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Realistic or Modern The Island Experiment

Location- top of hill, middle of the island

With-Alyssa young

Mentioned- @ShadowSnowStorm

Status- optimal

Looking down into the girls emerald colored eyes, Alpha could tell she was smart and hearing her thank him made it clear she was humble. Grabbing his scythe and the girls fox, Alpha split the Fox open right there from his throught to the pelvis letting the warm entrails and blood spew out over the rocks where they were. "Sorry but it will be dark soon and this, while good won't be enough, I'm gonna lure more animals to us with the scent of his blood, then we will have enough for us and the others once they catch up". Holding the bloody carcass up to let it drain out fully, before slicing it into strips. "here this ointment I made earlier should help with the pain" he said handing her a small leaf that he turned into a holding pouch filled with a smelly green paste. "Rub it on your wounds, it should take immediate effect" Alpha realized that he had spoken (perhaps too much) for the first time in his life, and it was to a girl no less. Steadily he began to distance himself from her until he was at least five feet from the girl, hesitantly he asked her "what are you called?". Cleaning the blade of his scythe as he watched the animals in the clearing by the summit of the hill begin to draw near them. "See? Now we will eat" he said unable to stop himself from waiting for a response from the girl. Jumping down directly ontop of a Kodiak bears skull, forcing his scythe to dig into and slice the bears head in half. "One" he said landing on the ground covered in bear blood, lunging towards the Kodiak's cubs, he began swinging in a violent and blood thirsty cycle of slicing and slashing. Ripping through all three bears like paper as he counted aloud, "two, three..." breathing heavily from having to use his full strength and body weight. Alpha slowly began dragging the cubs bodies to the hill to place next to their mother. After nearly giving himself a hernia by pulling all the cubs dead weight, Alpha caught his breath and knelt down by the mother Kodiak to say a prayer. "Thank you creatures for giving us your lives, we will not waste you" he said before cutting the furs off gently and carefully so as to not rip or tear them. Slicing into the bears taking all the edible meat he could salvage along with some thick bones and the furs, Alpha climbed the hill once more finally done with his hour long fight. "Here, this'll keep you warm tonight" he said draping the still somewhat bloody bears fur coat over the girls back. Stepping over her to reach the grassier part of the hill, Alpha sat down beside her. Covered from head to tow in blood and exhausted from the fight, he decided to say "fuck it" and build a small fire to keep the girl warm and safe until he returned. "I'm Fiona get clean, stay here the traps I've set and this fire will keep you safe until I return". Gruggily stepping down the hill to a near by stream (that he followed to get there), Alpha never knowing shame began to strip naked before getting into the water. Keeping close enough to his new companion to watch her, Alpha realized that she was quite pale and fragile. He wondered if he could help her more or if she even wanted his help at all.
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Leon Kron The woods

"Nice to meet you...I can tell she is hurt, I just meant... well if she okay." Leon wasn't sure how to respond to the aggressive way Arista spoke to him, she did have a point how ever. Leon looked around trying to find water but being unable to find any, he unzipped his hoodie and took of his white t-shirt and tore one of the sleeves off, then tore the other one just to keep it symmetrical. He put his t-shirt and hoodie back on and made his way towards Veronica carefully as to not lose balance on the steep slope, Leon carefully raised Veronica's arm and using on of the sleeves he had tore off bandaged her wound. "Hopefully this will do until we can find some water... Hopefully the people in the beach found some." Leon said to Veronica then looked over towards the dead panther and back to Arista and Jessica "We should carry the panther back to the beach to feed every one, can you two come down here and help Veronica out" Then looking towards the guy who took a piece out of the panther and asked for water "Help me carry the panther back to the beach, I am sure the others would have found water by now." Leon said, he started to think he was very bad at talking every time he said something he felt stupid after someone else responded to him.
Arista, blond and angry, still pretty grumpy

Location - The Forest

"Yeah, whatever," she muttered heavily to Leon, brushing it off in a grumpy, dismissive way, "She can be okay later."

Arista could feel herself scoffing at the injured girl, but it wasn't like she was in the position to deny it. Might as well while she was there, seeing as there wouldn't be much point afterwards. "Fine," she said, at Vanessa's request. She whispered, so nobody else could be overhearing it, "But you're going to be in my dept. "I'll make sure of that," she spat. A bit unnecessary, that part, but she made sure that this girl knew she owed her for this. There wouldn't be much point, otherwise.

She crouched down to help the girl up, lifting the girl's unwounded arm around her shoulder. Arista stood there, anxiously wanting to get out of this hole already, allowing Leon to bandage it all up. "Come on little girl," she murmured roughly as she pulled the girl closer, so she could be more secure on her, more of an attempt to further stabilize her on her legs than anything else, helping her up on this ugly, steep slope, "Don't trip on me now. One STEP at a time!"

Avalon, the timid and scared, glasses girl

Location - Lost, still wandering around somewhere in the forest, playing with the flowers.

(i'll write her up later tbh. next post probably)

Location - Forest

"Okay, will do!" She said, clinging onto Arista as she grasped beneath her shoulders, albeit with one having an incredibly weak and unstable one as her arm still felt limp. Yet, she continuously tried keeping a steady hold as she slowly stepped after Arista did. Victoria then felt her heel slip and she lost her grip, merely falling back down-great. So they had to restart again, and she could tell the pissy girl trying to help wasn't a happy camper. But Victoria still tried to keep up-despite numerous failures and countless scoldings. Finally, after tons of attempts, the two managed to make it up there. "Uhm...yeah. I'm not exactly going to, uhm, go back down there and pick up the cougar. So-who will?" She questioned, slowly sitting down on the ground, her legs folded beneath her as she sat on her knees. The wound, despite being bandaged, was still left in a terrible con

Name: Carmen Powell

Location: Making her way downtown to the hill​

After her brief encounter with the attempted murder, Carmen continued for a while, carving out the branch of her sitting tree. But, after a while of nothing interesting, she was starting to get a tad bored of the tedious project she had put upon herself. By this time, Carmen was already missing the view of the top of the forest, and how could she be blamed? It was a beautiful view, especially from someone who had never seen anything like it in their life. As she poked her head above the dense canopy to marvel once again at the scene in front of her, she had more time to see in detail what it was actually composed of. She looked around and saw that there were places where there were no trees, she assumed that it must be a river or ravine or something of the likes. She figured that would be fun to explore, she had been staying in the same place for a while, and she was honestly ready to get exploring. She looked around once more for more interesting places, she saw a large hill in what seemed to be the center of the island. Usually, this would not be nearly as interesting as a river, but as she squinted she realized that there was movement on the hill. Suddenly feeling like she was missing out on something, she dropped from the tree and start briskly walking towards the hill, full of excitement of meeting new people.
Alyssa Young

Alyssa Young

Hill in the Center of the Island

Mentioned: Alpha | Carmen

Interacted With: Alpha​

The girl watched him leave, the steaming pile of animal organs far enough away that she couldn't spell them when he was done. She didn't need to see what he had done to know that there were now several dead animals. All of them had been trained differently, raised a certain way as far as she could see. The sheer unreasonable brutality that he used then was not something that the young woman would actively participate in. It was a good show of strength, to ward off other predators surely, though not something she would have done.

He returned, pelts and meat in his hands, bloody and surprisingly uninjured. He was silent as he went about his work, carving at the meat before he wrapped a large pelt around her shoulders. He was worried about her, oddly enough, concerned for her well being. It was a strange idea to the young psychopath, to care for a complete stranger. She would not refuse him, nor make an enemy of this boy quite yet, not unless she must. He was useful to her yet, considering her injury. It was an unfortunate thing, to have a fragile body though she was capable of taking care of herself. "Why are you helping me?" She whispered the words, little more than a breath while he was building a fire. He hadn't heard her though, as he sat beside her again, finally realizing how covered he was in blood.

"Go ahead. Tomorrow we can find solid shelter." She said to him as he gaze over at the river down the hill, clearly thinking about bathing. He wasn't shy about it either when he got to the bottom, stripping off everything he had been wearing. Not once had Alyssa seen the naked male body, sheltered from sexual desires her entire life and never thinking of such things. It was intriguing to say the least as he disrobed, revealing scarred skin beneath. He must have had a rougher life than herself, with his fighting capabilities and the ability to show such little mercy. When he was not looking back at her she studied what she could, learning just by watching to see how the male functioned in comparison to the female body. Of course, when he looked up at her on the hill, she swiftly turned her gaze away from him, feeling a heated blush rise to her cheeks. Embarrassment at being caught staring most likely.

With her head turned so fast in another direction it took her a moment to see the girl stumble out of the forest, entering the clearing at the bottom of the hill. She was around the bend from Alpha, saving her from seeing the male naked in the cold water, though she was in full view of the female sitting atop the hill. Alyssa pulled the bear pelt tighter around her body, as if she was cold or afraid of the arrival of the stranger, when in truth she gripped one of her daggers hilts in her good hand. She was ready if the girl turned out to be hostile, or merely a burden upon her own survival.

Alyssa was not fond of strangers.

Location-Stream near the hill(middle of island)

With-Alyssa, and Carmen

Feeling a set of eyes on him, he looked up towards Alyssa. Seeing her face turn a bright red color before she suddenly looked away from him to the opening of the forest, Alpha quickly began to scrub himself clean of the blood that stained his hair slightly. Finished cleaning himself, he got out of the stream and began climbing up the hill, leaving his bloody clothing behind at the bottom and only taking his scythes. Stopping half way up the hill Alpha followed Alyssa's dead stare down towards the mysterious new guest, looking back to Alyssa as she wrapped the bear fur around her tighter. "I've ignored her completely... But I can't become attached to anything, or anyone" Alpha thought to himself as he kept an eye on the new girl while walking up the rest of the hill. "Hey, how do you feel? Are your wounds healing?" he asked as he leaned in to take her temperature with his hand, placing it gently on her forehead. "don't worry we're safe, I see "it"" Alpha said assuring Alyssa. Seeing her so closely in the light of the moon made it hard for him not to notice her beauty. Now realizing that she was the first person other than the scientists to see him naked, Alpha immediately grabbed a smaller bear pelt, sat down and threw it over his lap. Looking in complete silence at the new intrusion as she walked closer towards them, unable to bring himself to look in Alyssas' direction he muttered the words softly almost a whisper "sorry for not answering you earlier". Alpha sweatily gripped the staff of his scythe tightly, before he centered himself and made the two smaller bear furs into makeshift coats. Alpha cooked some of the bear meat for Alyssa and himself, sitting next to her eating in silence as they both watched and waited for their new arrival to come.

Location: Top of the hill.

@Neex @ShadowSnowStorm

Ooc:( sorry for the wait ;-; its been real hard for me to post lately, it shouldn't happen again.)

Carmen walked cheerfully through the forest, taking her time to look around at the new nature. She got off track a couple times, once to watch a rabbit hop around, until in noticed her and quickly hopped away. Twice to resist the urge to explore a different area, such as a small cave or hole. But she reminded herself that whoever was on the hill, must be more interesting than whatever she found interesting at that time. She wondered enthusiastically who these people were, what they were like, hoping they at least wouldn't be as bad as the people she had met first. If they would be her friends. For the first time in her life, she wanted to impress someone, she found this feeling quite odd.

As she arrived at the hill, and saw the two new people sitting with some sort of fur on them. She found it interesting that they had already killed something so large, and wondered what it was. Curiously they also seemed to be avoiding eye contact with each other, she also found this interesting, and wondered once again, why? Ignoring these questions, she jumped right into the introductions.

"Hellooo~" she said cheerfully "I'm Carmen, who are you guys?" The introduction seemed to work for everyone else, so she assume it would work this time.
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Alyssa Young

Alyssa Young

Center of the Island

Weather Conditions: Partially-Clouded -- Light Drizzle

Mood: Unsettled

Status: Injured, Not Pained

Gear: Twin Daggers | Vine Rope | Makeshift Bag(s) - Fruit and Meat

Interacted with: Carmen | Alpha

Mentioned: @Neex @SimpleReading

The young woman glanced at the male beside her, allowing him what measure of privacy she could manage with him beside her and nearly naked. He had cut and tied some of the ends of the pelt together to create a coat for each of them for the night, makeshift and messy but enough to last them until the morning. The stranger hadn't approached them yet, the silence growing between them until he finally spoke to her; apologizing. At first she would not have assumed him the type to indulge in such a human emotion such as sentiment, with the ruthless way he had cut down the mother bear and her two cubs. His blade, just as precise as it had been in battle, slice through the meat as he tried to cut it up, even though the curved edge made it somewhat difficult. "An apology?"

She wanted to ask him what it was that he was thinking, as he knelt beside the fire, her curiosity dragging her toward that path but her rational brushed it off. It was just an urge, nothing more than her instinct to maim, and nothing that she should have to be bothered with. Nothing mattered but his ability to help her survive, his usefulness on this island. He would help her kill any danger, hunt down the others here on the island and most likely kill them one at a time as well. It was the logical way to survive, especially with others who knew nothing about what it was to think you would not live to see the next moon. "It was a reasonable question, though I should not have asked."

Alyssa had moved so that she was leaning on her knees, one of her daggers in her right hand as she slowly and methodically cut away at what was left of the meat he had brought up the hill with him. If anything was left the next morning they would have to go get it, and find a way to preserve it for a time. There would not be a way to refrigerate meats and dairy on an uninhabited island, other than smoking or drying. It would take too much time then, with a shack that they didn't have, so much of the meat would go to scavenger animals like crows and rodents, assuming they were on the island. It didn't seem as if it was too tropical of a place, though she had only ever read about the different ecosystems and never been to any, having been locked inside of those three rooms her entire life.

"It's not my place to ask about your motives." She laid out the leaf bag she had made earlier to carry the box in, now that the animal was just a small pelt and some chunks of meat, and settled the chunks into the leaves before wrapping them up again. Everything else was going to have to stay at the bottom of the hill. When she leaned back down, her foot outstretched to rest after being been sat upon, the boy handed her a skewer of meat. It was a little burnt, but it was assuming that they had never actually done this before, and the smell made her mouth water. How long had it been since she'd eaten something? A day at the very least, as they had woken earlier that morning after being put to sleep by morning breakfast. She tore into it, not caring how she looked to the other person there since manners had never been something she had cared for. If she was going to be raised in isolation, why should she care about social policy? It wasn't like they were going to have to repopulate the Earth from this island.

She glanced over at her partner in crime again, this time giving him a small nod as she stood, refusing to show any sign of weakness even with her injuries. She tied the bag of meat onto her side, opposite the bag of fruit she had collected earlier, and sheathed her dagger before the stranger approached. She was sharply aware of the pain in her foot as she stood, bloody hands at her side as she watched the new girl walk over to her. The brunnette was much too cheerful to have fully grasped the gravity of the situation they had been put in yet, a liability from the first smile she broke. Her steps too light and loud, her voice too bubbly. She was attempting friendliness with the two that human emotion was wasted on. It really was a bad decision on her part, and Alyssa would grant her no mercy for it. "Useless."

The black haired beauty gave no further though to the girl as she turned away, intent on going back to sitting by their fire with the boy, but a drop of rain landing on the end of her nose stopped her in her tracks. Leaning heavily on her left foot, favouring the right, she looked up at the sky, pale eyes catching the light of the moon as it faded behind the clouds. The heavy cover had rolled in fast, unexpectedly, darkening the already shaded night sky. Sharing a glance with the boy, the two of them took off toward the tree line on the other side of the hill. These trees were closer than those that the brunette had emerged from, and set closer together so there was better chance of shelter from the coming storm. They were in tune in thinking, after spending most of the day doing nothing but talking or planning for their mutual survival. They didn't need to say a thing before taking off in a hurry.

Alyssa pushed herself to move, her foot wobbling beneath her as she half ran, half limped toward the descending side of the hill. It had already turned into a real ran, the water brushing off of the pelt around her shoulders because of it's natural oils, but the grass and dirt was already turning to mud. By the time they reached the crest, Alyssa was half sliding in the mud, her ankle slipping to the side and she nearly fell when she saw the cliff ahead of her. She tried to stop, digging her heals into the ground and grabbing onto anything in sight, but the edge came on before she could manage to stop. Reaching out she grabbed hold of a vine hanging over the cliff, wrenching her shoulder out of socket with a painful gasp. The pain radiated through her body, sharpening her senses and clearing her mind. She couldn't spare a moment to look to see if the boy had survived the fall or stopped above, she needed to focus on saving her own life before she could care about someone elses. If he couldn't do it on his own then he wasn't worth her time.

Spotting what looked like stone beneath her she dropped from the vine and landed hard on the slanted surface, her already injured ankle giving out beneath her and she tumbled toward the edge of the slanted surface. It wasn't until her fingers wrapped around a ledge that she realized it was the roof of a building. Unfortunately that brittle and rotten wood ledge gave out at her weight and she dropped again, but didn't drop far this time. Landing on her backside she realized she was sitting on an old balcony, right outside the door to inside of whatever building she'd landed on. It looked like someone's old house, but by the overgrown state and the holes in the glass it couldn't have have anyone living in it for more than her lifetime. From where she sat she could see plants growing inside, though she knew it would be safer in there than outside in the rain. Grabbing onto the railing behind her, she made sure it didn't wobble before using it to lift herself off of the concrete balcony. She tested her weight on her right foot, seeing if it was as bad as it felt, and by the sharp pain that emanated from it she knew it was broken for real this time.

Now where was that boy.


Center of the Island

Weather Conditions: Partially-Clouded -- Light Drizzle

Mood: Indifferent

Status: unharmed

Gear: Twin Scythes| bear fur coat| Makeshift Bag(s) - medicinal flora and Meats

Interacted with: Carmen | Alpha

Mentioned: @ShadowSnowStorm @SimpleReading

"It was nothing" he said back to the girl answering her question, as he devoured his portion of the delicious meat they had partially over cooked. Looking up at the stars that covered the night sky for a long moment in peace, before he faintly answered her statement with his own.

"It's fine, don't worry about it" he said as he watched the girl bend to her knees to get some more food, looking at the small exposed part of her lower back seeing the lining of her underwear made his face feel hot. Not wanting to cause another issue like before he quickly looked away from her before she could notice, only to hear her voice calmly say "It's not my place to ask about your motives" making Alphas face hot once again.

He decided that this was a weakness he had to rid himself of eventually. Alpha handed the girl a skewer of meat hoping he could touch her fingers when passing it to her, somehow triggering the effect she made him feel seconds before to no avail. He sat in silence for a moment thinking about what it was that made his face turn to fire around this person, with no current answer he decided to push the issue to the back of his mind for the time being.

Sharpening his scythe with a jagged piece of stone he found, watching as the injured girl beside him shamelessly tore through every bite of the bear meat as if it might be her last. Just as he finished sharpening his blade the injured girl looked to him and gave a small nod. Seeing the subtle changes in the expressions on her face as she fought through the pain she was in to stand.

Putting his meat and medicine back in his leaf bag as he too rose up to his feet, gripping his scythe as the new intruder showed up. "
Useless" was all he needed to hear before he spotted the splattered blood dripping from his partners hand. Thinking to himself that she is tougher than she looks, he tried to keep in mind that she could become his enemy at some point so as to not think of her any more.

Making her way back towards Alpha she stopped feeling the rain on her skin for the first time, he watched her take it in as the moon light she bathed in was swallowed by a darkness from the clouds overhead. Sharing a glance was all they needed before they both took off, leaving the girl that had come to them for friendship in a blinding flash as lightning struck around them.

Following her every move through the brush and trees like her own shadow sliding through the mud, and leaping past branches and rocks wasn't easy especially for his first time. Alpha had dislocated his left shoulder from the socket by ramming into a rather thick tree, On his way to grabbing the girl before he watched her fall.

His body had bounced off another tree instantly bruising the bone of his right forearm and shin. He continued to get closer to the edge as fast as he could, aiming for the vines in front of him as he leapt from the edge of the cliff. Catching a vine with his less dominant left hand and looking down to see where she landed, Alpha yelled out to her only to have his voice washed away by the thunder that had cracked from above them.

Slipping down the vine as he swung it closer to the roof of the building, exhausted and now slightly injured he let go to late. Missing the roof of the Moss covered building altogether only to land in the neighboring tree that loomed over it. Landing on a branch with a crack to his clavicle before falling out of the tree and into a thick shrubbery bush outside the window of the first floor.

He laid there for a moment on his back yelling at the blackened clouds that lay ominously overhead for the pain they have created for him, huffing and puffing as he struggled to his feet once again. Feeling this much pain in his arm was new for him, strugglingly he walked limping towards the broken front door of the dilapidated house, checking if the threshold was still sturdy.

Alpha slammed his shoulder into it forcing it to pop back into place, completely covered in rain and mud and blood, Alphas one and only thought was "Where did that girl go?". Unable to see anything in the darkness of the house, Alpha stepped in past the threshold using his scythe as a walking stick to help keep from limping.

"Where did that girl go" he thought to himself again as a bright and loud thunderous crack of lightening hit near the house.
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Alyssa Young

Alyssa Young

Center of the Island -- Abandoned Manse

Weather Conditions: Light Drizzle -- Thundershowers

Mood: Determined

Status: Injured, Limping badly

Gear: Twin Daggers | Vine Rope | Makeshift Bag(s) - Fruit and Meat | Bear Pelt Coat

Interacted with: N/A

Mentioned: @Neex @SimpleReading

The black haired girl was nearly soaked, the rain falling harder than she had ever even heard of at the Facility, weighing her down more than what she was already wearing had. Leaning against the railing, momentarily glad for the stability it proved, she moved what she could of her weight to her left foot and the rail. The window was already broken, and with how overgrown it was there wouldn't be a way of opening it easily with the storm growing as heavy as it seemed to be. Thunder crashed above her, lighting flashed through the sky, illuminating her uninjured fist as it crashed through the glass. She couldn't hear the sound in front of her, drowned out by the storm whirling around them. If anyone was stuck out in the open during this they wouldn't survive until the next morning.

She felt her skin tear, glass catching in her knuckles and the back of her hand, scraping open her flesh. The pain, blood dripping from her hand washed off as quickly as it gathered, the scent of rain and death mixing, all focused her senses. The physical torment pushed her away from that aspect of her being, her mind sharpening to see and understand what was happening without having to ask or wonder. Breaking the glass, she worked as fast as she could to open a space she could move through safely. The wind pushed, a rock flying passed her head and into the glass again, shattering the rest like a glass on concrete. It could easily have been her head that had been smashed by the fist sized rock the storm had flung at her.

A foot crunched against the glass on the floor, but the wind died down immediately inside of the house. The first room looked as if it had once been a bedroom, with a rotting bed frame covered in plant matter sitting near the corner, though there was nothing she saw left worth her time right then. She needed to find a room that was safe to whole up in. She needed warmth, something to hang her clothes on to dry. If she couldn't find a warm place to wait out the storm she would die within the week from hypothermia. She limped badly, pushing through the fog of pain to see what lie ahead of her. She was going to survive this; it was only a storm. She had food to last her the next day, assuming she could make a fire inside, and shelter if there was a room inhabitable.

Pale eyes peeked around the corner of the door frame, into a hallway that was surprisingly clean for an abandoned place. She scanned the area, looking for another room and spotted a staircase at the west end of the hallway. Downstairs would be more sheltered than staying up high where the wind was hardest. Thunder boomed outside, the air around her vibrating with it's force. She nearly jumped, startled by the sudden clash and she paused for a moment to see if anything would come out after that. Nothing moved and she continued on her way, leaning heavily against the wall as she walked. The floor was wood, but lay on a stone frame that hadn't eroded enough yet to be dangerous to walk on. The stairs on the other hand were solid rock, slick from the moisture in the air, the banister still full in tack. It seemed she'd gotten lucky this time.

Limping down the stairs, she didn't let her thoughts wander to the male who had gone running with her. He could be dead, She hadn't caught a glimpse of him in the chaos, the rain confusing her. Leaving a trail of blood and water behind her she reached the bottom of the stairs and slid onto the floor, her back against the wall, resting her foot for a minute. It was broken, possibly to a crimping level, and needed to be looked at before long but she needed somewhere safe before she could do that. Her eyes closed, her breathing short and labored, her body shivering but her energy was draining.

How long could she last like this?

Alpha Omega

Center of the Island -- Abandoned Mansion

Weather Conditions: Light Drizzle -- Thundershowers

Mood: pissed

Status: Injured, Limping

Gear: Twin Scythes | medical Flora | Makeshift Bag(s) - medical herbs and Meat | Bear Pelt Coat

Interacted with: N/A

Mentioned: @ShadowSnowStorm @SimpleReading

Dripping wet from head to his toes in rain and mud Alpha stumbled through the front doors of the ramshackle mansion, it was decorated with moss, vines, and various types of plants which grew along the path that he followed. Alpha fell at the sound of thunderous cracks as they flooded the wide corridor with a rumbling brilliance that shook and illuminated the rooms in front of him.

"It's as big as the facility" was all he could think before the blinding flash disappeared as quickly as it came, leaving nothing but complete darkness and silence in its place.

Feeling a sensation he knew all to well arise from within him Alpha began to ignore his wounds altogether, seeing as his vision turned from clear to red made it obvious to the boy that not having the girl by him right now as a good thing. Pushing himself off the ground with his anger alone, Alpha hastily smashed his hand through an ornamental piece of stained glass door frame, shattering it in pieces all over the floor.

Using the broad edge of his scythe like a squeegee to Brush the glass aside as he walked through, still managing to be cut several times by the glass. He began limping again, gripping his scythe tightly to a rusted metal door with a rusted plaque hanging from it marked infirmary.

Curious to know why he hasn't encountered any animals seeking shelter from the horrendous weather conditions outside yet, Alpha looked around noticing that the layout of the facility he came from was almost an exact match to that of the house.

Instantly his mind began to race and the hair on the back of his neck stood as if in protest to the horrible conclusion that his mind came to.

"This is whole island is just another facility?" he started trembling at the mere idea that it could be true as he stepped through the old, rusted infirmary door.

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