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Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

Ulysses didn't look up from his book, or even acknowledge Cato in any measurable way. After a moment of silence, Ulysses sighed and, still reading, spoke sternly to Cato. "Cato, what are you doing? These are my guests. You will NOT harm them. You've already killed one of my soldiers today. Did you know his name? Did you know he had two children? Their mother died three years ago; now they are orphans. Perhaps you might have been sympathetic, having no surviving family yourself. No matter, we will make sure they are cared for... Your father was never so inhumane, so why are you? He would be disappointed, but not nearly as disappointed as I am now. In any case, please let Mr. Monroe go. Have a seat, Cato." Ulysses motioned to the chair beside him, still focused on his Suetonius.
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"Cato, what are you doing? These are my guests." Cato stared at him, a shocked look on his face. "We have them! This is why you sent me, isn't it? You led them straight into a trap! This is what we planned! Give a bread crumb trail, then-then kill them!" He held the sword to Jack's throat, digging in a bit as he argued. "Hey! Watch the neck, asshole." "Shut up."

"You will NOT harm them. You've already killed one of my soldiers today. Did you know his name? Did you know he had two children? Their mother died three years ago; now they are orphans. Perhaps you might have been sympathetic, having no surviving family yourself. No matter, we will make sure they are cared for." Cato growled, completely in shock to what his leader was saying. "That doesn't matter, you fool! This is our only chance!"

"Your father was never so inhumane. Why are you? He would be disappointed. As am I. In any case, please let Mr. Monroe go. Have a seat, Cato." Cato was furious. The culminated insult, humiliation, and mention of his father developed a vein popping out of his neck as he shouted. "You will doom our order! If you cannot kill your precious friend, I will! I'll-" Jack rolled his eyes, using one of his raised hands to drop an elbow into Cato's stomach. He jerked back, Jack grabbing the blade now a few inches away from his neck and yanking it out of the hybrid's hands, the sword clattering to the floor. Jack spun around, grabbing him by the collar and slamming his head against his, sending Cato flying onto the hard floor, unconscious. Jack bent down, picking up his shotgun as he panted. "That takes care of things. Someone, cuff him. You were saying, Ody?"
"That takes care of things. Someone, cuff him. You were saying, Ody?" At these words, Apollo pulled out a pair of electromagnetic handcuffs and slapped them around Cato's wrists. He then turned Cato by the shoulders and slapped another pair around his ankles and held him upright. "Hey Jack, remember all those times you laughed at me for carrying utility rope?"

Apollo smirked and tied Cato's limbs to his back and lay him on the table. Apollo lost his informality as he addressed Ulysses. "Ody, I hope it's not much of an inconvenience, but I can't let him freeze to death on the ground." Apollo laughed at this, knowing there was no chance of him getting remotely cold. "I missed tying people together."

@Ulysseus @LesDom @JPax42 @DJGomez @Anaxial
Sierra looked down at Cato's unconscious body, which was rapidly tied together by Apollo. "What the heck? Dominic?"

Sierra looked with wide eyes to Jack, who had talked to the guy the entire team had ARMED themselves to capture as if he was a friend. She looked to Apollo, who literally tied up a hybrid and threw him on the table, while Sierra over here could hardly touch someone who was sleeping without getting jittery fingers. She was getting rather nervous at this and lifted her rifle, aiming it directly at Ulysses's head.
"Just tell me when." She stopped shaking under the apparent confidence of Jack's orders, and was now ready to knock him out in a shot.

@LesDom @AACS @Ulysseus @DJGomez @Anaxial
"He's unarmed, Perr. I'm not planning on dropping him right this moment." Jack paused, wiping the sweat off his face. "Keep that thing off safety, though. I doubt this is gonna be the only trick we come across tonight." Jack pulled up a chair, sitting down across from him. "Ody. Look at me." He waited, his impatience growing as the man he spent so long into tracking and wondering about all for a purposeful trail wouldn't look up from his book. He clenched his teeth at the crackle of the record player, pulling his pistol out of it's holster and firing a single shot at it, the record suddenly stopping as the machine burst apart a few feet away from Ulysses' head, sliding his gun back into it's spot on his thigh. "What the fuck is going on?"

@AACS @Ulysseus @JPax42 @Anaxial @DJGomez
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Caine kept his rifle aimed at Ulysses and pulled his pistol from its holster to point at Taylor as he held Monroe like a meat shield. He wasn't able to split his eyes like a chameleon, but his cross comm calculated an angle for him to hold his arm at to ensure a headshot without looking. He put the pistol away casually and went back to aiming at Ulysses as Monroe and Apollo dealt with Taylor. In the mean time he could see Seirra's hands shaking under her rifle. "Hey new girl, don't aim at his head, if a stun rounds hits his head its liable to cause a hemorrhage and kill him, aim for his chest or extremities, they're also easier to hit them his head."

@Anaxial @AACS @LesDom @JPax42 @Ulysseus
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"Hey new girl, don't aim at his head, if a stun rounds hits his head its liable to cause a hemorrhage and kill him, aim for his chest or extremities, they're also easier to hit them his head." Sierra's expression faltered at Joshua's voice. "No, look. He has some hidden armor on. The conductivity from the shot will more or less supercharge it, making him untouchable. A shot to the head might hurt him, but his armor will simply conduct it into the ground. Besides, I have no intention of shooting him." Sierra rolled her eyes and kind of chuckled inside of her head. "But thanks, though." She turned to Joshua and smiled a bit.

@DJGomez @AACS @Ulysseus @LesDom @Anaxial
Ulysses looked up from his book, finally setting it aside. "Sorry to keep you waiting; I wanted to finish the chapter. Jack, Apollo, other Keepers, please sit down and get yourselves comfortable. We will be eating dinner soon. Until then, be patient and do not be afraid." Ulysses left the room and sealed the door behind him, as music continued to play on the record player.
Apollo pulled out three chairs chairs for Joshua, Sierra, and Kaero before taking a seat closest to Ulysses's spot.

"Hey, Jack, I saw you hesitate a bit when you hit Cato. Are you alright?"
He then turned to the female hybrid he hadn't talked much to after breaking in an entry.

"Sierra, you lack confidence. Remember, while you are to remain loyal to Jack, your own instinct is the difference between success and failure. Think about the wild [
"phlamberphysh"] on Solehrii. If you want to ride one of them, not only do you have to follow what someone who are accustomed to riding these say, but you also have to make certain changes based on instinct, or else the ["phlamberphysh"] will flip over and you'll go crashing onto the ground." Apollo looked to Jack with a smirk. "You remember those, right?"


@LesDom @JPax42 @DJGomez @Ulysseus
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"Shut up, Apollo." He checked his ammunition as he sat in one of the chairs, sighing. "Okay. We're gonna play along with this. Don't eat the food."
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Apollo rolled his eyes and nodded at the "Don't eat food" part. He remembered vividly why that is the case. "Right."

Apollo powered his pistols down and turned off the ED. Glancing around the room, he took in the lavish feel of the dining hall, something that was missed far too much by him and Jack.

@LesDom @DJGomez @JPax42 @Ulysseus
Ulysseus observed and studied the seating arrangement in the dining room from a nearby monitor in the kitchen, as he swapped out his purple bow tie for a silk, navy tie. Lining the tie up symmetrically, he placed warmed food onto multiple metal platters: salmon, various deep green salads, and bread. He pushed a green button on the corner of each platter, and each began levitating a few feet above the ground, suspended in air. Pulling out a remote, he maneuvered the floating dishes towards the door of the dining room and unlocked the door. As Ulysses opened the door fully, the platters proceeded in and settled upon the table, the buttons turning red. Ulysses moved in and closed the door behind him. Silently, he proceeded to the head of the table and, taking his seat, stared at the group. "Now that we are all settled down and dinner is served, let me begin by saying welcome. It's good to see you, my friends."
"Cut the shit. If you set up a trail for us to follow, then you know we're not here for the food either." Jack straightened up in his chair, staring at Ulysses. "Tell me what the hell is going on."
Caine stood on gaurd at the table, not taking a seat with his rifle loosely held at his stomach in his hands. He scanned the area, noting possible ambush and entry points as he ran several different scenarios in his head for ambushes he'd do and escape plans, in additon to noting some of the support beams of the building he could destroy with the explosive setting in his rifle. He listened but zoned out of the conversation going on and United the food offered.

@Ulysseus @AACS @LesDom @JPax42
"Cut the shit. If you set up a trail for us to follow, then you know we're not here for the food either. Tell me what the hell is going on." Ulysses stared intensely at Jack for a moment, and then broke into a smile. "You've barely changed, Jack. You're your same old stubborn and impatient self. But there's no need to be so rushed. You're my guest, so accept my hospitality. I'm sure that if I was a woman with some well-proportioned mammaries, you wouldn't be nearly so inhospitable. So what have I done, my friend, to earn your disrespect?" Ulysses stood up and went to a nearby side table. "Normally I wouldn't encourage this, but what I think you need, Jack, is a drink." Ulysses, opening a panel in the table, pulled out a bottle of gin and two glasses. Pouring two splashes into each, Ulysses returned to the table and sat back down, sliding the second glass towards Jack. Ulysses took a sip and, leaning back, glanced around the room, noting the uneasy faces of everyone present. Caine was even still standing. "Won't you all eat, or is this going to be an uncomfortable reunion and meeting?"
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"You've barely changed, Jack. You're your same old stubborn and impatient self. But there's no need to be so rushed. You're my guest, so accept my hospitality. I'm sure that if I was a woman with some well-proportioned mammaries, you wouldn't be nearly so inhospitable. So what have I done, my friend, to earn your disrespect? Normally I wouldn't encourage this, but what I think you need, Jack, is a drink."

"Won't you all eat, or is this going to be an uncomfortable reunion and meeting?" Jack took the glass, studying the amber liquid. He put it to his lips, draining it quickly and setting it down.

"Caine, sit. You sent us on a goddamn wild goose chase, Ody. And for what? Dinner? I just found out a man I once trusted with my life, a man who I thought had sacrificed himself for the galaxy has spent the last twenty years in hiding. I'm sure it wasn't for a reunion party. How you're acting, how you gave us target practice with those sentries who couldn't hit a man standing still, something stinks. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're stalling." Jack studied Ulysses' face, staring at those optic eyes that glowed of an unnatural blue. "You're the one to talk about change. You're exactly the same, Ody. Even your face. Someone's had a few enhancements. Cybernetics, I'm guessing. But how could a man get that kinda money and tech in hiding? You're just how I remember. Always planning something. Scheming. I know this day isn't gonna end the way I want it to. But I'll be damned if it ends the way you want it to, either. And for your information, I'm an ass guy."

@AACS @JPax42 @DJGomez @Ulysseus @Anaxial
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"You're the one to talk about change. You're exactly the same, Ody. Even your face. Someone's had a few enhancements. Cybernetics, I'm guessing. But how could a man get that kinda money and tech in hiding? You're just how I remember. Always planning something. Scheming. I know this day isn't gonna end the way I want it to. But I'll be damned if it ends the way you want it to, either." The smile on Ulysses' face remained in place, but wavered slightly for a moment. He broke his stare at Jack, glancing now to Apollo, and then looked at his drink. He slowly brought together the words as his smile faded. "You all are in danger."
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"I'm afraid that the answers to both of those questions are currently not in the cards. What I will say is this: I've invited you here to save you. Come away with me, all of you, and you will survive. I've been given certain assurances, and I've maintained certain securities of my own." Ulysses paused, glancing over every Keeper, as he solemnly declared, "this is a fight we cannot win, so I have no intention of telling you the odds or anything, really. Your options are simple, and I wish I could give you more, but I can't. Come with me now, or die."
Jack laughed. He attempted to stifle it, suppressing his chuckles and coughing. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You know that's not how that works. We're not going anywhere with you until we know exactly what's happening. The way I see it, we're still taking you in after this chat. You can give us as many options as possible. We just found out you spent the last twenty years in hiding, are working for the enemy that we swore to take down and have been for years, and you give us a vague ultimatum and expect us to follow you blindly, no questions asked?"

He broke into chuckles again, covering his mouth. "I wish I could give you a better answer than 'fuck no'. Actually, I don't. At least not until you tell me what actually is going on. Before I forget, anything you wanna add, Apollo?"
"I wish I could give you a better answer than 'fuck no'. Actually, I don't. At least not until you tell me what actually is going on. Before I forget, anything you wanna add, Apollo?" At this, Apollo smirked and looked to Jack. He knew very well he could flip the table over and rush everyone out of the room, at least out the door, before all the plates and things settled on their places. Instead, he stared intently through Ody's unnaturally blue eyes through his own. "And, a straight answer this time. I know you are known for telling the truth, but I want a full answer. No leaving things out."

Apollo put a hand on the table. "Tell us. Take your time, but within the next three and a half minutes."

@LesDom @Ulysseus @DJGomez @JPax42 @Anaxial
"And, a straight answer this time. I know you are known for telling the truth, but I want a full answer. No leaving things out. Tell us. Take your time, but within the next three and a half minutes." Ulysses stared back at Apollo, but soon looked down, taking another sip from his drink. "Please, don't be stubborn. I- I can't tell you. Not what you want to know. But you have to make this decision now. Come with me. Live. Trust me. Or I will have no choice but to become your enemy. This is your last chance for mercy. You know what I'm capable of, but you know that in the last few decades, you people have been my only opportunity for friendship. So please, please, do not set yourselves against me."
"Please, don't be stubborn. I- I can't tell you. Not what you want to know. But you have to make this decision now. Come with me. Live. Trust me. Or I will have no choice but to become your enemy. This is your last chance for mercy. You know what I'm capable of, but you know that in the last few decades, you people have been my only opportunity for friendship. So please, please, do not set yourselves against me." Sierra had looked back to Apollo and then to Jack. Pointing to Ulysses, she finally decided to speak. Confidently.

"Jack, why are you refusing? This is completely stupid, he doesn't seem like a bad man. And also so what if he USED to be? He knows his stuff, he can make plates fly. If it were up to me, I'd trust him and ask him later."

@LesDom @AACS @Ulysseus @DJGomez
"Jack, why are you refusing? This is completely stupid, he doesn't seem like a bad man. And also so what if he USED to be? He knows his stuff, he can make plates fly. If it were up to me, I'd trust him and ask him later."

Caine scoffed at Seirras naivety. He took his seat as ordered but kept his rifle casually set in his lap, with his hand in the handle.

"Seirra. You don't last as long as a lot of us have in This business by trusting the first person you meet, even if they are on your own side. And looks are the easiest thing to fake. It's not that hard to create a simple facade. Why look at Cato over there. He should be more then enough proof to both points I just made. Now just follow my lead and listen while mom and dad talk."

@Anaxial @JPax42 @AACS @Ulysseus @LesDom
Sierra was triggered completely by Joshua. God, was he an asshole. Snapping, Sierra shouted. "I'm not going to follow your order! Why do you get to call all the shots? You know what?!-" She instantly leapt out of her seat and jumped towards Joshua, kicking the chair down into the ground by the force she launched herself at Joshua with.

@LesDom @AACS @DJGomez @Ulysseus

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