a home. We didn't come here to find freedom either. Few species have such noble intentions in actuality. We came out here to make men like you and I, lonely men. To hide our empty and hollow secrets in the blinding rays of far-away stars and the shadows of supermassive black holes. There's no lofty quest, no heroes. The stars themselves certainly aren't the answers. No, what men like you and the ones who run the EM and the Exansis and the old OGA, what none of you realize is that it's not the horizons that matter, going out into the unknown. Its not about protecting those horizons. It's about coming back after, and protecting the home we already have. The home we ALWAYS had. It's about embracing your wife when you come home after six months, and seeing her relief that you made it back. It's about the look in your son's eye, the gleam of aspiration, painful to you, that someday he wants to be just like you when he grows up. And you know what, Jack? I'd trade the galaxy for a chance to be with my family again. I'm tired of false heroes and modern demigods. All I want is to have back the home taken from me."
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"Stop monologuing. I'm trying to stay awake for this mission." He loaded his pistol, aiming it at Ulysses on the catwalk. "Maybe I'm being a bit biased since I've never had the whole 'wife and kids' thing, but my stance is still that you shouldn't enslave every species in the universe for your own motives because you miss your dead family. Come with me, or I shoot you."
Sierra laughed a little bit when Apollo smacked Caine, but quickly returned to focus when he flew away. "Hey, fuckboy. What do you think Jack's doing in there? We got this hangar, right?" A maintenance crew member was running across the hall, so Sierra raised her gun and planted a stun round in his chest. "Apollo, any feedback?"

@AACS @DJGomez @Ulysseus @LesDom

Apollo put a hand up and pointed to Sierra with symbols that she would understand, and that she would tell them to Caine. He then swooped down with steady wings, to the maintenance shaft room, ducking behind a regulatory cell. He powered on the electrical stick and waited.

@JPax42 @LesDom @Ulysseus @DJGomez
Ulysses stared at the pistol, raising an eyebrow in feigned surprise. "Really, Jack? You actually are threatening me? You never listen, do you? You wouldn't kill me." A light tone sounded in Ulysses' pocket, buzzing from his pocket watch. Then, the room shook and gravity shifted for a moment to an angle. They had arrived in the orbit of Solehrii. Ulysses used this moment of unbalance to his advantage, jumping off the catwalk. He slipped past Jack, running toward the control bridge of the ship as soldiers streamed around him. Outside his window, he noted the arrival of more repurposed OGA ships. His fleet was ready.

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