The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

This post[/URL] is a good snapshot of the weird and wonderful places they go.

As far as power balance goes, Witches don't fit neatly into the power tiers of Exalted 2e. Some of their capabilities are Solar-level, and some are less than Dragonblooded - this is deliberate. Terrifying Argent Witches are very focused on personal power, at the expense of the kind of ontological intertia or grand-scale reach that a Solar or Sidereal displays. A Witch isn't very good at leading an army to victory over a superior force - but she's hell on wheels at setting out the night before and wrecking her enemies shit by herself. She can't manipulate whole cities with the kind of inspiring oratory that a Solar can, but if she can find the right person, she can wrap them around her finger - possibly blasting their mind to the limits of its sanity with inchaote imagery dredged up from the Beyond, but them's the breaks. Alternatively, she can influence large groups in other ways - but she'll do so as an oppositional, adverserial force rather than a benevolent inspiration.

They are the monsters of the Incarnate Exalted, the scouts and the terrorists, the outriders who left Lintha children nailed to their ships in the night for their parents to find the morning before battle. They are the witch-kings who lead corrupted devas against their masters. They infest, they devour, they bribe and they steal. And they are all of that because they are the Chosen of Luna, and they exist in her image.

- - -

As for Dread Lord's Demeanour, Shade Walker Prana and Hungry Darkness Prana...

Ther's almost certainly something to cloak yourself in fear for TAW's. Strength does the most dealings with intimidation, but it'd be a valid Appearence affect, too - there might be something already. Let me check...

EDIT: Well, Heart-Mirror Delusion Tactic might work, although it's more "I am somebody you fear," than "I am scary." If you just want to terrify people, your best bet is probably to take a gander at the things Transgressive Blast Strike can do. Specifically, Terror Catalysing Force.

You can duplicate the practical benefits of Shade Walker Prana just by shapeshifting into something very small, like a bug, and crawling around on somebodies clothes.

Hungry Darkness Prana is trickier, but it's valid space for an upgrade of, say, Ebony Moth Manueovre or Deadly Night's Shade. You might even be happy just with Deadly Night's Shade - less chill of the grave and whispering ghosts, more "now you are all blind and paranoid!"
Alright guys the forums are here!

The OOC thread is up and the character submission area is ready.

I have decided against moving characters out of this thread because some the template has been updated, so if you want to play just go ahead and post in Unaccounted Variables following the updated template.

Let us continue conversations over there.
SilverWinglie said:
Starting Stats:



Melee 1

Presence (F) 3

Resistance (F) 1

Craft © 5

Investigation © 3

Lore © 5

Medicine © 5

Occult © 5

Awareness (F) 2

Dodge 1

Stealth (F) 1

Linguistics (F) 3

Compassion 2

Temperance 1

Conviction 4

Valor 2

Willpower 6

Essence 3

Personal/Periperal 15/27


Artifact 2

Whispers 2

Liege 4


Reinforced Soulsteel Buff Jacket


Pitiless Triage Judgment (+2nd Medicine Excellency)

Cannibalistic Renewal Incitement (+1st Medicine Excellency)

Charnel Chirurgeon Deftness (+3rd Medicine Excellency)

Bone Graft Technique

Life-Mocking Assembly

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy (+2nd Occult Excellency)

Cadaverous Torpor Technique (+Ox-Body One -1 health level and two -2 health levels)

Fault-Finding Scrutiny (+2nd Craft Excellency)

Eternal Embalming Preparation (+1st Craft Excellency)

Frenzied Forge Within (+3rd Craft Excellency)
Let me know if I messed up anywhere!
You should post your character here:
I set this game to Waitlist, because Wizard in his haste, forgot to set a status. :/

Captain Hesperus
I'm interested in playing a full-time character or a casual character of any origin (for guest appearances) if it isn't too late to hop on this boat.
That would be great. I am having problems accessing the forum on my phone so can't post but will start to work on a concept for an abyssal.
[QUOTE="MaHaSuchi's700]Are you still accepting players for this by any chance?

Sure if you want :D !
Any preference for the type of exalted for that game? I would be interested in applying but wouldn't just want to make a character and ends up not doing much.
Goddamnbatman said:
Any preference for the type of exalted for that game? I would be interested in applying but wouldn't just want to make a character and ends up not doing much.
Looking for more abyssals and possibly a sidereal :D !
  • Name: King of Desecration Robed In Blood

    Age: 24

    Caste: Dusk

    Anima Banner: A crimson battlefield with people impaled on spears.

    Theme: [media]




    King looks like a young man in his mid twenties with long silver hair reaching the middle of his back and eyes. His skin tone is pale almost like a porcelain skin at first glance and his body shape is what would expected of someone who exercises regularly. He often wears dark robes and clothes, not the kind to hide or move around stealthy. The deathknight executes his opponent in the most spectacular fashions, especially if he has an audience.

Hungry Ghost Style sure is popular among our Abyssals. You make the third person working on it. As a side note, that history bit...that sounds less like the Lover and more like the Lion or the Mask of Winters.

EDIT: By both location and manner of promises the Mask seems a better bet. The Warlord inclinations work for either the Lion or the Mask.
Didn't Dark Wizard say that Infinite Ability Mastery, Ravening Mouth etc. are General Charms, not Excellencies and don't qualify for the purposes of the free excellency houserule?
Not sure, just went with the info on the gameplay thread either way I can remove them and just buy them in game. I would have went with Mask of Winters, if he were allowed, his status is unknown so not sure if it means available to players or not.

edit: Dark Messiah Style capstone is kinda broken mostly why I went with Hungry ghost style.
The change it's not too bad at all and considering that there are many abyssals with the hungry ghost style, I'll go with the Dark Messiah Style, switching some charms around.

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