~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Alistair, dismissing threats for nothing since the day his life turned upside down. Rebelling against rebels.
@PicaPirate , @DamagedGlasses It is perfectly fine for you guys to not turn up to the little rogue gathering, and I apologise for such a sloppy plot-point. Just make sure though you're around the castle after the time-skip.

Speaking of which, are you guys wanting to just have your doods socialise a little more before I time-skip? Because it's completely up to you right now. :)
What would be going on around the castle though? Like... Im not sure what the town lay out is
I actually did a non-direct at @Procculus and @FewUtherClockKlik for interactions outside this plot point to avoid that one congesting and pulling them into one so they weren't alone.

Alistair be so popular with the ladies, one wants to marry him and two want to kill/detain him!
@Shura : Literally anything, provided sane, could be going on. Fireworks, some kind of festival thing, just another pub or meet up site nearby so that her and Jinta can have a date or something, Kri'tro's inn could be there, there's a literal ton. It's kept purposely vague to allow you some freedom
I'm sure Jinta would find ways of "Tying up loose ends". If you know what I mean....He'll tie her up.

But, yeah, that hasn't even happened yet, so who knows what we'll do.
xD I got it. Mhmm lots to happen still.Is Jinta gonna go back to the bar cause of the threat and what not though?
Well, Jinta is only interested by the Threat, as he is clueless about what the insignia means, however, as we've all seen, Jinta doesn't have the best attention span. He started out hoping to make it to a Party for nobles, and ended up going to a Fight Club. It will depend on if Rani offers anything else to do, or encourages that he go. If he was left on his own, I would definitely say yes, but with Rani there, and the potential for other characters to interfere, its kind of up in the air.
LOL k kind of funny with a short attention span. we'll see. Rani might take him up on seeing his ship but then want to wander back into town to enjoy the festival some more.
The Tension, the Drama, the Excitement! Everyone is going to the bar, and it makes me feel like Jinta's in one of those sitcoms that everyone ends up at their shared favorite bar at the end of the show.

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