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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Roman said:
Roman looked downward, "Yeah... That doesn't sound too good." He said with a sigh. "Maybe there is a way to fix it... Have the people of your dimension tried yet?"
''the only ones from the dimension is me, Madoriko, Midoriko, Akane, and Kurome...or at least, thats the only people ive been fighting...even dearest sister..''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Kurome then grabbed Autumn out of the ball's way and dodged it*
''itd be nice if you start dodging these things...''

*She said as both her arms turned into chain guns and fired at Yura rapidly*

Yura shifted behind her once more and stabbed her in the back with his sword arm. It suddenly started glowing before a blast was let out from his sword arm.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Basically don't mind what I said xD )))

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Fuyumi giggled before looking at them again*
''oh dont worry Fenris, even if Everest didnt distract you, you still wouldnt have heard me coming...''



(( xD it's the other way around))
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Yura shifted behind her once more and stabbed her in the back with his sword arm. It suddenly started glowing before a blast was let out from his sword arm.
*Kurome only walked forward so the blade was coming out of her as her wounds quickly healed*

''from the dimension i come from...this pain is nothing..''

*She said before kicking Yura's other leg and breaking it*


[QUOTE="Jesters Court](( xD it's the other way around))

who cares just go xD )))
Roman said:
Taylor smiled, "Well I proposed... And she said yes." He said, his smile brighter. "Now we come to you for help with planning."
"Oh I'm so happy for you guys! I knew you'd get married!" Farah exclaimed and clapped her hands together. "But planning... Celia didn't tell him?" Celia looked really confused, "Tell him what? Was I suppose to tell him something?" Farah sighed and shook her head, "I don't know how you forgot about this but my wedding wasn't planned. It was more on the spot and it was a surprise to me too. Cam sort of sprung the wedding on me and there was seriously no planning involved." "Oh yeah! I remember that now. Dad told me to get you in a dress then to go out in the yard, then you guys were married."
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]''the only ones from the dimension is me, Madoriko, Midoriko, Akane, and Kurome...or at least, thats the only people ive been fighting...even dearest sister..''

"Oh... Well, how about we go now? I wanna hurry and show you the mansion." Roman said with a smile trying to think about other things, rather than fighting.
Roman said:
"Oh... Well, how about we go now? I wanna hurry and show you the mansion." Roman said with a smile trying to think about other things, rather than fighting.
*Shirochi sighed as she finished her tea. She then looked up at Roman*

''carry me please..''
WeirdPrincess said:
"Oh I'm so happy for you guys! I knew you'd get married!" Farah exclaimed and clapped her hands together. "But planning... Celia didn't tell him?" Celia looked really confused, "Tell him what? Was I suppose to tell him something?" Farah sighed and shook her head, "I don't know how you forgot about this but my wedding wasn't planned. It was more on the spot and it was a surprise to me too. Cam sort of sprung the wedding on me and there was seriously no planning involved." "Oh yeah! I remember that now. Dad told me to get you in a dress then to go out in the yard, then you guys were married."
Taylor sighed, "That's weird... I have an idea that would work for us both if you want to have something similar to a real wedding. Also, I like your maid outfit. I like anything in a maid outfit if I'my honest, but that's besides the point."


[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Shirochi sighed as she finished her tea. She then looked up at Roman*
''carry me please..''

Roman stuck a finger in his ear, checking if it was dirty, because he thought he heard her wrong, "You said what now?" He asked

Roman said:
Taylor sighed, "That's weird... I have an idea that would work for us both if you want to have something similar to a real wedding. Also, I like your maid outfit. I like anything in a maid outfit if I'my honest, but that's besides the point."

Roman stuck a finger in his ear, checking if it was dirty, because he thought he heard her wrong, "You said what now?" He asked
''carry me please''

*She said as she looked up at him a bit childishly*
Roman said:
Taylor sighed, "That's weird... I have an idea that would work for us both if you want to have something similar to a real wedding. Also, I like your maid outfit. I like anything in a maid outfit if I'my honest, but that's besides the point."

Roman stuck a finger in his ear, checking if it was dirty, because he thought he heard her wrong, "You said what now?" He asked
"Oh... Thank you!" Farah smiled happily before asking, "What exactly do you have in mind?"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''carry me please''
*She said as she looked up at him a bit childishly*

Roman stood up and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, looking at her.


He thought before replying, "Just this once... I don't want people getting the wrong idea..."


WeirdPrincess said:
"Oh... Thank you!" Farah smiled happily before asking, "What exactly do you have in mind?"
Taylor chuckled, "Well how about after the wedding you guys renew your vows?" He suggested "Sounds like fun right?"
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Fuyumi giggled before looking at them again*
''oh dont worry Fenris, even if Everest didnt distract you, you still wouldnt have heard me coming...''



Everest sighed before saying, "trust me I would have. Even if you used instantaneous transportation, you would have some distance between your foot and the ground, and I would have heard the moment of contact. On top of that I would hear your breathing, your pulse, the air flowing around your body, and even the fibers of your shirt as they expand in the heat of the day." Fenris, now in a semi humanoid shaped form said in a sarcastic voice, "Oh just face the facts Sonos, your loosing your touch..." "Says the guy who was so startled he lost control of his own form" "........No..... It was a defensive maneuver.... I did it to gain a tactile advantage...." Nodding in an overly sarcastic way, Everest said "Sure it was buddy. Sure it was..." Turning back to Fuyumi Everest said, "Either way though, what where you doing up here anyway? Just here to scare the shit out of us or is there actually a reason?"
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...♅Akira manifested a set of clothes around him, pieces of Euphorian jewelry soon appearing around his neck and wrists. He lay back on the couch and placed the back of his neck against the arm rest, soon talking as he looked at Asuka, smiling lightly♅...
“ I love you. ”


Asuka stopped eating midway into the pie and swallowed the contents in her mouth. Setting down the piece on to the tray, Asuka then spoke with a smile on her face. "I love you more."
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Yura was still able to move by using his wings. "Now you've done it... I'm done messing around. It's time you learned what darkness can really do..." He said with a smirk. His limbs suddenly started snapping back into place as a dark aura started wavering over him. "The time has come..." He said before he transformed into a ugly parasite monster. It suddenly had Celia trapped in its clutches. "Make a move and she dies." The Chaos Kin said.
*Kurome then faced him. She then started to walk towards it slowly. Like 1 step for every 5 seconds*

''yknow...i only wanted to kill you cuz you kept appearing in my dreams screwing everything up...''

*Her purple flame grew more bigger from her eye*

''but now i have something to kill you for...''

*She said before she took a step before falling over. Her fire then died as the same fire moved to Celia's eye as Kurome made Celia get out of the Kin's clutches and making her step far back as she could away from the Kin. The fire soon dying again from Celia's eye as the fire reignited in Kurome as she got back up and summoned a massive cannon which had chains around it*

''this is where...you

*She said before she swung her blade up and stuck down on the Kin splitting it in half while causing a huge shock wave as well*



[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Everest sighed before saying, "trust me I would have. Even if you used instantaneous transportation, you would have some distance between your foot and the ground, and I would have heard the moment of contact. On top of that I would hear your breathing, your pulse, the air flowing around your body, and even the fibers of your shirt as they expand in the heat of the day." Fenris, now in a semi humanoid shaped form said in a sarcastic voice, "Oh just face the facts Sonos, your loosing your touch..." "Says the guy who was so startled he lost control of his own form" "........No..... It was a defensive maneuver.... I did it to gain a tactile advantage...." Nodding in an overly sarcastic way, Everest said "Sure it was buddy. Sure it was..." Turning back to Fuyumi Everest said, "Either way though, what where you doing up here anyway? Just here to scare the shit out of us or is there actually a reason?"

''i stalk people''
Roman said:
Roman stood up and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, looking at her.

He thought before replying, "Just this once... I don't want people getting the wrong idea..."


Taylor chuckled, "Well how about after the wedding you guys renew your vows?" He suggested "Sounds like fun right?"
Farah thought about the idea for a while, "It does... Though I don't think Cammy will do it. I honestly don't know if he'll do it, I haven't seen him in a few days."
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah thought about the idea for a while, "It does... Though I don't think Cammy will do it. I honestly don't know if he'll do it, I haven't seen him in a few days."
"He can be no fun at times." Taylor said with a sigh. "I feel he'd do it though. He was there when I asked Celia to marry me. He did threaten to hurt me if I hurt Celia.... Something I can never do even if I tried."
Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#9999ff][B]*Kurome then faced him. She then started to walk towards it slowly. Like 1 step for every 5 seconds*[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff] ''yknow...i only wanted to kill you cuz you kept appearing in my dreams screwing everything up...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff][B]*Her purple flame grew more bigger from her eye*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#9999ff] ''but now i have something to kill you for...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#9999ff][B]*She said before she took a step before falling over. Her fire then died as the same fire moved to Celia's eye as Kurome made Celia get out of the Kin's clutches and making her step far back as she could away from the Kin. The fire soon dying again from Celia's eye as the fire reignited in Kurome as she got back up and summoned a massive cannon which had chains around it*[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#9999ff] [/COLOR][URL="http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/collections/308851389?view_mode=2 said:

''this is where...you

*She said before she swung her blade up and stuck down on the Kin splitting it in half while causing a huge shock wave as well*



''i stalk people''
The Chaos Kin, surprised by this power dies.

((Congrats! You and WP completed the Doors of Darkness!
:D ))

Roman said:
Roman stood up and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, looking at her.

He thought before replying, "Just this once... I don't want people getting the wrong idea..."


Taylor chuckled, "Well how about after the wedding you guys renew your vows?" He suggested "Sounds like fun right?"
''its alright..''

*She said as her form changed making her look like a kid and then running towards Roman and hugging him acting like Roman's her guardian*
WeirdPrincess said:
Asuka stopped eating midway into the pie and swallowed the contents in her mouth. Setting down the piece on to the tray, Asuka then spoke with a smile on her face. "I love you more."
...♅Akira laughed lightly and replied, his smile remaining♅...

“ No, I love you more~ ”
TheRebelliousDragon said:
The Chaos Kin, surprised by this power dies.
((Congrats! You and WP completed the Doors of Darkness!
:D ))

*kurome then woke up from her bed and sat up*

''so...how did it go?''

''Akane...i think i love you. i never knew you could transfer minds..''

''well if we could take control of one's body while losing control of ours, then i can do anything with the mind...its just mind games''

[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''its alright..''
*She said as her form changed making her look like a kid and then running towards Roman and hugging him acting like Roman's her guardian*

Roman sighed and patted her head, "Well now I can carry you without being asked annoying questions." He joked. "Wanna get on my back?" He asked.

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