~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

After a 3 hour plane flight I'm gonna get my post up. This environment is the absolute best for Raksana, she has a ridiculous advantage in CQC and nothing motivates her more than money.
@SkyGinge in the Character Sign Up Thread, you placed Jinta down as Jinto on multiple occasions. Just to let you know.

Also, and this is because I suck at giving time standards, I live in the U.S. in the EST Zone. Sorry for the mishaps.
@DamagedGlasses : Ah, apologies for that, I'll get that fixed up as soon as I can :)  
Well, that was an awful lot of fun to write! Their little exchange will be important down the line, don't worry, as it sets in motion some fairl big plot-points this story arc, so don't discount it completely please! xD

For those in the waiting aread ready to fight, feel free to go in and start your battles. Jinta should have the first battle, whether it be against Raksana or Sven the Fearless from the introductory post. Cheers, and I hope you continue to enjoy this RP! :D
@DamagedGlasses : Go for it then! :D Bear into account though (and this goes to all those who will battle) that there will likely be a queue of people waiting to fight, so try not to draw battles out too long. If needs be, I'll employ some narrative trickery with tenses and such to allow everybody wanting to fight to do so at the same time and avoid bogging things down too much.

@Shura : Probably, yes, but I guess that's kinda the reaction he was going for. He knows she thinks she's got the edge now, but that was Kri'tro's way of drilling home the fact that he's gonna win this little game of theirs.

Also, as a general note, I made the edits DG needed, and also updated the current locations section :')
I know she won't, but he's so arrogant he reckons he'll pull through in spite of whatever she might end up doing XP
Omen said:
At last, Vanessa had found someone.
Oh boy, I can see where this is going.

Also I'll be busy for pretty much the rest of the day.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Will the fights be a winner faces next challenger or one fight per person format?
There's no real structure to the fights other than 'Smash people, Get money!', so it's all up to how the various fighters want to handle it :')
I'm back from school and will begin on my post after a small rest. School is exhausting. 
@SkyGinge should I wait until some more people have had the chance to react to the beginning of the match, or should I write it up now?
I'll post Crow after Jinta's and Raksana's fight.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
He's off for a while now considering his time zone and previous offline patterns. I may be wrong of course, but he probably won't be on
You should probably start writing it up now. 
Yeah he wont be awake for another 7-8 hour then he has school
Ok. Just didn't want to get in the way of anyone's chance to post. That is the biggest reason I cut it off right before the battle began.
Yup its currently 1am for him and me, so he'll be asleep.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Yeah, apologies about that, I was indeed asleep, and before that had quite a busy evening. Anyhow, yes, you should write it up if you can.

Also @Comix , could you try to get a post up as soon as please? Only because it's holding up Apos, Masquerade and Icefox. Cheers! 
I probably won't be making another post tonight - been pretty down tonight and don't really think a post right now would be up to standard, so apologies for that. In terms of battles, I've decided we will just run them all synchronously to save time, so yes, @CrimsonEclipse @Elegy you may post battle posts even though Jinta is yet to finish, just baring into account that in RP these battles will happen after he is finished. You can still react to things, only you'll have to juggle different timeframe at the same time.

Apologies, hope to be back on the right track tomorrow.
For Crows fight I quote a Destiny PVP announcer line "This isn't a fight, its a massacre!"

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@SkyGinge I hope you don't mind the late entrance. I wasn't sure I'd get in, but it seemed things hadn't progressed too far yet. I'm getting caught up enough that I feel a bit more comfortable about committing now.
Nice to see you here, Kharm! :D Although there's little point in waiting for me to do a barman post before continuing; just say he's came back and handle that bit yourself :')

Of course, this all means that there's quite a large number of characters in the fighting pit and barely any in the centre to watch the performance, so what I'm proposing to do is scrap the alternate plotline regarding that, and have it as a solo-Whiskey thing that you only find out about later. Which will mean that those not fighting (those in the library and @theunderwolf ) will instead be free to continue doing whatever in town, as long as they find a way to get themselves to the castle when I call. So yeah, if you want to have Sandy seperate from Whiskey on the next post Wolf, that'd all be grand. :D
SkyGinge said:
Nice to see you here, Kharm! :D Although there's little point in waiting for me to do a barman post before continuing; just say he's came back and handle that bit yourself :')
Ok that works for me. ;) Might be late tonight, eastern time though.

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