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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Rosalinda was actually realty surprised that some of her brothers and sisters wanted to come and have tea with her. " Shall we be going then " she turned around and looked over to her brothers and sisters that didn't say anything " If the rest of you would like to join us than please feel free " She started to walk towards the stair case and snapped her fingers and the pink mist appeared she signaled for the 4 of them to enter first, once they went through she turned to look at her other brothers and sisters then walked into the mist. Once they appeared at her palace she started walking over the pavilion one of her servants came over to them " Some tea and cookies for my siblings we will be sitting at the pavilion " the servant bowed and went into the house. The pavilion was actually in the middle of a pond there was a little bridge and around it were all of her pet swans. The pavilion itself was quite large, flowers were strung around the columns, the table had a white tablecloth and china plates and teacups, she gestured for everyone to take a seat. " So how is everyone "
Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

Soteira followed the others through into the mist emerging in the Palace of Rosalinda. A beautiful place, quite extravagant and fitting for the Goddess of Beauty. She followed her most generous host to a pavilion taking a seat where she could find one. A bit further away from the other Gods, feeling to be the least welcome among them all. Be nice, she said to herself in her mind ,biting back sarcastic remarks and other mean things that filled her mind. She never asked to be this way, never asked to be the embodiment of so many horrid things and feelings, things she would gladly forfeit to another if she could. Rosalinda's question was expected and Soteira hesitated not really wanting to go first, though the others seemed to be thinking something similar. Thinking back to when she arrived at the Spire and seeing Rosalinda's dress being similar in color, Soteira snapped her fingers now that she could use her powers again and her dressed briefly caught on fire, she just grinned at the harmless and heatless flames. Her dress faded from crimson to black making her feel a little out of place as she loved crimson. "Thought it would be wise to change so as not to look to close to your beauty." She said actually somehow coming out with a half compliment. "Your realm reminds me of home, quite beautiful much like yourself," Soteira managed yet another compliment and mentally applauded herself.

Soteira turned to Ither and smiled, "It has been quite too long brother." She said forcing the smile to remain. Her muscles were a bit sore as she didn't smile genuinely that often. Soteira had waited to respond to him till they arrived here, rather than speaking nicely in front of yet more Gods. "Nice... hardly." She said hiding the slightest tint of blush. She didn't know why, but she was always rather embarrassed to receive some form of a compliment. Probably because she rarely got them.
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Once she noticed that Soteira had changed her dress and she was actually very happy about that " I guess letting her come here was not that bad of an idea " listening to her complement her she noticed that she was excited that she actually didn't insult her. The tea and cookies came and she stood up " if you will excuse me I must change into my afternoon attire " She walked out and went into the house.
Ither had followed Rosalinda down into her palace, glancing about his face yet again a mask of apathy at it's beauty, sitting down at the small table with Soteira, looking at her quietly for a moment before saying lightly with his normally calm even slightly bored. "Well, how has your job been for now Soteira? I've been well, staying within my Realm with my beings contemplating, nothing new for me that is.."

He'd cross his legs, looking at Rosalinda's small servants moving about, one of his servants appearing and making a few of the scatter with gasps, it's shapeless black goo like body shaping into a human like body and saying in a low guttural tone "Master, we...Have a minor problem." To which Ither would groan, putting his hand on his face in a audible face-palm, looking at the Nar'Shaggoth with a frown and saying with a crisp bored tone "What'd you fools do now?" the Nar'Shaggoth shrinking back, replying with a whine "Well...You know that lovely neutron star that you'd made and liked, well....It's gone." The Nar'Shaggoth ends the sentence with a quiet tone, waiting for the shouting which would surely come. "You...How do you lose a neutron star....How!? They bend matter itself around it, it's not that hard to find one!" Ither growls out, looking at him and then sighing "Just...Find it dammit, I was going to try and experiment with that one and I need it back please, do so and I won't throw you into a black hole okay?" Smiling as the Nar'Shaggoth shrieks and pops away, heading back to the Realm of the Void.
After Rosalinda left, Liber was left alone with Ither and Soteira, in the past he hadn't had the best relations with either... Soteira was the goddess of tyrants and corrupt governments, while Liber stood for the slaves and servants. What they did always directly impacted the other, they were at opposite ends of the spectrum you might say. With Ither it was a bit different, he didn't tend to like the other gods with a few exceptions, Liber wasn't an exception. Oh, and Gelio was there too, he was nice

Liber sat for a moment, listening to the silence, taking a sip of tea, and listening to the silence again. Finally he got the nerve to speak, "So how have you guys been, I haven't seen you guys in... forty years...", You're an idiot, have you forgotten, you're terrible at small talk! "I mean we don't really see each other outside the spire..."
Gelio wandered into Rosalindas realm and wasn't surprised at its beauty. It fitted the goddess of beauty. Taking a seat at the table he eagerly grabbed some cookies as his sweet tooth acted up. He giggled when Ither was told of the problem by his serpent, not shocked by it's appearance and waved it goodbye. How do you lose a star? Turning to the others he nodded. "Its the same old same old for me."
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

Just as soon as she got into the house she quickly changed into a yellow dress and went right back out and went over to the pavilion but something seemed wrong to her, she tried to brush it off and went back to her siblings. but as she kept walking the feeling got stronger. Once she got back she sat down and stared down at her lap not really sure what to do or say

Ira Goddes of The Earth, Craft, And Beast Kin

Ira's body was moving out her throne now and with a small look of depression on her face. Truthfully the meeting could have gone better, but it wasn't in her nature to care. When she heard of tea she quickly decided to follow the other four but keep a small distance from them. After waiting for a minute or two she walk through the pink mist that lead her to her sisters domain. Ira herself didn't understand why her brothers and sisters made their domains their homes, to her the plain of the mundane was enough.

She looked around at the other gods and gave a chuckle as she looked over the dull tea party infront of her. Ira moved over to the table and quickly found a seat, a soft one in fact. Ira found her self on the lap Soteira. She quickly laid back and began to relax on the goddess. Ira had no intention to move ethier so getting her out of her lap would take a lot of force. "So goddess of love....Got any party games" She said to her sister before giving of a dull playful smile "Why don't we play spin the bottle like mortals...it's quite fun....and your the goddess of love and were in your domain so it make perfect sense" she said to her sister. Ira truthfully had no clue what had gotten into her...Maybe it was the drink she took from that man...Yes definitely the drink.​
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

She could hear Ira talking to her and picked her head up, she decided to put whatever feelings she was having aside and be a good host " oh don't worry I have something fun planned " She stood up " Shall we " She gestured for everyone to follow her, she brought them to the front lawn where their was a bow and arrow set and a target about 15 feet way " how about a little sibling rivalry " she smiled and handed the bow to Ira " you can go first "
Lizabeth smiled at Satine, honestly flattered. She had never thought of it that way before. She watched as the other goddess approached the Barrier. "Darling, stand back." Satine said. Lizabeth did as commanded and watched as Satine tapped the Barrier...

Then forced her arm through it.

A scream ripped out of Satine's throat and Lizabeth stopped herself from running towards her. Black pigment snaked its way up onto her veins and into her body. She looked back at Lizabeth, eyes tearing. The oracle goddess took a step forward just as Satine was thrown backwards. She rolled to a stop nearby and Lizabeth rushed over, gasping. Satine began to get up and Lizabeth held onto her arms, frightened half to death. "I will not be... Doing a-again... Anytime soon." Satine grinned as she reclined back.

Lizabeth scrambled to support her. "S-Satine! Are you alright?" She rubbed some dirt off of the other goddess's face and glanced towards a pond.
What I wouldn't give to have water's magics right now. She scolded herself for not stopping Satine and gently touched her veins. Where the black was before was now a healthy color again, and Satine didn't seem to be in too much pain. But still, she worried. Lizabeth sat beside Satine and stared forward before deciding to venture out towards the Barrier and tapping on it like Satine had. "Ferrak? Are you there?" She called. "I-I am a bit worried for Satine. Won't you let us in?" She knew Ferrak was probably busy somewhere far in his Realm but she tried nonetheless.
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

While she was watching everyone start playing the game, she got a terrible feeling in her chest and she feel to her knees. She never felt this pain, the only time she has ever had this pain was when her brother was killed, That is one of the problems with her abilities if anyone she loves gets hurt or worst she gets a terrible pain in her chest. She started to cry she tried to figure out who it might be but she was in to much pain to see anything
Ecaos, God of Order and Mutuality

After the meeting was over, Ecaos heard the invitation for the party, and decided it would be far easier to just hang out with the other gods, then to deal with Marie's anger at not being told about the meeting. Keeping quiet mostly, it was until Rosalinda seemed to attempt a competition between them that he got slightly worried. "U-um...." Ecaos quietly said, extremely embarrassed. "Sorry...b-but I never managed to learn how the ways of archery during my stay in Mundas. I-if it's alright with you, I'll just stay out of the way..." He made sure not to look anyone in the eye, and slowly made his way away from them, considering making his leave as he had even lost to Marie's little sister in an archery match. Ecaos stopped however when it seemed Rosalinda was in pain. "Hey, you alright? Do you feel sick?" Although archery wasn't his forte', Ecaos had helped various human doctors help people in his follower's city.
Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

Kelvara hopped out of her throne, and headed back to her realm. She grabbed her new invention idea, and disappeared, reappearing in the plain of Mundas, in Elyrois. She had seen an up and coming inventor here, and was egear to speak with him again. She walked through the streets, and spotted him walking into a tavern. She followed him, quickly but silently. As she walked in, she saw him order a drink, then sit down. She was about to head over to him, when she saw Addarra sitting not to far away. She walked over, and pulling a chair over to where Addarra was sitting. "Hello deary. Might I ask what you would be doing here?"

Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

"Something.........happened........to..........one ...of......our..siblings" she tried to catch her breath " I know something is wrong it's apart of my abilities I can tell when someone I love is in pain.......I just can't tell who it is " slowly she started to feel better but not all that much she couldn't stand up
Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories

Sipping her spiced tea in the tavern Addarra listened happily to the music from the little band that was playing. There was a dark haired, blue eyed boy singing and his voice was that of beauty. He was a frequent singer in the tavern, earning little in the ways of tips, but Addarra always tipped quite a lot. She had no use for money, but he clearly did. His name was Varus and his little brother was ill a lot, and that's why he sang in such a place. Addarra had followed... stalked, him one night and found that he went first to a doctor with the coins he had earned to purchase medicine, then to his shack... if you could even call it that, where his younger brother was lying on a pile of blankets, pale and sickly in disposition clearly needing whatever he was fed by Varus. Addarra had wanted to do more, to help them. To ask Titania to heal the child. No matter how she worked herself up, she just couldn't... ever. She had been trying for nearly eight months now and the child's health had only deteriorated. She had been giving Varus far more coin than ever before, but with the health of his younger brother failing, he had been spending more and more money on the medicine. Tears came to Addarra's eyes as she thought how her own mind stopped her from helping another so innocent and so sweet. Their parents had apparently been killed when Varus was five and his brother just a few months old. There had been a plague in the city, that took their lives and left the infant in the state he was now in. Varus had seemed to be immune which allowed him to care for his brother as the city descended into chaos, Addarra and the Assassin Guild along with that of the Thieves guild which lived in the Undercity beneath Elyrios, had helped to restore order but were once again forced down below to where the sun doesn't shine. They cared little as it was their home and they preferred the darkness anyhow.

The voice almost didn't register till Addarra put a face to it. Startled she withdrew her dagger at her hip, her leather armor rustling gently she did so. She cursed herself beneath her breath as she recognized Kelvara. Blush flooded her cheeks in the soft light of the tavern. "I-I..." She said stuttering not able to keep up her appearance any more. Around strangers she disguised herself as just another assassin in the Guild. With the Gods however, she was always too nervous to speak clearly. "S-sp-spiced" She choked out becoming frustrated with herself. "Spiced tea, is excellent here," She said finally letting out a sigh of relief having said it. Varus was ending his final song for the night so Addarra turned to face him, looking briefly at Kelvara for a moment, putting up a finger for her to wait a second. Addarra walked over to Varus a small pouch laden with gold coins in her hand. She offered a smile to Varus who smiled widely at her, he ran over to her once he had secured his lyre smiling. The two shared a rather intimate hug, before he kissed her on the cheek. "Alexia" he said, as that was the name she was known here by. Not a goddess, just as another person. "Thank you," he said before kissing her gently on the lips. Her eyes shot open fully as she wasn't really expecting that. She blushed far worse than she believed she had ever done before. "Uh-uh..." She said furiously stuttering. He needed to be going because the doctor would only be open for another half hour but was decently far across the city. She handed him the pouch, and smiled. "G-go" she said and he nodded kissing her hand and bowing to her once more before grabbing his instrument and bounding out the door. Addarra stood there for a moment before going back to Kelvara. "S-sorry." She said motioning for the other to sit in the booth with her.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine smiled as Lizabeth rushed over to see if she could help. Not really feeling up to talking she nodded attempting to reassure her sister-goddess that all was or at least would be well. Seeing the other go and tap on the barrier much like she had done, then call out for Ferrak, Satine couldn't help but laugh ever so lightly. "Darling, if he hasn't noticed us due to my... shall we say escapade, there is nothing we can do." She said sitting and thinking for a moment. A shiver crossing through her body. "Well I for one won't throw myself in there entirely any time soon." She said letting out another chuckle. "Come now, we will be patient and wait." Satine said motioning for Lizabeth to come to where she was reclining and she dearly hoped she would be able to talk to Lizabeth for the first time in a long time... without others there. Satine had quite the headache, likely from the impact on the ground, putting her hand up to her head and fixing her hair somewhat, she noticed there was blood on her hands. She must have really hit her head to draw blood. "Damn" she muttered under her breath. It would stop eventually, but while she had healing magic, she was not really prepared to use it since it was a minor ability and with magic being corrupted... it could go awry.

@ashlynn @Azazelin
Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak fell from the sky, landing in a wave of dark smoke. He stood up, grinning wildly as he ran into his beautiful Halls and started looking for something...a book.

He sent off a few of his Bearers aswell, and as such didn't take him long to acquire the book of the oracle's life. He flipped through to the end and grinned as he ran through the library, past the main hall, and into another, smaller and slightly hidden room.

He let out a shrill whistle, one only slightly softer than the earlier one, and three of the dark blue robed Bearers came barreling in through the doorway, getting stuck against eachother until they all fell on top of eachother.

"Come on boys, no time for messing around today!" Ferrak roared enthusiastically, "It's time for us to get some serious work done!"

And with that, he got started on something he'd never attempted before. Writing a new ending in someone's book, the beginning of his plan to bring this girl back.

As he started writing, a bright white light started to eminate from the book, trying to push his pen away. The three Bearers, now standing to attention in a more calm manner, raised their hands and seemed to force the light back into the book. Their hands started to glow a bright blue, pushing on white itself.

It was a struggle to write, but it was working! And he soon finished writing, standing up and looking down at what he'd done. He couldn't quite figure out whether to be happy about it or not.

Ferrak raised his hand and scratched at the back of his head, feeling a slight...itch..no, nevermind. He had work to do!

He grabbed up the book and dropped the pen back down on the desk, rushing out of the room and heading towards the main hall.

Inside the main hall, comprised of many arches that led to the library, and had a walkway down the centre in which Bearers were leading what seemed to be lights. Souls.

They travelled down the walkway into a large, beautifully carved out archway, inside of which was a glowing light. You couldn't notice it unless you looked directly at it, but it was always there. The portal to the 'Other Side'.

He eyed the portal for a few seconds, raising his hand to the back of his head once more. He continued to stare at the portal, his hand hovering behind his head as if trying to tell him something. Warn him of the feeling inside his head..


He felt it that time. Someone had tried to break into his realm without his permission.

Ferrak's eyes changed their usual tint, forming a new combination of bright blue and green. Black veins pulsated over his eyeballs as he swung around and started running towards the exit.

"Ferrak? Are you there?" He heard someone call out to him, "I-I am a bit worried for Satine. Won't you let us in?"

Oh gods...It was Lizabeth..Had Satine tried to break in?!

Without a seconds hesitation, his form changed to nothing but pure black smoke, and he shot into the air, travelling as fast as he could towards the goddesses. It didn't take him but twenty seconds to reach them. Bursting through the barrier, he landed on his feet, skidding forward and landing on his knees to see his sisters.

"I'm so sorry! I..I didn't realize you were here!" His voice cracked slightly, wavering between worry and tears.

He took hold of Satine's wrists, checking her furiously to make sure she was okay, before looking up at Lizabeth to make sure she was okay too.

"Are you okay?" He half whispered to the pair, his heart racing faster than he thought possible.

@Maven @Azazelin
Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

As a couple more arrived Soteira just kept to herself. She played off Ither's question about what she was up to and how was here job as he called. Seriously asking the Goddess of Vengeance, Corruption, Discord and Greed how her work was going... rather tasteless but she assumed that's how the others got along. "Fine" was all she managed before his attendant summoned his attention and Ither bounding off to wherever. Once he was gone it seemed to be Liber, whom Soteira seemed to always be at odds with, solely over their aspects being in contention with one another quite often. The other was Gelio, innocence incarnate. Something about innocence irked Soteira to the point of anger and frustration on most days. Toying with the innocent was the most fun she had in her days on Mundus. When Rosalinda had reemerged from her palace in a yellow dress, Soteira snapped her fingers once again and her dress faded back to the red crimson she much preferred over black. She looked at the others attempting to not make eye contact though it would be inevitable. Some true concern entered her mind when Rosalinda spoke that one of their siblings was... hurt. Soteira hoped it was nothing too serious but judging by Rosalinda's reaction it was likely something quite terrible.
Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and Humans

"Addarra, you have no need to be nervous around me." She laughed a bit at the fact she was so nervous. She slid into the booth next to Addarra. All of a sudden, Theo, the man she had come to see, noticed her and came bounding over. He was a very large man, who wore a very strange outfit, and had a huge bushy brown beard, along with unruly brown hair. "Addie! Where have you been?" He hadnet noticed Addarra yet, and a astonished look crossed his face when he saw her. "Alexia....I didn't see you there." Theo had been making inventions for the brother of Varus, for months. He had also been bringing them food and running errand for them when ever he could spare the time. His expression went back to the cheerful one that he had been wearing when he came over. "Anyways, Addie, Iw anted to talk with you about your ideas, but as you are clearly busy right now, I'll come back later." Kelvara stood. "I actually came here in hopes of finding you, but I did get caught up with Addar- I mean Alexia. When you get the time to talk, you know where to find me!" She turned back to Addarra. "So, Alexia dear, what brings you here?"
Rosalinda, Goddess of Beauty and Love

After a few minutes she was able to stand up the pain had mostly gone away. with this ability if the pain is to much it blocks out any type of info on who is in pain. She wiped her face and looked at everyone " We have to check on everyone to make sure they are okay " She looked for a reaction in any of their faces. she started walking towards the house. In one of the rooms in her house has a book that I guess you can call magical because if you need to see someone it will show you. She was hoping that they would all follow her
Lizabeth fell backwards as Ferrak burst through the Barrier. He skidded to a stop before them and knelt down. His face was worried, and his voice broke as he said, "I'm so sorry! I... I didn't realize you were here!" He inspected Satine carefully and looked up to check Lizabeth as well. "Are you okay?" His eyes flickered to both of them. Lizabeth felt a strange red creep up into her neck and she looked away quickly.

"Um. Yes. I'm okay. It's Satine we need to worry about." She brushed Satine's hair back a little and looked back up at Ferrak. "Is she going to be alright? I mean, with having to touch your Barrier." Lizabeth scooted back a little to give Ferrak some room. If Satine couldn't walk, it would have to be Ferrak to support her since Lizabeth herself was rather small. "But, um, did you find whatever you were looking for?" She fell back onto her legs and tucked her knees beneath her. "You disappeared so suddenly, so Satine and I, well Satine really, she um..." Lizabeth trailed off when she noticed the still-concerned look on Ferrak's face.

Hush, Lizabeth. She thought. No need to keep talking. Just let Ferrak do what he needs to do. She looked back to Satine, who was looking up at Ferrak as well, and she quickly looked away. An unfamiliar feeling had started creeping up inside her, one she hadn't felt in many, many years. Jealousy?
Gelio twitched startled when Rosalinda fell to her knees. Freezing he looked at her as some of the others hurried to her side. I hope she is ok. He was relieved when she stood and eagerly followed her sticking by Her side and ready to catch her if she fell. Regardless he still worried. Not for her but the ones that were not there. I hope they have no met the same fate as our brother. Our family is already broken. It needs time to heal.
Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories.

Addarra offered a sheepish smile when Kelvara uttered her Mundane name. Alexia, it had been the name of her first Exarch many thousands of years prior. "Heh" was the only thing she could manage at the moment. Embarrassment keeping her from talking. She sipped on her spiced tea, the warmth passing from her tongue throughout her body. One of, if not her absolute favorite drink, one that seemed to always help calm her mind and her nerves. "His brother is ill." She said thinking about Varus' little brother Cato. A spitting image of his older brother, just... sickly. "I see you also know Theo," Addarra said remembering how kind he was to Varus and Cato, helping them as much as he could. A truly kind spirit, one that would have made many of the Gods pleased. "He is a good man." She said thinking to herself. It didn't take a genius to figure out why Kelvara was there, especially after the run in with Theo, an amateur inventor, though if Kelvara was here that meant he had to have great talent or at least could be great. Addarra wasn't great in social situations with another Immortal, she didn't know what to talk about, what to do, or really anything so she took another sip of her drink. @ashlynn

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Seeing Ferrak emerge, Satine let out a sigh. She smiled as Ferrak examined her looking for anything serious before he moved on to Lizabeth. "I'm fine, just needed to get your attention." She said letting out a small triumphant laugh. "Clearly got it." Attempting to stand, Satine was quite nauseous at the moment. She looked over to Lizabeth and offered a smile of reassurance that she would be fine. "Aeros was the one that designed our barriers. Long enough exposure will destroy our bodies making us reform in our realms as happens occasionally. Immense pain, something I for one am not used to." She said chuckling a little at the afterthought of just how stupid she had been to stick her hand in the barrier. "I actually considered jumping completely inside." She said with a hollow voice, thankful she had not done what she had initially planned. She turned to Ferrak and smiled, "Can we come into your realm?" She asked, needing somewhere to rest for a little while. The barrier had also drained most of her energy, an added bonus to the pain and expulsion to make sure to hinder any kind of counterattack. Matters were complicated now that her energy was drained, she couldn't perform the necessary ritual to bring a soul back to the Realm of the Living through the portal Ferrak possessed. Satine couldn't have asked Lizabeth to stick her arm in the barrier, that wold have been cruel. She thought to herself. Of course this whole thing just had to become more and more complicated.
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Eldraxes lumbered through the door into the meeting... Unsurprisingly late before the other deities, as per usual. The God of night never had much in the way of social graces, and manners. Another nasty defect of being quite thoroughly insane, the God honestly contemplated remaining dwelling within the Eternal Night, and not bothering to attend the Godly meeting. But such things were of great importance, and he somehow, somewhere, found the strength to drag his nigh-omnipotent backside out of the comfort of his realm, and to this accursed place. He hated anything that wasn't his realm, everything was so bright... And glowy... Disgusting, and quite simply disorientating. The Mad God peered about the room. Wondering if he was even noticed by the other deities, he wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't. Honestly, he almost hoped he wasn't. This get together was going to consist of him, sitting alone, gathering the information through art of eavesdropping. No small talk needed to be made. Simply pacing over to a inconspicuous corner, The God of Night plopped himself down, sitting comfortably on the ground, before making that small corner black with darkness, and night.
Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak wrapped his arms completely around Satine when she spoke of jumping inside,

"Why would you ever do that?!" He yelped, his heart starting to calm down a little, "We don't even know if we're still immortal! What if I'd lost either of you?!"

He looked over at Lizabeth and pulled her into a loving embrace as well.

"Don't ever scare me like that again.." He whispered to both of them. He held on for a few good, long seconds, his arms shaking a little as thoughts of losing them shot through his mind..how could he be so stupid and not even notice them arrive?!

Ferrak pulled back a little, lowering his head and wiping away a few tears that hadn't quite made it out of his eyes, then looked up at the pair.

"Of course you can come in you pair of fools.." He smiled a little, "You're always welcome here..."

He turned around, swinging his arm at the barrier with slight animosity because of what it'd done, and ripped straight through it and opening a way for the pair of goddesses to pass through.

He took a hold of the pair's hands and took a single step inside his domain, before channeling all his energies to transporting them the quite long distance to the Halls. It was the least he could do for them.

He closed his eyes and started concentrating. He wasn't used to transporting more than just him, but he could do it if he payed enough attention.

Around their feet, in an almost perfect circle, a thin grey mist started to seep up through the ground, growing thicker in appearance, it's tint lightening until it was purely white. The thick plume of smoke enveloped the trio, soon becoming them.

The smoke faded into the wind, reappearing just outside the Halls. The white smoke thinned out a little, revealing the three figures inside, Ferrak holding on tightly to the goddesses hands..almost not wanting to let go.

"Here we are.." He chuckled lightly, "Home..."
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning.

Satine smiled as Ferrak said Home. She had spent plenty of time throughout the Faded Halls, watching the Bearers, whom she had come to admire go about scurrying around doing their various tasks. For Satine this was quite different from her realm. She stood upon her own will, pleased the nausea had faded enough for her to do so without assistance from either Ferrak or Lizabeth. She didn't really have much to say, but stumbled forward her legs regaining their strength as she slowly made her way towards a nearby bench. Plumping herself down on it with an audible thump, that warranted a brief sigh from the joy of sitting. "Slice of the heavens right here," She said chuckling lightly ash she relaxed and sat back against a nearby wall as well for support. "Ferrak tell me, what Realm your Domain is within. Let us see if your memory is intact." She said thinking how obviously idiotic he would have been to attempt to bring the Oracle back here. Even the Faded Halls were within the Realm of Life, a place where the souls could go through, but not come back without a price to be paid.

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