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Realistic or Modern The Island Experiment


Always up for a new rp PM me or tag me!
We all read the books, saw the movies, for a while humans around the world always wondered "What will happen if we take kids and teens and put them in an Island with no outside interaction" Is it in our nature to fight each other to kill to rule over each other, is it something we built over the years passed it down from parents to children.

A group of very rich people decided they had enough wondering about the nature of humans, they wanted to test it. They gathered orphan babies from around the world and put them into a special facility, only allowing them human interaction when it was necessary like when they had to see a doctor. Besides their lack of physical human interaction their life weren't bad, they got feed and everything they needed was taken care of. They all learned to read and write English. They were raised for a purpose and now its finally time for them to achieve that purpose.

You are one of the orphan kids that was raised in that facility, you wake up with other kids all around your age (15-16). You have no idea where you are or how you got there, you all fell a sleep as soon as you took a bite out of your breakfast so you guess it was drugged. Who are the kids with you, this is the first time you see more than two other humans in your own eyes.You see an open chest laying around near the group, inside you can see a number of tools like an ax machete and a few weapons as well. What will you do?
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Leon Kron-Beach

Leon woke up his head pounding like a kid was bouncing a ball inside of it, he slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed was the blue sky and the sun. He was outside, he tried to remember how he got there but his last memory was eating his breakfast. Leon looked around trying to figure out where he was, the first thing he noticed were a bunch of other teens all sleeping, "wait people?! in my age?! and so many of them!" he thought to himself his mind was racing and he forced himself to take deep breath in order to calm himself, he was so excited he almost forgot about the fact he had no idea where he was. He wanted to wake every one and start asking every one a bunch of questions he had like where they came from whats their names and oh so many more questions that he had. But he decided against it, they will wake up soon enough he thought he didn't want to be rude and wake them up from their sleep and start everything on the wrong foot. Leon stood up scanning the area, they were on a beach the sea amazed him it was his first time in the beach he watched the waves crashing on the sand for a few seconds, he resisted the urge to jump into the water and swim, he will have time for that later he thought. Leon kept scanning the area, he saw an big open chest not too far away from all the sleeping teens, he walked around them to reach to the chest walking slowly and silently not to wake anyone up, he noticed one of the girls looked oddly familiar yet he was sure he never saw her in his life. He walked over to the chest eyeing what was inside, a bow and a quiver with about twenty arrows in it caught his attention immediately he picked them up, he strapped the quiver to his back and grabbed the bow. The bow was the same one he used to shot in the facility in fact it was his bow he noticed the mark he once left when he was just learning how to shot by drooping the bow on the floor. Leon smiled like a child getting a gift on Christmas, this day couldn't be any better he thought he is on the beach with a bunch of people he doesn't know yet and he got his bow. Leon decided to sit near the chest waiting for the other teens to wake up, again not wanting to wake any one himself as to not being rude.

(that moment when the gm forget about his own rules xD )
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Jack Rosenfeld- Beach


Jack blinked his eyes open slowly. He rolled to his side to check the time, and was confused when he realized that neither was his bedside table there, nor was he sleeping in his bed. Jack rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up to check his surroundings. Strange, he thought. He was on a beach. Other sleeping teens littered the shores. He stared off into the ocean, the sun reflecting off the waves, causing Jack to have to squint. He scanned to the right and realized that there was someone else awake, scavenging through a chest a few meters from where everyone was sleeping. Jack got up to investigate. The hot, deep sand of the late morning crawled up past the sole of his leather sandals and scorched his feet. He struggled to the chest, turning his body away from the other teen as to not invoke conversation. The chest was filled with various weapons. The boy next to him held a bow and a quiver of arrows. Axes, knives, bows; Jack had to select his weapon of choice. "A dagger oughta do," He thought, grabbing the small blade out of the trunk, "Small, convenient, violent" Jack smirked. He tucked the dagger into his belt and shot a quick hostile look at the teen before heading towards a small arrangement of trees where the sands turned into dirt.
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Mike's eyes snapped open and he instantly groaned at the sharp light that invaded his sight. He sat up squinting at his surroundings. Trying to make out where he was. He could see trees off to his left, a beach off to his right, and a bunch of kids surrounding him. He stood and swivled making a mental note of the kid sitting with a bow strapped to his chest near an open chest. He slowly made his way around the kids careful not to wake any of them unsure of how they would act. He made it to the chest wary of the boy while he pulled out seath with two katanas in it. He remembered training with these a couple of years ago. He flipped it over and saw mike scatched in to the shaped metal back piece. He stayed silent as he slipped the seath over his shoulder and sat on the other side of the chest the whole time keeping an eye on the other boy.
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Sam Parker- Beach

Sam began to stir. He groaned, "Who turned on the light?" Sam asked half asleep. No one bothers me. I don't leave the light on. Sam shot up, his breathing rapid and heavy. He wasn't in the cafeteria or his room. He blinked a couple time, shielding his eyes with his left forearm from the sun. Setting his hand down to prop himself up, he realized he was surrounded by sand. What? Sam got up, dusting off sand from his tan cargo pants. Sam was wearing what he wore when he went to breakfast. A simple short sleeve black tee, his slim fit cargo pants, black combat boots and his unzipped olive green bomber jacket.

The waves began to crash against the beach behind him. Sam never liked the thought of big bodies of water but he was simply seized by the water's beauty. He gasped, watching the waves roll across the sand and recede back into itself. A disturbance in the peaceful silence of water was when he heard a creak behind him. Sam swung his body around a faced a large number of people... like himself. Sam choked on his spit and took a step forward. Taking in all the faces of the people his age. He had never seen so many people, much less his age, in a group.

Looking around, Sam spotted three guys conscious like himself. One was standing next to one another. He was brunette and lean, carrying a quiver of arrows and a large bow. The other had a small bulge at hip and Sam stifled a laugh, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was. The last boy was sitting down, two katanas strapped to his back in a sheath. What Sam thought was interesting was he was sitting next to a large chest. Sam sighed, he wasn't close enough to see what was inside from where he was standing. Sam warily walked over to the chest and the boy.

Peering inside, Sam saw weapons littered inside. He had never seen so many weapons, not to be used for cooking together in a pile. He said nothing, not knowing to say to the guy. Giving a quick nod of acknowledgement to the male, he kneeled down and looked around. What are these for? I'm I suppose to take one? A spear? No, too long and easy to break. But I suppose it'd be good for hunting. Knives, maybe. But you have to get in close enough. Maybe a bow, but I'm probably not a good shot but I can always learn. Sam sighed, this wasn't going to be easy for him.

Sam was about to go with a hatchet when he spotted a long sword in a dark brown leather case. Carefully picking it up, he flipped it over in his hands admiring the skill put into the long leather case. Taking a deep breath, he unsheathed the sword. The sword had a leather wrapped hilt to match the sheathe. The metal sword sheathe glimmered in the sun. With a quick slice through the air, and a jab, trying out the long metal piece. It was not heavy and easy to carry. Wasting no time, Sam sheathed the sword, undid his belt from his waist and slid it through the belt hoops of the leather case. Refastening his belt, he awkwardly looked at the guy staring at him in the sand.

sorry for the eyefull. @KingHalliwell @Dlew73 @DemonicPossession @anyone else

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Abraham Wells

When Abram woke up, the first thing he noticed was the shining sun acquainted with an enormous mass of bright blue sky. He then had taken note of what he was lying on. Little rocks slowly glided off of Abram's body when he looked to his sides, hesitantly. To his surprise, there were other people around him, lying in the sand just like he had been a moment ago. I knew I couldn't trust them, he thought, thinking about the doctors that confined him in a small living space for all of his life.

When he got up, the rest of the sand sprinkled onto the ground. His baggy black jacket and khaki jeans shoving the sandy mess away. When he noticed another guy, awoken, at a chest, Abram tried to think of what to do. Who knows who these people are? After a moment. Just keep calm and don't let this guy notice you. The guy that was standing by the chest had dark brown hair and had just slung a bow behind his back, equipped with arrows. Think, Abraham...you need a weapon.

Abram slowly bended back towards the ground, careful in making sure no one noticed him. As he maneuvered his way within the shadows of the teenage bodies, three more men had awoken. From what Abram could tell, they were at the chest picking out weapons. After a moment of preparation, he took a breath and bolted for the chest. Before the guys could say anything, Abram quickly pulled the first weapon(s) that he could see. Knives. They were razor-sharp; Abram just hoped that he would be speedy out on this beach and also have good aim. As he backed away, feeling somewhat bewildered, he grabbed one of the knives out of the bag and went for the guy with the dark hair's throat. The knife at his neck.

"Tell me where I am or I will cut you before your friends here can do anything about it."

@DemonicPossession @Dlew73 @KingHalliwell @Xx Cosmic Storm xX

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Leon Kron-Beach

Leon watched as more people woke up, most went to the chest just like he did and picked up a weapon of a sort, he wondered if maybe the test was about killing each other, he quickly erased the thought out of his mind, that would make no sense right?. Leon wanted to speak ask questions engage in a conversation but he couldn't find the words, after a while he decided he was being stupid he should just introduce himself. Leon was about to speak and introduce himself to the teen who picked up a sword from the chest, when another rushed towards the chest picked up some knives and put one of the knives to his neck. Leon swallowed some spit in his mouth then said "Re...Relax, I am in the same boat like you, I just woke up here a few seconds before you that's all, I have no idea where or how we got here. My name is Leon, nice to meet you." Leon figured that was the case he figured that most chances are that every one would be just like him, having no idea where they are or how they got him. Maybe all of them were even part of the same facility, and never met which would explain the very strict limitation of leaving his room. He hoped he wouldn't die so soon after finally being able to meet so many new people, and being outside at the beach.
Once Carmen had woken up, she layer there for a little bit, thinking about the strange dream she had. She had just had breakfast, and had only taken a single bite before she woke up. She was disappointed that she had woken up, as the dream felt so real, she would have like to see where it had gone.

She later there for about three minutes, before she started hearing voices, and movement. Afraid her brain had finally hit the sac, and she was going crazy she opened her eyes, which was a bad idea, as she was laying directly beneath the sun.

"Ow God!" She said angrily to herself. It was now she realized that hey, this wasn't at all where she wakes up. She jumped to her feet and grined as she looked at the vastness of the ocean in front of her. Could she finally have the chance to explore more of the world? She ran over to the water and stood with the ocean lapping at her feet. She was overjoyed.

But, as she whirled around to see what other adventures this place had to offer, her smile melted instantly, and turned to surprise and then to fear. There were about five people standing around a chest of some sort, which was initially very exciting. People to talk to and places to explore? It was practically Christmas. But, she said a simple "oh my god" as she realized that there was a guy who was seemingly about to murder a different guy. The victim seemed to be trying to talk him out of it, but from where she was standing the guy didn't seem to be buying it.

She stood, frozen with fear, wondering what she should do. Ultimately, she ended up doing nothing but standing there like an idiot, watching it all go down.

@everyone i guess
Jack Rosenfeld- Beach

Jack sat down by the edge of the beach, watching his peers from afar. Several more boys had gone over to the chest to collect their weapons. One of the boys held a knife up to another's throat, and Jack smiled in amusement as he watched the drama unfold. He stood up and slowly made his way a little closer to them. Jack placed his hand on the dagger dangling from his belt and perched behind the boy with the knife and his victim, ready to strike or run, whichever might be necessary. "Who would I fight for?" He thought. He was just as suspicious as the guy with the knife, but Leon seemed... okay. Jack wouldn't have had the courage to give a friendly hello to someone holding a razor-sharp knife to his throat. The thoughts swam around in his head for a little while until he ultimately decided it was best to avoid conflict and wait until the tension was gone to approach anyone.
Abraham Wells

Abram tensed up as the guy talked, calling himself Leon. He cold just be lying, Abram thought, trying to reason. He could be working for them. Abram didn't know what to do. The only people he'd ever communicated to in his life were no where to be seen, and he hated them. Now, to suddenly show up on an island with a bunch of other teenagers just like him. It's almost...too good to be true. Abram continued to hold the knife at Leon's throat, weighing out his options. If he killed Leon, he'd probably wind up dead. If he didn't kill Leon, Abram had to trust that the guy was telling the truth. Abram wasn't good with trusting others or even communicating with others. In confinement, he learned not to love or trust the doctors that were "taking care" of him.

After a moment, Abram finally withdrew the knife from the base of Leon's throat. "Don't follow me," he warned Leon and the other teenagers. "If you do, you can guarantee this knife won't be bloodless for much longer." He began to stride away from the group, turning his head to make sure no one would follow.

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Sam watched as no one did anything. What the fuck guys, he's a person just like us. Sam shook his head, disgusted at everyone's hesitance. "AYE!" Sam called out to the guy in the pre-murder pose. "We're all here in the same boat actually." Sam said, putting his hands up cautiously to show he meant no danger, yet anyways. " All I know is I take one bite of my omelette and I'm here." Sam confessed, narrowing his eyes on the male's knife. "So just put down the knife." Sam plead.

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Mike watched as the two boys interacted, hand on the hilt of one of his katanas ready to fight if need be. His eye watched the muscles in one of the boys arms tighten and flexing. Mike stood his face in an emotionless state, keeping the urge to talk down. letting it play out. He would actually talk if need be but he preferred not to. Once the boy left his eyes tracked the kids movements into the trees where he disappeared from sight. Mike sat again and closed his eyes trying to sort out the mess of thoughts he has about why they are here. His first thought was to see how long it took for the other teenagers around him to start killing each other. They had provided the weapons.
Subject: Layla D'Angelis

Location: Beach

Time: Unknown


All she wanted was breakfast. How difficult was that for people to understand. But now, she found herself on a sandy beach with no recollection as to where she was. It looked noting like her room, nothing like she'd ever felt or seen before. Grabbing her head, her vision slowly cleared and she was able to stand on her own feet, carefully, and not too quickly.

She heard noises, deep and strange to say the least. They spoke her language, and she was able to deduce that there was some confrontation going on. Blinking her blue eyes a few times, they watered and she walked towards a bright colored chest. Looking down, she spotted a few weapons, but one stood out in particular. A claw of some sort with long knives coming out at the end of them. That'd definitely prove useless for later use. Sighing, she tried to make a list of what she knew.

My name is Layla, and I have no clue where I am. No, start slow. My name is Layla. Good. That's good. My name is Layla, and I hear voices that are not coming from my head. One of the males held a knife, a bit too threateningly. She walked slowly to the group, not uttering a single word, but simply attaching the claw to her hand quickly, in case there was to be a fight. She'd look out for herself, like she always did.

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Sam watched as the male disappeared into the trees before turning his attention back to the boy. Sam towered over him, as Sam stood at 6'3 or has his doctors told him so. "Are you okay?" Sam said, furrowing his eyebrows, his eyes scanning Leon's body to see any trace of hurt on him. Sam rested his hand on the hilt of his sword protectively. @DemonicPossession



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As Carmen watched the rest of the drama unfold, she started to calm down, as it had been a little bit and there was still no blood being shed. She hoped that this guy wouldn't end up ruining the perfect turn of events that had by some miracle come her way. She turned around and looked back at the ocean, once more struck by its beauty. She looked down and realized her feet were getting cold, she didn't know what season it was, but she didn't really care at that moment. When she looked up, the guy with a knife seemed to be walking away. She figured now was a better time than ever to ask all the questions she had had floating in her brain since she had been there.

She walked over hesitantly to the other boys, hoping she wouldn't end up with a knife to her throat. When nobody seemed to be attacking her, she grew more confident and walked faster towards them.

"So uh, what's up with psycho over there?" She didn't really know how to introduce herself without seeming too awkward, she had never really had to introduce herself ever. She hoped that nobody would question her being a stranger.

@DemonicPossession @KingHalliwell

@Xx Cosmic Storm xX
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Leon Kron- beach

Guess not every one were friendly as he thought they would be Leon thought as he rubbed his neck where the knife was pressed. Leon decided not to respond, thinking letting him to what he wants would be the smart choice. He looked over the guy with the sword "I am fine, thank you. I am Leon by the way. I don't think us killing each other will be a smart move." Leon said with a smile trying to shake off the recent event "I am assuming we are all in the same boat here. Just to make sure I will start, I was raised in a facility the only humans I was able to see and interact with were the doctors besides that everything was just kinda provided for me, including this bow by the way, which is why I picked it up from the chest because its my old bow not because I was preparing to fight." A cold breeze hit his face which caused him to shiver a bit "I think we should start a fire to warm up, I am freezing here."
Veronicas chest lightly heaved up and down as she remained down on the ground almost entirely unmoving. That was until a sharp, yet faint ringing began to echo through her ears until she woke up. Unwillingly, the girl sat up, her vision blurred from the direct sunlight until she got used to the rays shining directly upon her. She'd never been used to being in line of the sun, especially during this certain time in the morning-where it was nearly blinding and at it's highest peak. Absolutely bewildered, she stumbled up, gasping as she ever so slightly sunk down in the minuscule sand grains below her. Veronica had never been on a beach before, and took in her surroundings as the waves constantly pooled into the shore before looking at the large group of people before her. She frowned with a seemingly concerned expression as she felt something get trapped in her throat. This was all so unusual on it's own accord, being around so many people, but what was even worse is that they were all bearing weapons. Her eyes darted to the chest before staring back at the group. Out of fear Veronica stumbled back without much intent to move forward. She may not be all to sure of what they'd do-but considering so many were so tall and intimidating in comparison to her, it'd be best to not bother them. This was one of the few times that she wasn't keen to actually talk to somebody because she was incredibly vulnerable. Even if armed with a formidable weapon, she didn't stand against any of them in terms of her actual strength and likely her agility.
Subject: Layla D'Angelis

Location: Beach

The idea of making a fire did come across the blue eyed girl, but there were other things, like food and water and shelter. With those three things at the top of her head, fire was simply a necessity that they just couldn't afford right now. But part of her wished to part from the group like the man with the knife. She didn't want to be held responsible for their death, and traveling with a group only resulted in one extremity she couldn't bear: sharing. By herself, she'd have to hunt for one unit of food, two units of water, and build a shelter for herself. She'd only have to look out for herself. Clearing her throat, her voice came out strong, not like the murmur that echoed in her isolated room. "I say we break off into groups. One works on shelter, one finds drinkable water, and one group heads out to find food." She made a decision in her head. If they refuse her offer, she'd simply leave and fend for herself, find her own food. If they agree, perhaps she'd stay and help out.
Sam said nothing. He wanted to believe this was real but he couldn't bring himself to. Sam just continued to go with the flow.

"I think he's having a hard time accepting whatever the hell is going on." Sam said to the girl before looking back at the treeline for any trace of the guy. It wasn't that Sam was all that different from him because Sam didn't know what was going on, but he didn't jump into battle for answers. Sam was just more observant and less hostile than him.

Groups? What is she nuts? She can't expect us to go head off into the trees and go basically run in screaming,"OH, IM RIGHT HERE, VULNERABLE AS EVER. PLEASE STICK YOUR SHARP KNIFE INTO MY NECK!" Sam said nothing, glaring at her for her short-sighted plan.
Watching the guys fight over who was king shit of island "no-one-cares" made for an interesting distraction, while keeping a close eye on the people involved and the people just waking up, I grabbed my scythes from the chest and began to back away. Turning into the jungle and climbing the nearest high tree, I began taking notes of all surounding landmarks and available recourses. Jumping from tree branch to tree branch avoiding contact of others for now, I begin building a small well hidden shelter in the base of an old hollow tree. Gathering some sticks and water from a nearby stream for later use, I travel back into my hidden home and begin crafting a spear for fishing or hunting, using the blade of my scythe to sharpen the wood I carefully made five before settling down and waiting for something to go down around him.
Leon listen to one of the girls object to his idea to make a fire first, in return to find food and drinkable water, while he agreed shelter should also be something they need to focus on, he still believed fire should come first before food and water. "If we make a fire we could just boil the sea water, if you boil it you can then drink it. As for food unless you are up to go find about a hundreds fruits and or vegetables that would be enough for all of us, hunting or fishing would be the better choice especially since we were given weapons, which will also require fire in order to eat. Though I do agree we should work on a shelter as well" Leon remarked towards the group, hoping he didn't upset the girl by disagreeing with her. "Though splitting into groups would be a smart idea, any one has any preferences as to what he wants to do?" Leon added agreeing with the girls point to an extant.

Mike chose now to speak. "No if you boil salt water it will just make hot salt water, it will still dehydrate you. Because boiling doesn't get rid of salt, just the harmful bacteria." He said standing and facing leon, hands dustin his clothes free of sand. The sound of his voice was foreign to him, he talked very little but at this moment in time he felt he could trust the people around him to not get killed, he couldn't say much about the kids who he had observed run off. He looked around at the few kids still laying on the ground, and back at the weapons. He knew very little about surviving in nature but he knew some things.
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"Groups?" Veronica asked, her eyes widening as she raised her arms and tapped her fingers together consciously, being forced to squint from the brightness shrouding her. "I'm confused...do any of you know where we are?" There was still a clear hesitance to step forward or directly confront any of them. This was all so abnormal and bizarre-especially when she glanced at the forestry before her. Despite being scared, she took a moment to admire the environment in front of her. Lush flowers of bright pink and vibrant orange hues had already bloomed from stems within large clumps of leaves, within the shade beneath towering palm trees. In certain areas the sun just managed to peek through, illuminating parts of the forest. Yet this didn't grab her entire attention, as she only seemed to look at it for a few seconds before looking to the others before her. She took a deep breath before stepping forward, feeling incredibly pathetic as she stepped up. God, some of them were significantly taller up close. "...If we're splitting into groups, I don't want to be killing anything. I'm not into harming much." Her voice was more on the nasally and high-pitched side, but was surprisingly quiet. Although it could be assumed that it is because she's incredibly wary to interact and woke up at nearly the worst possible time.
"That's for sure" She muttered back to the guy that had answered her inquiry. "I'm Carmen, by the way." She heard the other guy say his name and figured that people would probably want a name to call her. She looked to her left and saw that there was a box there filled with many weapons. It looked like there weren't many left, and she took the long daggers she was familiar to, before turning back to the group.

"It looks like all these weapons are made of some sort of iron, we could use that to make a spark and start a fire," She suggested. A fire would be nice, after all, her feet were still wet, and that was enough to make her chilly. She didn't have much of an opinion towards what there was to do. She also didn't have much experience surviving, so she wasn't quite sure what she would do.

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