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Fantasy The Divide

Haru Yukimura: The Ai Oni

Haru listened to them both, basically they told him that if he didn't murder then they wouldn't pick a fight with him. Of course that was the problem, Haru did murder. He hadn't murdered recently but he has taken many lives, especially way back then, maybe centuries ago when he found out he died. Haru flew in a rage and killed all the couples he could find. However Haru decided he would keep this a secret, after all having two Guardians as enemies would be trouble. Besides befriending them would be a perfect opportunity to take gain information on them and with Saphire offering him a place to stay Haru knew this was the perfect chance. Only problem was that he was low on funds, he hadn't made a lot of deals lately, in fact his last deal was a year ago.

"My sins...my sins were falling in love with a mortal man, way back in feudal Japan,"Haru answered. It was half of his sins, but a sin nonetheless."And I would be honored if you let me stay at your inn, I am running low on funds but I will help in any way possible." Bowing to Saphire he heard a taunting voice making him look behind him spotting another fallen angel with short black hair and equally black wings. Haru was a loner amongst the fallen so he didn't know this one even though they were the same. Tightening his grip on his khakkhara he brandished it at the fallen. "What business do you have with us?"
Saphire had smiled sadly when Haru had mentioned falling in love with a mortal. It was sad that such a thing was a sin, but she could do nothing about it. The other fallen, however, had surprised her. Turning around quickly, letting the naginata fall to a more combatative pose, she looked him over. Strong. Probably both of them are as strong as, if not stronger than, both of us. With their power sealed. What had been a warning face lightened when he spoke to them, even if it had been an insulting choice of words. "Ah, but isn't it better to have more insurance, in case something unexpected happened? Working together we managed to save the souls of a few children, which I may not have been able to do alone. As such is the case I am glad for the help. Would not you be glad for help in whatever goals you had, if you were not certain of victory?" And she was never sure of victory. "My name is Tsuki Saphire, a Guardian of the human world."
"Hmph your words has some wisdom so i will return your greeting." He does a small bow. "My name is akio and i am one of the fallen. Im in this land for one the purpose of wandering. And like that one fallen for reasons of love." He looked at them as if he was seeing what they could not. So i take it you've already succeed in your task?"
"My goal was simply to apprehend or eliminate the demons who were responsible for ending the lives of young children in this park." As so far the only one around had been the first... that meant she was probably finished. These two are free to do as they wished, as far as she was concerned, since neither one was intent on harming the humans around here. "Are you in need of lodging? I run an inn for the supernatural who follow the laws, namely not eating the souls of humans or killing them." Those were the worst crimes in her mind.... but then again, she hadn't heard of slave trade amongst the denisens of any three worlds.
"Lodging for the super natural run by a guardian? Interesting even if your only beginning to learn your power." He seemed to think for a moment not moving. Even like this however his stance had no holes in his defense. It was obvious he was well trained in the skill of combat. "I do not usually use money but i refuse to just be given charity so i will pull my weight. I have no love for demon kinds fallen or not and i trust my ability even in this form to hunt them. If you allow me ill earn my keep by assisting you on your tasks guardian Tsuki Saphire." While his words did contain arrogance in some parts of his speech he did not seem to be lying or trying to trick them.
Saphire smiled honestly, bright and open. He was arrogant, but obviously well trained, and more importantly he was nice. Always a good thing to have in a potential companion. "All I ask is that my guests pay what they can and work around the house. If you wish to help me, then I'll not refuse." She needed all the help she could get, and knew it. "In fact, I would be most grateful for the assistance." It's almost like a video game, new party member and all! Except, it's more dangerous than any game.
'Hmph a guardian accepting help from one of the fallen, she is certainly a special existence to allow for that.' He thought to himself though he wasent sure the comment was a insult or praise quite yet. "Very well, till the point i no longer require lodging i will follow you." He couldnt help but think to himself this was strange even for him, to make a alliance with one he just met. Neither of the two guardians, the one who accepted or the one who had yet to speak were strong, only about as strong as this form with century's less experience. However he felt that for some reason these two, had almost unreachable potential. He could feel it just by being near them. 'Whatever,' He thought to himself. 'In less then a couple decades they will most likely be dead and i will move on. Its nothing important, just some entertainment.'
"It is an honor to have you." Saphire bowed to him, grateful for his presence and willingness to assist her. Haru was going to help out in the house, Akio was going to help with fighting... which was good, as she still had far to go... and now all that was left was to figure out the caramel-haired woman. "And you, what is your name miss?" She hoped there wouldn't be an argument with the young one. I wonder of Koharu knows of her?

((@AkuNoOkami ))
Johanna watched over the happenings, and yawned a bit. She couldn't say she was overly excited about any of it, but in the same boat she didn't quite care. She had questions for Koharu, starting particularly with, why in the hell wasn't she informed of the woman before her. She also wanted to know, if she was a Guardian, why the hell did Johanna needed to be out and about late at nights. Why couldn't this girl do it?

Speak of the devil,"Mizoto, Mizoto Johanna." was the only thing she offered the woman, before turning on her heels and starting to walk off. She raised her hand in the air to signal she didn't want anything to do with them. Stubborn brat.

"Stubborn fool," echoed the sentiment as Koharu appeared from the shadows in his "cold" gear. The leather glove covered hand ran through his hair before eyeing the people before him. This caused Johanna to stop in her tracks, for this was who she wanted to speak with. Koharu looked to Saphire, before looking at the two fallen angels,"Well Saphire, I see you've met miss loud mouth over here." Johanna didn't take that comment very well, but she didn't do much to protest in the cool weather.

"The two of you are Guardians as you know, and since you've met, it's no need to keep you guys waiting from working on missions together," he laughed with a gentle smile. The truth was, they hoped that the two never met each other, ebcause together they were more likely to unlock their true powers and wreak havoc across the the world, well at least for spirit world, but they knew realistically that wouldn't occur.

Koharu looked back to the fallen again,"I'm not sure if you know who I am, but I'm Koharu, second in command in Spirit world. I know who you two are, and I know your crimes." Koharu offered a smile before shooting a glare at Haru, before looking back to Saphire. He wouldn't inform her of some of his crimes against humanity, because he couldn't risk his two Guardians so early on, even though he was sure the two together could handle his "human" form. It would be good for them to keep an eye on him, and perhaps they could pick up something from them.

Koharu glanced to the final fallen,"And I heard you say you'd help with the fighting, good. Because the loud mouth here needs some formal training."

Johanna remained silent, only giving the roll of her eyes as a response. After a moment passed, before anyone would get a chance to speak she disappeared into the night.
"Well this is interesting, why would the the second in command of the spirit world take interest in such a small gathering and most of all just two guardians." Akio did not seem to be disturbed about the mention of his crimes at least on the outside though his aura got slightly agitated. "I can only train someone if they allow me, otherwise i dont mind. I do not think people so young have the proper battle experience after all." he said looking at the two guardians before looking back at him. "Though i guess its because their aura right, their potential." He watched Johanna walk away for a moment before he looks back at Koharu.
Johanna left... typical of her, but still not something he was glad for. It would be easier to control the hot-headed woman's actions if she were near her foil, Saphire. Shaking his head slightly Koharu shifted his attention to the Fallen in front of him. Akio, he had said, correct? "We need to talk in private for a minute Akio. Saphire?" When the girl nodded politely, smiling slightly, he waved the Fallen over to a small clearing separate from the group, but not so far that they wouldn't be able to act if something happened. It was a gamble to trust this Fallen, but something prompted Koharu to do so. Perhaps it was Akio's aura, strong but worried... or maybe it was the thought that an extra pair of hands, especially one who could read their aura's so well, keeping them from the truth would be useful. Best for him to know now, before things got dangerous, than later... when he might have an agenda regarding the two of them.
Haru Yukimura: The Ai Oni

Haru watched to two banter in a way. He did not trust Akio whatsoever, even if he was another fallen. In fact Haru sort of disliked him, he was arrogant and smug and now that Akio was going to the hotel as well Haru would have to keep his guard up or as they saying goes 'sleep with one eye open.' Well Haru didn't sleep he meditated, but still. Johanna walked away with a curt introduction but then another being appeared. The spirit being had immense energy that exceeded his own by a good margin and his gray eyes held wisdom far beyond Haru's. He glared at Haru and told him he knew of his sins however he wasn't affected by this revelation, he knew the being wouldn't spill it to the other Guardians, that would have been a tactical disadvantage if he did. Though that didn’t mean Haru wouldn’t retort back.

"Koharu if you think that passive aggressive threat will phase me than perhaps you are not as wise as you thought," Haru commented coldly.

He was a bit uneasy when Koharu asked if he could talk to Akio privately but he didn't move, whatever the spirit was up to he'd find out eventually.
He followed the man when he said they needed to talk in private. He did not know the man but he knew he was important. You dont ignore the words of the second man in charge of the spirit world. "What is it?"
Now standing within the clearing, and looking over the dark-haired Fallen, Koharu took a moment to collect his thoughts. He'd not been ordered to do this, but they were his responsibility. And Akio was to be their, specifically Johanna's, trainer... he took a soft, deep breath. "What I am about to tell you must never be divulged to the Guardians under any circumstances. By all rights I should never tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. However, you are being told this, and thus... if you betray us the consequences will be catastrophic. And it won't even be our actions, rather... a direct consequence of your choices."

"You've seen the guardians, tell me honestly. What do you think of their power?" Depending on the answer his explanation might change, but either way... he'd have to tell the man something. And now was the best chance.


Saphire looked up at Haru, frowning slightly. "That was kinda rude... but I guess everyone's got something they don't want to hear." She motioned him over to take a seat, smiling slightly. "Soo... nice to meet you, Haru. Please, take a seat." Lowering her naginata so she could clean the blade she took out a small rag. Absently she began rubbing off the blood of their former foe, humming softly, but not putting any of her energy into it. It was always nice to talk to people, though she didn't expect him to notice her, as he was busy watching where the two had gone.
I'll let them have their important talk in peace... even if I'm not sure what Koharu has to tell the Fallen.
"Right now they are weak, no stronger then mine or your form now with less experience. However...... I feel something about them, it clings to them and run into their blood. Its something strong, they have potential to surpass even what i was before the fall and farther to greater heights. However without experience they will be killed, once someone who likes the idea of more powerful guardians less then normal and who has a bit of power." He said bluntly.
Koharu nodded. "A fair assumption. They are, as of now, weak." Once more he looked the man over, committing him to memory. "They are the children of two of the strongest creatures in the world. Jhoanna is the daughter of the King of the Demon world, and Saphire is the daughter of an angel, and... she was raised by exorcists. She has very severe views on the Fallen, and on Demons.... that if they don't follow the law they shouldn't be in the Human world. The only thing keeping her in check is... a lack of confidence and power." That would be good enough, there was no reason to mention her father's identity, now was there? "Both of them, if given such unimaginable power over either spirit world or Hell... well, nothing could stop them. Not all of us combined, simply because they would hold such raw power. Do you understand? If either of them finds out about their origins, then all the work we've done... will fall to the ground like so much rubble. No one would be safe."
He's silent for a moment but he doesent seem to be worried or afraid, rather it seemed like he was planning something. "Then why do you want me to train them, wouldnt it be easier for you to kill them now?"
Koharu sighed. "Their power is necessary to establish a lasting peace. We hope that, in time, we may teach them both control and loyalty to Spirit World. Already Saphire, the more peaceful of the two, has accepted her duty to only harm those who end human life." Even if such acceptance may only be to protect the innocent, and thus might eventually branch beyond her call. "Truth be told, I am more worried for Johanna's choices. And thus, I hope that training will instill in her a bit of discipline. Neither is beyond saving," Or control, "But both need guidance in their own ways. By giving them this guidance we can avoid a worse fate... for their potential is beyond that of any demon, angel, or Spirit being save Lucifer, Okurigami, and God." Peace and safety must always be their goal, or the world wouldn't survive. "We can't afford to loose their trust, Akio. Not if we want all three worlds to survive... or any group of denizens within."
"I see, you plan to use the destroyers as the protectors, while alone they would not be able to beat the greater forces but together, perhaps. But they are currently uncut blades, if you are not careful they will cut you deeply. I can train them, but what is in it for me, if the world falls i can simply go somewhere else." He wondered how much he could get out of this.
Koharu let out a slight breath. Of course the Fallen would ask something like that. It was just like their kind. "What's in it for you? You will have helped train two of the strongest creatures in the world. You will have earned their trust as an ally and possibly mentor. More importantly, however, you will be safe. If they reach their true potential, and they almost certainly will if only because of their fathers' goals, and deem you an enemy nothing can save you. There is no force that will act on your behalf, Fallen. Not one that can save you, anyway."
Hes stays quiet for a moment thinking. If he did gain the trust of the two girls and lead them to their power, in a way he would be in the council of the two most powerful beings in the world. He smirked, "Why would you give such a important job to one of the fallen like me, if i succeed in this i will always be in their council. You must have others who can help so why trust me?"
Koharu just looked at him, an unreadable expression in his eyes. "Just because you are Fallen doesn't make you evil, just as being an Angel doesn't make you good. I've judged many souls, Akio. I've learned to trust my instinct." It had taken a long time to come to where he could say that without any lying on his part, but it was true. It was part of how he'd come to know what to do for the two Guardians, and he would always do his best for his duty. "Remember that." Because if he was right about the Fallen then there might yet be a hope of peace.
"Hmm i see, well then i accept. It may be some trouble to get them both to trust me but i will do my best to steer them to the right path. But keep in mind i dont serve you, i serve myself in this manner." He said looking eye to eye with him before smirking. "Well so long." He walked away from the private conversation almost back in their hearing range before turning around. "Anything else?"
"No, nothing else for now." Koharu stood up, walking to the camp. Tonight, and only tonight, he would stay at Saphire's Great Mansion for the Supernatural. She'll be ecstatic, I'm sure. I don't even remember when I last did so. Ah, but now wasn't the time for reminiscing. Now was time for getting everyone to her house safe, and without incident. Upon reaching the location of the first Demon's defeat he found Saphire humming while she cleaned her naginata.

"Ah, Koharu. You're back?" She asked. At his nod she smiled, of course he was back. Akio was nice, there was no reason to worry about the two of them. Saphire, now standing up, tilted her head. "I know you usually don't want to stay here for too long, but would you like to stay the night? As you know I've plenty of room." Another nod, it seemed he was tired today. Her smile lengthened. "Good, then I'll see about getting us something warm to eat. Akio, Haru, do either of you have a preference? I can't do soup, but pasta or something similar?" She was almost certain her few tenants hadn't done anything for dinner. They never did.

(( @magikarpfever, after you both reply to this post I will be moving us to tomorrow.))
"I dont have any preference, anything is fine." He looked at the guardian and couldnt help but think to himself. 'She's the easist to control, but at the same time i dont want a puppet, i hopew both of them have strong wills.'

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