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Fantasy The Fall of Wonderland?

Srion Receno

The Fallen

The world of insanity and mystery was at peace for years as The Alice lived. They had kept the kingdoms together, kept everything from falling into complete chaos.

One day the world seemed darker and the clouds would not stop crying, there was something wrong in the world.

The light had gone out..... The Alice had died.

There was war among the kingdoms that lasted over a century, before the world went dark nothing was heard. perhaps it was destiny that the world died out. No one would really knew what had happened to spark it, but the world was restarting itself. the old kingdoms reborn with new leaders.

Before there is chaos in this world, they must find an Alice. The Alice. One who will be able to help this crazed world find and keep peace before another war breaks out and the world turns dark once again.​
It was a day like any other the forest was quieter then normal, though strainge sounds could be heard farther out. there was no way to really figure out what the sounds were aways mixed together. Crimson had been sting there by her self like she normally dose when the world shows no entertainment. it seamed no one has been able to use the twisted and strange forest like she had. The Cheshire let out a small yawn as her tail moved softly behind her and against one of the trees.

There was something off about today something new, though she had no idea were it was or even what it was. "the day is almost gone, perhaps it is just a dream" she stood up then spun around as she looked around the forest hopefully. Seeing nothing she let out a small sigh as she sat back down looking up through the trees "A dream of fun and interest". she was vary bored and had a mind to go and bother the others of Wonderland.
Alisa is rolling a fox, who is chasing a rabbit and discover that they're in the basement. Once she enter the dark basement, she trip over something and fell in the rabbit hole. Down, down, she went as she screaming, until she land on the ground. "Ooff!!" Alisa slowly look up and looked around, "What....what in the world?"
Stood before the Forest of Wonder, the Hatter flips his hat on the tip of his finger. He was wandering around the realm for a while, dodging the Bandersnatch, chasing the hedgehog and eventually ended up here - before the forest of craziness and wonder. They say that if you had been running around for a while but haven't lost yet, you will be here, before the Forest of Wonder where even a know-it-all Hatter can be lost. But it was really just a chore. When every day is your unbirthday and the way things are insane just as you are, you get bored. Just as the sane one thinks how insane this world is, the Hatter thinks it's boring. Thus, he came here looking for the craziest of the craziests - the normal foreigners.

The trees whispered to his ears, or it was just inside his head, he never can quite tell which is which. Even the light was dancing around, along with them the wasp was floating anxiously. The squirrels, the snails, the hippos, the owls... all of them was expecting the alien folks about to come.
Mattias woke up in an enchanting area. He'd never seen such a vibrant and chaotic forest. The trees seemed like they would come alive and start chasing him. Though he only saw shades, he knew it was a beautiful area. He slowly got up and slipped his headphones on. The lonely violin ringing through his ears made the forest even more enchanting, and he realized.

"Arone?" He whispered choppily, his feet automatically sending him running through the new environment.
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Crimson heard the noises of the forest but there were others entering it, she could feel it. She stood up and looked around again. The smells we're different from what she was use to. "hmm two then the hatter this will be fun" she happily clapped her hands then moved through the trees. Ones who are lost normally end up in one area and that's were she was headed. It was a small open field with little purple and blue flowers. They were strange little flowers but smelt vary good. The Cheshire could not hold her excitement and had to move around. She danced a bit and jumped around playing with the little butterflies that flew around as she waited.
Mattias ran into the clearing and stopped when he saw the odd girl. An old instinct told him to run and to not get involved, but the haze clouding his mind wanted him to investigate. He cautiously walked towards the person, staying close to the tree line in case he had to make a run for it.

"H... H-herrlo..." He choked out, looking very frightened. He knew that he had lower chances of survival due to his communication defects, but he needed to give it a try. He stepped slightly closer to the girl before freezing up.
Hearing a voice Crimson's ears perked up and she looked up her tail moving happily behind her. She looked over at him and smiled. "Hello Hello you seam to be not from this world" she walked over to him happily and did a small twirl. "well...your smell is different" she covered her mouth and giggled. Her eyes looked him over as she got closer to him. "hmmmmmm an Alice perhaps?" she tipped her head and smiled again at him.

@Despair Theorem
Alisa stand up as she dust off some drits off her kimono dress, " Where in the world am I? Surely, I did fell on the rabbit hole....I should be underground with dirts and worms.....but...." She looked around again and see that the forest, but it's different then any ordinary forest. "This place.....is so....so....." Alisa can't describe it as she keep walking until she find someone or something.
Winter made her way along a path, not to far outside the Heart's Castle. It was one of the few moments where she actually had no work to do, much to her own dismay. She had been told that perhaps it would of been a good idea to take it easy and enjoy her break, but that was not her idea of a good time. Almost immediately she started to look for something else to do, finally deciding to do a quick walk-through of the area to make sure nothing was off and everything was as it should... Or at least close to how it should be. This is wonderland after all.
Alisa keep walking out of the forest until she found a road. "Oh good, at least I can find the way out!" She smiles as she go follow the path road. She saw a signs which is looking crazy signs. "This way? That way? Up way? Down way? Is this a joke?" She said as she look looking around if there another way.
"Ohhhh!" The Hatter jumped out from behind the road signs, sparkling a smile to Alisa, he said merrily "Little girl, small girl, sweet girl! Are you following this orrrr that way?". He suddenly came closer to have a better look at her. "Are you a Alice? The Alice? That Alic? Or are you just a goose in disguise? Filthy bird trying to deceive me huh?"
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"Kya!!" Alisa freaked out when a stranger jumped out and stay still when he come close to her. "Um......" She is staring at him until he asking her question a lot and talked fast. " p-pradon me? My name is Alisa.......I'm just a girl...not a goose....." She move back a little. "A-And who you might be?" She looked at him up and down and stare at his big hat.

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A sigh escaped Alice's lips for the umpteenth time. She had tried numerous ways to get back to where she belong but to no avail. She did notice that this place wasn't like any other but at the moment, she could hardly care. She just wanted to find a way out. After a few more minutes, Alice gave up and decided to find another escape route. She stared ahead with her eyes narrowed. She didn't trust this place but she had to move along since there isn't anyway out here. She sighed again before walking.
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The Hatter jumped back again with surprise. "Me? If it's name you are asking, they called me Wes, Wes Hatty sometimes. No idea why though. Never been to the west, people there are weird, I'm not weird." Then with a bow so low his top hat fell off, he said "But I'm also known as the Hatter, Mad Hatter at your service". He quickly grabbed his hat on the ground and with a splendid move, flipped it onto his head. His smile couldn't be wider "And I take it that you are Alice?".
"H-hri..." He choked out. He slowly backed away. "Nyo hurit...?" He muttered questioningly. It was obvious that there was something wrong in his head. He was violently shaking and had no clue what the girl was talking about. Who was Alice?

@Srion Receno
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Crimson tipped her head slightly confused. "are you asking if Im hurt? That is what it sounds like" she smiled at him then seeing him trembling she tried to stay still though her tail kept moving excitingly behind her. "oh my, oh my I do not mean to frighten you Alice" she gave him a playful smile. "I am vary sorry I should of introduced myself" she giggled a bit then did a small spin. "I am Crimson, Crimson Rose the Cheshire Cat" she giggled as her cat ears twitched. "May I ask what your name is Alice? For I'm sure it is not Alice for you are a boy, then again perhaps it is both in your world." she started to get excited again and her body showed it as she started to move a bit around him. She could not wait for more to arrive at this clearing, because there were clearly more in this forests.

@Despair Theorem
Winter sighed at she kept along her path. Nothing seemed out of the usual yet, and boredom was creeping it's way over to her. "I should head back to the castle.." She muttered, pulling her watch out of the pocket of her vest and checking the time. "Perhaps the Royals will finally have a job for me to do." She replaced the watch back into her pocket and was about to turn to head back towards the castle when she did notice something that was in fact, out of the ordinary. A girl. A girl who did not look like she was from here. "Oh dear." Winter murmured. Is this an Alice? Oh dear, what do I do. I'm sure the Queen would want to know. But should I go ask her to come with me? She's probably confused, what if she's violent? She's taller than me. What if she pulls on my ears- well no she looks too mature to do that. Oh what do I do.. Winter was so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn't realized she was just standing there in plain sight, probably with a rather stupid look on her face.

"No no, Mr. Hatter, I'm Alisa! A-L-I-S-A! Alisa StarSpring." Alisa corrected him with her name a she looked at him. "Anyway, good man, do you know where am I? I accidentally fell in the rabbit hole and some strange thing happen when I fell right here in this.....um......" Alise look back around and saying, "......odd place......"

"Mattias... " He whispered, his shaking ceasing. Crimson was a very pretty name in his opinion, and she seemed very nice. He felt like he could rest his guard now. He continued pondering the name Alice, not knowing what Crimson meant by the name. He had read a book about a girl named Alice in a strange place, so he thought that this might be the place.

"W.... Wonderland?" Mattias asked, hoping that the girl would understand. He drew a picture of a girl in a little dress with an apron in the sand beneath him, trying to convey his idea. He even drew a fuzzy cat with crazy eyes.

@Srion Receno
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"Mattias? Hmm I like the name" she giggled then bent down and tipped her head at what he was doing. "seams like you know of the first Alice and Cheshire" she giggled then nodded before causing her self to levitate a little. "this is Wonderland though a new world unlike the last when what was what and who was who." she giggled then moved beside him disappearing then showing up on the other side. "we are all different and it seams that wonderland has changed the rules on us yet again bring more then one with you" she lightly poked his arm with a smile.

@Despair Theorem
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Mattias slowly processed everything before nodding. There were more people. He then tried to convey the message that he couldn't talk via sand drawings. He also asked what was wrong. He wanted to know what was wrong so he could try to help before he found a way out of this mess. Mattias sighed and looked back up at Crimson, somewhat shocked to find her beside him.

@Srion Receno
Crimson's eyes moved around his drawings then nodded. "I understand now why your words were as jumbled at this world" she giggled a bit then sat down beside him and tipped her head. "nothing is wrong wrong with that or me all is fine now that I have entertainment" she twisted so she was laying on her back looking up at him smiling. "it's so boring alone in the forest no matter how uneven and strange it is" she giggled then pointed to her head. "being alone makes it worse but perhaps we should bug the residents of the world show off that I found an Alice" she smiled at him then rolled to her stomach. Wile doing this her tail moved happily in the air.

@Despair Theorem
Mattias nodded hesitantly, not sure if disturbing people would be a fantastic idea. But who knows, it could be fun. He smiled at Crimson and nodded with more determination, hoping to find out more about this world so he could navigate home. He didn't want to tell the Cheshire that he wanted to leave so not to hurt her feelings, so this could be a more passive route of finding home. The boy drew a compass and a question mark, wondering which way to go.

@Srion Receno
"Ahh" The Hatter said with a rather boring tone "You see... This place is called Wonderland, the place where your dreams come true, mind you, literally." The hatter pursed his lip and stared intensive at the girl "Of course that includes both your lovely dreams and sweat sugar nightmares. But ha what is the worst? Death? Hell you can even be tickled furiously by a sassy peacock for hours."


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