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Fantasy The Game World

Should there be Respawn or Just Death when you die?

  • Respawn.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just plain Death! >:D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care... Leave me alone QwQ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That one. <o>

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Shou, hm?" Eleanor turned around when he mentioned powers.

She turned around and continued walking. " Oh, well yes it's true, but they're not worth mentioning.", she answered. She didn't go into much detail, after all this boy called Shou was still a stranger.

"So you too have powers, you said? How did you find out or notice it?", she asked him.

They arrived at a gate, behind which there was a not too big village, which had a kinda medieval touch.

"Well we've arrived at the village I mentioned before. It's not too big, but it has everything a person needs, a market where you can buy food, an inn at which you can stay, and of course a pub, in which you can drink and brawl, whichever you desire.", she said jokingly as she showed Shou around the town.

"Well if you're looking for me, I'm either in the forest, at the inn, and at night even at the pub. Just ask for my name, they should know me by know.", she said, with a faint laugh.

"Well, is there anything else you need help with or want to know?" She asked him, ready to part ways.

Angel walks down the cobbled street, she keeps her hand on her sword and puts a lollopop in her mouth. She needed a quest. Hell she needed friends as well but neither of those presented themselves to her. She'd have to look and honestly, people were scared of her
Valkyrie grabbed a vine, swinging her leg over the balcony. Her father's words echoed in her head. If you sneak out one more time you can forget about going to the Corinthean Ball. Sure, she liked dancing. But she loved sneaking out. The girl climbed down, making sure not to trip on her dress, easily worth five slaves. Once down, she bolted for the streets, pushing out of the gates and down the cobblestone path barefoot. Where to today?
Shou said goodbye to Eleanor and heads to the Inn and got a room. Shou takes off his mask to see if his self-harm scars are still there, they aren't there. Free from the chains of your depression. You never remembered or knew your parents but that doesn't matter now. I am here forever and nothing is going to make me leave here." Shou said to himself as he looked at the mirror
Angel walks into the nearest inn and smiles at the keeper "hey, is my room all nice and clean?" The keeper nods. He had let Angel live in one of his rooms after she had killed some giant spiders that had found their way into the basement. She walks upstairs and into her room.

Angel instantly begins undressing down to her underwear and sits on the bed, her sword and flintlock are placed on the table and she stares at them as she tried to remember her past. "Ravenglass...that's my home I think...it's all I remember though." She yells "WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER ANYTHING?!" The other residents of the inn can hear it clearly through the walls
As Shou said goodbye to Eleanor, she decided to stop by the pub before heading to the inn. As she walked back towards the inn, she heard someone yell, what exactly, she didn't understand. Eleanor sighed, she wasn't really in the mood to talk to more people today, but at the same time she was curious what was going on. She nodded faintly at the innkeeper and smiled as a greeting before she walked up the stairs. She knocked at the door of the room, from which she thought she heard the scream.

"Uhm... Hello? I-is everything okay? I just heard someone yelling from in there, I guess? ", Eleanor asked, not sure what to expect.
Capricornus said:
As Shou said goodbye to Eleanor, she decided to stop by the pub before heading to the inn. As she walked back towards the inn, she heard someone yell, what exactly, she didn't understand. Eleanor sighed, she wasn't really in the mood to talk to more people today, but at the same time she was curious what was going on. She nodded faintly at the innkeeper and smiled as a greeting before she walked up the stairs. She knocked at the door of the room, from which she thought she heard the scream.
"Uhm... Hello? I-is everything okay? I just heard someone yelling from in there, I guess? ", Eleanor asked, not sure what to expect.
Angel opens the door, making no attempt to cover herself. She was comfortable in her underwear and a stranger wasn't gonna change that. She put on a fake smile "yeah I'm good everything's fine..." her voice trails off as she almost passes out, the flashbacks were painful and caused her head to pound. She falls into the door frame and looks at the stranger "no need to worry yourself, I am A-Okay"
Eleanor was surprised by a white haired girl in underwear. She noticed her pale face, shortly before she fell into the door frame.

"Yeah, you sure do look like someone who's 'A-okay'", she said sarcastically.

Eleanor walked past that girl, entering her room. "You sure don't mind me coming in right? Thanks.", she added before the other girl could answer. "So, like said,you don't look good and you should definitely rest. And don't play the tough girl by saying everything's ok,when it obviously isn't.", Eleanor said as she put her bow and backpack to the ground. "So, how can I help you?", she asked the unknown girl.

@Katie Jensen
Capricornus said:
Eleanor was surprised by a white haired girl in underwear. She noticed her pale face, shortly before she fell into the door frame.
"Yeah, you sure do look like someone who's 'A-okay'", she said sarcastically.

Eleanor walked past that girl, entering her room. "You sure don't mind me coming in right? Thanks.", she added before the other girl could answer. "So, like said,you don't look good and you should definitely rest. And don't play the tough girl by saying everything's ok,when it obviously isn't.", Eleanor said as she put her bow and backpack to the ground. "So, how can I help you?", she asked the unknown girl.

@Katie Jensen
Angel stands up and walks over to a small trunk, she pulls out a bottle of whiskey and sits at the table and pours a small glass "well unless you have my memories locked away somewhere I don't think there is much you can do" she looks at an empty bag in the corner and sighs "I really need to go and earn myself some more coin but recently the dungeons have been getting harder...maybe someone is telling me I need help" she drinks the whiskey and pours another "so stranger, who are you?"
"Your memories? Well no, they are not in my possession, as far as I know.", she answered sarcastically. "So you were earning your money with dungeons? Sounds pretty exhausting, and like you said, 'solo-ing' dungeons is getting harder and harder."

Eleanor sat down on a chair and looked at the girl, and how she downed those two glasses of whiskey. "I don't think an excessive amount of alcohol helps your situation.", Eleanor added in a dry manner.

She leaned back in the chair and stared at the ceiling. "Name's Eleanor, I live two rooms left from here. Anything else's you need to know? "

Eleanor's words sounded harsh and cold, even though she didn't mean it so.

"Well, if you're looking for some quick cash, the townspeople always need help, be it just a small favor. They don't pay a lot, but hey, it's something.", she said with a smug grin on her face.

@Katie Jensen
Angel knocks back another glass and shrugs "I've been doing them favours...you might have heard about the tavern down the road. I tried helping them with a thug problem and it erupted into a full brawl. The keeper downstairs lets me have this room for free since I helped him with a giant spider problem" she grabs her flintlock and sighs "and I find alcohol helps numb the pain. I hope to regain my memory one day. Also I could use helped with a dungeon, know where to find a team?"

"The first place I would go to would be the tavern, but since you've had a... Let's say a not so good experience there, I'd try searching somewhere else.", Eleanor answered with a short laughter. "Well I could help you out with 'em, but it's been quite some time since I've been in one."

Eleanor thought back to when she still used to do some dungeons. She wasn't bad, actually she was pretty good. But since the last incident she tried to avoid them. She shivered lightly at the thought of it.

Eleanor tilted her head slightly and looked back at the girl. "Anyways, you still didn't introduce yourself. Also, wouldn't it be better to wear some clothes?", Eleanor joked as she noticed her still being in underwear. "You might catch a cold, which wouldn't really help your situation."

@Katie Jensen
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Capricornus said:
"The first place I would go to would be the tavern, but since you've had a... Let's say a not so good experience there, I'd try searching somewhere else.", Eleanor answered with a short laughter. "Well I could help you out with 'em, but it's been quite some time since I've been in one."
Eleanor thought back to when she still used to do some dungeons. She wasn't bad, actually she was pretty good. But since the last incident she tried to avoid them. She shivered lightly at the thought of it.

Eleanor tilted her head slightly and looked back at the girl. "Anyways, you still didn't introduce yourself. Also, wouldn't it be better to wear some clothes?", Eleanor joked as she noticed her still being in underwear. "You might catch a cold, which wouldn't really help your situation."

@Katie Jensen
Angel laughs "My name is Angel Rose, I just about remember my name" she grabbed her flintlock pistol and stares at it "I don't know where I'm from or anything. All I know is I have awesome reflexes and super quick regeneration. Also I'm comfortable in my underwear" she leans back on the chair and put her feet on the table
"Oh yeah, how stupid of me, asking someone who lost their memories about herself, duh." Eleanor said jokingly.

"Hmm, 'awesome' reflexes and super fast regeneration, not bad."

Eleanor picked up a small leather purse from her bag and slid it over the table, towards Rose. "It's not much, but I figured you'll need it more than I do.", Eleanor said with a wink. She put one foot as well on the table and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes. She yawned. "I know I should be taking care of the sick person, and that's also why I came here, but... I'm just to tired now. Just try... Try not to die and so on?", Eleanor joked again. She opened her eyes again and looked back at Rose. "Must be tough forgetting everything, eh? You also don't remember how you lost it, right? "

@Katie Jensen
Orion sat inside a cave with a small underground lake that glowed with its own light. He'd been here before many times and didn't even know why he kept coming. Though the water glowed with light the water itself was so clear that first timers that happened upon the cave would assume the lake to be an empty crater and if one were to swim in this water they'd come out dry. It was strange, but not as strange as the creature that lived in the lake. The creature was not a monstrously large thing. No, it was roughly the same same as an average person. But with the sheer amount of power that radiated from the being, one could tell if this being so wished could devastate and flatten landscapes. Although, that was only if the being were still alive and not a bound spirit unable to leave the lake.

Orion looked to the spirit as it continued it's earlier story of when it had been alive. It seemed that the death of the thing's friends had caused it to seek power, like any other person who felt they needed to take revenge. This was the third time the spirit had told this particular story to him. But he was accustomed to this as the spirit often repeated stories, but sometimes the thing would tell a new story of the past.
A guard yelled at her. Not turning around, Valkyrie ran to the inn and up the steps. The girl pounded on one of the doors. Panting, she cried for help and pounded once more. "Please! He'll kill me!" That was an exaggeration, of course but at the time it seemed true. That door belonged to Shou Teruteru.

Capricornus said:
"Oh yeah, how stupid of me, asking someone who lost their memories about herself, duh." Eleanor said jokingly.
"Hmm, 'awesome' reflexes and super fast regeneration, not bad."

Eleanor picked up a small leather purse from her bag and slid it over the table, towards Rose. "It's not much, but I figured you'll need it more than I do.", Eleanor said with a wink. She put one foot as well on the table and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes. She yawned. "I know I should be taking care of the sick person, and that's also why I came here, but... I'm just to tired now. Just try... Try not to die and so on?", Eleanor joked again. She opened her eyes again and looked back at Rose. "Must be tough forgetting everything, eh? You also don't remember how you lost it, right? "

@Katie Jensen
"I don't remember how I lost it. Also take the money back I don't accept charity" she stands up and cracks her knuckles "So you got any special 'talents' stranger?" She smiles and picks up her sword and examines it
"Sigh" Shou said to himself Shou put on his mask, open the door and yanked Valkyrie in. @ThePumpkinQueen
The girl gasped a thank you and immediately began looking for places to hide. She began taking her dress off and hissed to the stranger, "Turn around. They won't recognize me if I'm dressed in your clothing."

She picked up her purse and put it back in her bag. "Well, if you say so."

"Well yes, I do, but only minor ones. I've got enhanced reflexes and vision, but also sh-"

Eleanor was interrupted as she heard someone outside in the corridor. It was a girl yelling and pounding on the neighboring room's door. "What the- why is everyone screaming nowadays?", Eleanor sighed and opened the door to check if everything was alright outside, but when she opened the door she couldn't find anyone. "Did I just imagine that?", she sighed, and rubbed her front. "Ugh, today has been a long day... "
Shou scowled at the stranger "There is no way you are going to wear my clothes, i do have other clothes if you are interested." @ThePumpkinQueen
Val debated telling him off, but decided against it. The girl told him again, down to her underwear, "Turn around, pervert." She took his other clothes, finding something for her to wear.

Thatonechillgirl said:
Shou scowled at the stranger "There is no way you are going to wear my clothes, i do have other clothes if you are interested." @ThePumpkinQueen
Capricornus said:
She picked up her purse and put it back in her bag. "Well, if you say so."
"Well yes, I do, but only minor ones. I've got enhanced reflexes and vision, but also sh-"

Eleanor was interrupted as she heard someone outside in the corridor. It was a girl yelling and pounding on the neighboring room's door. "What the- why is everyone screaming nowadays?", Eleanor sighed and opened the door to check if everything was alright outside, but when she opened the door she couldn't find anyone. "Did I just imagine that?", she sighed, and rubbed her front. "Ugh, today has been a long day... "
Angel picks up the whiskey and takes a mouthful from the bottle "no someone was screaming don'r worry I heard it too"
Shou turns around "Who is this girl? Why did i let her in?" Shou thought @ThePumpkinQueen
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Val changed just as the guards burst in. One of them said in a commanding voice, "We're looking for Princess Valkyrie of Valeria." He scowled over them.

Thatonechillgirl said:
Shou turns around "Who is this girl? Why did i let her in?" Shou thought @ThePumpkinQueen

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