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Fantasy The Helllamore Family


From Dusk till Dawn

This is about a Very Rich Family that Lives in Los Angeles,California. They are very Normal and Happy. They Have all together 6 Kids and Have both of there Parents. The Are Happy going to school and Having Fun. They all Have Jobs even if they are a teen like 13. They all came from Austria. And is Austrian. The Father is France So he specks Franch. And That's it if you want it to be Fansty I just add the Power things and it can be SuperNatuarl it doesn't matter. And also The Polt is The Dad would cheat on his Wife with a stocker and she is Planing on killing them from breaking up with Her. And there is a Deep Secret they all must Keep. Which is There Powers. You never now if they work for the S.P.C.U (Super Powered Creatures Unit). Okay View Listing Up This is Not my Idea this is from another Roleplay Named the Family of Secerts And the Owner of that is

@EmilyPower. That's where I got this idea from another Thing of it

There House

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Back Yard Side 1

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.63a7b827127989033978feaa24bfb3af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34933" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.63a7b827127989033978feaa24bfb3af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Back Yard side 2

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Dinning Room

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The Living Room

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It was a Beautiful Normal Monday in LosAngels,California. All the Kids Had to go to Highschol and Some of them is In College. And The other one is at work doing what have to do. It is now 7 am in the Morning ring and Let the Dat Begin.



London didn't want to get up Buy she Had to Anyways. She Got Up and she went Over to put on her night shoes on going To Her own Bathroom. She would go take of her clothes and get in the Shower. When she got out she would then get out puting On a New and Nice Little Dress That she Had on with Matching shoes and Earrings. She then puts on her Necklace on that she Never takes off and she would then go over to do her Hair and would Play with her Little Black Cat.



Justin. Wasn't really in the mode to go to school today he wasn't ready at all. He knows that he has to take a Big test today to Pass the Markong Period. He would then Jump out his Bed and would go over to The Bathroom Downstairs and goes to take a shower. When he got out her would rush and would put on a Nice Black v neck and Blacl Jeans with Black and White Jordan's On.



Angelina was sleeping next to her husband Laying in the bed. She realized her alra, clock went off she got up and went Stright to Her and Her Husband's Bathroom. She would take a Shower and she would put on Her Nice Black Shirt with Blue jeans and some Black Heels. She then went downstairs and went to cook Breackfast for her family. She would Then go by the stairs and Would Yell out
"Dinner is Ready Guys Come on down" she said Smiling and Sets the Table

Sorry forgot the Tags @Peachypants @Keira Winston @Energie
Nikos alarm clock went off signaling it was time to wake. Groaning he blindy reached out until his arm connected with cool metal and sent it flying. Blissful silence filled the room and he sighed smiling as he snuggled deeper into his warm cover.

He was almost back to sleep when something sharp peirced his ankle and caused a sharp pain. Yelping he flew up knocking the covers off and glared venomously down at Selty his Emerald tree boa who somehow looked smug. Slithering off his bed she hissed."Time to wake up masster."

Yep, definitely smug.

Snarling he inspected the bite mark on his ankle. Blood trickled from it slowly and sluggishly telling him it would soon stop bkeeding. Scrowling he climbed out of bed and limped to his attached bathroom. After a quick shower he wrapped his ankle before getting changed into a longsleeved white shirt under a short sleeved black shirt that went to the middle of his thighs and paint splattered leggings with neon sneakers. He fed his kittens and dog before grabbing his backpack and heading down stairs.


London Realized that Her Mom Was Calling Her to come Eat Breakfast. London would Feed her Little tiny Black Cat and would Grab Her Purse and would go down The stairs. When she was at the Bottom she saw her Mom and she would say to her
"Hello Mother" she said Kissing her Cheek



Justin would Go Downstairs and would Go over to His Mom and said "Hey Mom are You Okay" he said Lookimg at her saying with a smiling and a Happy Feeling. He would Look at His Sister and said "Oh Hi London. Takes for Helping me with My Math Homework" he said Look at her. He would sit at the Table and would eat the food that his Mom made.

Neko danced through the halls to the dining room with a smile curling the edges of his lips. His mood had risen since he woke up thanks to his shower. Walking into the dining room he kissed his mom on the cheek before taking a seat and began eating."Hey, guys."


London would Look at Her Brother and would say
"Hi Neko" she said Look at Justin saying "Next Time 2(3x+3) means to Muilpyong Okay" she said Looking at Him


He would Look at her and say "I Know That Already" he said Laughing


She would Smile at her kids and said "Where is Everyone else" she said Smiling at her kids

Kennedy woke up and stretched. She would have to face stupid, mean, popular girls again. Plus, she'd have to face a mob of boys. Kennedy sighed and walked to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and combed her luxurious, wavy brunette hair. Kennedy wore a lace crop-tank top and a pair of light-wash high-waisted shorts. She then slipped her feet into a comfy pair of white converse and walked downstairs. "Morning London, Justin, and Niko," London said to her family.

Jessica woke up. She quickly shut her alarm clock and walked straight to the bathroom. She combed her golden brown hair and wore a dark pair of skinny jeans, a gray off-shoulder tee, and her pair of Air Jordan hightops. She then walked to her boyfriend. Justin's, house and knocked on their door.


She Would Look and say
"Well Here is Some People" she said Laughing she would Look at Her sister and say "Hey Big Sister" she Heard the door Knocking so she got up wo Answer it.


He would Look at his sister and say
"Hey sis"


She Looked at London and said "Oh Hi Jessica,Justin,London,Neko and Kennedy" she said with a Smile​
Cristian's eyes flickered open, only to snap back shut as the blinding sunlight drew a string of curses from his lips. He mumbled all the way to the blinds pulling them shut, before slipping into a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that he found somewhere in the mess that was his closet. He slipped into the bathroom making quick work of brushing his teeth and combing his hair, prioritizing his grumbling stomach over his need for a shower. He stumbled down the stairs rounding the corner to see his family -- he'd never been much of a morning person. This morning was no different.

"Angelina." He muttered with a curt nod to his mother who he recently taken to calling by her first name for little reason other than it made his mornings more exciting. He made minimal effort to hide the smug grin on his as he settled into his place at the table, only giving a glance in his siblings direction as a 'good morning'.

"Suggestion to the chef: add mimosas to the breakfast menu."
He stated dryly as he pushed his breakfast around his plate before finally taken a half-hearted bite.
David, or Dave as some used to call him, woke up with a groan. He was exhausted from god knows what and pulled his cover over his head. He layed there for a while trying to fall back asleep, but to no success. Several minutes passed before he finally got up from bed. There was no one at home and there wasn't mutch to do about it. Dave went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once finished, he put on a pair of black jeans along with a plain, dark-grey t-shirt and rolled up the sleeves even the tiniest bit. He walked down to the kitchen to make some breakfast but ended up just sitting on the table with his feet dangling off the edge. His eyes felt heavier than usual as he rested his head in the palm of his hand. After another while of simply sitting there, almost falling asleep, he got up from the table and put on a pair of black shoes before heading out for a morning walk. There was a while before school would start anyways.


Charles, the head of the family, flung his eyes open before heading up from bed. The sun burned in his eyes as he walked through the room to open the curtains that was covering parts of the large window. As he pulled away the curtain, the sunlight burned even brighter. Charles was left blinded by it and returned back to the depths of the room. He put on a pair of grey suit pants and a light blue shirt. After that he put on a marine tie to complete the outfit for work. He rolled up the sleeves of the shirt to his elbows and put on a silver watch on his left wrist as well as a black belt around his waist. After that he walked down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Good morning" He said with a smile towards each of the children who sat by the table. The words that Christan said caught his attention.

"Hey, no complaining. If you want somethig else, make it yourself" Charles said and shot him a glance. He walked over to Angelina and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he himself grabbing a plate and some breakfast. He scratched his neck as he sat down by the table next to his children.
"Morning dad." Niko called as he stood remembering something. He picked up the dishes he had used and set them in the sink. Quickly he grabbed his bag and headed to the door."I have to go. I forgot I promised boss man to stop by the shop before school and feed the animals."

Jessica walked over to her boyfriend, Justin. "Morning, babe," she said sweetly. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a little peck on the cheek. Jessica took a seat at the dining table. She usually ate with Justin. She hung out with him at their house a lot.

Kennedy's bellybutton piercing jingled below her lace crop-tank as she took a seat at the table. "Morning," she said to her parents. She grabbed a plate. She grabbed a fork and started placing a little bit of food on her plate.
The band had just gotten done with band practice without Nevaeh. They knew she'd be angry, but they also knew that if they didn't wake her up, no one would.

Isaac quickly took out the key Nevaeh had given him. He entered the house and yelled, "I'm home!"

With a slight chuckle, he ran upstairs to Nevaeh's room and stormed inside.

Connor closed the door laughing at Isaac's poor manners. He leaned against the doorframe and took out his phone. He turned to Liz and they started to speak to one another.

Elizabeth looked at Connor, the way her glaze shimmered as she looked at him made it obvious that she liked him.

"Nevaeh is always like this... It's fun to storm into her house from time to time, but c'mon. Even Isaac is willing to go wake her up like he does. He'll always do anything for her. I guess feelings never change, you know?"

"Meh... You're right! But, even if we didn't make an oath or a pact, we shouldn't date other band members. It'll break up the band if a couple gets into a fight."

Liz sighed and agreed quietly, secretly glancing at him from time to time.


Isaac poked Nevaeh's face and chuckled slightly. He watched her move around a little. He heard Nevaeh groan, with that he jumped onto the very end of the bed.

Feeling air beneath her as she stirred awake, her eyes shot open. Her stare looked like a glare from Isaac's Point of View. Honestly, she was use to his silly actions and didn't mind them one bit. After all, he was cute.

She sighed. Her head ached a little and she rubbed her eyes, for her vision was slightly messed up after waking up too quickly. Her frown curved up into a smile.

"Good Morning sunshine..." He said slowly with a bright smile.

"Morning." She said in a faint, but audible voice. Her expression made it obvious she was tired, but a little happy to see a friend. "Well, now that you have woken me up, I have to change. Which means... Get out." She laughed and grabbed his arm without hurting him. She pushed him out and a faint "Thank you," was heard. She quickly ran to her closet and put on a cute black tank top with a white sweater jacket. Her dark blue jeans and black boots made the outfit complete. Her closet was full of black and white. The only clothes that were not black or white were of the color Blue, yellow or red. She put on her outfit and went to her vanity spreading, what looked like a shiny black goo, onto her lips. Just lipstick.

Isaac sighed and sat by her door, awaiting her exit. He wanted to 'escort' her.

When she exited, she pet Isaac on the head and went down to where everyone else was. With a kind expression and tone she exclaimed, "Morning everyone! It's a little late, but Oh well!"

She sat down on a chair and laid back. Legs up, arms crossed and behind. She sighed and smiled, as her eccentric look made it seem like this behavior was only natural.


She would Look at them all and say
"Good Morning To all You Guys." She said Looking at Them Smiling with Happiness.


Justin would turn around while Jessica was Huging him and he would say
"Hey Babe,what's Up" he Said Looking at her Beautiful Face and what she was wearing.

Kennedy quickly finished her meals and left the table. Her family rarely got family time, and she frankly was okay with that. Kennedy took out her iPhone with a sharpie decorated phone case and scrolled through notifications. She looked up when she was near the staircase. Navaeh's friends had 'broke in' again. They were obviously planning to go out or practice. Issac was probably upstairs with Navaeh. That left Liz and Connor downstairs alone. "Hey, what'cha guys up to?" Kennedy asked smiling. She stuffed her phone in the back pocket of her high-waisted jeanshorts.

Jessica smiled and playfully smacked Justin on the forehead. "Hey, quick bein' a lil' pervert and stop checking me out," Jessica giggled. "C'mon, let's get breakfast," she said to her boyfriend and took a seat at the table.

Connor looked up from his phone, then looked back down. "Oh hey Kennedy. I'm doin' good... What 'bout you?" He asked as he turned his phone off and put it away.

Liz also smiled at Kennedy's words, but wished not to reply. "I'm good. Connor took my question, but I ask the same... I guess." She said acknowledging Connor's attention to another girl. But she shook her head and knew it was not of the time for Jealousy.


He would Look at Her and say "So It Just so Gorgeous" he said smiling at her. He would then Eat His Breakfast all Up and would Grab his Bag and ties his shoes Getting ready to go To School.


London would Finsh her food and Grabs Her Bag and Getting ready for school


She would Look at her Kods and say "You Guys should Get going Know Kids go" she said Smiling at the


"Oh, I'm fine. I just gotta deal with bitches and guys at school," Kennedy said smirking. "Well hey, I gotta get going. See ya guys around," Kennedy said winking. Kennedy slung her blue Jansport backpack over her right shoulder. "Hey, make sure Navaeh's not skipping school or anything, my mom's not gonna be happy 'bout that," Kennedy joked. "I'll see ya around," she said as she left. She walked toward her school sighing.

Jessica rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but smile. She got up and slung her backpack onto her shoulders. "Justin, you ready to go?" she asked her boyfriend.


He would Look at His Mom and say "Bye Mom" he would wave good By and would wait for Jessica Outsode so the can walk to School


London Left her house and she would smile and would start walking down the Blck to her school

Nevaeh smiled. "Yeah, Yeah... I'm going... Mom..." She said, quickly grabbing a granola bar before heading out and grabbing Isaac by the collar to leave.

"You two need to come too! You don't want me mad do you? You've seen it before, haven't you? Let's go!" She yelled as she released Isaac.

Connor nodded and scratched his head. Was the wink fake or imagined by the trickery of his mind? No possible way for it to be real. He brushed it off and headed down the steps to the others waiting for him.

"Nevaeh. Kennedy says no skipping class today, alright?" He says in a joking manner.

Liz grumbled on her way out. No way Kennedy would have the chance to get Connor. She was too popular for him, he'd never want that. She thought as she angrily shook her head and walked down the steps with crossed arms.

Nevaeh laughed. "No promises, but I'll try not to. It's just that the rush and temptation of it feels so good! Plus my grades are exceeding anyway! There shouldn't be a problem. It's hard to resist temptation when..." Mimics Robotic voice," when... T-they... S-sound.... Like... This." She laughed again and playfully punched Connor in the arm.

She turned around and led the group on to the school.

Kennedy slipped on a pair of earbuds as she walked. She listened to some pop, rap, and EDM as she walked. She thought of Navaeh's friends. Issac and Navaeh obviously had a thing for each other. But how about Connor and Liz? Did they have something? Liz was nice and all, and she probably had something for Connor. But, did Connor like Elizabeth? Kennedy wasn't sure of the feelings she had for Connor, but she could admit that he was a cutie.

Jessica walked outside and linked her arms with Justin. "Shall we go?" she asked.
Niko quickly finished up his chore and calling bye to the boss man as he came in. He ran out and quickly caught up with his siblings and friends as they walked passed to school. "Hey guys anything interesting happen?"
Cristian continued taking small bites of his breakfast barely adjusting his routine as all his siblings and their friends filed out of the house on their way to school. His backpack was somewhere tucked away in his room amongst the piles of dirty clothes and the overflowing mass of trash and papers.

When the door slammed shut after the last of his siblings left, Cristian let out a dramatic sigh looking at both of his parents. "Dear god, I thought the children would never leave." He stated, his voice taking on a more mature note than it normally held. He shook his head before walking to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of wine that someone had already opened. He spun on his heel grabbing a wine glass from one of the cabinets and made quick work of pouring himself of glass. He was just about to take a sip as the brim of the cup was to his lips, when he set the wine glass down shaking his head dramatically. "I'm so inconsiderate. Angelina, Charles, would you like a glass to start the day as well?"

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