The End is Nigh(Exalted 2.5)

shepsquared said:
I am definitely interested. I'll probably go a solar or infernal. Does autobot as a neverborn mean that the viator won?
You mean the Conductor of Nullspace ^_^
So ya know, I'm going with an Adamant Caste Assassin/Spy/Stealth master (Who if we get high enough will be colossus ship class (I can post the link for those fun rules but until we reach that high I will likely not worry about her transformations)

Anyway she is going to come from an Adamant Caste Metro who is hidden in Creation as a base of operations against the Engine Of Extinction and other threats to it. My chara especially will be attempting to learn ways to slay the Auto turned Death Train. (and I go away for dinner and 10+ pages happen here. Will read back when I have time)
I will be playing a Chosen of Serenity, basic concept is a Muse. He travels the world to inspire its people to achieve great things.

  • Name:

    Age: Apparent 25, Real Age 60

    Caste: Serenity


    Motivation: Inspire the heroes of Creation to achieve great things


    under construction

Going for a Slayer titled Edge of Order and Chaos. It'll be a confused non-optimal build, but hopefully I can pull it off.
Assuming that I have the whole 'Free Excellency' thing down right, here is Hammer of the Populat

  • da26.jpg

Name: Resplendent Starling (or Clear Meadow prior to exaltation)

Age: 22

Caste: Zenith Solar

Description: If you want someone to politely stonewall a minor functionary, Starling can manage. If you want someone able to carry on the conversation that goes between a greeting and a farewell, grab one of the real diplomats. Starling fares better interacting with ghosts more than the living.

She's able to pick up grammatical patterns in languages relatively quickly, having learned from instructors living and ghostly. Gaining access to certain libraries with old scrolls has certainly helped with various studies, although she did not know about warfare until her Second Breath.

Intent on saving ghosts from the Deathlords (and now this Crazy Screaming Soul Train), Resplendent Starling plans to draw a Circle into the Underworld to defeat them. Whether the Circle is alive or dead is less important than whether they are prepared.

Her mind still whirled over the encounter in the library and the troublingly few options laid out before Sijan, which had striven to remain a neutral city-state for so long. Without divine intervention, the Deathlord's victory was certain. Under this stress, combined with skipping meals and the long walk home, exhaustion claimed her consciousness.

She found herself walking in complete darkness. It took a moment before Meadow realised the feeling of rough stone beneath her feet. It was the passageway between library and mausoleum, but which way she was headed, she could not discern.

Then she noticed the ghostly whispers, steadily growing louder as she strode forward. Meadow exhaled slowly before beginning to recite the prayers in time with her footsteps: formal prayers of acknowledgement, promises to tend to their places of rest, chants to guide the way to Sijan of the Underworld, a hymn to Lethe and reincarnation. In them she found guidance and strength. Gradually, the voices joined in tune, chanting in tongues known and unknown to her.

Spidery lines of light came into view. The outline of a door, she was certain. As she drew closer though, they shuddered and shifted until she found herself chanting before a gold-white spectre with four arms. "-see. The barren field's bounty is your valor and conviction. Pray teach me your story, so I may honour thee."

The chorus of a hundred voices resounded. "I'll teach you my story, and you shall honour me," and she stepped through the golden haze.

Appearance: Resplendent Starling tends to keep her long, black hair twisted and neatly pinned up, nary a strand out of place. A tall, androgynous figure, she moves with the eerie grace of one from Sijan.

Additional Notes: I have her down for Silver-Voiced Nightingale (TDO) Style and Butterfly Style (Black Paper Moon) martial arts later on, but if this character fits the game, I'd like to ask permission make some custom charms (War, Performance) instead of investing heavily in MA.
Does initiation into a circle of casting grant a free spell or no? Am I reading the xp chart correctly that infernals would pay 9xp for spells? (ie not 10/8 based on occult)
I wanted to mention this:

Charm: 4xp

Dedicated Slot: 4xp

General Slot: 2xp

Upgrade: 2xp

General Slot: 6xp*

that way, a charm+Favored slot is 8xp and charm+Unfavored slot is 10xp, just like Solars
By this I will point out one things. Upgrading xp 2. General xp 2 and Dedicated 4. There is no need to upgrade.... because one would buy General Charms Slots and not worry about the more restrictive Dedicated Slots. ^^ If you want to keep things this way, cool Otherwise switch Dedicated and General Slots costs. Dedicated to 2xp and General to 4xp. That way when you upgrade Dedicated to General you are spending nearly the same. nod nod

Unless I'm not understanding that very last line... Oo
I'd be interested in joining, and I've had a hankering for a long time to play an Infernal before 2.5 gets pushed out by 3E. I'm thinking kind of a benevolent tyrant kind of guy (of the Klaus Wulfenbach school), who took one look at the kinds of things the Yozis wanted him to do to prove his loyalty, went "NOPE!" and set off back to Creation to go into business for himself. I'd definitely want Malfeas and She Who Lives as my favored Yozis, but caste could go either way on them. Pretty fighty, but also with some chops for socializing and infrastructure.

His reasons for wanting to stop the Engine are pretty simple; he's got the beginnings of a nice little empire, and he can't really continue building and ruling it if the world gets sucked into the Void. Perfectly willing to work with any other forces who want to stop that from happening, so long as they don't preach to him about his methods, up to and including servants of his former "masters."
Seems there's no edit button on this board...

How open are you to homebrewed demons for Unwoven Coadjutors? And I'd also like to know about the Merits and Flaws.
There is an edit button, its just not as prominent as Like and Reply. At the bottom left of the post next to 'Poster' and 'When Posted' is Edit, Report, Bookmark
Sherwood said:
Assuming that I have the whole 'Free Excellency' thing down right, here is Hammer of the Populat

  • Hammer of the Populat


    *Str: 4/5 *Cha: 3 Per: 3

    *Dex: 4/6 Man: 2 *Int: 3

    *Sta: 4/7 App: 2 *Wits: 4


    Archery: 5 Specialty - Crossbows: 2

    Athletics: 2

    Awareness: 2

    Dodge: 3

    Melee: 5 Specialty - Beamklaves: 2

    War: 3

    Presence: 3

    Ride: 1

    Sail: 1

    Socialize: 1

    Stealth: 1

    Survival: 1

    Bureaucracy: 2

    Lore: 1

    Medicine: 1

    Occult: 1


    Class: 3

    Artifact: 5

    Charms: 3

    Manse: 3

    Command: 1 - 25 man squad


    Compassion: 2

    Conviction: 3

    Temperance: 2

    Valor: 2

    Willpower: 7

    Essence: 3

    Personal: 16 [8 committed to Charms]

    Peripheral: 52

And I got the tabs right on it! Woot!
Myllinnia said:
There is an edit button, its just not as prominent as Like and Reply. At the bottom left of the post next to 'Poster' and 'When Posted' is Edit, Report, Bookmark
So there is! Thanks.

  • I'll be playing a Chosen of Secrets. The basic concept is one who views the closed charmset as a challenge and tries to push the rest of the charms to their breaking point.

  • Title: Insatiable Hunger of the Charnel Sea

    Age: 25 (at time of death)

    Caste: Dusk

    Anima Banner: A jet-black siaka stalks warily through grey seas, its maw trailing billowing clouds of violet blood.


That, and I was unsure if merits/flaws/mutations were an option, and Hunger's original iteration had quite a few of these. She was, after all, a shark girl of sorts, fanged dentition and all.
I assume they're from the White Wolf forum. I lurk there and saw Wizard advertising overthere
Myllinnia said:
I wanted to mention this:
By this I will point out one things. Upgrading xp 2. General xp 2 and Dedicated 4. There is no need to upgrade.... because one would buy General Charms Slots and not worry about the more restrictive Dedicated Slots. ^^ If you want to keep things this way, cool Otherwise switch Dedicated and General Slots costs. Dedicated to 2xp and General to 4xp. That way when you upgrade Dedicated to General you are spending nearly the same. nod nod

Unless I'm not understanding that very last line... Oo
He meant General 6xp Dedicated 4xp. I helped him make the Alchemical xp costs, but he accidentally copied my typo too

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