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Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

Beaurmont said:
(If everyone leaves nothing will ever get done. If everyone's here nothing will get done. Seriously. The paradox here is insane.)
((Chaos is going to have to pick up the slack. Ima make the Chaos Realm thing, and start making life. HAVE FUN SLOW POKES. xD
One final voice tore through the land, and all was silent as it did so. "Silence. my children, my fools." The voice paused."You have created the world and it's inhabitants. But you have failed. Deities must be within one power, not within separate domains. You are all damned to share the fate of your inhabitants, to grow, to wither, to find order and be swallowed by chaos. Welcome to your damnation." With that a massive flash flew throughout the land, bringing all the deities's creations and ambitions to life, and banishing the gods themselves to the fate that they themselves created.... Mortality.


The former gods awaken across the land that they had created, but it seemed different; complete. All of their wishes had come true, but at a price; they had to endure them, and the ragged God King, Jos. The world had advanced since the former gods had last seen it, with castles, forests, diversity. The damned awoke with no memory of their former godhood, but awaken with one goal burned in their minds: survival. They gain new senses that they have never felt, hunger, thirst, cold; and one they were familiar with, confusion. They see before them the world, and with it their clouded forms begin to become clear....
Dami wakes with a horrible headache. He looks around and can't remember anything before now except his name and the desire for power.
Aria woke up and clutched her head in pain, wondering where she was and how she got here. Something didn't feel right, it was if something was missing. She tried to remember how she got here but couldn't remember anything except her name. She tried to get up and after a couple of failures resulting in falling over she managed to stand up.
Aria gives Dami a nervous glance, wondering if he is planning something, but still says, "Umm...good idea, we seem to be the only ones around here...maybe we can find someone to give us information."
"Yea...mabey" the glance she gave him made him feel uncomfortable, mabey he has weakness to women.
"I don't think I can walk on my own," She says nervously as she feels a spasm of pain in her left leg, "D...Do you mind helping me?" She says, starting to blush.
They walked into the forest for hours then they came to a clearing. "Hey that's great a cave! Night is coming so we should camp out here for the night, you stay here I'll go get sticks for a fire and berries for food."
Dami quickly gathers berries and sticks the he come across a chest. He opens it and sees a sword and a dagger. He take both and comes back. "Hey sorry to keep you waiting but here's some berries, oh and choose which one you want." He rolls the weapons out on a roll of cloth and he starts a fire.
Aria twitches for a second, she hadn't noticed Dami because she had been too deep in thought. "Oh, sorry...I'm fine..."
"The dagger...I doubt I am strong enough to carry that sword." Aria says, looking at the berries nervously, "Are they safe to eat?"

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