~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

/me scratches head in thought of what to do, since both Omen and Uther who were interacting with him have vanished for one reason or another, and Proc who was interacting with him is going to raid the tavern.

Maybe Alistair shouldn't have chucked that invitation.
I will do, point taken. Just dealing with various RP's and a terrified black lab from bonfire night, so fireworks outside.
Life's pretty hectic ATM and I'm beyond tired, so apologies, but you guys are going to have to wait until tomorrow for a response from me :(
Real life's important, man. Take it easy. Ain't worth it burning your tires out worrying too much about online stuff. We ain't going to blame you for it.

At least, I'm not, since I really get swamped with projects and work at the same time. I don't know about others though.
Im not either. The combination of being busy and having people I care about going full on depressed loses me a lot of time.
Rather late to pick up on this now @Comix , but the bed you asked questions about is upstairs in the bedroom. Sorry for any lack of clarity there on my part, I'll simply gloss over that question in the responce I am working on now.
I have no idea really. Cause he's as much of a trickster as she is so even if she asks for his game, he could give any name he uses.
He won't, though. She can be as sceptical as she likes, but he'll give her the truth, because he's promised it, and I should've written something about him emphasising it with his manner too. Anyhow, no offence, but you have had a very long time to think about what she might ask, so this really shouldn't be a spontanious thing.

The same goes to some of the people who are currently 'stuck'. You all knew a time-skip was coming for quite some time, so you had plenty of time to think about what you could do at that time, and all the time then to ask questions and make sure you had something planned. I know I'm struggling with motivation due to being ridiculously tired and still a little unwell at the moment, hence my sparce amount of posts, but I also think I'd have a little more motivation if I had a little more faith that you guys are still properly interested. The pace we're going at at the moment is pretty depressing imo. I know we all have real-lives to tend to, and I also say to value RL>RP. But there is always little gaps in the day where you could potentially write up a post.

~mini rant over~

Oh yeah, just to add, I don't want a flurry of apology posts or whatever, or for you all to feel like you're being forced to post because of that. I just wanted to spell out my current feelings towards things, and there is no need for any reaction to it. Just wanted to make you think, 'tis all.
Name is the best thing I can think of cause it ties into a lot of thing. I was honestly going off of the whole "owe you a favor" thing in case she ever got into a tight spot or needed someone to play distraction when it came time to escape or get out of town.
Well then do either of them, both sound good to me. You could still do the latter under the guise of her refusing for now but storing it for in case they do meet again (seeing as if plot progression permits us, they will end up doing so).
Yeah that's what I was going on. They're bound to run into each other further into the RP. Which is why shes holding out for a favor instead of an answer. Even if that favor is information on something later. *shrug* Also thought it would be interesting to have some kind of connecting thread for later.
I think the biggest thing that got me stuck was (among other things) having two people to have some interaction with vanish, one of which spoke of going. Kinda left me with little to work with x__x After work tomorrow I'll have him going back to doing contracts so as to hopefully mesh with the others by doing so.
@PicaPirate : That sounds like a good idea.

@Comix : Edit it if you want, but really it makes little difference seeing as I've glossed over it.
Top kek

I'll work out a post during my lunch break, so don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
Damn. My break's only 40 minutes long. I'll write some stuff down first, but I don't expect anything to be done until after I get off work.

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