~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

Shura said:
Ah in that case I'll probably have her stick around.Figure out a place that wont get her involved in the brawl to wait out the storm.
Will be doing much the same thing. Maybe we'll both find the same wall against which to stand and watch?
Alright, im gonna give the Crow an opportunity to show Vanessa an example of serious combat. 

PicaPirate said:
He doesn't have a young brother does he? Alistair is gonna be like "he's working that silver bullshitting tongue again."
Anyhow, waiting on Omen for now. He'll probably withdraw from the mess, being not that anarchic and reasonably calm right now.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I didn't see this since I wasn't caught up with the OOC.

Is it alright if I send Ragya to fight your character now?
Umm, I'd wait to see Omen does first if that's okay, who's working on a post at some point. Otherwise I'll be reacting to about three different things.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Save it on docs or something, because RPN will after a while wipe your drafts. Its caused me plenty of rage before.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Dat post count.


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
You know when you have those people who hate when someone wins but their in the stands , thats where she is if that makes since, do you still want me to edit 

Kharmin said:
Will be doing much the same thing. Maybe we'll both find the same wall against which to stand and watch?
I think ill edit my post so she has some contact with other people, permission to join you on the wall
Goddess said:
I think ill edit my post so she has some contact with other people, permission to join you on the wall
The more the merrier. I came to the party late and didn't really have any way to meet everyone.
I am sorry for my absence. College has been kicking my butt for the past few days and now I am sick. I have some free time tomorrow and will absolutely be posting then.
Pardone, but 'wazikashi'?

...maybe I'm mistaken, and maybe I'ven't been paying attention in my Japanese classes, but...shouldn't it be wakizashi?

Fkin weeaboo proc. u wna fkin die m8 ill sok ya inna gabba it bongarong
@Goddess : My issue, as stated, was that the only entrance to the pit is through the back of the tavern, and your character has somehow got there through just walking about up top. Your edit did nothing to solve this: please try again. My suggestion on how to handle it would be to have her bolt deeper into the pub instead of outside when the man threatens her, then have her intrigued by what she has found and head down the corridor to find the Pit. Then everything makes sense. So, I suggest you edit the offending passage out and then make a new post with the correct details, whereby you can interact with Shura and Kharm as you wanted.
Procculus said:
Pardone, but 'wazikashi'?
...maybe I'm mistaken, and maybe I'ven't been paying attention in my Japanese classes, but...shouldn't it be wakizashi?

Fkin weeaboo proc. u wna fkin die m8 ill sok ya inna gabba it bongarong
Wakizashi is correct. :)
I really don't like it when my notifications don't work. Its not very important, to me at least, but just the fact that a lot of OOC Alerts didn't come through is slightly irritating.
@SkyGinge I was looking at the character data on the first page of the sign-ups and didn't see my time-zone there. I'm east coast US, so -4GMT (due to daylight saving time), soon to be back to -5. Just passing along if you want to update. :)
@Kharmin : Ah, cheers. See, I looked up the whole timezones thing and got very confused, but that means everybody should be back one. I'll edit soon :'

In the mean time, sorry for the lack of posts. I've been fairly busy for a lot of the day, I'll get a post up soon :)
No worries @SkyGinge I'm grateful that you included that kind of data. It makes it easier when waiting on someone else to post. I can check the timezone and not keep myself waiting when he/she might be catching up on sleep or whatnot.
No need to be grateful, haha; as stated, it's only there because I like collecting weird data, though it does double nicely as a handy information spot :') I had something similar kept privately when we were in the early stages of Magistone. I intended to post it, but never found the right time before all the early posters dropped out 
Ah, I'm really enjoying playing Beattie, it's a shame he's only a neutral character and won't be around for too long. He's the kind of person who sees the world in only black and white. Pretty much everything falls under black for him, and he defines everything by one trait that he can resent. All bar demons, which he hasn't yet had the chance to meet. So just to point out, whilst Kri'tro is annoying, Beattie would probably think the same if Kri'tro were a stuffed ferret.

Anyhow, my next Kri'tro post will include plot, so be warned!

And massive apologies to @theunderwolf for being unable again to get a Whiskey post up. Seeing as I'm wanting them to part ways for the sake of Whiskey taking that plot-line solo, I would recommend you just write up a post where it says Sandy left for whatever reason, so that you can get on with wiring and stuff as you want and move on to a new interaction.

I have two essays to write tomorrow, but other than that I'm at home all day and should be around to post :)
Do whatever. You can either stay or head up to the cellar room; I have plot covered for both rooms.

And hopefully @Comix will get a post up tonight so what we can move things along there too. I'm planning a mini time skip for plotting reasons fairly soon too, but all will be explained at the time of action :)

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