The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

solyrflair said:
Anyone willing to step in and help me complete this?
Sure. :) Feel free to PM me your wish list and what you want to be able to do and I'll try to shoot you some tips or build ideas/options.
*vouches for Feantari's helpfulness*

Oh hrm. Is it better to avoid going far into War (and expecting Mass combat) since the game's not combat-heavy?
Here's my bio!

Name: Jayce Riven

Concept: Wanderer, Determinator

Age: 21

Caste: Night


"It doesn't matter if everyone hates me. It doesn't matter if I'm called Demon, Monster, Anathema. I am who I am, and I hold no regrets for the path I have taken… For at the end of the beaten road, it matters not who you are, were, or will be. It matters not for what you were, are, and what you will become. For an Ending always awaits." – Jayce Riven

Riven was a very young and talented child. At the town of Mercy in the Scavenger Lands, he worked day in and day out, helping whoever that he could. To him, there was no greater joy than to help others.

He wanted to be a hero, someone who would help others regardless of what happened to them, someone who would gladly lay down his life for his allies. From the hundreds of tales he had heard from travelers, that was his single-minded aspiration. Even-Blade Masters, Anathema, The Wyld, he had heard everything. But it was on his 19th birthday that everything changed.

It started with fire, a black unholy fire that marched throughout the lands, the undead meandering after it. He remembered the screams as the black and crimson fire burned people where they stood. Not even ashes remained of the people who died an agonizing death. No mercy could be given by the dead, for they need no reason to consume. They just did, and they consumed with zeal that far surpassed any mortal.

Riven had never held a blade in his life, but when he was the only survivor, he had no choice but to go to battle. He grasped a simple slashing sword, and felt something within him move, something deep within his souls.

'You witnessed injustice but you did not possess the power to fight back and purge the corruption of this land. But no more, for now as long as you draw breath, you shall be the avatar of my righteous glory. Now go forth, and bring forth my wrath and mercy to all that you see. In my name, Sol Invictus, I crown you my Lawgiver. Now go forth in my name. I shall be watching you!'

A Hollow Sun burst into being upon his brow, his body ablaze in a corona of light. Within the fire of his Solar Anima, Riven was forever changed. Upon his back sprouted a pair of golden wings, both composed of hundreds of blades. He knew what he was, Anathema, Demons, but did it matter? Everything within him spoke of how right this feeling was. Within a span of a few seconds, he saw memories of heroes before him and he was able to comprehend the truth at last. He was no Anathema, he was Jayce Riven, Solar Exalted.

And with that with his new-found blade singing in his hand he cut down countless undead, annihilating the horde within a few hours. But the undead were not his only enemy. The Wyld Hunt followed shortly afterward, led by a Dragon-Blooded with a small legion of troops. Jayce was exhausted, his body unaccustomed to his body, he could not hope to defeat the hunt. Thankfully, Fate seemed to be on his own side, literally.

Within a blink of an eye and a flash of crimson light, the leading Dragon-Blooded was beheaded and his body fell to the ground. The troops panicked and in doing so, left them wide open for unknown assassin. Standing in the middle of the now bloody battlefield was a woman with lavender hair, violet eyes, and the sigil of Jupiter upon her brow.

That woman was known as Sorrowful Blade, a Ronin Sidereal that had wandered creation for a few decades. She had grown disgusted with the ethics and the political garbage that Yu-Shan had drowned itself in, preferring to file papers and bicker with each other than serving Creation directly. Riven was the first Solar that she had seen with her own eyes, something that interested her. Were the Solars good or bad? She thought. It was this curiosity and interest that led to Blade adopting Riven as her disciple. After she did so, that was when she realized the amount of pure potential that she had seen in him ever so briefly.

For the brief year he had studied under her, he had absorbed everything that she taught him. He had learned most of the Violet Bier of Sorrows, and he learned how to control some of his powers to a greater extent. But the true challenge, Blade said, was to go throughout the world and forge your own path. There are things that she could not teach him, she said. He had to learn these things by himself. And so with a parting gift of Samael, the Heritor's Blade, Riven left her and went into creation, two swords in hand and a determination to become the hero he had dreamed of.
Oneos, Edge of Order and Chaos

Caste: Slayer

Coadjutor: Neomah

Urge: Malfean

Motivation: Slay The Engine and all of his followers

Intimacies: Malfeas (Loyalty), <more stuff goes here>

  • 5prl6u.jpg

    Oneos has unnaturally smooth skin that never seems to weather.
Oh, looking over the list of Charms-that-grant-Ox-Body. The appropriate list for TAW's would be Totemic Self Announcement, Mythic Outsider Extrusion, Eminent Domain Sacrifice, Object-In-Motion Technique, Blow Meets Blow, Wound-Shouldering Stigmata, Domain-Flesh Wholeness, Bastion of Flesh and Bone, Hard-Earned Silver Callus, Aegis of Adaptation, Mercury-Flesh Body Scabbard and Ablative Flesh Defense. There might be a couple more, but most of them are upgrades to Charms already on the list rather than full effects in their own right, so I'm disinclined to count them. It's possible, though unlikely, that I just missed a couple of applicable Charms.

Currently writing up this characters history, by the by.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]No merits and flaws.

Well crap. There goes my concept.

Hmm...perhaps a Moonshadow or Day caste based upon the All-State commercials. Everpresent Purveyor of Mayhem...
You CAN model stupid-high Valour, a code of honour, prejudices and an enemy without mechanics, you know :\

(You can also buy mutations with BP's)
Taliesin said:
You CAN model stupid-high Valour, a code of honour, prejudices and an enemy without mechanics, you know :\
(You can also buy mutations with BP's)
Yes, but there were too few of them to buy all of them and still keep sufficient competency otherwise without the presence of flaws.
  • Name, Title: Morrigwain, the Shining Brow

    Age: Early 20's.

    Motivation: Foster good relations between the Living and the Dead.

    Caste: New Moon

    Anima banner: An inchaote blizzard of half-formed images and wisps of light.

    Appearance: Morrigwain is a young man with skin paled by too much time away from the sun, bright red hair and dark eyes. He is usually dressed in rough woddsmans clothing, with a tall bow of black wood inlaid with moonsilver wires and filigree. There is a boyish light to his face, an impulsive readiness to drop everything and set off for a new adventure - after all, it might be fun!
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Yes, but there were too few of them to buy all of them and still keep sufficient competency otherwise without the presence of flaws.

[/QUOTE]Considering you apparently bought twelve dots of abilities with BP's, I think you can find somewhere to shave a few dots off :P
Taliesin said:
Considering you apparently bought twelve dots of abilities with BP's, I think you can find somewhere to shave a few dots off :P
I know....

Taliesin said:
Considering you apparently bought twelve dots of abilities with BP's, I think you can find somewhere to shave a few dots off :P
Perhaps, but I'm not sure that's where I'd want to do it. She needed those dots. ._.
shepsquared said:
A question rising from inexperience, how does xp work in pbp games?
It will be given most likely when every thread ends or something, I'll let you know at my random whims when people are given XP and when they can spend it. It is very situational.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]It will be given most likely when every thread ends or something, I'll let you know at my random whims when people are given XP and when they can spend it. It is very situational.

Honestly I'm not going to go through the trouble of submitting because well that would be redundant considering that I approve games. By sometime tomorrow I will create the forums and start moving character posts out into their own threads.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]I would STRONGLY recommend against it, seeing as how nearly every one of them is either useless or broken.

The only one I'd want to use is Brutal Attack. I like making strong characters more than fragile speedsters.
WarDragon said:
The only one I'd want to use is Brutal Attack. I like making strong characters more than fragile speedsters.
All I really wanted to use was Paragon of Valor and Code of Honor (5).
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Honestly I'm not going to go through the trouble of submitting because well that would be redundant considering that I approve games. By sometime tomorrow I will create the forums and start moving character posts out into their own threads.

And I was just about to ask when we could expect to have a forum. :D Cool deal.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Hello!
Are you interested in playing?

Me? I put a concept up a few pages ago. I'll get to work on fleshing it out some... though someone else already duplicated a lot of what I was going to do mechanically.

For Infernals, do the free Excellencies cover all purchases of a single Yozi Excellency, or just one?

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