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Fantasy The Game World

Should there be Respawn or Just Death when you die?

  • Respawn.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just plain Death! >:D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care... Leave me alone QwQ

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That one. <o>

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Being a dick wont make yours any bigger.
Hello people of the many different dimensions around the Galaxy! You might be wondering where you are or how you have got here. Well my friends this is the "Game World" and you landed here when you found the portal hidden within your own world. This is a world where there are different monsters to battle and dungeons to be explored! Make friends, build relationships, gain magical powers and powerful weapons along the way! You can even form a guild with enough gold you collect from quests around the globe! The more quests you complete and monsters you slay the more Experience and Gold you get from it. You better get used to this world because once you enter through the portal there is no turning back! I know what you're thinking. "That's unfair! there was nothing that said that before I entered!" Well that's life unfortunately! Don't trust weird portals next time!.

( This is a Free Roam RP meaning you can go anywhere in the world and create your own ideas. By create I mean you can come up with Dungeons you are going to or Villages with Shops. Stuff like that. )
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Orion stared into the distance not really knowing why he was doing it. His gaze dropped to the ground that was about twenty feet below him. It was a strange feeling the look at the world he'd lived in for two years now and feel as if this was not where he originated from. Orion felt a shift in the otherwise calm wind that flowed gently and even some of the beasts were acting strange. "There must be something happening..." He mumbled to himself.
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Camara scribbled some notes on a piece of paper in her class. It was all 2x-8/blah blah blah... And it was boring. She sighed, listening to the teacher ramble on about the miracle of numbers. She looked out the window of the building, hand under her chin with a bored look upon her face. Her name rang out of her ignorant silence classroom. The teacher looked to be scrutinizing her, then went back to teaching. She looked back at the window, completely preoccupied.

Suddenly, a bird flew up to it and... Disappeared? What the heck? Cam shifted from her seat, leaning in closer to get a better look. Then, a strange sparkling caught her eyes. It seemed to be dwindling... Her hand reached out to grasp the sparkles, with her teacher yelling at her and approaching. Her hand caught a sparkle, one of the last.

And she was instantly elsewhere. Her satchel hung loosely at her side, swaying wildly as if it were just reacting to a roller coaster. Her hands twitched unconsciously. This was the only way her eyes could cope with such a massive change in environment. First, she was in a school building. Where the crap was she now!? Cam's hand stopped, before she started swishing her head about her. Everything was different. Green grass dancing to the wind, a little to her west a forest of lush trees that seemed to be the conductors to the dance of the green. Her knees buckled below her, though she caught herself in time. The dizziness had began to catch up with her. She covered her eyes, calming her breathing. "Why." those were the only words she could manage, at least for now.
Diran looked around the area he's never been to before. In his world he explored every bit of it. But this place was different to him.
"Hmm. I wonder if Father is sensing the new portal openings.." Eden spoke to no one in particular as his tall structure rested onto the tree's side with a bored expression on his face... but no one could see it. He used his hands to push himself from the massive Oak wood and adjust his mask. Soon he was back onto the medium sized trail through the thick branches and leaves that were in front of him. For a normal woodland creature though they would be fine but because of his size he hits the branches above him sometimes.

He was headed in no destination just wondering around for something to actually do. It's no fun being a runaway especially since you have to constantly look behind your shoulder. It's a lot of work and he can't be bothered to bloody do it ALL the time. He had finally found an opening to the forest and looked out into the large grassy field where a few flowers would grow here and there with most of them being different types. The creatures that were similar to bees in the human world collected the nectar from the flowers and brought it back to their hive. The world was truly beautiful apart from the evil monsters and beings that inhabit it. Some places were like this and others were deadly and decaying from the pure evil lurking within them.

Eden ended up resting again just to catch some rays of the two suns which were both around half the size and heat of the earth's sun. He rested near the lonely tree in the middle of the field. It kinda reminded him of himself in a way. Being alone in the world was something he had just gotten used to over time.
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Orion floated himself back down to the ground and turned towards the direction of the open field nearby. "weird...." He'd felt another shift in air pressure but only for an instant before it was gone. Looking at a wild nearby beast, Orion knew by the way it had stiffened slightly that it had felt the change too. "Guess i'll go have a look." Orion had to cross the field to get to his 'home'. If one would call a hollowed out tree a home.
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Diran looked around to admire the atmosphere that sorounded him. He thought it was great for a first experience with the land that was presented to him.
Eleanor packed her bag, her bow and her arrows. She left the inn at which she was staying and headed towards a forest, not too far away from her city.

As she arrived at the forest, she felt that there was something different. The animals also were behaving differently than ever before. They seemed distressed in a way.

Eleanor took a deep breath as a breeze was passing by. She felt a weird sensation. A weird, but still familiar sensation.

"Newcomers...?", she thought to herself. She had felt this same kind of sensation a few years ago, when she herself walked through a protal and ended in this world.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a audible gurgling sound. "It's impossible to go on a hunt when the animals behave like this.", she sighed as she put her hand on her stomach. "Seems like I'll have to find a different way to get some food now.", she said to herself as she put her bow back and started wandering through the forest.
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It was Shou's first day in the "Game World". He liked it so far, he has always hated the real world. So a place like this was for him, he wandered in the forest and saw a slender and beautiful lady in the forest and decided to talk to her for directions. Shou lifted his mask up to only where his mouth is visible. "Excuse me madam, can you tell me where a city or any civilization is?" Said Shou nicely @Capricornus
Diran looked around to find if their was anyone watching in his supicion of a trap or if theirs any source life but nothing. So he choose to follow the road ahead of him to find at the very least something.
Camara managed to push off of the ground, getting back up onto her feet with only some difficulty. She lifted herself up on uncertain legs, but soon regained her composure. Her eyes scanned her surroundings again, and to her surprise she became conscious of several things. One: There were these odd bees flying about. And there were also ant-like creatures on the ground. Along a spider hanging in the tree nearest to her. And... Why was she even consciously aware they were where they were? The moment she fazed in... What happened? She glanced down at her foot. Something was slowly disappearing.

Into her foot.

She screeched, flailing her foot around and accidentally falling over for loss of balance. During that whole charade, she managed to see that there was, in fact, an ant BURROWING into her foot. And it just seemed to disappear. Her show had no holes in it, but someone the little insect had managed to completely bypass the shoe entirely. She kicked off her high tops, looking at her sock and then quickly revealing her own bare foot.

Why was there a tattoo of an... Ant? Now its a spider... It whirled through many different things until, finally, it landed on the ant which it had been before. She swore, she saw some crab in there. And maybe even a millipede.

Cam shivered at the thought. She replaced the sock, then the shoe, and came to stand again. She really had no clue how she was supposed to react, so she tried ignoring the ant just above her ankle for the time being. Instead, her attention caught on the fact that there were TWO suns instead of just one. Yup, this was a different planet. Great.

Her eyes once again narrowed in on something off in the distance. A lone tree. Her curiosity got the better of her and she could not help but investigate. Her marching was only broken by a quite instantaneous realization. That figure that was next to the tree, it was tall. Abnormally so. And she suspected it wasn't part of the tree. Her insides quivered but she kept going strong, until her destination was reached. Just 10 feet away from the lone oak. She couldn't move yet, and only awaited something to happen. She would have done something herself, but this whole situation really wasn't her type of thing.

With the peaceful sounds and warm heat flowing around him he had fallen into a slumber. His mask was covering the fact that his eyes were closed but his slumped arms and outstretched legs said otherwise as he'd lay there. A single bird decided to land on his top-hat and settle down there making him look like he was one with nature but in truth he didn't really like animals being near him. He was fast asleep though so it didn't bother him at the time.

But his sleep was disturbed by the sound of footsteps drawing closer and closer to the tree until it had stopped a few feet away from them. His head moved until it was directly facing the.. Woman it seemed. Or he could tell by her features.. Not those ones. I knew what you were thinking.

Then his arm cracked upward into a wave going from left to right in a slow movement. "Hello." His head tilted to the side a little and held back and smiled amusingly underneath his mask at how small she was compared to him.

Eleanor was surprised when she heard a voice behind her. She was sure that just moments ago she was alone in the forest. She turned around and saw a black haired man. Almost his whole face was covered up by a mask, but slightly lifted at the end, so that only his mouth was visible.

Eleanor eyed this mysterious boy up and down. "No one I've seen before, so he must be new around here.", she thought to herself.

He asked her for directions so her assumption was right. She lifted her arm and pointed to her right.

"If you continue this way, you arrive at a small town. About 5 minutes from here.", she answered his question, in a rather cold and monotone way. "Uh, if you want I can show you the way, or so...?", she added right away, to sound friendlier.

Orion strolled out of the woods with a large avian variety beast following behind him. It was one of the few non-hostile creatures and carried the sack full of berries it's helped Orion collect. "you plan on following me home don't you?" Orion asked the beast. He'd given it the name berry since it liked eating berries. Yeah, his naming sense was terrible but berry seemed to like it none the less. Berry made a chirping sound and did the equivalent of a kid stopping it foot down in a pout.

"fine, you can come. but im not being held responsible if you get in trouble."
Orion said recalling Berry's mother you'd given him the look of 'if something happens to my kid, your a dead man'. "actually, scratch that your mother would kill me anyways." He sighed as Berry chirped again in what sounded like glee.
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Eleanor was slightly intimidated by his grin, but she decided to show him the way anyways. "Just follow me.", she said as she took the lead.

"Name's Eleanor.", she said, with a quick glance over her shoulder. While walking to the end of the forest, she tried to start a conversation with the unknown boy.

"So... you're new around here, aren't you?", she asked him in the same monotone way as before, her gaze fixed on the path infront of them.

"My name is Shou Teruteru and yes, I am new here" Shou said as he was walking with Eleanor "Say? You have powers right? Apparently, I do too."

"Oh. Hi!" she sputtered out, surprised. The figure had seemed to be asleep, but was awaken by something. One of the more startling parts about him, was the fact that he wore a rather disturbing mask. She kept her demeanor, however, and smiled. "So, um, the situation I'm in here... Its rather odd, you see. Especially with the fact that the location I am in now is totally different from where I was previously. You wouldn't know what happened, would you?" she inquired to the tall, masked man. If this was a dream, which she was doubting, she could at least try and see what was going on.

He didn't want to stand up yet in case he would end up making her run off. He thought that she might have been the one who came through the portal and his suspicion was confirmed when she mentioned that she had been in another location before hand. "Looks like you're a new comer. Well you have ended up in what the people call 'The Game World'. You must have traveled through one of our many hidden portals. Where did you originate from?" He asked and looked up to see the bird on his head that had landed there earlier. He took his top hat and reached up with the bird still on there to place it on the branch. Then he placed the hat back where it was before returning his attention to her.

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Angel walks out of the tavern she was in, everyone inside is on the floor either unconscious or groaning. She throws a bag of gold onto the bar and winks at the owner "that'll teach em to mess with me" she cracks her knuckles and leaves, not before kicking a man in the side and yelling "gentleman, I am not a woman who trades her body for gold. Let this be your first and final warning" she admires her work and leaves
Orion sat on a one of the high up branches of his home. Berry the bird creature had left and Orion was now bored. A slight change in air pressure mixed with the slight ting of blood caused him to pause. This was a natural occurrence from time to time as hi did after all live amongst wild beasts. Most of the time this happened was because a beast had either interfered or stolen another's food.

"looks likes things are going to get noisey for a bit..." Orion thought aloud.
"Personally? I'm from Earth. I lived in the US... But I don't even know if I'm ON Earth at this point." she paused, again looking at her environment. "Is there a way to get back? And, well, what do we even do here?" she questioned, confusion prominent in her voice. She looked at the bird, then back down at the man. Her eyes noted the fact that he was a very grand man. And not even by Earth standards, because his torso could have been as tall as her. She tried not to become too anxious. If he'd wanted to hurt her or something of the like, he would have done so! Better not push her luck, however. Camara kept her mouth clean of her normal bragging or teasing... For now.


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