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Fandom The DWMA's Other Students

"Ehehe..." Leo began to slowly back away, planning to sneak off to the male dorms, unnoticed.
Yang rubbed the back of her head and noticed him slipping off. "Hey, don't we need to sign up first?" She asked. "Or am I totally lost on this."
Sweeney blushed, embarrassed that he'd been spotted and the colour standing out against his pale skin. He was ad for Yang speaking again and relaxed a little. "Maybe we should just wait here. Someone in charge would come to find out why three kids are just standing around, right?"
Kahn finally walks into the room, after dozing off next to the staircase. He looks around, and slumps over. "...Damn."
Valon trudged up the final stair with a huff, glaring down the massive staircase with disdain before sitting on the concrete with a sigh, his eyes roaming over Death City with a small smirk. So this is home now.... He thought before standing and walking over to the colossal main doors with a chuckle, I can see he likes....extravagance, damn Death. With another sigh he pushed the doors open and walked inside with anxiety festering in his chest, his eyes roaming around the rather large room. There weren't many people left....though he wasn't really focusing on that, he was still looking around the large room in awe, Death why the hell do you need such big things? It's a school dammit! He ranted in his head at the headmaster, Death just always seemed a little weird to him. Lost in thought and not even trying to pay attention, he ran into a blonde girl on accident, his eyes flicking down to her in alarm.

"Ah, damn. Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention..." The meister muttered, his voice cool and monotony as he spoke, his eyes looking over the other people beside this random girl. There was a neko, a snowy haired male, and a dark haired male. He stuffed his hands in his pockets uncomfortably before turning his eyes back to the girl he'd bumped into, a smirk sliding naturally onto his lips.

"Though you really shouldn't be obstructing the middle of the room, missy." He teased, waiting for her response with his smirk still in place.
Yang felt something bump into her and her brow twitched, looking up at him. She in now way swooned or blushed at all, she instead stared right back at him, a smirk sliding on her face. "And you probably shouldn't try to pick up girls when you can't even seem to see where your going." She returned.
Sweeney watched the boy run into Yang then comment about her being more careful, wishing he had brought popcorn for the war that was about to start. He half expected Yang to throw the kid down the stairs, but instead she just had her own comment to say. Even though he tried to stop it Sweeney couldn't help but laugh, looking away and trying to be innocent.
Leo smiled. "Hey Yang, is this guy, bothering you at all?" He smiles and laughs politely, pressing his forefinger to the highest point of his forehead. Then tapping the new guy in the face, lightly... Well, lightly for him at least.
Yang smiled. 'You know what, I think he is. But I got it." she said, walking up to him. She smiled and leaned in close to his face, then kicking him in the no no square hard. "Done." She said.
Cherry, that slightly...no...moderately...no....very...not even close...ah! Grandly insane girl burst into the room. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" She shouted happily...how random.
Cherry's shout threw Kahn out of his dozing (He dozes a lot.) and surprised him. "AH! Hi!?"

He turned just in time to see Yang feign a kiss and kick some guy in the balls. He immediately begins doubling over in laughter.
"Helooooooo..." She used her fingers to count how long she could keep saying 'ooo...'. Ten seconds after she breathed. "What's your name!?"
Kahn smiled, and said "Kaaaaaaaaahhh..." He, too, began counting. "...n." Eleven. He grinned.
Valon chuckled at the pain as he cocked his fist and punched the blonde squarely in the face with a smirk, standing up straight again and watching her with amusement. Flirting? Really? Wow, this girl really thought highly of herself eh?

"Damn, Missy, if you thought that was flirting then I guess you haven't been hit on in awhile, I'm not into girls that kick me in the nuts upon introductions," The meister challenged, his smirk faltering slightly at the pain, God, it hurt! Though his fists weren't exactly feathers...

His golden eyes turned to the guy that had touched him, a chuckle leaking from his lips as he flicked the other male on the head none too gently and turned to face the mysterious people.

"I'm Valon by the way, a meister. How about you guys?" He introduced, watching the blonde warily as he awaited the others answers.

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