~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

holding off more so for Damagedglasses and what Jintas reaction to this whole thing is since he's probably Rani's best bet of even seeing what the paper is.
Hrrmm. Well this puts me in a little pickle. I doubt anyone's character would simply let a Peacemaker official stroll up to them and demand (in the loosest sense of the word) what went on.
Thanks, issue is trying to get Rani to where all the plot stuff is supposed to happen while not meta gaming and being true to the character. *shrug* Short comings of not being a fighter type character this time.
Well, I'm just going to assume Rani likes money, or at least, the things one can buy with money, and she knows Jinta has money and a soft spot for her (and other pretty women), so maybe that be capitalized in some way.
Well, right now he's just in the process of going to the Bar portion of the Fight Club, the part that hides the place from sight. He'll stay there for a while to quickly drink his wine, and then go to his ship. Heck, Rani could tag along on the ship, its not like she really has to try hard to convince Jinta, bless his poor soul.

Though...there is the possibility that Jinta may kidnap Rani...but that is....unlikely?
LOL Well sky mentioned a time skip soon, so trying to work around that and not having much of a reason to return to the bar. She's curious and likes a good mystery but won't willingly walk into a trap if she doesn't have to. So she won't really be the type to see the message and return to the fight club like Jinta and the others have to. It's not exactly fond of the place at it is. 
Also If Rani gets in enough trouble in the town she would probably willingly go on Jintas ship to avoid being captured/ arrested
This got lost in OOC, so I'll say here. Due to high activity/whatever, Omen's taking a break from the RP. In other words do whatever you feel like is good and I'll accordingly react if its to do with me.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
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Guess who was busy again?! (Pst! It was me!) I'll get a post up whilst I can.

The good news is I've finished my university stuff, so now all I have to do is wait for my teachers to work out a few things and then send it off, then I'll be waiting anxiously for news of if I've got into places! :D
Wow, you sorted that stuff out earlier. Saves you a lot of hassle too lol

Well Ive overcome my detailed post block so im gonna go write up.
Thanks guys! It'll be a long time before I find out though, but it's nice to have the weight off of my shoulders :')

@PicaPirate : Well, I was advised by the head to get it done early before they hae an influx of people sending in applications to her right after half term. I had a long meeting after badminton today about it, and finalised it all, so woop!

As for yesterday, I had school play rehearsal, or rather school musical production, Les Mis, in which I am Thernardier! Then I had to eat very quickly before having my friend pick me up to take me to a school social bowling event where I failed (les) miserably, but still had a bit of fun, and then I was out with a few friends having a rare but nice deepish chat about things. By the time I'd done with that, I was suitably worn out xD

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