~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Ah, well, he doesn't know that, apart from the 'not liking being kissed' part xD I'm not going to have time for another post tonight now, but there's no point in waiting for me to reply since I'm just going to have Kri'tro provide a throwaway line. I'll implement the promised plot post earlyish tomorrow :)
Hence why I had her say the bit about his skill. I'm excited to see what the plot is. How are are we aloud to make it out of the pit?

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Same as before; to the cellar only. If you guys get there and want time for interaction still have it so that the barman has to come and unlock the door, so they have to wait, or something along those lines. Said plot will set up the mini time skip I spoke of :)
Phew. Finally done with the CS. Mind giving it a look-see? I've been working on it on mobile so it may not be up to everyone's awesome standards.
I've given @PicaPirate , you can write up a post now without waiting for Omen; she's decided to take a small break from the RP due to the high activity, apparently, so there's no point in waiting.
You can feel free to try to attack him, though bare into account that there are henchmen there, and I would prefer it if you didn't kill him. By money pouches I mean literal money pouches, the ones the woman just handed out to them :')
Alright, I'll slowly fire up my writing engines.

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Question. What religions are there? Just asking, since the exclamation "Oh my god." would be unfitting if you know, there are multiple gods, or the god is called One God, or something
Seems that there are multiple gods, one for each region. With each respective population worshiping their god from their region. You should defer to Sky of course, but that's my observation.
I've always thought of the Mermen being similar to the Buddhist Religion, due to the uniting belief in wisdom and enlightenment.
Okay I'm having a hard time figuring out what is going on and cant't think of anything to write except "wow im just gonna sit back and watch."

HOWEVER I remember @FewUtherClockKlik saying they wanted to do something, but at the time I was waiting for Omen. Now that they're on a break, they can do whatever it was.
Apologies to everybody for my mini absense. Tuesday is a mega busy day for me, and when I'd finished with my multiple different activities, I was just too shattered to even begin writing something of worth.

So yeah, sorry for the very late responce @PicaPirate the payment woman would now make her way to you two and give you your payment in the same fashion as the rest of us were payed. Every pouch has the note in it too; it's the start of the first major plot point so I would suggest your characters pay it heed.
Ah. I mean plot wise since some of us didn't fight so didn't get a ominous invitation

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Ah, sorry! Tag along, I guess? Or don't, honestly again it's up to you guys along as things are centring on the castle at that point :')

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