The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

Permission to use this 'beamklaive' weapon?

Artifact 4: Grand Beam Goremaul (Jade)

Speed 4, Acc +2, Damage +17L/5, Def 0, Rate 1, Attune 9
MrSerious said:
Permission to use this 'beamklaive' weapon?
Artifact 4: Grand Beam Goremaul (Jade)

Speed 4, Acc +2, Damage +17L/5, Def 0, Rate 1, Attune 9
Can you normally buy it?
No, its' an adaptation of a 'beam type' Goremaul but I see I made some mistakes. One Moment. Rules for beam weapons can be found on page 210, MoEP: The Alchemicals.

Artifact 4: Beam Goremaul (Jade)

Speed 4, Acc +2, Damage +16B/4, Def +1, Rate 2, Attune 8, 5m activation
Thoughts on a house rule allowing each circle of sorcerous or necromantic initiation to provide a free spell of that circle?
Okay, this is my character so far.

Name: Jayce Riven

Age: 23

Caste: Night



Ox Body x2

Secrets of Future Strife

Flight of Jupiter

Blade of the Battle-Maiden

Joy in Adversity Stance

Violet Bier of Sorrows Form

Metal Storm

1-3rd MA Excellencies

Oak meditation

Kettle Body

Sagacious Reading of Intent

Flitting Shadow Form

Second Dodge Ex

Custom Artifact:

Samael: 3-Dots~ Orichalcum and Starmetal Daiklave, 5 speed, +3 acc, 8/3L dmg, rate 4, Attune 7

Effects: Commit 6 more motes, allow for Prayer Strip effect of Conclusion Bearing Approach to be used (via carving of Scripture of the Expectant Maiden on the blade's surface). Must have Conclusion Bearing Approach for this to function.

Grants a +2 MA specialty for Violet Bier of Sorrows when wielded.
Could Infernal characters aim for Devil-Tiger as a means of thwarting the Engine, or is the timeframe too short or that too far?
Grey said:
Could Infernal characters aim for Devil-Tiger as a means of thwarting the Engine, or is the timeframe too short or that too far?
You can aim for anything you want, if it is possible or not will be determined by the RPing and the things that happen.
Alrighty then.

I'm seriously considering a Kimberyian Defiler who really, really like playing around with Craft: Genesis.
Grey said:
Alrighty then.
I'm seriously considering a Kimberyian Defiler who really, really like playing around with Craft: Genesis.
Speaking of which what does everyone think of the crafting house rules?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Speaking of which what does everyone think of the crafting house rules?

In favour (although for once I don't have a Craft-heavy character).
Quick question, if I have a specialty for a specific style, when does it apply? When I use a MA charm of that style? Or does it apply to all rolls made since I'm technically using my use of the style to use the form weapon to do basic attacks?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Speaking of which what does everyone think of the crafting house rules?

They seem entirely reasonable and good to me.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Speaking of which what does everyone think of the crafting house rules?

Well, I'm biased in favour of Revlid's Craft revision, but yours is certainly simpler, so it's all cool :)
Two concepts:

Name: Ash

Concept: The Kid With the Remote (Plucky Girl Pilot of a Humongous Mech)

Caste: Twilight

Anima: A titanic armored figure wielding a warhammer

One summer day, a young girl from a small village went into the woods, following a small stream into a part of the forest her parents and the village priest had warned her to avoid. She was far brighter than most children her age, and was often teased and taunted for it; she just wanted a place to read in peace.

The ground gave way beneath her and she tumbled into a deep crevasse in the earth; the fall knocked her unconscious, and when she awoke it was to find herself in a strange cavern. The earth there seemed more like petrified bone than mud or rock: jagged ivory protrusions jutted from the walls, and the stone was splotched with blue and violet as if bruised.

Exploring further into the cave, the girl found a titanic armored figure encased in mud and roots. Too curious to be really afraid, she climbed up its chest till she came to a hollow space of some kind, which she entered. No sooner had she done so than a man appeared -- the most beautiful man the dazzled young girl had ever seen -- and began speaking to her urgently in an unknown tongue.

The girl, whose name was Ash, visited the “metal man’’ many, many times over the next few years. She learned to speak the language of the man who besought her to help him, as well as his name: Spring Thunder Over the Mountain. She cut away the roots and dug the mud from his limbs; she brought him the tools and supplies he asked for, though she often had to steal them.

Ash had always had a knack for such things -- from an early age she constructed water-mills, whirligigs, and unknown machines of an intricate and useless nature. At first she shared her toys freely with the other children, but when it was clear they did not understand them, and often carelessly broke them, she began keeping them to herself. This did nothing to endear her to her peers.

Under Thunder’s direction she began repairing the damage to his enormous frame. The directions spilled into long conversations, as the ancient spirit, desperately lonely after his centuries buried in the ground, began to treat her as a confidant, telling her about the First Age, about the gods and the Exalted and the world as it once was.

As time passed, a strange curse struck the lands around her village. Small animals, birds and insects were found dead. Hunters returned with less and less game. Even the trees seemed to fade, growing sickly and gray, and the villagers found they were exhausted, no matter how much they rested. Though as worried by the curse as anyone else, Ash never connected it with her new companion.

She had always been the odd one out; her father, a sailor, had come from the North, and she had his light skin and red hair. She was also slightly built, in contrast to her people's ideal of the sturdy, muscular farmgirl, glowing with ruddy health. Her mother often fretted over her marriage prospects, but Ash did not care, especially now that she had someone else “different’’ to talk to. She hugged her secret to herself in silence.

The morning of her sixteenth birthday, Ash set out to the woods early. She had received a new book as a birthday present, and she wanted to share it with the alien intelligence she now regarded as her closest friend.

Her quiet morning was interrupted by the far-off clash of weapons, by distant cries and inhuman laughter. Ash knew what the sounds meant. But instead of running back, she ran deeper into the forest, following the fateful stream till she reached the cavern where the “metal man’’ lay, almost completely cleared of his earthen bonds. “Help us now,’’ she demanded. “Whatever you want, whatever you need, I promise I’ll do it, no matter what! Just help us. Help me stop them!’’

The golden man looked at her, sadly, she thought. “How much are you willing to give up, to save them?’’ he asked. “Your strength? Your health?’’

“Yes,’’ Ash said. She felt strangely weak and dizzy.

“Your life?’’


“Even though you are not close to any of them except your own parents? Even though they laugh at you because you are different?’’

Yes!’’ yelled Ash, sinking to her knees. She ached all over, as if she were running out of air, as if something terribly heavy were pressing down upon her, pressing hard --

Spring Thunder Over the Mountain smiled.

And suddenly, Ash was engulfed in golden light.

When she came back to herself, she was already strapped into Thunder’s fuselage; they tore their way free of the cave, reborn again, together.

Thunder’s delicate Essence weapons had deteriorated into scrap during his long centuries underground, but he still had his mighty orichalcum fists and his deadly Charms. The war ghosts and their nemissary commander were like butterflies caught in a rockslide. In the exultant daze of victory, Ash emerged from Thunder, only to find her neighbors looking at her with terror. Some of them screamed at her that this was her fault.

Devastated and bewildered, Ash (and Thunder) fled to where her house stood -- only to find that the undead had attacked this part of the village first. Ash knelt in the smoking hole that was once her home next to her parents’ smoldering remains, and could not weep. Rage replaced fear and a new resolve came over her.

“Let’s go, Thunder. There’s nothing for us here.’’

Five years later...



Has the Realm toppled your tiny country's government as its latest domino? Are undead artificers field-testing their latest necrotech abomination on your beloved peasant village? Have demon pirates made a Hell out of your island paradise?

Never fear: you've got two friends with a state-of-the-art war machine better than anything your enemies can field, ready to defend your freedom and your way of life. We're experienced, we're (reasonably) discreet, and all we ask is a small donation to help keep our baby running.

We're Ashen Thunder. We go where we're needed.

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3; Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 3; Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 2

Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion

Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Crafts 5, Dodge 1, Integrity 2, Linguistics 1, Lore 5, Martial Arts 3 (Fighting in Armor +2), Occult 3, Resistance 2, Stealth 1, Survival 1 (Foraging for Food +2)

Backgrounds: Ally 5/Artifact 5 (Spring Thunder), Manse 3 (Workshop)

Charms --

Excellencies: Athletics (2nd), Crafts (1st, 2nd), Lore (2nd), Martial Arts (1st, 2nd), Occult (2nd)

Athletics: Monkey Leap Technique

Crafts: Crack-Mending Technique, Craftsman Needs No Tools

Lore: Chaos-Repelling Pattern

Martial Arts: Fists of Iron Technique, Thunderclap Rush Attack

Occult: Spirit-Detecting Glance

Resistance: Body-Mending Meditation, Durability of Oak

Willpower: 6

Essence: 3

The second:

Name: Talya, "the Iron Maiden"

Concept: Genius Weapons Manufacturer

Caste: Twilight

Anima: A shining, multi-hued crystal

Not without fire can any workman mold

The iron to his preconceived design,

Nor can the artist without fire refine

And purify from all its dross the gold;

Nor can revive the phoenix, we are told,

Except by fire. Hence, if such death be mine,

I hope to rise again with the divine,

Whom death augments, and time cannot make old.

Talya was the daughter of a minor Gens in Lookshy. Her family connections and her own brilliance ensured that she received the best education available to a mortal; she mastered the Art of Alchemy at a very young age, specializing in magical fuels and reagents for artifact weapons and armor. Pleasure-loving and well aware of her privileged position, she thought very little about the consequences of her actions.

All that changed when she was kidnapped by a group of rebels who forced her to produce weapons and potions that they vainly hoped would allow them to take on the Exalted; they also tortured her for information about her family’s plans, and demanded that she fix the few (badly damaged) artifact armors and weapons they had been able to acquire, and make them usable by mortals. An impossible task, but one she had to attempt, on pain of death -- and in attempting to do the impossible, Talya Exalted.

Restoring one of the suits of power armor was child’s play. Immediately after, the rebels received a short, sharp shock. Very short.

Now Talya runs her own company, IronWorks, Ltd., which is partly an import-export business that deals in exotic magical ingredients, and partly a series of workshops that design and build customized armor and weapons. [Note: She either still lives in Lookshy and hides her secret from her Dragon-Blooded relatives, or she has moved to Great Forks, Nexus or some other, safer locale.) Her known facility with Alchemy allows her to openly work the Magical Materials, but only she knows about the suit of power armor. She studies it constantly, hoping some day to build one herself.

Incidentally, her nickname of “the Iron Maiden” is more than a reference to her work: while she was once known for her carefree lifestyle, no one can claim to have had intimate relations with Talya since her escape from captivity. Rumors abound, ranging from a natural darkening of personality due to her imprisonment and torture, to some horrific injury she suffered that left her flesh rotting…or bleeding endlessly…or weirdly mutated, depending on whom you talk to. The only certain thing is that no one has had the nerve to ask.

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3; Perception 3, Intelligence 5, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Virtue Flaw: Overindulgence

Abilities: Archery 2 (Essence Weapons +1), Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 3, Crafts 4 (Weaponsmith +1), Dodge 1, Linguistics 1, Lore 4, Martial Arts 3, Occult 3 (Alchemy +1), Presence 2 (Seductive Charm +1), Resistance 2, Socialize 2 (High Society +1)

Backgrounds: Artifact 5 (Powered armor), Manse 3 (Workshop), Resources 4

Charms --

Excellencies: Archery (2nd), Bureaucracy (2nd), Crafts (1st, 2nd), Lore (2nd), Martial Arts (2nd), Occult (1st, 2nd)

Archery: Essence Arrow Attack (Righteous Judgment)

Bureaucracy: Insightful Buyer Technique

Crafts: Durability-Enhancing Technique, Object-Strengthening Touch

Martial Arts: Fists of Iron Technique

Occult: Spirit-Cutting Attack, Spirit-Detecting Glance

Resistance: Body-Mending Meditation

Willpower: 6

Essence: 2
Name: Tiadrya

Age: 40-100 subject to approval

Caste: Defiler

Concept: Wannabe Author of Life

(probably, might change)
More details to come.

Death Train, you say?

Also, given the interest of so many people, is there even space?

Because... I'm not going to put up an application only to run into the too many players situation... which is a thing.
Haku said:

Death Train, you say?

Also, given the interest of so many people, is there even space?

Because... I'm not going to put up an application only to run into the too many players situation... which is a thing.
There is space forever. The idea and concept of the game calls for a large amount of players and different circles working toward the grand picture of things. With the ocastional crossover.

So yes if you wish to join go ahead, I don't plan to limit the game any time soon.
Also, an unfortunate fact of PbP games in my experience, is that there are always dropouts. Better to have 'spare' players than not enough.
Okay, I would like to join in this game. However, I have limited experience playing the game, so will need a little bit of hand-holding. Second, every time I played, I was at a convention with pre-gen charries, so I have never built my own. That means, now that i look at everything, it is a huge mosh-pit of options, and I don't know what to start with.

I have been worried about joining a game that would involve just a single circle, since my poor decisions could push them into oblivion. But this one seems to be heavily RP centric, and should be an easier entry point for me.

I have a concept, but would need some help developing abilities and charms that work together, as well as some background help.


Crystal Tea Cup

Sidereal Exalted of Serenity

Pre-exaltation she was a server in a tea shop run by her father. It was located on the edge of the desert and served mostly travellers. How no one was able to read the stars to know she would exalt is beyond many's reasoning, but one day a stranger came and took her away. She still has a soft spot in her heart for tea houses all over creation and find the simple pleasure of sitting down to a cup of tea one of the most rewarding experiences in life.

Post-exaltation she has expanded her abilities beyond simple brewing of tea, to all forms of the brewers art. Potions, pharmaceuticals, balms, elixers, ointments, beverages, liquers, poisons, and drugs. She is seeking deeper sciences to expand the reach of her art to areas beyond sorcery. She hopes one day to distill the power of exaltation itself, and create her own line of exalted.


To develo her abilities to brew her own exalted

2 Strength

4 Dexterity

2 Stamina

4 Charisma

3 Manipulation

4 Appearance

2 Perception

2 Intelligence

5 Wits

3 Compassion

1 Conviction

3 Temperance

2 Valor

Willpower 7 (at this point)

Essence 3 (at this point)

Personal Pool (14)

Peripheral Pool (35)

And that is where things end, because my abilities are tied to charms, which is tied to essence, and I get lost. I try to build using Anathema, but some of the charms I like don't have enough ability or essence to get them, plus all the house rules on excellencies just get me bogged down in numbers.

Anyone willing to step in and help me complete this?
Never did get an answer about if we are using Merits and Flaws.

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