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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

HimeragiSeiker said:
...?Lune was sitting on the bench just...sleeping. Next to Kyo?...
...? Kyo stretched and yawned a little, he then put his hand down and felt something, he looked down and quickly moved his hand, when the heck did she get here? He rubbed the back of his neck?...

LunaCrosby said:
(elizabeths trying to talk like miranda and it's making my ear's bleed... she's copying off of you. -.-)
(Oh no dear cousin of mine xD Ima have Lilly (We planned this like a week or two ago) wonder off so get ready)
Mayyflower said:
...? Riley backed up and looked up at the trees and the gravel, she wasn't going to be taken that easily, she was gonna fight like her parents would do, she clenched her fists and purple flames sprouted (couldnt think of another word xD ) from the palms of her hands ?...
"Im going to ask you one more time... who are you and what the heck do you want with me?!"

Hall smirked "The portal needs the presence of Barthaxalus to open. Your father. But I can't get to him, he's too strong. You on the other hand have his DNA meaning I can just take you~"
Mayyflower said:
...☂ Kyo stretched and yawned a little, he then put his hand down and felt something, he looked down and quickly moved his hand, when the heck did she get here? He rubbed the back of his neck☂...
...⊹Lune woke up feeling a hand on her thigh. She woke up casually like how you would in the morning, your eyes slowly opening. She soon yawned and stretched and looked at Kyo looking still tired and sleepy⊹...

Shortyshot said:
Hall smirked "The portal needs the presence of Barthaxalus to open. Your father. But I can't get to him, he's too strong. You on the other hand have his DNA meaning I can just take you~"
...ღ Riley scowled and glared at him, A portal? What.. Take her? Hell no ღ...

"Well im not going"
Mayyflower said:
(Oh no dear cousin of mine xD Ima have Lilly (We planned this like a week or two ago) wonder off so get ready)
( xD alright, I'm also going to get a more less terrifying appearance/ form for Allen xD )

Alternated said:
Mateus smiled and nods "yeah it's okay I don't mind being scratched" he said laughing "also I'm adopting the rabbit".
" Yay~~" Elaena smiled brightly as she then told one of the store attendants she was purchasing the black cat so no one else would adopt it while she was choosing out its food bowls and whatnot, buzzing around excitedly.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname's brow had raised by now, just as they turned the hall to the one that her room belonged to. He was curious as to what all she had discovered in his absence. Though her bacon and eggs weren't half bad at all, he did hope for her to learn more. And now, it had happened. A slight smile greasing his lips, Kaname stepped to the side of the hallway, folding his arms over his chest while he leaned against the wall. "I can't wait to see."

Camilla nodded " I can't wait to show you~" she said happily as she made her way to the door to unlock it "I hate getting burned though, its the most awful thing." She said shuddering a little "That's one thing I certainly miss about the ocean, no fire" she said with a giggle as she stepped inside her dorm "Hmm..what could I make...." She muttered to herself as she looked toward the kitchen.
LunaCrosby said:
Asako nodded "I will, thanks" she said happily and smiled.
Kenai nodded "You're welcome" he said as they reached the front of the line of the next ride "Looks like its our turn" he said as he looked in front of them.
Nonalaka said:
Kenai nodded "You're welcome" he said as they reached the front of the line of the next ride "Looks like its our turn" he said as he looked in front of them.
Asako nodded "yup!" she said happily, her personality was fitting to her child like appearance.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well besides zenya no I don't....... Actually there's one.... But he's to crazed to even thing straight. He's not far from here." She said to her

''so...is that a good idea or bad idea..?''
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Well he would either help us or nick us out, destroy me.... And rape you. So no i don't thing so." She said to her

''oh...well if he does try to destroy you, il kill him first......but yeah lets not meet him''
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[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"Gladly I know a place too." She said to him with a smile before getting up to get ready

Luke got up and nodded. "Let me shower first before we go." He told her as he went into the bathroom.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♝Masahi was enjoying being playful with her, if they could get a back and forth going from this is would be great. Upon hearing Kaori's laughter he started on his next playful assault, but he stopped because Kaori froze at his question, was it truly something that bad? He was gonna ask if it was what he though before her eyes widened and she spoke the words that made him freeze up at well. All he could think was how badly he had screwed up, he truly should of known he messed it up some how, of course that act lead to babies, even he knew that but yet he had just charged into without a second thought. Masahi must of stayed silent for a moment while looking at her with hesitant eyes, not truly meeting Kaori's eyes with his own before he let out a breath that he must of been holding in before speaking in a hushed tone♝...

"...I-is there a-anything i c-can do to fix this....?"

...☆Kaori just kind of stood there and stared at Masahi. Well. This was definitely a situation she never expected to see herself in. Insitcitvely, a hand moved down to her stomach, right where the pain originated, her eyes never leaving Masahi. They had done it, and done it unprotected, at that. Truthfully she wasn't even sure if it had been a safe day or not. As she was thinking through it, his question barely registered in her mind. She blinked, the words finally sinking in. Was there... anything they could do about it? She remembered something about some morning after pill thing, but she didn't know where to get it. Had it been too long since they... because he... yknow... okay. Now she was starting to panic. But she could tell Masahi was worried, so she tried to mask the worry, but failed to do so☆...

"U-um, I think so, b-but I don't know where to get it......"
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LunaCrosby said:
Asako nodded "yup!" she said happily, her personality was fitting to her child like appearance.
Kenai smiled a little at her "Lets go then" he said before getting on the ride.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''no..im not sure about Rini though...''
...☫She lied about not being sure about Rini being chipped. She knew that Rini was chipped but didnt wanna let it out right now☫...


"Oh." Klef was rather bored, it seemed like they had been walking for ages. "When will we just get to the lab?" Klef moans. (We've been walking to the lab for at least three days, we should get there soon)

@Roman @WeirdPrincess
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
...♗Ayen gave Lilliana a stern look before offering her the egg on the fork, he was trying to make it obvious that she would have to learn manners at the table while living with him and that fact would remain. Truly she didn't have the worst manners he ever saw, that title was still reserved for a prince he once tutored. But that was a tale for another day, though it was worth noting that Ayen did turn that prince into a respectable man after many changes of food and drink soiled clothes. After that fond thought Ayen narrowed his eyes before speaking in an upset yet fatherly tone♗...
"From what you've shown me you don't eat Lilliana, you inhale, so until you break that habit i will feed you, now eat."

...♧Lilliana had a hand up like she was going to reach out and grab the plate, thinking he would give it back to her. But no, he was insistence upon feeding her, thinking that she couldn't eat it on her own. She would have fixed it after a verbal warning, she didn't need to be treated like a baby. This was embarrassing! Lilliana looked at Ayen, frowning a bit, her voice going higher pitched as her voice gained a whiny tone to it♧...

"But I can eat slow! I can do it myself...!"
Nonalaka said:
"Warning me?" He laughed "I bet you're great and you're just being humble" Colin said and then smiled before opening the book to view the drawings, going silent for a moment as he admired them. "Wow..." He said turning the pages, "these are really, really good!" He said smiling over at her "Have you ever thought of making your own comics or something like that?" He asked curiously.
"Ha that's funny nobody would accept my drawings for something as great as comics." Aiko said as she quickly snatched the sketchbook and shoved it in her bag.
[QUOTE="Jofune Tsurabisu]---The Pact, The Innocent, and The Fate---
The deed was done as the orb vanished, and on the wrists of the girls, was a glowing set of runes forming a pretty bracelet...

"Now that is finished, here are the terms. You belong to me, until I release you, or you are no longer useful to me. Serving me loyally will make your release come quicker and the outcome pleasant. However, failure will result in punishment, one that fits the crime, exacted on the boy in the Ice Tube. But for giving in so nicely, I will free him for an hour, to let you say your goodbyes. Please make full use of that time, as it will be awhile before I feel this generous again." she said sipping her tea. "Also, your uniforms will be that of what used to be called Victorian, but now they call it Gothic Lolita. Once you have finished with the boy, my daughter needs company and a lesson in why sneaking out is a bad idea." she finished as she tapped in a sequence on the virtual keyboard on her desk and the tube was moved to the next room where an audible hiss announces the boys semi freedom. "Go now." she ordered as she sipped her tea with a wicked smile. (Beatrice is slightly pervy.)



λ"Oh, but you are the fairest I have encountered. And thus, you are dear to me." he said as he fixed his shirt. He wanted to look good, but also not draw any attention to the fact that he was trying to hide out...



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...⊗Kanon blinked at his compliment, feeling her cheeks darken at the words. Really she wasn't used to hearing words like this, and it was quite embarrassing. Not that she didn't believe it, she just wasn't used to it. Tucking so hair behind her ear, Kanon responded, her eyes moving over his shirt. He really did look good in it⊗...

"W-well... t-thank you. You look pretty good y-yourself... s-so, shall we go?"
LunaCrosby said:
Asako nodded and followed him, getting onto the spot next to him.
((Timeskip? If so can you start?))

[QUOTE="Aiko Akemi]"Ha that's funny nobody would accept my drawings for something as great as comics." Aiko said as she quickly snatched the sketchbook and shoved it in her bag.

Colin blinked as the book was snatched from his hands, sighing quietly "funny?" He shook his head "...I wasn't kidding you know, they are that good" he said with looking at her.

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