The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

The tabs are a sweet addition to the board. This has been my first effort to use them, and I plan on using them from now on.
Sherwood said:
The tabs are a sweet addition to the board. This has been my first effort to use them, and I plan on using them from now on.
They are pretty awesome!
Ignoring that last comment of mine (please?), I would like to note that I updated Hunger's post with the original version of her sheet. I'm exhausted right now, and as of an hour and ten minutes ago, it's officially my least favorite day of the entire year. I'll likely be back in a day or two once the hangover I'll inevitably have (after however much drinking I end up doing tomorrow) subsides and I feel up to doing math again to figure out how to set her up under the game's creation rules.
Alright wiz, you got me! I'm in! Be wary of my conditions though~

I managed pretty well in some other games so I think I should be able to handle this with some help
Read over the thread and why yes very much I'm in. I'll beak up a Raksha PC soonish. (Not sure why but I think my love of role playing IC falls into my obsession for for the fair folk)
Name: Custodian of Unity

Exalt Type: Alchemical

Caste: Jade

Motivation: To restore the Great Maker and save its' people from Extinction.

  • 'Till all are one. -unknown Alchemical Exalt.

    Down halls of crystal-glass and mirrors, a spark rushed. A spark of thought, a thoughtweft core of emotion and a tangled bundle of knowledge and spirit, a silicon soul. It rushed, not knowing itself, feeling only an insistent, primal purpose, a yearning felt by all things that have ever been, and many that have not - the urge to live. It found its way through darkened corridors, swifter than thought, and found itself rushing up to meet the light. On an on it rushed, breaching the surface of the subconscious and burning its way into the light...

    And it knew itself, and there was light.

    I am, therefore, I think.

    Custodian of Unity, and a score of other Champions, were brought to life especially for the purpose of saving the Great Maker from whatever ailed him and thus keeping the Eight Nations safe. They failed. In spite of being constructed with specialized Exalted designs previously locked away by the Sodality. In spite of being given every advantage they failed. They penetrated far into the Reaches, dealt with ancient custodians of glass and crystal, fought off waves of the Void, they were too late to reach the Godhead and awaken their patron. Autochthon passed away in the sleep he had entered millenia ago and the Engine of Extinction awoke intent on unmaking existence itself.

    The death of Autochthon besides dooming the teeming millions of the Eight Nations living within his decaying corpse had other, unforeseen, repercussions. To Custodian of Unity's horror his brothers and sisters that were not birthed with the new specifications now heard only Dissonance. Almost as one they fell to the Engine's call. Some were able to hold out against the song of the Void, tapping into their Compassion and Eidolon to keep Dissonance at bay. But ultimately the peoples' Champions became their destruction. CoU worked with the others' that did not show signs of corruption to save as many as he could tearing open the Seal and beginning what would be called the Exodus.

    Creation is a dangerous, frightening place. Inhospitable to the hundred thousand or so refugees scattered across its' face.

    There is still hope.

    Or so Unity tells himself in his darkest, most despondent hours. The Maker is dead. Gone. Buried. Transformed. All the surviving Champions and refugees agree on this fact.

    But why can he still faintly make out the crystalline thrum of Clarity?
I ad-libbed some of the aftermath and storyline for CoU personally, let me know what you think for it. There's a bit more to write yet, but I'll wait till I get TDW's OK on what I've written so far since I've taken a few liberties.

  • Name: Taralian Graveborn

    Age: 21 years

    Exalt: Solar

    Caste: Zenith

    Anima: White-gold streaks of light emenating from his weapons and caste mark

    History: Born in a small eastern shadowland, he grew up fearful of shadows, forced to obey thw whims of the local ghosts. He never knew his parents, never had a friend for longer than a day. In time he decided that enough was enough, causing him to take a stand against the ghost that demanded hims worship. After obliterating it in a flash of glorious sunlight he saw the glory of the Unconquered Sun and knew that it was his duty to ensure that all life was free from the tyranny of the dead. Following his dreams and instincts he found a shattered manse at the centre of the shadowland that he had called home, arming himself with the orichalcum artifacts he found within. For the last year he has roamed the East, destroying various ancestor cults and ghosts, always keeping on the move, because he has seen the dread power of the Deathknights. He knows of the Wyld Hunt, but believes that they would assist him in his holy quest.

    Appearance: He stands at 6'10", with pale skin and white gold hair that reaches his shoulders. His eyes are the azure blue of the sky and his pale skin is the only remanant of his birth in a shadowland. He wears white-gold orichalcum armour and wields an orichalcum grimcleaver and an orichalcum powerbow. He is muscular and rarely smiles, charismatic and confident.

I've statted up my Night Caste but want to give it some fine-tuning. It should be up by tomorrow, though. :)
If you'll recall, TDW stated at the start that this will not be a combat heavy game as he dislikes the Exalted combat system. So I wouldn't place TOO much emphasis on it. Though with a game with the Engine of Extinction I would count on some combat necessary.
Alright. I don't actually have any way to attack (well, I have the required MA 2 for being a sidereal, but no charms) so I'll just help with the logistics, information, social, intellectual, fictional, secretive, bullshitty or otherwise nonlethal aspects. I'm GOOD at those
Here is a basic sheet. Currently working on everything. >< I should be done before I sleep though. (Alright, maybe not... almost done... bed time...)

Resplendent Shadow Sapphire

She Who Hunts in the Shadows (Adamant Caste)

  • Age: ??

    Caste: Adamant Caste

    Motivation: To Achieve power to slay that which cannot be slain either by the Viator's power of the industrial power of Alchemical Cities which ever comes first.

    Appearance: In progress

    History: Her attempts were many, her efforts shrouded in darkness and shadow. She was a soul searcher, a soother, one who consoles, one who gave another enough energy to go on with the day in the darkness and the machines. She was Estasian, Yugashian, Sovan, and others besides, and the Tripartite never did care for her efforts, for in her words was the signs of discontentment. Though in her man lives did she ever consider them to be, but when the Champions champion themselves, when those in power work to harm their world, when the prayers of the people are less than the lipservice they serve others sought to rectify because of her.

    She lived a hundred lives, endured a lot of humiliation and pain, ostracized and thrust away, desired but feared, and shadowed death was her reward for each. The last three lives however were marked by the Voidbringers. Dragged away, tortured, twisted, for her words could turn the people against the world they lived in. She resisted every time, but those times wounded her soul. Why was there no rescue? Why did she never grow old only to die at the hands of another. The flash of a string of lives is one that shreds minds, and her last life before her birth at the Pole of Crystal was tainted by it. Secretly harboring misgivings towards the very world that she had trusted for many lives. Who consoles the one who consoles after all, who helps the soul searcher search, who helps the one who inspires another to go on with his day?

    The Divine Ministers had her commissioned aware of her life, unaware of her life tainted misgivings. She was born the Resplendent Shadow Sapphire, in the last Century of Autochthonia, and instead of helping people she strove to help the Great Maker. She was a hunter of sinners, the destroyer of the selfish, the murderer of unregulated progression. For many years she worked at the behest of the Divine Ministers, for years she strove and killed, her wounds were many but she endured them all. But Clarity's song was not for her, even if it could be heard. The Song of the Viator called her, and though she resisted she could not ignore the great horror of the past and only because the Void itself was closing closer and closer to the Pole of Crystal. When she did she feared her death but she did not find the Viator, instead she found a device and a machine god. Eternally curious, Resplendent Shadow Sapphire returned both the Metropolis of Crisova and requested the device to be investigated.

    Weeks later a disaster struck, Void tainted Champions stormed pass the greatest of the Pole's Adamant Defenses their sights set upon one that has been tormented time and time again by them. Hateful of the Void and the whispers that the Engine of Extinction brings she ordered Crisova's more wartime configurations to come to bear while she worked to slaughter their number. Despite her skill and the efforts the Divine Ministers had put upon her nothing could stave off all of them. The strange Machine God that she brought back from her expedition to the extremes between Autochthonia and Nullspace raced out upon its wings, grabbed her and dragged her badly hurt form inside. Crisova for her part erected a barrier of Adamant and began to activate her War Engines. But deep undergound the device that Sapphire brought flared to life, and soon the City and her people were ... not there in Autochthonia anymore. Hovering over Western Ocean Crisova remained damaged but functional, her barriers were broken and only the Optical Shroud was able to be deployed, but she and her people were alive. And then they learned of the world around them and they feared.

    Its been a few years but Sapphire has learned a few things. And she know knows in her heart that the Engine of Extinction has won. She is saddened by this and scouts from time to time hoping that Project Razor may have been completed in time, but in her heart and a soul that has been colored, she desires only one thing: The total annihilation of the Engine of Extinction. To do so she will create of herself a weapon that kills Primoridals and Neverborn alike, and perhaps the Viator might be the only one that can help her, if he survived.

Not having done much text based forum roleplay before, i'm sort of wondering how this'll work out. Since so many of different types of exaltations are joining it's obviously not gonna center around the story of a single circle.

Honestly after having read the whole thread through, i am considering joining with my Djala Sideral of Journeys idea.
Well, maybe we'll have different circles operating towards the same goal that sometimes meet and cross over? I'm rather new to large-scale PbP too. Maybe we can get a sidereal circle to get together and run around like crazy setting up strange coincidences for everyone else?

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