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Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

"Oh, hey Yang... Where's Julie?" He asked, irritatingly politely as he took another sip of his coffee.
He let his mind wander a little ; he was truly curious on the fact she wasn't here... She'd wanted to eat with him after all..,
Yang sighed, feeling her heart sink. "She wasn't feeling well so she stayed back." Yang lied.

(I am going to be gone till tomorrow morning in a bit)
"Oh... Okay... But that's weird, she seemed fine just a few minutes ago..." He took another sip of his coffee.

(( got it ))
"Do you wanna... Order something?" He had to say that some time alone with his weapon was certainly good... Though the fact Julie was missing was still bugging him; he kept his happy facade still however.
"So anyways... Can you tell me a little about yourself; it's best for partners to establish a bond" he keeps his borderline flawless grin... He hates himself because he can grin that well.,. Ugh...
Yang laughed a bit, her smile returning for a second, but soon fleeting. "Yeah, I am not really great at it either." She said, her entire insides twisting and turning with guilt. She could see it in his eyes, he liked her. And she was just going to be thrown away.
"Yang... What's wrong?" He gave a serious stare, something unusual to him. Leo leaned his face a little closer, finishing off his coffee as he did do*
yistae said:
Sweeney followed Valon down the hall, turning in circles as they walked to get a good look at everything. The place was huge! He wondered just how many students and teachers lived at the school. "So, I've actually never been to a school before, and was wondering, are they all this big?" He asked Valon, walking backwards for a moment to look at something on the ceiling.
Valon let his eyes roam as he walked with his weapon, taking in the colossal halls and rooms with ceilings to match. Why did Death need add these unnecessarily large ceilings to a damn school? His lips sliding into a smirk at his thought, Death was weird... He turned his eyes from his surroundings to Sweeney as the other male spoke, surprised at his weapon's words. Had he really never been to a school? The meister found himself wondering why, wanting to know why Sweeney hadn't been to a school before. He looked away again and decided to ask later, the air around them wasn't awkward and he didn't intend to make it like that.

"Well, not usually, I haven't been in school in a long time but I think the ceilings are way shorter, more like half or maybe even a third of this," He said while gesturing to the ceilings above, his eyes not in front of him as he walked, yet again. He bumped into the unexpected wall, hissing at the sudden pain at his head and bringing his hands up to the growing bump and tenderly rubbing it.

"Ow....Stupid," He paused for a second to look at the thing he's bumped into and glaring at a door frame, "Door frame!" He scowled at the door a little longer before he noticed the open double doors, well, more like he noticed the smell wafting out from inside them. He immediately forgot his pain as he caught a glimpse of food and took off after it, his plate loaded with a variety of foods by the time Sweeney had followed him in. Food was most definitely one of his soft spots.
"Okay... are you sure... if there's anything bothering you... I want to know..." Giving another smile, he leans back a little
Yang was a bit disappointed. He was clearly in love with her. She looked down at her drink and started drinking her frappichino.
"Sooo... Umm... I have no idea what to talk about..." He rests his face in his hands, he really wasn't sure about Yang, she was his weapon? Yes. She was his friend? Maybe. That was pretty much everything in his mind.
Yang sighed. "Me either." She said. A weapon and a meister where supposed to have the strongest bond of all, and if some girl came in and stole him, it would break the bond. She wouldn't be able to continue if that happened.
Leo began to tap the table's top, thinking over a few meaningless things as he hummed his own song to himself.

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