~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Yeah, I'm not really sure what to write about in terms of proper substance x___x

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"Or do you want me to arrange a month-stay check in for you at the Dungeon Hotel starting tomorrow? I hear the rooms are CELL-ing out fast, BAR-ring the executive suites. Trust me, it's at a PRISON-able price."

Herp derp these puns tho
Alright, I'll set up the time skip in my next post :) Sorry once more for my inactivity; relatives are keeping me busy

@Procculus : So Sarah's setting up some defences around the tavern? That's annoyingly inconvenient for plot, but I can find a way around it. Just makes my massive post a little longer, is all xD
The Peacemakers in this group aren't all that reliable. As Poppy Stare Gravel mentioned, there might be one or two Peacemakers that ended up in the club as well. How many more are probably not at their stations?
That depends on you, but it's alright, because it gives me a good chance to both introduce another important sub-character and also link to the sub-plot :')

There you go, big post is up. On a side note, my notes app on my phone has semi-broken itself, so posts are going to be even more slower on mobile than expected :(
...I'm just gonna see how things play out and see where to go from there. After all, Uther hasn't replied yet and the pub he is in may about to be raided by peacemakers.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I'll probably just have Jinta wander back to the fighting club. That seems to be the place where a lot of cool stuff is happening.
Raided by one solo Peacemaker. The others are just out there in case she makes a mistake at making a mistake.
Ah okay. In that case he'll just ignore her unless for some reason she starts attacking him.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
My character hasn't been directly involved so I've kinda been half paying attention. Also, work decided to kick me in the teeth this week. I'll try to get my muse out of her funk and see if I can't get something appropriate up tomorrow. @PicaPirate I got the 1x1s and will be addressing them when I'm able. ;)
Well, if we all wait, then nothing will happen xD I was also waiting for others to post seeing as only those in contact with Kri'tro have posted something since the timeskip
Hopefully I will get something out. I had to go to a Football game, and it was horrible. I do not enjoy football, much less watching it >.<

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