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Fantasy The Divide

The door to the kendo room swung wide open, a young man standing in the doorway with a dull look in his eyes. Michael hadn't found a single reason to bother with any of the school's activities since he'd arrived less than a month ago but today was different. Now there was something worth aiming for aside from keeping his grades up here. Not a hard task considering he was going straight A's at this point. The studies here hadn't been all that difficult, even when having to figure it all out in Japanese. Much of it he'd learned already back home. Then again this was public school. The standards would be lower than a private one.

Though his hair was long and white it was strangely neat, his bangs settling on either side of his eyes to stay out of his vision with the back falling behind straight and clean. In fact, neat was a good word to describe the French boy. His mannerisms and appearance were comparable to a business man, his uniform always cleaned and straightened out, not a button out of a place, while keeping the demeanor of someone long since detached to what he was doing. So the prim proper genius showing up in the kendo room was a strange sight. He'd never shown interest in any sport before nor had he even shown any athletic skill to begin with.

Blue eyes scanned over the room and settled on a black haired girl speaking to another student. An American student he didn't know. He safely ignored him. He stepped away from the door and towards the center of the room, eyes staying fixed on the girl before he stopped, clearing his throat before speaking up. "Mizoto-san." His accent was strong for someone who hadn't been in the country long but not flawless. A tinge of what could only be his native tongue managed to slip in but he didn't seem phased as he addressed the young woman.
The smell of breakfast wafted in the air like a thick morning haze, and the sounds of idle chatter filled Emiko's ears. She had slowly risen from sleep, only to answer for the discomfort of her empty stomach, and left the small plain room in which she had stayed. The kitchen was not far away, and she had no trouble finding her way, merely following the sounds of the small morning gathering. The small girl entered the kitchen in discrete silence, not bothering to announce her presence. She merely began her search for an acceptable meal to break her fast.
Woods' eyebrow had finally fallen back in line with the other, only to shoot back up like an excited puppy. Dansei, eh? There had to be some significance to that... Dansei could be roughly translated to 'male' in english, why would she use such a term to address him? Women were complicated individuals, whose thoughts were based on emotions, more so than their male counter-parts. It could have been for any number of reasons. It was a bland term in comparison to other choice phrases, perhaps she was trying to convey a sense of disinterest? Sure, he'd been asked out a number of times by some of the female students, and one male student-which had been awkward as hell-and he'd turned them all down. What reason would she have to believe he would attempt to pursue her?

He shook his head slightly, partly to clear his head of the thoughts of females and their intricate webs and partly to answer her question. "There is no particular reason I chose kendo, other than I needed a club activity. As you know, club participation is mandatory. I enjoy the hand-to-hand martial arts, but you can learn karate pretty much any where. And there isn't exactly an over-abundance of martial art clubs. So that left kendo. I've been meaning to learn some style of swordplay, and it happened to fit the bill." He grinned. "All I had to do was pay the entrance fee and order my own bogu. So it was easy on the budget. A win-win scenario."

Alexander appeared to be unfazed by Mizoto's claims of victory. He'd beaten, or at least come close to beating, many of the members of the club, including some of the more senior kendoka. Of course, he'd had plenty of time to observe their style and favored moves beforehand, but he was in no hurry to let her know that. "And there are too many factors to determine that, as you well know, Mizoto-chan. Not to mention I'm unfamiliar with iaijutsu in gene-"

Woods was cut-off by a vaguely European-tinged tenor. 'Mizoto-san.' Was all the newcomer said, he hadn't heard him approach or announce himself other than that. Damn room was too noisy.

He turned to get a look at the stranger, noting the shockingly white hair and immaculate state of his school uniform.

Alexander knew it was irrational, knew that there was no call for the emotions he felt raging to the surface from the most primitive parts of his psyche.

There was just something about this guy that pissed him off.
Johanna's ears kept with each of the words, letting the vibrations coarse through her ears, bouncing off her ear drum and relaying the messages to the brain. Yet, her personality chalked full of disinterest and arrogance blocked most of the information, sorting out only things that she would be interested in. So far, the grand total of words had reached a nice chunk of nothing.

This arrogance, this almost disrespectful personality, had more to do with the male standing before her more so than it did with her own persona. She wasn't this arrogant, she often would show humility when competing when it came to people of lower talent than her, but she heard so many things about the American. Not just from the females, but from the male classmates too. Particularly those of the kendo club, and how quickly he had progressed. This made him a worthy opponent, someone she could challenge and see if she was better than. Someone actually worthy of her time.

She had known that her iaijutsu skills were rough, it being one of her weaker forms, but compared to kendo she was sure she had enough skills to take him on.

Oh, now he was preemptively making excuses, 'that's not befitting of you amerikanjin' was what she was thinking before he stopped mid sentence, which led her eyes to follow his to the source of his sudden halt on conversation. She hadn't notice him enter, draw close, nor speak. Perhaps because she had been focusing on the man before her, or maybe it was because the room was extremely noisy. Whatever the case, her eyes fell on Michael.

Something was slightly off about his accent, it was strange. He was an exchange student who had only been around for a month or so if any of her classmates were correct on their information, yet the hint of his native accent was only as much as her own German one. The difference being, Johanna grew up mainly in Japan, so her accent only being slightly noticeable made sense. She was sure he was only in this country for a month.

Those thoughts jumped around her head, similar to those jumping beans one might find for sale in Mexico, leaving her just staring at the newcomer. After awhile, she realized what she was doing and took to speaking,"I'm sorry, what?" she inquired in a dumbfounded stupor.

It took a minute before she managed to process what he had said, and rose a brow. What business did he have with her? Did her coach send him to fetch her for basketball? She scrunched up her nose in disgust at herself for even coming up with that thought because it made no logical sense. He didn't do sports, and her coach wouldn't send a guy to fetch her.

"What is it?" she finally questioned once she had regained her focus, shifting her weight to keep one leg from falling asleep.
Michael didn't seem to mind that he was interrupting a conversation, his gaze glancing for all of a split second to look over the boy who'd shot a glance towards him. Despite it's briefness it was enlightening. Alexander Woods, transfer student, American, an affection magnet for much of the school's female population, skilled in kendo. Simple details, none holding any weight. Not any more so than knowing his hair color. He was, quite frankly, a nobody. Sure, people recognized his existence but he might as well not exist for all it mattered to Michael. Just another face in the crowd.

Then there was Johanna. Everything he needed to know was already in his mind. An interesting person to say the least if not the least bit irritating. Psychological analysis had picked up that much but the way she turned to face him came off as... slow. It was as if half her brained was switched off, her gaze practically glazed over as she tried to figure out who'd spoken like a monkey with a concussion. Even when she didn't begin to speak it was just as slow and just as uncertain. Despite anger boiling just beneath the surface, Michael just sighed and waited for, looking collected as ever before she spoke with some clarity after what felt like an age.

Even then it was simple, rude even. Demanding the answer without even the most base show of social grace. He hadn't expected anything less but it didn't make the experience any less unpleasant. He idly brushed off the front of his shirt as he spoke, his words brisk and clear. "My name is Micheal De Lange. One of my teachers insisted I introduce myself to you in hopes of getting along with someone from someplace more familiar to me." A clean lie, no falter in his face or voice as he said it straight to her face. The barest trace of a smile causes the corners of his lips to turn upwards. "I think it'd be a good idea to get to know you, Mizoto-san."
Johanna stared at Michael for a few moments, but this time it wasn't out of confusion. It was quite the opposite actually. She understood the situation, on the surface of it at all at least though she wasn't quite sure how'd she be considered that someone. Yes, she had been born in Germany. Yes, she had spent the first few years of her life there, and yes she had spent many summers their with her aunt and grandparents. But for the most part she was Japanese, having spent most of her life here, and even being mostly Japanese. (her mother was half German half Japanese, but she was told her father -whom she never met- was Japanese also. This would effectively make her three quarters Japanese.

He had said from though, but even to that accord Johanna (outside of her First name and slight accent) didn't much consider herself from somewhere else, or foreign for that matter. She had no interest in getting to know someone because they had figured she was from somewhere else, and thus they had that in common. So she scoffed before chuckling lowly under her breath, inaudible for human ears, and turning her back on Michael.

Not only did she have no interest in getting to know him, she had even loss her interest to be in the current room she was. She started her exit from the room, walking slowly with her hands behind her back,"I have no interest in getting to know you Michael-san, If I need to get to know someone with a similar background I am sure my little brother is more fitting for that role."

She had almost made it to the door before she looked over her shoulder,"But I'm sure the amerikanjin there has more in common with you than myself." as she finished those last bit of words, she raised her hand to signal a good bye and confirmation of her exit.
Saphire waved goodbye to Akio, cleaning some of the dishes they had used. So, he wasn't a fan of her schooling system? Fair enough, most humans were uninterested in the supernatural. The sound of steps brought her attention back to the inn... she had work to do, guests to feed, and a mansion to clean. I don't have time to focus on him right now. Saphire walked over to the table again, smiling a greeting at... Oh yes, she'd been called Emiko. "We have rice, fish, and eggs this morning, Emiko." Studiously she hid the wringing of her hands by cleaning them off on her apron. Something about the demon seemed... uncomfortable, as though there was something not quite right, but the bluenet held back her reservations, treating the demon as all others. Emiko hadn't done anything illegal, that she was aware of, just yet after all.
Woods took a slow, deep draft of air and exhaled just as slowly. He had to calm down, it was unfair of him to judge the stranger without having exchanged so much as a word. Even though the str-ah, he goes by Michael-seemed to be pointedly ignoring him. And the air of arrogance the upper crust of society all seemed to be masters of...

Something about the guy stank. Not literally, in fact he probably smelled quite nice, the subtle aroma of an easy life and old money... But his instincts were telling him something was off. He wasn't sure what it was about the guy that made him so uneasy, but he wasn't one to ignore such feelings. He'd keep the guy at arms length, always in sight, and as far away from his back as possible. At least until he did something to dissuade his unease.

That being said, he found an immense amount of satisfaction at the ease of which Mizoto brushed him off. Almost like an annoying fly that had been buzzing in her ear. That is, until she had the gall to suggest the white haired gent had anything in common with him at all. He found it difficult to keep the sneer from his words. "In common, with him? Ha! I doubt the kid has lifted a finger of his own in his life."

He immediately regretted the words, however closely they may have followed his train of thought. It was too unfair of him to judge the guy so harshly. He cursed himself, but held his tongue from apologizing. He'd rather be seen as a dick certain in his convictions, than one who couldn't keep his mouth running faster than his brain.
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Michael's smile disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared as the girl shrugged him off. His expression was grim and stony as he watched her slowly back out towards the exit, her words as blunt as could be. And insulting to boot. It wasn't her words that gave her away but her tone. She considered herself above him. He'd barely spoken a whole sentence and already she was bored with him, insisting on pushing him towards others she thought below him. The sheer egotism of it all made his blood boil but he stayed quiet, trying to appear neutral as she left the room. She had pushed him right to the edge. Another word out of her and he would have gotten angry.

That's when the nobody spoke up. Michael turned his head slowly to glower at the American student, none of his anger and spite being held back in his gaze this time around. The girl had poked and prodded at his patience. This -boy-, on the other hand, just stabbed it with a needle. Despite lacking just about every other social grace, she'd gone out of her to not say anything insulting within context. He'd shot straight for the gut in the lowest manner. Michael almost pitied what was to come.

"A bold statement." When he spoke his words weren't angry but rather cold, a great detachment from anything meant to be comfortable to listen to. "Too bold." He took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breathe through his nose, knowing that doing something foolish out of poorly founded anger would gain him nothing. As his pulse began to drop his eyes opened, his gaze critical as he crossed his arms over his chest and opened his mouth. He'd switched flawlessly from one dialect to another as the next words that came out of his mouth were English, the touch of his home country again audible in his words. "So you're some sort of kendo otaku from the states, right?"
A bold statement... Too bold.

Geez, was this guy going for Arrogant Prick of the Year award? If he wasn't careful, Michael might snap his own neck trying to turn up his nose over Woods' head. As much as the sight would be amusing, he'd have to wonder if he could be charged with involuntarily manslaughter if it actually happened. And seeing as was here at the expense of the American government, he'd rather avoid such, albeit far-fetched, allegations.

Even so, the... European dandy, as he had yet to identify his accent... Oh, he's using english... French, then, if his ears weren't failing him. The Frenchman seemed to be keeping himself under control. That showed at least some discipline, that or some sort of sociopathic apathy... Gah, damn psych books were messing with his head... Why his Aikido instructor recommended them was beyond him. But it was good the kid was keeping a hold on himself.

He'd hate to have to explain to the Principal why the two foreignors had to decided to duke it out. Well, more of why Woods had nearly killed the exchange student. And he didn't want to think about how enraged disappointed his CO mother would be that Woods had let a fellow student get to him so as to cause a fight.

After a brief pause Woods replied, also in english. "Otaku? Hardly, I hadn't picked up a shinai, that's the bamboo sticks the people around us are whacking each other with, before I came to Japan a few months before you." He came off as prick, but that was the lesser of two evils. He wanted to avoid a fight as much as possible, but that didn't mean he couldn't antagonize a little.
Upon exiting the room, Johanna had made her journey to the gym. That other kid, Michael? and Woods were plastered on her mind. Her Iaijutsu needed practice, and she was sure Woods would provide that. Admittedly, she was a bit slow when drawing from the sheath, but her attacks and parries were quite quick once she had gotten the blade out.

That Michael fellow though, something seemed a bit off about him. What teacher would send a new student to her? A male at that. There was nothing he could learn from her save how to skip classes, it didn't make sense. She wasn't too sure on the situation, but a loud shout broke her thought chain,"Mizoto! Your'e late, run!" Came an older, feminine voice.

Johanna had finally reached the basketball court, the concerto of squeaks from the shoes stopping against the floor made her even more aware of the situation. Clearly their basketball coach hadn't worked with Johanna much, running was not a punishment, but actually would give her more time to think.

She ran a few laps around the gym, body temperature, nor heart rate, nor respiratory rate, nor anything changing much as it would a normal person. Not for her, this running was not close to her max speed, so her body didn't need to adjust much to the pace.

"He's a liar," she finally concluded, as she had hit a corner of the court before her coach blew a whistle and waved for her to come join in on the five on five scrimmage. Why would he lie? was what she thought as some girl, well the girl she texted to pick her brother up the night before, tossed her the ball. Johanna was the point guard for the team, and so she brought the ball up the court before passing it off.

What does he gain from lying? continued her thoughts as she cut through the crowd of people back to the three line, trying to focus to keep her speed down. She took a deep breath as she jumped in the air, again focusing to keep herself from jumping unnaturally high, letting the ball release from her hands it sailing through the net with a satisfying swish.

She stood there for a moment, trying to retrace her thoughts, considering limiting her ability took a bit of though,"MIZOTO BACK ON DEFENSE!" she looked up, before turning around running down court and standing in front of the girl she was guarding, reaching her hand out and tapping the ball out.

She rushed to gather the ball passing it back to the same girl, Kasumi, who picked her brother up, as the two rushed down court against the single girl defender. Kasumi had pump faked, but tossed it to the trailing Johanna who jumped in the air. One of the taller girls on the team came from behind Johanna attempting to block the ball and would have succeeded had Johanna not dropped her arms down with the ball bringing it up to the other side and laying it in.

Oh how much basketball uninterested her. That's how her practice would go, jumping in and out of trying to figure out why would Michael lie (the thought he was attracted to her crossed her mind, but she also resolved he was homosexual so dropped that idea) , and to concentrating on being good at basketball without using an inhumanly amount of her abilities.
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Pale eyes studied the innkeeper for a few moments, in fact, a bit longer than what one could usually deem comfortable. It was not a particularly telling stare, seemingly almost vacant, but calculating at the same time. The young girl finally blinked, grabbing a plate, though her eyes never wandered. "Eggs" She merely said, her voice deep and smooth like velvet. An unlikely sound from such a girl. "Please," She added after a moment, remembering her courtesies. It seemed her inquiry was finished before she recalled a small but important detail. "Do you have tea?"
In a grimy alleyway, a small flyer was carried by the wind and danced about through the air until coming to a rest on a snoring young man's face. The man woke up, startled by the paper, and ripped the offending item off his face.

"Freaking humans.....can't even clean up after themselves." The youth irritably grumbled. He took a glance at the flyer, managing to catch something about missing children in the area.

"Probably just a another idiot D-Rank who can't keep quiet. Great." The young man stretched out his arms and let out a massive yawn as he did so, then looked at his arms to discover that his skin was beginning to flake and peel. 'Welp, looks like I'll have to find another one. Guess I'll check another alley for any....volunteers.' The young man then brushed off bits of dirt and grime left on his red jacket and set off for the nearest potential location of the homeless.
Michael seems even less impressed with his fellow student's back talking as he mentioned the fine, obvious points of kendo. He had half a mind to inform him that he knew what a shinai was but all it'd be doing was giving him something to egg him on with. The whole point of being here wasn't to make enemies -- with this guy at any rate. He took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breathe, his stress melting away in an instant. When his gaze opened he was calm, professional even. He would be the better man even if it killed him.

"Whatever the case, it seems as if coming here was a mistake. I'll be making my leave then, Mr. Woods," he said, still in English for the sake of familiarity. He began to turn, idly adjusting his collar before stopping halfway and staring off into nothing in particular. He was suddenly stricken with the memory of what he'd seen when he'd entered the room. He glanced back at him from the corner of his eye before clearing his throat to get the American's attention.

"Before I go, here's a bit of advice. Take it or don't, I suppose it doesn't matter either way." His head turned to meet eyes with the younger man, his expression and tone suddenly dead serious. "Stay away from Johanna Mizoto at all costs. It's for your own good." As he turned away he knew he'd already said too much. Suspicion would only rise if he ran into her again and told her what he'd said. Regardless maybe this fool might have enough common sense to grasp the urgency of it all. It would sure as hell make his job in the future much easier. Without so much as a glance backwards he marched off out of the kendo room.
After vomiting blood in a dumpster for what had to be the fifth time in a row, Ophidius finally felt traces of the human poison leave his newfound body.

'Of all the humans that could be spiritually aware, it just had to be some drug-addicted wastrel. What wonderful luck I have....' he thought as he wiped the blood from his mouth. 'These inorganic toxins the humans are so fond of are always so damn hard to process.....ugh.' he reflected before finally feeling his shaking and chills subside. Pulling his head away from the dumpster's edge, he straightened out his jacket that seemed cleaner that it had been before. He then started walking East toward a faint smell of killing intent, most likely a low-ranking demon that was trying to conceal itself.

'Guess those humans are right about 'the munchies' or whatever they call it these days. A quick snack wouldn't hurt....well, it wouldn't hurt me. I can't say the same about this poor sap.' His reflections came to an end upon reaching what seemed to be the end of the trail, the scent having stopped abruptly. He could not track it further, but could still feel the malicious intent inherent in most demons somewhere very close. He looked about his surroundings analytically before finding a general direction to search.


A quick look at his feet revealed the manhole cover of a sewer directly beneath him. "Must be getting rusty if I missed something that obvious." Ophidius grumbled. "I might have to play with this one a bit to get back into shape. Freaking sewer mutants are such a pain anyway, so there'll already be a challenge. No need to cut loose, though."

There was truth to his ramblings, as demons can be quite formidable in dark spaces where they can plan an ambush. A wily enough demon can turn a sewer into a mausoleum in the span of a few days. Having removed and replaced the manhole cover, Ophidius began to hum a tune as he began his descent into the demon's fetid domain.

"I'll take you right into the Danger Zone.....~"
That was it. Practice had finished, and she had run dry on reasons to stay at school on a Saturday. To be truthful, she didn't care to stay much longer had she had a valid reason. Michael had effectively ruined her desire (if there had existed one) for her presence at the place she deemed a "hell hole."


The distinct sound of running water flooded the girl's locker room with sound, a clear announcement that practice was indeed over for the young women. That same whoosh would be echoed, as a few more showers were turning on as the girls made their way under the water. All but Johanna, who sat calmly on one of the several benches through the metal labyrinth of lockers. A simple white towel sat on top of her head, sable hair peaking from underneath at various points. Those green eyes of her, in all of their sea foam glory gazed out into a vast air of nothing.

She was there, and she wasn't, all at once. Mind running through thoughts of what just occurred,"Who, is that brat?" Her lips parted to let the whisper flow from her mouth, but considering how severely slight it was...they might as well hadn't.

"You alright Mizoto-kun?" inquired a voice, one that was familiar to her ears. It managed to break her trance as those green orbs came to meet the source's. Kasumi. A smile was all she offered to the elder girl, seceded by a nod as she slowly got to her feet. The other girls were filing out from the showers, towels covering their bodies. Johanna would take this time to go herself....

Minutes had passed before she made her way from the school, a different wardrobe from this morning. Long black socks that reached her knees, with flat shoes matching in color. A navy blue skirt (that her mother would deem a bit short but ...) with a white short sleeve button up blouse. No mittens. No ear muffs. Just as described. This girl could not have realized it was winter.

Perhaps she didn't quite understand the concept of winter. In any case, she walked through the streets of the snow covered Japanese city, arms wrapped around about her abdomen blankly staring at nothing. Blank stares seemed to be her favorite hobby.
Mars Ayres.

The woman with long black hair that fell down her shoulders in waves sat upright at the very top of a building that use to be a construction site but had been abandoned. Her eyes glowed with a pink color, ripples of purple swam in them and it was clear that she wasn't a human with such unnatural eye color. An emotionless expression covered Mars's face as she starred off into the sky, bored and slightly annoyed. She had nothing to do, the silence was killing her.

Mars wore a black kimono made of the finest silk for a demon, it hugged her body nicely to before the front bottom was opened enough to see her long slightly pale legs. Her black zori shoes had a pink/purple decoration of a cherry petals and they were a bit thick at the bottom, keeping her a good 3 inches away from the floor. A familiar smell seemed to fly around Mars, making her a bit curious but she only needed a moment to realize it was Johanna. With that knowledge she stood up and sprinted with an unusual speed for a human. The figure of the woman lengthy white hair, a poker face lay on her face. Yea, that's Johanna.

"Johanna!" Mars called out as she jumped off the building and a few feet in front of Johanna. She was glad to see her so she gave Johanna a polite bow and tilt of her head when she stood straight again.
A lone brow rose when mars landed before her, not expecting her demon companion to make such an interest. She removed her natural hand, her right, from her abdomen and let her fingers part her black hair before returning it to its original position. Her brow lowered but she shook her head,"I told ya' I don't like the whole bowing thing."

Her intentions were not to be rude to her friend, but she really did not like to partake in bowing as a sign of respect, happiness, whatever they did it for,"Well, what are you up to Mars?" She couldn't recall the last time she had seen her - not that it was terribly long ago, but with everything that had taken place over the course of the last few days, her mind was jumbled with thoughts. It was stressing her out a bit, but Mars helped alleviate some of that pressure.

"You're not causing trouble again are you?" she continued though not truly concerned whether or not she was. She didn't care what the demon before her did, as long as she wasn't ruthlessly killing humans just for the sake of killing humans, Johanna did not find issue with anything she did.

(for some reason..it was really hard for me to write that O.o )
Blasting the manhole cover off with a pulse of his demonic energy, Ophidius emerged from the sewer, coated in sizzling blue demon blood and several....unmentionable human fluids.

"Free at last!" he hissed gleefully, "We will lay waste to the surface-dwellers! Gollum! Gollum!"
The exorcist sat down at a coffee shop and ordered a usual. He got in return a hot mocha, the thing he always used to get started on his day. The city was large, and there was always use for him supposedly. He never found shortage of work and the church frequently kept him busy. Demons had always been troublesome in his eyes. He wore a trench coat and typical priest clothing. It suited the city's moderate climate well, plus it kept his markings hidden away. He gazed out the window, he swore he saw two women converging upon a single point.

He frowned slightly, not that two women meeting wasn't normal. But rather the way the two met, almost looked as if one had jumped down an impossibly high construction building. John sighed, he wondered if he should give chase. He got up and took his coffee with him. Maybe they weren't demons, who knows. He approached the two women and gave a half wave.

"Hey, what's going on?" He said, the golden cross dangling at his neck. "I might have been mistaken but it looks like you just jumped off that construction building."
Mars looked over at the man that had came up to them, her eyes looked over at him with a slight tilt to her head as if reading him. She felt a sense of danger from how he just walked but she kept her mouth shut. She gave his necklace a quick look before looking up at his face, a smile that held secrets and mischievousness. The reason why she didn't cause trouble? Was because Johanna didn't look like she really wanted any problems right now. Of course it sort of annoyed Mars that he had interrupted, she forgot to ask Johanna if she had been alright. Oh well, she could ask after this.

Running a hand through her black hair Mars kept it out of her face as the cold wind picked up a bit, no blood and no killing. She's a C class demon and even though she was quite bored, she would have to keep calm with this... priest. There was never going to be a time she would be comfortable around a priest. Or at least she hoped so.

"Relax human, I have yet to slay an innocent soul," Her voice held a bored tone, clearly she wasn't entertained at the moment.
The Exorcist looked confused, "Wait wait wait, woah hold on a fucking second." He takes a sip of his coffee and looks at the other two. "They didn't slip something into my coffee right. So you just outright admitted you're a demon to an exorcist and now rather than try to kill me and us fight in the middle of the city, you're like 'hey what's up, how's the weather? wife and kids treating you alright?' Now color me confused. Normally demons just howl, hiss, and try to gouge my eyes out. You two some kind of specials?" He says moving his hand away from his concealed revolver. "Oh no, my common sense is tingling! It's telling me that I should actually talk this out and figure out what's going on rather than jumping to conclusions and shooting at both of you."
Johanna's attention was diverted from Mars onto the new arrival, her hair catching a bit of drift in the wind. She used her foot to push over a pile of snow before letting her eyes lay on the man who arrived, looking him over before deciding to shrug her shoulders.

"What if she did?" she questioned, a little bit of irritation in her voice more than anything. She was not entertained by the situation at hand, nor did she care for what could arise if she stood around any longer,"Are ya' some officer? Or can I carry on with my day? Or are you going to try and kill her, that be it? "

"Specials?" she questioned readjusting her stance arms folded still,"Priest you have no quarry with me, I'm human. But if you dare try to harm her, I will beat you within an inch of your death just to tease the shinigami with your soul." She could feel her spiritual energy building up in her right hand, her heart rate rising, her anger boiling over. She about faced, letting her back face the newcomer before starting to walk away. Koharu wouldn't be too mad for beat the living likes out of one human would he?
Ophidius was overlooking the scene from the now-abandoned construction site, having stealthily rushed to the scene after tasting that delicious killing intent. So much pent-up anger, with a hint of apathy. Just like a fine wine, he sampled the air longingly, the foul flavor reminding him of home.

Deciding to stop smelling the roses, so to speak, he nimbly leapt through the air, soaring gracefully.....and then tumbling and landing in an awkward heap.

'Best not make them think I'm too strong. Don't want them to try and cause a ruckus too soon...' he thought to himself.

He peeled himself off the ground and brushed some dirt off his favorite red jacket, straightened his tie, and lightly dusted his slacks. First impressions are important, after all. Then again, it might not have been a good idea to greet someone while coated in demon blood and human.....mess.
John shrugged, "Well yes, my common sense definitely tells me that if someone were to try and gouge my eyes out I should definitely try and kill them or at the very least get them to stop. I mean that's the typical thing to do right? For demons as well, right?" He looks at the woman who jumped from the impossibly tall building. "Whenever someone would try to gouge your eyes out, you would probably kill them, or at the very least keep them at an arm's length so they cannot reach your eyes, right?" John took another drink of coffee, "So let me get this straight, you're a demon who's friends with a human. Like, normal friends right?" The Exorcist took another sip of coffee. He then punched himself in the gut, causing him to double over. "Nope, definitely real.. Ow... Okay, so I'm not hallucinating, or dreaming or." He stops as he watches the rather showy display and gives the demon this face:

"Really? Really? Because leaping through the city and showing off demonic powers seems like a bright idea? In what century are you fucking from? Full garbed priest, right here. Does that mean nothing to you? My job is to kill you demons yet all of you are here like, 'oi I say that chap looks like a splendid fellow let's go right along and greet him and his merry way while we enjoy brunch with tea and crumpets and jam with toast.' I mean, you don't behave this way around angels, right?" John rubs his temples, "Okay, admittedly I may have over reacted with your friend." He says turning to Johanna, "But this motherfucker right here, this guy who just painted a HUGE BILLBOARD that says 'Oh hey I'm not normal, try to shoot at me.' I think just did it for me. I mean this cannot be normal behavior, can it?" He looked genuinely puzzled by this newfound discovery. Like learning suddenly that people from a foreign country also have feelings too. "First, you talk to me in a very pleasant and polite manner. Then you come out of nowhere and go bounding up the street like you're a superball with a spring inside of it that has been coated in flubber. What is going on here?"

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