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Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

"I shall make the oceans and the clouds for I qm the god of water and trickery so I need a place to put these things"
HeroicDax said:
"I will hold domain life, emotion, intelligence, and other things of the sort." Aria says in a cheerful tone before addressing the new voice, "Oh shut up you insane idiot. Chaos is the opposite of balance, and balance is necessary for life to thrive. I shall not allow chaos to tamper with MY creations!" She angrily yells.
"For life, there is death, and for death there is life. For emotion, there is a lack of it, and for a lack of it, there is emotion. For intelligence, there is stupidity, and for stupidity, there is intelligence. Without Chaos, there would be no balance." he countered. "Chaos is also nescesary for life to be exciting, to have purpose. Rigid order would burn your creations, as much as pure Chaos would. The balance between us, Aria, is what holds life together." Chaos continued.
"master of chaos," Za said "Please, wait. this world is tiny, and barely a world. allow us to establish harmony first!"

out of the dark, she summoned a wind, that brought a bright blue sky.

"this was not my domain, but it had to be done..."
Kien felt as if Chaos was simply formed because of the confusion. Perhaps he wouldn't have even appeared if they could have decided creation. Kien found himself annoyed. "Talking all at once does not help the situation." He stated.
"Then shall we create the world in separate steps? This isn't balance its quarrel we must cease and work as one!"
Beaurmont said:
Kien felt as if Chaos was simply formed because of the confusion. Perhaps he wouldn't have even appeared if they could have decided creation. Kien found himself annoyed. "Talking all at once does not help the situation." He stated.
He turned to Kien. "You are right, even-tempered one, I was formed out of confusion. But a world with no chaos, would be no world at all, for you see, Chaos is essential."

((I think all the other dieties won't take Chaos seriously, and he's going to get pissed, and try to make shit on his own, like his own little chaos realm. He'll try to make fire, and water, and earth, and wind, but all of them will be tainted by the fires of chaos. Any life he makes will be flawed, and grotesque, bringing him great shame. So, Chaos will fade, leaving his creations behind, abandoning creation to traverse the void. THe gods will unify, and finally make hte world, but in the dawns of civilization, civilization will rebel against the gods' unrelenting order, and out of the fires of said rebellion, chaos is born again. :D Good idea? Riightt?)
"Oh shut up Chaos, all chaos brings is pain and misery. You are not 'essential', you are just a problem! I shall not allow you to taint our creations!" Aria yells angrily.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
He turned to Kien. "You are right, even-tempered one, I was formed out of confusion. But a world with no chaos, would be no world at all, for you see, Chaos is essential."

((I think all the other dieties won't take Chaos seriously, and he's going to get pissed, and try to make shit on his own, like his own little chaos realm. He'll try to make fire, and water, and earth, and wind, but all of them will be tainted by the fires of chaos. Any life he makes will be flawed, and grotesque, bringing him great shame. So, Chaos will fade, leaving his creations behind, abandoning creation to traverse the void. THe gods will unify, and finally make hte world, but in the dawns of civilization, civilization will rebel against the gods' unrelenting order, and out of the fires of said rebellion, chaos is born again. :D Good idea? Riightt?)
(I agree with your idea so far. However, how civilization will do such depends on further roleplay. Chaos never disappears. There is always chaos. ((FURK. NOW I SOUND LIKE CHAOS.)). )

The one proclaimed as Chaos seems to have heard his thoughts. Or did he accidently speak out loud? Never the less. "You seem sane and balanced, while also crazed and dark. If it wasn't for your taint...I could befriend you."
Kra would yawn really as he remain silent as this was geting out of hand...again...as he would only hear this converstation really and not say a word
Beaurmont said:
(I agree with your idea so far. However, how civilization will do such depends on further roleplay. Chaos never disappears. There is always chaos. ((FURK. NOW I SOUND LIKE CHAOS.)). )
The one proclaimed as Chaos seems to have heard his thoughts. Or did he accidently speak out loud? Never the less. "You seem sane and balanced, while also crazed and dark. If it wasn't for your taint...I could befriend you."
((You see what I mean? Chaos, man.))

"Kien, you understand the true nature of Chaos, for I am a two-sided coin, a two-headed beast. One one head, I may be a harbringer of light, warmth in the night. On the other, I may be bringer of death, and doom, ender of lives, and destroyer of creations. " he proclaimed.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
((You see what I mean? Chaos, man.))
"Kien, you understand the true nature of Chaos, for I am a two-sided coin, a two-headed beast. One one head, I may be a harbringer of light, warmth in the night. On the other, I may be bringer of death, and doom, ender of lives, and destroyer of creations. " he proclaimed.
Chaos so help me if you screw this up...
After just taking form Elespeth begins to fade. Her voice still gentle and calm. "We'll spend our lives talking about this mystery. Our creation." Then she faded into nothing.

(Have fun, I'll be back once all this nonsense is done. And the actual rolepley begins.)
HeroicDax said:
"Oh shut up Chaos, all chaos brings is pain and misery. You are not 'essential', you are just a problem! I shall not allow you to taint our creations!" Aria yells angrily.
"As you wish, Aria, patron of Order. I shalt make my own creations then. And they shall have no order." he spat, disappearing, into a ball of fire, which quickly moved away, soaring throughout space, seeking somewhere new. Chaos found the darkest place he could find, and spread himself out, forming a nebula of fire and chaos. "  

Kameil said:
Chaos so help me if you screw this up...
(Proceeds to screw things up.))
Yonsisac said:
((Yea kinda confused here too))
((Everyone's pissed at eachother, and out of their pissyness, chaos came. And then chaos was a bitch, speaking only in riddles and shit, before flying away and basically exploding into a nebula of fire and shit. xD ))
(Chaos isn't doing anything bad honestly. Everyone else is literally being chaotic. xD I don't even know what's what.)
(What is Life xD .....Talk calm a little you know....and sudently YOU GET OUT haaaa the salmon!)
(If everyone leaves nothing will ever get done. If everyone's here nothing will get done. Seriously. The paradox here is insane.)

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