~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

I'm currently waiting on @theunderwolf to react to what's going on and say whether she'll join them or not. I'm going to start work on the post though seeing as it's likely to be quite big.

First though, just need to ask, @Procculus , can you remind me what the Peacemakers are doing in regards to The Pit?
Peacemakers have increased patrols around The Pit, but, until night falls, they won't be doing much, other than taking note of the patrons of the bar.

Upon night fall, Peacemakers will make their way to various exit routes from the bar, and attempt to seal off any possible routes in and out of the town. Of course, being rank and file, they aren't exactly skilled.
Just as a warning, I'm going to be going out as usual fairly imenantly, and so there's a hight chance my post won't be up until tomorrow. Apologies once more for the wait.
There should be plenty there for most of you to react to. @DamagedGlasses and @Procculus can notice them come in and do whatever, @Goddess and @theunderwolf can react to eachother and the journey, @Shura and @Kharmin can begin that interaction as planned, and everybody else should try to head either to the tavern or to around the castle if you're still interested in writing this.

@Comix : Kinda waiting on a responce from you so that Apos doesn't get left behind, as I've a little plot point to introduce next post there!
I'll write a post about murdering someone, I'll say within earshot outside where the others are. Prepare for death screams outside the tavern.

Whoa, whoa whoa, hold on, none of the brats under Whytelaw were supposed to be undercover. Only she was. The rest were supposed to be on proper duty, none of the whole plainsclothes shit.
Well, assume some of them being dumb-fucks then lol

Also for some lawgivers to be plainclothes on a whole is common practice RL, so they could have just been normal plainclothes ones not included in the operation.

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Boy, is the paperwork going to be flooding in for the poor lass. It's like five pages every hour for the Inquiry Committee. Incompetent staffing seems to be rife in Peacemakers as well. Oh well, weeding out the foolish, I suppose. That's how many letters of "Your son/daughter has died in the line of duty"? And in just one day!
Oh, I forgot, NPCs don't have families or faces or anything important that makes them living beings, hahaha.
PicaPirate said:
Alistair must be the bane of the paperwork office.
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Damn straight, every inquisitor or officer in charge of the guys he's done in probably hates his guts. Sarah's getting a front row treatment of this.
Well I suppose its a tossup between losing incompetent employees without having to fire them and filling shredders with confidential papers.

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Just so that people are aware, I'm waiting around a wee bit to see if anybody else wants to head down to the meeting/sort themselves closer to the castle, seeing as the plotpoint inside is going to kickstart a pretty large sequence of plot events.
It ain't 'ironic'. It's 'coincidental'. 'Ironic' is when something happens the complete opposite of what one would expect, such as I, resigned to a fate of boring and dull life, suddenly rose to fame as a pop star idol. Or something.
If we're on about the pirate thing, I actually draw inspiration from the name because of partly Kagura nicknaming me from my original nickname piratefinn from the pirate word Picaroon (so she calls me Roon) and the pirate in itself because I have Scottish pirate ancestors the MacNeils.

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