The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]My only offensive charms are 5 charms of bier, I have some stealth, SRoI, Kettle, and Oak Meditation. That good?

Hunger is a bit of a monster (in terms of being the sort that literally tears her foes to pieces) in fights, but she also has a very heavy (force-of-personality/presence-based) social option.
Looking at my choices, it appears... Stealth, not getting hit, and seducing targets are the greatest part of my... Assassiny load out. Oo
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Well, maybe we'll have different circles operating towards the same goal that sometimes meet and cross over? I'm rather new to large-scale PbP too. Maybe we can get a sidereal circle to get together and run around like crazy setting up strange coincidences for everyone else?

Heh, that sounds like great fun. I might be up for that.
Ah well nix the seducing stuff. Aside from Abilities I had to can 1 charm and 2 Slots, hmm have to sacrifice either my fancy charms or my disguise charm. Man did I run short of BPs. Oo
I could have Sapphire have known others. Though they might not know her as the Adamant avenging angel of the Reaches. Unless... we've peeping tom champions too! xD
Raksha are always peeping~

I've got a decent theme shaping up, especially if we are in the underworld. Focusing on Sword shaping and combat using the crazy pools Fair Folk get.
Actually thinking about it, Sapphire might know other champions, perhaps Crisova and other Metro/Patro cities are the refuges of the Alchemicals and Autocthonians, at which case the Adamants may no longer need to hide from the others.

Edit: Darn you Fair Folk! Peeping! :P
I'm thinking NO metropoli/patropoli made it into creation - they all fell to the Engine of Extinction. I would think the survivors are using whatever scavenged tech and knowledge they managed to bring with them. Enough to build Vats.
Which is More possible than what I believe or think I have read. But hell if I search 16 pages for what I assumed would be 'busted up damaged cities scattered across creation' which gave rise to my just port an entire city over. xD

I guess Sapphire will have to go with Peepers in that case. :P
Unless things don't go my way, my backstory brings the adamant city to the Western Oceans. But... ya know I wonder... when Auto 'dies' does he take all that he had down to the Underworld? But TDW has said that we'll be everywhere. So I'm not sure about the Alchemicals outside my backstory. (And one might question, Project Razor? Did the 8 nations quickly united to finish it and to evacuate while the Void is destroying the remaining places? But ya know, that makes for a good idea for someone's backstory.)
I'm guessing with the Engine of Extinction, it would only be those 'new' Alchemicals (with the boosts of Alchie character generation) raised to try and save him that avoided Dissonance and going completely insane. Which means we probably one hundred at most, and with the death of Autochthon there will be NO new Alchemicals EVER. So we are each precious and we each will reach out to found our brethren, wherever they may be.

EDIT: Custodian of Unity is turning out to have a major investment in the skills under Warfare, I hope he won't get left out.

EDIT2: Correct me if I'm wrong but all BP expenditure is done using the Solar table, according to the House Rules?
Okay, I'm awake! I'm awake, and I have a character concept. In a nutshell: Taliesin, Exalted style. That is, the celtic myth, not a self-insert character ;)
I don't know, nothing says that we are using the Solar BP table instead of Alchies/Sidereal/Lunar/...Fae. Mine is built using Alchies Charagen. I saw no boosts, none. But if so... yay! I might be able to afford a new charm slot. xD
I'm leaning toward a Sidereal, but what kind of things are happening in Heaven? Are the Factions still going at each other? Has there been a rash of Sidereal deaths?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]

Also since this is a mixed game, everyone should use even if your a non solar, solar bp costs.

There we go
Alchie's got hit with the nerf-bat in the Errata :( All the Charm changes were increases to mote costs (in 1 case double!) or removal of upgrades. Dunno why, they were already low-tier Celestials. Oh well.
Oh? Yay! 3 more BP, one more slot. Or to boost an attribute... gah... its late I should sleep.

And ya that nerfing hurts. 11m for the PD (dodge) 12 if you want it to be even more Perfect than it is.
On the one hand, a Starmetal Caste named Machine of Loving Grace.

On the other, send a titan to kill a titan - a genesis crafting Infernal lunatic.
So is everyone excited for the game :D ?

I will post some more tonight getting ready for class.
Sherwood said:
The tabs are a sweet addition to the board. This has been my first effort to use them, and I plan on using them from now on.
Your spoiler block doesn't work Sherwood, I can't see anything when clicking on it.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Well, maybe we'll have different circles operating towards the same goal that sometimes meet and cross over? I'm rather new to large-scale PbP too. Maybe we can get a sidereal circle to get together and run around like crazy setting up strange coincidences for everyone else?

Yes! That is the idea with the large game, every circle will be operating towards the same goal and crossing over occasionally.

Also characters can be combaty if they want, there just won't be a lot of it all the time. But of course there will be combat with EoE around, there would be no point in having death machines if there were no combat :D
MrSerious said:
Your spoiler block doesn't work Sherwood, I can't see anything when clicking on it.
The character is on page 13. I hit reply to make the comment that the tabs worked for me.

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